Rivals of Aether
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Simon (NES)
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29 септ. 2019 в 23:57
3 окт. 2019 в 13:38
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Simon (NES)

Introducing Simon Belmont from the classic NES game Castlevania! This character plays very differently to most fighters, as it attempts to emulate the gameplay of the original game as closely as possible.

Simon controls much like he did in the original Castlevania game. He only has two methods of attack; his whip and a single throwable item. Standard attacks use the whip, while special attacks use an items; but only after collecting one from torches scattered around the map. This character is incapable of dodging, parrying, rolling, or double jumping in order to try to emulate close to the original game's style.

Unlike most fighters, this character uses a health bar system during gameplay. Damage dealt by and against this character will be added to health bars shown at the top of the screen. If this character deals the finishing blow to any other character, they instantly KO them, and vise versa.
This system is compatible with any other character in the game, providing a default health bar for them to use. Ring-outs still count however, and percentage still builds over time, so be careful!

The whip isn't your only method of attacking. By destroying torches that appear randomly you will find a range of items that can be used with the special attack button.


Comes in 2 sizes. The small heart counts as 1, but the big heart counts as 5. You need hearts to use items!

Morning Start

Picking this item up will upgrade your whip, allowing it to deal more damage.


This item throws in a swift straight line, making it perfect for hitting long range opponents!


The axe is thrown in an upward arch, making it great for dealing with airborne opponents.


This spinning item acts like a boomerang, flying back towards the user after a few seconds. You can avoid the returning item and let it hit enemies from behind, or retrieve it in mid-flight in order to throw more in quick succession.

Holy Water

This powerful item will burst into flames upon contact with any surface or other living being, causing the item to do damage to anyone in the flames over time.

BUGS and TODO LIST can be found in the patch notes. The character currently does not work when controlled by AI opponents

Sprites from www.spriters-resource.com
Character belongs to Konami,
I'm in no way related to the character's original creators, fair use and all that!
18 коментара
Gliggly 30 окт. 2023 в 20:36 
you nerfed my boy so long ago how dare you please fix him
SaulD 16 ноем. 2020 в 15:02 
Really cool concept but without any kind of defensive toolkit (dodge, block and moreover air recovery) this character is barely viable.
dubious little creature 20 март 2020 в 8:42 
should make it that he always has an up b, otherwise its really easy to just kinda win
Scarfy da CatMaid θΔ She/Her 13 ноем. 2019 в 20:24 
NickFishingRod 6 окт. 2019 в 10:05 
Stormghetti 4 окт. 2019 в 14:17 
Thanks for addressing most of the issues! Now, with the latest version of the game, a "deathbox" has been included that lets you instakill without having a character teleport to the bottom corner of the screen. I'm not well versed in programming that, but I heard about it in the main RoA Discord.

A lot of characters will have to be updated now to include this mechanic.
Astronaut Wizard 3 окт. 2019 в 15:21 
All better now, Good Work.
Mr Tom Foolery  [автор] 3 окт. 2019 в 13:39 
Should be fixed now.
Astronaut Wizard 3 окт. 2019 в 10:01 
Simon was player one, and I tested it on Shovel Knight and the one bird guy whose name starts with W. I couldn't kill either of them even though their health bars were at zero and i kept hitting even after that, nothing. Special moves don't kill, normal attacks don't kill, but i was able to damage them up until that point, so no idea whats up.
Mr Tom Foolery  [автор] 3 окт. 2019 в 8:47 
Which character was the other player and which slot was simon and the player that broke in?