Ion Fury

Ion Fury

341 ratings
Ion Fury & Aftershock Achievement Guide
By Dirk Dynamo
100% Achievement Guide for Ion Fury, Aftershock, and Arrange Mode's Defusal Expert.
Getting Started
Updated for 3.0+ release
With this guide, you'll be able to obtain all of the achievements in a single play through of the base game, aftershock, and respective arrange modes. In places where describing the nuance of a certain task would require paragraphs, I'll be providing links to --=[Nokturna Mortis]=--'s and Pagb666's youtube videos and guides, as they are an invaluable resource in secret hunting. If you see a spoiler in an achievement's unlocking description, that indicates the way to cheat it.

Many achievements can be obtained agnostic to their respective campaign origins, unless specifically mentioned. Cranium d'Or, Cowabunga!, and Arachnophobia, to name a few, can be earned in Aftershock despite being from the Capital Offense.

If you have any suggestions how I can improve the guide, such as moving campaign specific and agnostic achievements to their own categories, clarifying any information, etc., please comment below!

Cheats invalidate achievement progress. However, it seems to depend on a lot of factors. If you use noclip, through the command line (debug menu) or cheats menu, and skip entire levels, or even chapters, it will invalidate the run. You can see whether or not your save file is compromised by opening the map and looking for the red text near the map name on the lower left. However, if you're struggling to locate the last living enemy, and they've spawned outside a playable zone, setvar fryall 1 does not invalidate the save.

Good luck and happy hunting!

This is bin file has been updated with all of the achievements unlocked. I would recommend using if, for some reason, an achievement is bugged for you. Please report any broken achievement to the developers on the proper discussion forums.

You can simply unlock all of the achievements with the gamestate.bin file https://www."mediafire".com/file/fpw9m163nd36fst/gamestate.bin/file (remove the quotations around mediafire). Open the folder containing your saves (found in the %appdata% directory either for windows or linux), drop it in and replace the current file therein, and boot the game. If this link leads to a dead end, please let me know.
Altar of Sacrifice
Altar of Sacrifice - Survive the Onslaught
Earned after exiting the boss arena of Z1A5 - Reformation Plaza.
All Doors Are Locked
All Doors Are Locked - Unaffordable housing
Mega-Secret referencing Silent Hill 4: The Room found in Z1A4 - Cultural Divide by activating switches.
Arachnophobia - Kill 20 spiders with the Electrifryer
Hit them with MB1 of the Electrifryer and they'll do a quick spin before bursting. They appear on Z1A2 - Trouble in Paradise down a long hallway with a keycard. It goes dark and then lights up red. Save here and reload to quickly farm it.
Tip- Press [Q] to quickly swap to the Electrifryer, and again to your previous weapon.
A Secret Place
A Secret Place - Find 50 of ♥♥♥♥'s secret stashes
If you're aiming for 100%, scour every inch of the map for secret doors, destroyable walls or interactable switches... or use --=[Nokturna Mortis]=--'s secret hunting guide. Repeat discoveries count.
Bad Mojo
Bad Mojo - Stomp 20 cockroaches
Destroying trash cans and bags will spawn an intrusion of them. Just walk over their sprites to squish them.
Brutalized - Separate the Twins
Earned after beating the boss of Z4A5 - Twist of Freight.
Capital Defense
Capital Defense - Defeat Dr. Heskel
You can use charged up bowling bombs, Bombshell's signature weapon, but it's faster to just shoot grenades down the tube. The damage boost powerups increase the damage you do here as well. Clear out enemies in between knockback sequences.
Cranium d'Or
Cranium d'Or - Kick 20 severed heads
Occasionally heads will roll with headshots, but more reliably when gibbed. If not, gib the corpses to spawn one. You can kick the same head for multiple points.
Complete and Total Meltdown
Complete and Total Meltdown - Find the Elephant's Foot
Mega-Secret referencing Chernobyl in Z4A2 - Casual Casualties.
Cowabunga! - Eat 30 slices of pizza
You'll find slices of pizza everywhere, including closed pizza boxes, just scarf it down as you go. If you find pizza, just save before touching them, repeat interactions count.
Dedicated - Complete the game on Maximum Fury difficulty
Self-explanatory, the difficulty option is immediately available. You just play the whole game through on MF or just load Z7A2 - Epicenter from the Select Chapter setting. You can also play it on any difficulty, and then at the very end, use [Shift] + [~] and type skill 4, hit enter and kill the boss, Kudos to ageres for mentioning. It'll give you enough ammunition to accomplish the task.
Demanufacture - Decapitate 100 enemies
Aim for the head, recommend Disperser (shotgun), Ion Bow or Loverboy (Alt-Fire does work, but not reliably).
Demolition Turkey
Demolition Turkey - Get 3 Strikes (3 or more killed) with Bowling Bombs
Try using bowling bombs on clusters of enemies greater than 3 in very tightly packed areas. It's exceptionally finicky and won't always work even when it looks like it should've.

The best spot early on is Z1A3 - Fan Service (MF difficulty) after a blue door and using a vent to get up and over a wall, as the nearby door is locked from the other side. There will be a fan cover with 4 spiders behind it hanging above the next room. Save before opening it, as a spider sometimes hops through, but once it's open, run through and stay inside the grated area. The 4 spiders will activate, and you can use any attack mode of the bowling bomb. Try using the MB2 mode, and aim it into a corner, bait them there.

Another is Z3A3 - Subhuman Resources (MF difficulty) after you spring the trap at the beginning, you'll see an area with the sign "Secure Area", you need to go that way to activate a switch. Save and toss a bowling bomb onto the platform, there are 3 shotgunners up there. You can quickly reload and attack in rapid succession.

Last, the bowling alley in Z5A3 - Heskel's House of Horrors does work.

Even when it seems like it should have counted, unless Shelly yells "Strike!", it doesn't. In a full play through, you'll most likely obtain it naturally.
Diddle for the Middle
Diddle for the Middle - Get a bullseye
You'll come across dart boards throughout the game, but not all work for some reason. One in Z4A2 - Casual Casualties requires you to get a bullseye with a dart in order to access a secret, which works every time. Credit to BoomerNoob!
Express Elevator
Express Elevator - Survive Heskel's horribly overdesigned trap
Earned after transitioning from the elevator arena fight in Z5A3 - Heskel's House of Horrors to a previously inaccessible map area on your way to the zone exit.
Firepower Matters
Firepower Matters - Collect all weapons
Unlocks after picking up all weapons. The final weapon, the Chaingun, is found on Z2A5 - Nukage Nightmare after defeating the Warmech and picking it up.
Gone Batty
Gone Batty - Find Roy's final resting place
Mega-Secret referencing Bladerunner found in Z1A1 - The All-Seeing Eye.
Hunter, Killed
Hunter, Killed - Defeat the Revenant 8991-PX
Earned after defeating the boss of Z3A4 - Executive Disorder.
Ion Fury
Ion Fury - Unlock all achievements
If you've done everything right, you'll be proudly brandishing this achievement on your profile. Congratulations!

If it doesn't unlock after getting every other achievement, try reloading a save from the final boss fight and killing him again and watch all the way through the credits. Lastly, try re-launching the game.
Mech Warrior
Mech Warrior - Clear the lab of Warmechs
Earned in Z6A3 - Parting Procedure after both Warmechs are defeated, and just before the elevator arrives with a couple of Brutalizers.
Overkill - Kill 30 flying enemies with explosives
Don't waste Clusterpucks, and if you can lob a Bowling Bomb at them, more power to you. Otherwise, your weapon of choice is the grenade launcher. Indirect explosive damage also works. Three will spawn on Z1A2 - Trouble in Paradise after opening a stairwell with a keycard. If you enter the stairwell and wait, they'll fly toward the entry, save and you can easily farm them from there.
Peanuts and Cracker Jacks
Peanuts and Cracker Jacks - Reach the secret level
First you need to acquire the Purple Keycard before the fight with the Revenant 8991-PX in Z3A4 - Executive Disorder. After defeating the zone's boss and after taking the elevator down, you'll find the Purple Door. As you enter the secret level, it'll pop.
Quenched Thirst
Quenched Thirst - Drink 20 cans of soda
You'll find soda lying around, destroying vending machines will give you five sodas before running out. Save before destroying one, then run over the cans it spews out to quickly farm them.
Note - The cups of soda do not count, only cans.
Shaken, Not Stirred
Shaken, Not Stirred - Step out of the bar
Earned in Z1A1: The All-Seeing Eye. After you collect the blue keycard, simply open the door and step outside.
Terminated! - Ow!
Mega-Secret referencing The Terminator: Future Shock in Z5A3 - Heskel's House of Horrors. Shoot the moon until it dies.
The Future of Law Enforcement
The Future of Law Enforcement - Demolish Heskel's oversized security droid
Earned after defeating the boss of Z2A5 - Nukage Nightmare.
The Owls Are Not What They Seem
The Owls Are Not What They Seem - A dream of a Black Lodge
A Twin Peaks reference in Z3A2 - Corporate Chaos, follow this video to gain access, or no-clip your way in if you cannot strafe your way inside fast enough. Save before attempting, sometimes it unlocks upon first entry, sometimes it requires the whole scripting sequence before unlocking properly.
T-Shirt - Proof that you've done it all
Kill 100% of enemies and find 100% of secrets/mega-secrets/secret level.
If you met the criteria and it didn't unlock properly, right before you kill the final boss in Z7A2 - Epicenter, open the command console with shift+~ and type "setvar yahahayoufoundme2 1" without quotes. Defeat the boss, and it should pop (may require multiple attempts. Just save before killing the boss). Please note, that you still need to have met the criteria prior to using the console command.
Ultimate Failure
Ultimate Failure - Find the secret lab.
Mega-Secret referencing the Resident Evil series found in Z6A2 - Hazard Disposal on your return trip from Z6A3 - Parting Procedure to turn off the laser grid blocking the doorways.
Wasted! Admire the Red Eagle
Mega-Secret referencing Carmageddon found in Z2A4 - DC Meltdown.
Aftershock - Unlock all achievements in Aftershock
Unlock all of the achievements released with the Aftershock expansion. Some achievements are campaign agnostic, but if you're aiming to unlock this achievement, it shouldn't matter.
Angel of Death
Angel of Death - Complete the game on Angel of Death difficulty
In order to unlock this achievement, you must begin the Capital Offense campaign from the start in Angel of Death difficulty. It's a challenge with more enemies, higher tier opponents even earlier on, grants fewer mistakes, doubly encourages seeking out secrets for ammunition, using powerups, and choosing which opponents to gib (explodes into meaty bits) to defeat foes permanent, as many will simply resurrect after a given period (some enemies do not resurrect such as baton'd skull spiders or flying enemies). Please note that cheating fails in this mode, and saving is a key factor to victory. Any mistake could be costly.

With exception to two. If you type [Shift] + [~] to open the command line and type "setvar fryall 1" without quotations, it'll kill all enemies. However, it will not keep them down, so judicious use by pausing the game, opening the command line, hitting [UP ARROW] on your keyboard to bring up the last typed command will need to be utilized. Noclip also works, but only on doors. If you touch a wall or other surface that's not a door, it'll instantly kill you. Using noclip and having intimate knowledge of the game's layouts will allow you to completely invalidate entire zones.
↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A
↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A - Eradicate the Urban Eradicator
Earned after defeating the boss at the end of Z3A4 - Wipeout.
Bullseye - Kill 20 enemies with the dart
Campaign agnostic achievement, you'll find dart boards in both Columbia Crisis and Aftershock, as well as their respective arrange modes. Grab a dart and throw it at an enemy, most will die in one hit, some of the bigger opponents requires 2, and the GDF enemies do not take damage from them at all. Don't worry about the achievement tracker on Steam failing to show any advancement, just keep killing enemies with darts until it unlocks. Z4A2 - Casual Casualties is a great location because of how early the board shows up, and the amount of basic tech enemies are about, along with extra darts just in case the one you're wielding gets lost.

Please note this achievement should unlock in Capital Offense, Aftershock or Arrange mode. It's one of the few new achievements that are campaign agnostic.
Cultist Crossing
Cultist Crossing - Run over 50 cultists with the Road Ripper
Easily achievable during the race in Z2A1 - Joyride.
Defusal Expert
Defusal Expert - Collect one bomb from all 28 maps in arrange mode
In the new arrange mode, there are bomb voxels spread throughout the Capital Offense, and not always near secrets. Consider also collecting 5 of them in one session to obtain Defusal Recruit, because they don't have to all obtained in one run, each seems to have a unique trigger in the gamestate.bin folder, so it's best to do them all in one save file, just so you don't have to recall which ones you unlocked and which you didn't. Consider turning off the music and listening for the tell-tale ticking noise they make.


Z1A1 - Near the giant Bacon sign located nearby the Bladerunner reference.
Z1A2 - In the waterway, go under water, and swim through the tunnel to reach the bomb.
Z1A3 - First, get the double jump boots. Near the end with the bottomless pit, next to a No U-turn sign is a grate. Enter and follow the vents to the bomb
Z1A4 - Open the golden toilet and collect the jumping shoes. Head to the brown cargo container, and proceed to climb as high as possible, jump to the red cargo container, climb some more, jump along power lines quickly before the timer runs out to reach the purple lit area with the bomb. To leave, head back to where you entered.
Z1A5 - Interact with the broken ATM
Z2A1 - Courtyard where you need the tank to destroy the wall. Up high is a fence with a hole, and you'll need jump boots to get inside using strafe running. If you lack jump boots, look to the right, and leap from ledge to ledge, the light fixtures, broken pillars, and electrical wiring wrap around the arena toward the bomb.
Z2A2 - Last room of the shooting range, middle window, five up. Jump boots make this easier, but it is possible with well timed crouching while jumping to get you over the lip of the window frames.
Z2A3 - In the room next to the HMMV (ceiling should have a line of armor shards), get up on the rafters, and enter the vents. Follow all the way until you enter a cordoned off area with a gate. It's up on a ledge near the HMMV, beware of ambush by Daleks. Don't waste time trying to get back in through where they come through (invisible wall), go back through vents.
Z2A4 - Upon entering the mall from the broken wall, after taking out the turrets, you'll see a ledge to the turret's immediate left (your right). The bomb is up on there. You can use crouch jump, but there is a pair of jump boots inside the secret breakable wall neat the red key card.
Z2A5 - After beating the Mech boss, instead of heading left to exit, head right and jump along the rocky outcrops towards the bomb in the building ahead, it'll be on the right side of the middle.
Z3A1 - Click on the hood of the limo with the cross ornament.
Z3A2 - It's inside "The Owls Are Not What They Seem" achievement area, second portion where the lights flicker.
Z3A3 - Start of level, turn around and climb back down, bomb is on a ledge of an elevator door. Stop climbing as soon as you defuse the bomb, otherwise you'll fall and die.
Z3A4 - After the Revenant destroys the window, head to the next room to collect the jump boots underneath Dr. Heskel's desk. Return to the previous room, you can jump out the broken window across to the left to enter the bathroom to access a secret. Turn around and use the jump boots to jump even further to the left to get to the bomb.
Z3A5 (Secret Level) - In the food court, look up and shoot the vent cover.
Z4A1 - As soon as you enter the fourth car from the caboose (it's dark inside), look up and shoot out the vent cover.
Z4A2 - Near the blue door is a small alcove with some filling cabinets. Click on the smoking sign to lower the left filing cabinet, and then click on the book shelf to reveal the bomb.
Z4A3 - Early on, in the first room with the pink ooze, you can hear the bomb. Use jump boots to leap to the middle, and then to the other side of the room. The jump boots are sufficient enough to reach the bomb.
Z4A4 - In the enormous silo with water at the bottom, to the right with a red and orange pipe on the wall, and then the red pipe stops, is a little area with the bomb. You can reach it with jump boots.
Z4A5 - Survive for 2 minutes, and the bomb fill fall into the center of the boss arena.
Z5A1 - Just outside of the hospital in the area with the train tracks, get on top of the rock formation in the direct center and face the hospital. The bomb is inside the window to the right on the wall with two large vents. Use the nearby jump boots to get there.
Z5A2 - Through the blue door, on the right is a ledge, jump up there, and the bomb is on the right.
Z5A3 - In the garage door that requires a blue key card, open the door and the bomb is on the other side. Alternatively, you can jump over the small barrier outside.
Z6A1 - After emerging from the red tunnel, on the left is some pink/purple ooze, enter and go to the very end, and interact with the wall. The bomb is inside, and if you see a Nuvachair pick up, you're at the wrong end.
Z6A2 - In the pink room with the spinning turbine, along the wall are platforms. Jump up these to defuse the bomb.
Z6A3 - After the Manager's Office, and clearing out the zombies, pass through the vent, and follow the only path available. You can leave the vegetative area on the right, ignore it for now, head straight until you see another vent with a blue tube. Enter this area, head left until you activate a secret, Click on the solid looking vent on the blue tube. Enter the vent, and flip the switch. SHoot the vent wall the same way you entered, and defuse the bomb.
Z7A1 - Inside of the slime world. Just keep jumping and riding up the slime water tube until the room gives you the bomb.
Z7A2 - In the one of the ceiling vents.
Defusal Recruit
Defusal Recruit - Collect five bombs in arrange mode in one sitting
Arrange mode has a side objective that requires the player to run over a bomb in each of the 28 levels of Capital Offense. Just do 5 of them in a single go, and you'll obtain this achievement.
Escape The Friend Zone
Escape The Friend Zone - BSOD the Friend-Bot
In Z4A3 - The Dishonorable, after entering the yellow key card room inside the police station, Dr. Heskel sends a robot to do a human's job. Slaying the robot unlocks the achievement.
Finding Fido
Finding Fido - Locate the leftovers
Mega-Secret for Z4A3 - The Dishonorable. While in the jail section of the police station, shoot and destroy the television inside the second cell. Backtrack (or continue onward, but before completing the map) outside the police station, and head right toward a cordoned off part of the road, head through there until you come to a door. Head on through and head toward a dog house with a shiny object. Interact with the shiny object, and then enter the house.

Thank you to Bluehawk for clarification.
Fly-by Shooting
Fly-by Shooting - Hit the attacking ship with a grenade for spilling your drink
At the very beginning of Z1A1 - Wasted Potential, immediately switch to the grenade launcher [7], and fire at the passing red ship. It doesn't need to explode on it, just hit it.
For Whom The Bell Tolls
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Ring the bell
In Z4A1 - Not From These Parts, there's a church that can be opened with the yellow key card. find a ladder in one of the side rooms in the main area, and climb up two flights. At the top, hit the bell with your baton.
Furiosa - Complete Aftershock on Maximum Fury difficulty
This achievement requires the difficulty to be set to Maximum Fury, which can be rather challenging, and require exploration to find as much ammunition and items to overcome the challenges. It'll require a lot of patience and skill. Alternatively, just before you defeat Dr. Heskel, open the command line with [Shift] + [~] and type Skill 4 (if you're considering this already, might as well use 5 instead and get both this and Hell's Angel), hit enter and then defeat him. The achievement will activate after the credits.
Global Defense Farce
Global Defense Farce - Evade the GDF
Earned toward the end of Z3A2 - Marina Massacre. When you flip a switch near the skull, your previous commanding officer will demand you surrender, and the achievement unlocks.
He Can't Keep Getting Away With It!
He Can't Keep Getting Away With It! - Watch Heskel escape yet again
A story-related achievement In Z5A1 - Warm Reception. You'll go through a timed door that requires a switch to be thrown, and at the end of the hallway is a door rimmed with white light. Upon entering, you'll see a tubular chamber that sinks into the floor, and Dr. Heskel will appear on the monitor to mock you. At that point you'll obtain the achievement.
Hell's Angel
Hell's Angel - Complete Aftershock on Angel of Death Difficulty
This achievement requires the difficulty to be set to Angel of Death, while obviously harder, enemies will also return from the grave unless gibbed. It'll require a lot of patience and skill. Alternatively, just before you defeat Dr. Heskel, open the command line with [Shift] + [~] and type Skill 5, hit enter and then defeat him. The achievement will activate after the credits.
Keep It 100
Keep It 100 - Achieve 100% progress in Aftershock
You need to kill every enemy (minus Z2A1 - Full Tilt, aka the race level), find every secret, and locate all mega-secrets (one per zone) in order to obtain this achievement.
Keep My Grave Open
Keep My Grave Open - Destroy all the tombstones in the graveyard
In Z4A1 - Not From These Parts, where you collect the yellow key card, you need to destroy every tombstone. You know they're properly destroyed when only a small cinder block-sized rectangle is left, no bigger than a health pack. Consider grabbing the key card and then destroying the stones when the zombies spawn, it'll save on ammo. Either the newly acquired weapon, Homewrecker, or Clusterpucks will do.
Mmm... donuts
Mmm... donuts - Don't forget: you're here forever.
The Mega-Secret for Z5A2 - Like a ♥♥♥♥♥ in Heat is hidden behind a secret. Inside the turbine room, get to the top rafters using the turbine and ladder. Head around the perimeter until you come across a recessed panel. Open it and enter inside and follow the cave path to the previous room, and walk along the the suspended railway, and jump onto the ventilation shaft. Head toward the wall, and shoot out the vent, enter and unlock the achievement
Property Damage
Property Damage - Obliterate the water tower
This zone's mega secret, found in Z1A2 - Urban Removal. There are three charging stations, much like the ones near the crane, scattered throughout the zone. One is near the crane, jump over the fence into the water below. One is up high amongst the ironworks in the central building that becomes available when you use the crane for the first time, and requires jumping along railings and climbing a ladder. One is located above where you enter the map, which can be accessed by the middle building after hitting it with the crane, you can follow along the left side of the ledges, jump across some power cables, and you should see it quite easily. Afterwards, head over the large crane that's taller than all of the buildings, it has a blue paw print on it. There's a switch that can be activated, which will hit the water tower, raining supplies down below it.
Push Butan
Push Butan - Kill 10 enemies with a single shot of the Banshee or Wrecker's alt-fire
Easiest place to obtain, and most likely will by accident, is in Z3A1 - Costive Canal. There's a portion where you'll see a bunch of spider bots while riding the chopper. Just get a bunch of skulls to pop up, and [RMB], and you should unlock the achievement. Another good location to obtain this can be found in Arrange Mode Z6A3 - Parting Procedure in Dr. Heskel's office where you retrieve the red key card. A bunch of zombies line up outside the door after obtaining it.
Rack 'Em Up
Rack 'Em Up - Complete a game of billiards
Found inside the bar at the start of Z1A1 - Wasted Potential. You need to use the interact key [E] to move the cue billiard around the pool table, instead of melee attacking them. Don't worry about solids vs stripes, sinking the 8 ball, or if you accidentally sink the cue ball; just sink every single billiard ball, and the achievement will pop.
Reflections of Death
Reflections of Death - Complete arrange mode on Angel of Death difficulty
Refers to the base campaign in arrange mode, where it incorporates new enemies, power ups, weapons, mirrors the levels, and changes the scenery to be more difficult to traverse (such as pools of water now irradiated purple ooze). This achievement also requires the difficulty to be set to Angel of Death, while obviously harder, now enemies return from the grave unless gibbed. It'll require a lot of patience and skill. Or when you get to the very end of the campaign, right before the boss dies, you can open the command line with [Shift] + [~], type skill 5, and then kill him. Doing so will reward both Shattered and Reflections of Death achievements, if Shattered hasn't been achieved.
Rotor Jockey
Rotor Jockey - Finish the race with "S" rank
After completing the previous City zone and loading into Z2A1 - Full Tilt, you're challenged with a race that by some estimates must be done in 2:30, but I managed to accomplish in 2:34. Reports on steam discussions indicate that the score is also influenced by killing enemies. So kill as you race, but don't go out of your way to find enemies to slay.

Please note that the total kill count for the race has been reported to not affect the 100% achievement, Keep It 100.

It's a challenge, you'll need to utilize strafe running (holding [W]+[A]/[D] to "slide" and move faster, a classic retro shooter mechanic), [Q] to boost (do not use more than 2, otherwise it goes on a lengthy cooldown), jumping at the right time on green-lit ramps, and some clever sequence breaking.

A demonstration can be found in this youtube video by FitterSpace.
Shake It, Baby!
Shake It, Baby - Step onto the dance floor
Earned upon entering the bar in Z1A1 - Wasted Potential.
Shattered - Complete arrange mode on Maximum Fury difficulty
Refers to the base campaign in arrange mode, where it incorporates new enemies, power ups, weapons, mirrors the levels, and changes the scenery to be more difficult to traverse (such as pools of water now irradiated purple ooze). This achievement also requires the difficulty to be set to Maximum Fury, which can be difficult at times, and with the new enemy placement and changes to the environments, will require patience and skill. Or when you get to the very end of the campaign, right before the boss dies, you can open the command line with [Shift] + [~], type skill 4, and then kill him.
Snakes and Ladders
Snakes and Ladders - Ladders and Snakes
Mega-Secret found in Z3A1 - Costive Canal. Toward the end of the level is a door on the left that allows you to warp tunnel back to the start. Inside the room you land in is a button switch. Press it in, and then navigate to the nearby bridge, and enter the apartment building near the car that's on it's side through a window. The first door on the immediate left is where you need to enter to obtain the achievement. The ladder isn't infinite, and leads to a couple of inventory abilities.
Thar She Blows
Thar She Blows - Clear the canal blockage
Earned after using the yellow key card and activating the transformer to blow up a boat blocking progress in Z3A1 - Costive Canal.
Through The Looking Glass
Through The Looking Glass - Complete arrange mode on any difficulty
Play through the Arrange Mode of Capital Offense. If you have already played it at launch and the achievement did not unlock, try reloading the last save of that playthrough and defeat the final boss.
Two Thumbs Up
Two Thumbs Up - Finish the game without being dismembered
This achievement is rewarded after defeating the final boss of the game, Dr. Heskel, in his Magmatron in Z5A3 - Eruption Distruption.
Urban Removal
Urban Removal - Knock down the building
Earned after using the crane to destroy a building in Z1A2 - Urban Removal.
Weekend Warrior
Weekend Warrior - Complete the shooting range mini-game in the mall
The shooting range is located in the mall in Z1A3 - Five Finger Discount through the yellow key card gate, on the second floor, called Active Shooter. It isn't too challenging, but the reload on the loverboy can ruin an attempt. Consider using the uzi instead. If you do use the loverboy, infinite restock ammo is in the corner.
You're Fired!
You're Fired! - Get canned by the GDF
Earned after being told by your commanding officer over teleprompter that you're fired in Z1A3 - Five Finger Discount.
Final Notes
Thank you to all the commentators for correcting discrepancies, and providing additional context to the guide. I have some minor updates to sections to make, but overall, this achievement guide is complete, unless Voidpoint makes another expansion to Ion Fury.

If you've found this guide helpful, consider heading over the Ion Fury and Aftershock store pages, and leaving a review for the game and it's expansion.
who sh☹t Marvin? 26 Sep @ 6:44am 
Can I get the achievements tied to maximum fury difficulty upon completing an AoD run?
Arge 25 Sep @ 10:07am 
Does the noclip and fryall thing still work when doing Capitol Offense on AOD?
I'm going through Aftershock on AOD and it fucking blows.
Dirk Dynamo  [author] 20 Feb @ 10:55am 
To make it easier to find the achievement you're looking for. There are achievements that can slot nicely in between fixed elements, but I chose early on to fixate on the achievement themselves vs building a guide to earning them like a playthroughs guide, based on how I tend to play games. I usually do everything I can, and them look up answers on what I missed or how to unlock them.
kk 18 Feb @ 9:46am 
Great guide
But why on earth is it in alphabetical order and not in the order which you play / is able to unlock the achievements in
Dirk Dynamo  [author] 8 Feb @ 3:39pm 
You can view achievement progress by opening the debug menu using [Shift]+[~]. If you don't see progress, please report it to the Bug Reports discussion page of you haven't done so already.
smashthestate 3 Feb @ 6:51am 
seems the mmmm donuts achievement isn't working.
Inblackestnight 19 Jan @ 6:29am 
Good day Dirk. Your guide has been extremely helpful, thank you! Having said that, I'm having difficulty obtaining the Defusal Recruit achievement and I don't know what's up. I've done three sets of 7 levels in one sitting and I still haven't got it. I also couldn't unlock any of the arrange mode ending achievements, not even Through the looking glass; weird. It seems I've got my work cut out for me, and I missed a bomb somewhere and have to figure out which one. Cheers
Dirk Dynamo  [author] 5 Jan @ 10:20am 
You shouldn't need to do the secret level for completing the game for difficulty achievements.
icardias 2 Jan @ 3:24pm 
do you know if you need the secret level done to count the achiv to finish the game in angel of death? (capital ofense campaign) or i can skip it?
Dirk Dynamo  [author] 8 Dec, 2023 @ 6:09pm 
I made the bomb disposal description more as an afterthought. I think I had originally planned on adding photos or making a new guide specifically for the bombs, but I lost track of time. so I'll probably just use that particular YouTube video and link it under it, to direct people toward other creators and give credit for their work.

Most of the mentions for the difficulty are lackluster, and there's no good reason why they are. I expected people reading the achievement for the hardest difficulty to have already played the game at least once, so they would most likely be aware of the most important targets to tackle first in terms of lethality.

I plan to do one more pass through after the holidays, and then just move on. I am reading all feedback, and the next update will most likely be the last.