Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Creating the Roman Empire!
Da Doug Dimmadome
This is how you create the Roman Empire, with the steps that I took on Historical!

Do ignore my spelling errors. i rushed through this and I can't exactly use spellcheck on Steam :(
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You can play however you want, but this is how I did it.

I stopped producing tanks. Screw them. You won't get enough tanks to make a difference when you need it and the battles ahead are all mountains. Go for Artillery.

Build Artillery, Guns, Motorized, CAS, Fighters and Naval Bombers. Build as many planes as you can.

Don't trade. Just build factories. Build build build. Don't stop. Just keep building Military Factories. You'll get plenty of Rubber soon enough.

But you can try this strat with any economy and army style you want! Im sure it'll work!
Every game is different.
So, in the playthrough that I got the Roman Empire t o happen, Hungary joined the Novus Imperium Romanum. This honestly made a difference as Hungary wasn't going to be with Germany and made it easier to win the war against Germany.

So if possible, get Hungary to join!
You know what really grinds my gears?
So, this is the first step. Grind. Grind out Messe or any general of your choice really. I prefer Messe. So, what do you mean grind Purple Dinosaur man? Well, I mean grind out some perks!

Due to Ethopia's good location, you can grind out several perks really quickly, within the first year!

So what traits can you grind in Etheopia?

Well, you can grind out Desert Fox, Mountaineer and Hill Fighter, but its easier to grind out Desert Fox and Mountaineer? So why grind these two? Well Adaptable of course and we all know mountaineer combined with adaptable will come in super handy throughout the game! Hooray!

Is that all the perks you can get? Well of course not.

You can get Organizer, Engineer, Trickster, and skilled staffer really easily. Commando is POSSIBLE, but its a much longer time and you don't have the time im afraid! You have to race that World Tension!

So the general of choice recieved: Desert Fox, Mountaineer, Adaptable, Engineer, Organizer, Trickster and skilled staffer. Trickster may not even be something you get that early on but still possible!

Oh but wait there more! If you put him with a field marshal, you get Organizer as well! Which means... LOGISTICS WIZARD! HOORAY!

Neutering Germany.
Alright! So whats next you ask? Well its simple! You have to spend your political power or PP for short! You wait until you get... lets say 185 political power. You justify on Austria, then justify on Czech.

So, some of you must think that Italy has to go for Yugoslavia first! I say no way! Why go for Yugoslavia and Greece at the same time?! Well its simple! You're going to have to fight Germany sometime! Might as well kick them in the nuts and show them who's boss!

So, that's why you take Austria and Czech! But wait theres more! As an added bonus, when declaring on Czech, you get to go to war with Romania! THREE Provinces that you need?! No way!

Yes way!

So, in a years time from justifying, you will be taking three provinces! So what do we do as we wait?

Well help the Spaniards of course! Not for any experience, but for the future!

So war comes closer right? Well, you only have about five days if that to declare war before Japan starts their nonsense! So heres what you do. Join the axis before you declare war. This draws forces away from your borders onto Germany's, making it much easier to take Austria and Czech. Don't worry, you'll be making your own faction soon enough!

So, you do not have to, but when you're mostly done through Czech, call Germany in! It pins down the Czechs when you're half way to Praque so you can just psuh right through and they wont be able to stop you! Don't you worry, you wont have to give any land to Germany in the peace conference, but there's a issue with this and ill explain at the end of this section.

So now you have Austria and Czech under your belt. Move to Romania. Start pushing into the two provinces, and press Force Attack on Messee. Givin a big boost, you'll push on the province to the left, creating a space. Don't stop pushing, but divert cav off of your main line an dquickly surround! With this done, you've basically won and now you can just take Romania for yourself. If you do this right, Germany still wont take any of your land! Hooray!

So peace conference section. Austria, Czech and Romania will have 3 seperate peace confereces. Austria is all yours. Take it all...

Czech on the other hand, don't take the Sudentlands. Leave it for Germany. If you don't, they will declare war on you without warning. Its just declaration and you won't be prepared for it! So don't sweat it and leave them Sudentland!

Same with Romania. Take only the locations you need for the Roman Empire forming. The rest can be left for Soviet Union so you aren't dragged into a war you don't have to fight right away!

So, you've taken the land that Germany uses to get strong! You'll see a huge difference come time for you to go to war. Think around 100-200 less divisions ;)

and this will make a difference for when the Allies come around!

Nobody expects the Italian Inquisition!
So, the timing on this is up for grabs. I would do this as soon as you are done with the neutering of Germany, should the civil war be over, but if not, just build your forces while helping out again!

Regardless, Declare on Spain ASAP.

Important!!!!: Do not demand the Baleric Islands from your focus if you are justifying. It cancels the justification. Just declare normally and naval invade from your Island Sardinia!

This is simple. Just take spain. They have no units. You win.

So why do you take Spain? Well, for France! The Alps is almost impossible to push and it's just slow and messy.

So why not take Spain? Spain is part of the needed land, and you get an easy push into France! Why waste time trying to Naval invade France and banging your head on the keyboard by going through the southern lands? Just take Spain! Easy mode boys!

Edit: I have to edit this. It has to be nationalist spain who wins the Civil War. While it is rare that republicans win, but if they do this entire guide goes down in flames. For some reason declaring on the nationalists means not even the Axis will let them join, but republicans automatically join the soviets.

You think Germany gets France! Nein!
So, what do you do now that you've taken Spain?

Well, it's time to update your units from those measly 7-2's to 40 widths! You should have plenty of time before Poland to build up enough Artillery and the rest to make 14 infantry and four artillery, not to mention support companys!

After you've built some 40 W's, and I had 5 at this time, it's time to go for the Allies. So with the French and Spanish border, there is a river. I used that as a guide. I put 1 40W on the left side of the river and had a line go from there to Paris and Normandy. Then on the right side of the River I had another 40W that pushes towards the alps. Then you put a left over unit to hold or even another 40W on the Alps. You just hold it there until your 40W alp pushers get closer and closer. Now, you have another 40W on the Gibraltor side as well as on the french spanish side in Africa. You'll push with these and secure Gib, keeping any UK ships locked into the Med or at least slow them down getting back to England as they go through the Suez.

You should have plenty of armies after this though. You should have at least a couple more 7-2's. Maybe 1-2 more armies worth of 7-2's. Cover Albania with one and prepare to push into Yugoslavia. Have one on the Austrian area side to hit Yugo. Ignore the Romanian Side. You'll capitulate them before they can even blink. You should also have some colonials just holding your borders on France and UK.

You could probably be just fine declaring war before Germany and steam rolling France. I waited for Poland and immediately charged through. It's probably better if you did it on your own, but just going off my playthrough!

So, during the middle of the war, Yugoslavia was declared on by Germany, but Germany can't get to them! Silly Germans. So now you get to push Yugoslavia and take them yourself! Those Juicy war points!

So, while Germany is slogging it through Poland, because you neutered them, you're probably already half way to Paris! Hooray! By the time Germany starts pushing Netherlands, you've already took France and started naval bombing the English channel. I don't remember how many Naval bombers, but you should have been producing alot of planes. The Italian Air Force shall be the strongest!

So now you Naval invade Britain and the ALlies are dead.

Peace conference time!

So, here's where things get tricky. I don't know how much it will change if you attack before Germany does Poland but for me, Germany earned a decent amount of points. They will go for Poland first, Netherlands and Belgium. You will still have the majority of points though.

Immediately Annex all of European France. You might have to do wait one pass to finalize this, but Germany will still be well behind. Now, Annex Gibraltor and the southern half of UK. Might have to wait one pass to finish this up but you'll want to take the parts of the UK needed for the Roman Empire. You will want to take the UK land on Canada and build up infrastructure and naval ports there immediatly. Now you should have enough points, but take the Rubber and the Tungsten off of the Vietnam/French in Asia. Then take Northern France and Middle East. Germany at this point took the rest of Africa that I needed, as well as several med Islands.

Warning: Do not take the Dutch East Indies or the British Malayas. Let Germany have it. Japan will go to war with whoever has it regardless.
So, you took France away from Germany?! Absurd! Well you're not done yet! Far from it! There is going to be alot of time before Germany goes to war with the Soviet Union, so what can we do? Well, now that we took France and the UK as well as the Asian French lands, we have an economy that can't really be beat. You're just going to pump up supplies, especially on planes. Air power is really good as we all know.

So, what do we do? We go for even more lands we need. The only problem? Canada is guarenteeing. Oh noes! Not Canada!

Oh you silly people! It's just Canada! Since you took the U.K Land connecting you to Canada, you can just push them! So put a 40W army on Canada and draw a line across their silly country!

So heres what you do. Justify on Swiss and Portugal at the same time. Both will join the Allies run by Canada! Oh and then you have a war goal on Greece! So you put a 40W on Greece, Swiss and Portugal!

So you take the Swiss, the Ports and the Greeks. What's next? Oh you're still inching your way through the wasteland known as Canada? Well don't worry! You have more lands to take! Put a 40W on Instanbul and One in the middle east. Declare on Turkey and take it. Then have a wargoal on Iran and take them. Now, Canada should have captiulated. Now in my game, Australia became a leader but you SHOULD have an island near Australia from the UK or France. Lets hope you do! If not, you might be screwed!

So if this works out, you're now super close to your Roman Empire! The last step.... Germany.

So, this is pretty straight forward. You have Czech which is close to Berlin.

For me, I build space marines which was 16 Infantry, 2 artillery and one heavy tank. Two armies of this, one light tank division I call the Speedibois. 5 light tanks, 2 motorized Arty, 12 Motorized infantry.

Then you want 3-4 40W if not more. I had 3000 fighters at this t ime, as well as about 2000 ground pounders and a mix of bombers. Was plenty! I also went Adults by requirement as soon as the war against Germany kicked off. You need that manpower. I was alerady on All Adults Serve around Canada, but this will be a hard fight, regardless of how bad you neutered Germany.

So, you'll put One space marines and the Speedibois on he Czech border to push towards Berlin. You'll put a 40W below Czech to close the gap, and then a 40W on the right side of Czech. You'll put a Space marines and a 40W on the Maginot and the Benelux side. You can do whatever you want I suppose, but this is what I did. You can put more armies along the borders as much as you want.

Make sure you've built Airports all around, as you need to split your planes to cover as much ground as possible. So you'll push Berlin with your Space marines and Speedibois, while your Space marines and 40W on the Benelux pushes in from the North, taking Hamburg and Hannover.

So, you don't want to go to war with Germany immediatly. Back stab them when they are almost to Moscow. Oh and they will be at war with Japan, so Japan will get the Asian German Lands. :)

Peace Conference:
So, Soviet Union and you have the most points. Now you have to share Lands. Luckily, you have plenty of points to get what you need for the Roman Empire or at least closer to it. You'll take all the Islands, all of Africa, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemborg. Then you'll take whatever you want, especialyl that Glorious German economy and factories.

I would make sure to take the UK completely, as if you don't your war with Soviet Union becomes alot harder. The UK if reforms, becomes a major in the Comintern. So just a heads up.

Almost there! Two more things to take!
So, as I pointed out earlier, Hungary joined my faction Early and we already had Bulgaria. Those are the last two locations needed for the Glorious Roman Empire.

So we kick Hungary out of the faction. Bad news, they join Japan. :/ So you're going to end up at war with Japan, not that it matters. They can't touch you. So you take Hungary down and remove Bulgaria. Both join Japan but you took both of them.

You've now completed the Roman Empire. Congratulations! HOORAY!

With me on SBR since I swapped from All Adults because of a decision, I had twenty million manpower. Congraulations, You've become the dominant World Power in terms of men. Use it wisely!

1. Grind perks out in Ethopia.
2. Take Austria, Czech and Romania. Don't take the Sudentlands or the lands in Romania the Soviets want.
3. Go for Spain.
4. Take down the Allies.
5. Canada, Portugal, Swiss, Greece, Turkey and Iraq. Eat em up.
6. Take down the Nazi's when they are fighting the Soviets.
7. Kick Hungary and Bulgaria out of the faction and declare on them.
8. Create the Roman Empire. ROMA INVICTA!

19 commenti
Iritantje 15 mar 2022, ore 3:45 
france is guaranteeing czechs since the start of the game? any help avoiding this
Ibrahim 31 gen 2022, ore 15:40 

Doug Dimmadome  [autore] 3 lug 2020, ore 7:14 
As soon as your justifications finish. As soon as you get... I think 100 PP range((I think. Its been a while since ive played this)), you justify on Austria, then Czech, remove justify on Austria then rejustify and then go to war with both at the same time.
Desert Fox 2 lug 2020, ore 22:42 
what time should you move aginst Austria and checz?
News_12 7 mag 2020, ore 7:46 
Hey this is really helpful!
Doug Dimmadome  [autore] 25 gen 2020, ore 16:08 
Thanks very much! I worked really hard for this, and when I finally got it... I knew I had to share!
erikchen901 25 gen 2020, ore 16:07 
Good Job:steamhappy:
Doug Dimmadome  [autore] 14 gen 2020, ore 10:03 
???? What?
Silas Greaves 14 gen 2020, ore 8:25 
So I wasn't supposed to go on a world conquest to establish the Roman Empire ?
Doug Dimmadome  [autore] 6 gen 2020, ore 19:44 
You shouldn't have had a problem. Did you spend your PP Any t ime early on? Yous hould not spend PP at all... and you shouldn't have had an issue. No one should have raised world tension.