Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic

131 ratings
By suetca
This guide contains list of facts which will help you understand interactions between different game mechanics.
  • Bosco in fact can execute most of the mission objectives if given the command by pinging specific entities.
    Non-specific point
    Light the area
    Enemy or Creature
    Any mineral vein
    Mining it and dropping mineral chunks
    Any heavy object
    Pick up and carry it, while trying to follow you
    Alien Egg organic membrane
    Dig out the egg and carry it to you
    Mini-M.U.L.E. Leg
    Dig out the leg and carry it to you
    Aquarq/ Jadiz/ Bittergem/ Compressed Gold surrounding surface
    Dig out the mineral and carry it to you
    Pipeline under construction
    Begin construction of each node in order until reaching last one
    Leaking Pipeline node
    Repair the node. Only one which was pinged
    Drilldozer / Hack-C
    Stay near and defend
    Foam coated Rockpox Blisters
    Clean up foam with Rockpox

  • Any health replenishment while Iron Will perk is active, will prevent you from going down.

  • Point Extraction mission gets harder with time. More time you spend on them, more often insects will start to spawn, mission progress does not matter.

  • There is no need to save as much as possible nitra to the end of the mission, since statistics are counted by the total number of nitra mined, not the final amount.

  • Over-completing objectives does not grant you any special bonuses. However absolutely every mineral mined gives you exp or cash, without considering difficulty multiplier. For example 1 morkite = 1 exp; 1 aquarq = 25 exp.

  • All dwarfs leaving defense zone during Salvage Operation won't fail the mission, but the progress bar will start to decrease, and only when it reaches zero mission will be failed.

  • Holding down left mouse button or hitting E with a scanner lets you place your personal waypoint that only you can see. Only one at a time can be placed and it stays until you decide to put it somewhere else. Looks like blue cube on a radar map.

  • Glowtrees in Fungus Bogs can be lit up by hitting its purple orbs at the end of each branch.

  • Press and hold interaction button "E" by default to automatically grab the zipline or ride the pipelines as you get close.

  • Calling Bosco "X" by default while it holds large mineral, it will throw it towards you instead of just dropping it.

  • Whole mineral vein can be instantly dug out by detaching it from terrain.

  • Dorreta's head core can be brought back to the ship after reaching Ommoran Core, although it does not provide any bonuses.

  • Long grass, either on ground or ceiling can be destroyed with a Pickaxe by hitting its origin.

  • If you ain't rock and stone. You ain't comin' home.

  • Oil Shale during Escort Duty missions can be mined like regular minerals, and then collected via battery as chunks.

  • On a final stage of drilling the Ommoran Heartstone, it is enough to simply destroy the tip of Ommoran Beamer off which the laser is coming.

  • An intact Gunk Seed plant may be smacked by a dwarf if within reach, similar to dices in the Drop pod.

  • Radioactive crystals can be deactivated by destroying its middle part (Where it glows the most).

  • You get ~3-4 credits for each 1 gold you submit on a mission. It's up to you to consider either mine it or skip it.

  • Lithophage meteorite fragments contain atleast 1 Plagueheart

  • Fixing each Mini-M.U.L.E. provides about 50 of each Gold and Nitra.

  • Getting close to each Mini-M.U.L.E. for the first time spawn mini wave of bugs.
  • If you don't have ability to place a platform to safely land, jump on top of another player or a huge insect to avoid any fall damage.

  • Mining Expedition escape pods always spawn in a distance and more likely somewhere behind, so make sure getting back is as simple as going further.

  • If you're escaping via drillers straight tunnel to the escape pod, sometimes engineer should close the entrance to avoid M.U.L.E changing it's path on mid-point.

  • You can use M.U.L.E as a step to climb higher.

  • If bought the upgrade, engineers platforms have ability to absorb fall damage until certain height.

  • Deep snow in Glacial Strata also provides fall damage absorbtion.

  • You can pull up on surface edges, even when falling.

  • Holding sprint button "Shift" by default while grinding the pipeline center camera view.

  • While being held by Mactera Grabber, you can escape by attaching to a zipline.
  • Different enemies have different weaknesses and resistances, for in depth guide check in-game miners manual.

  • Green gas cloud which appears after killing Glyphid Praetorian can be be lit up by any fire source.

  • If being shot while its fin is visible, Nayaka Trawler will come out of underground and flip on its back, making it easy target with open belly.

  • Freezing applies different effects on some creatures:
    • Glyphid Bulk Detonator does not leave a crater if killed while frozen.
    • Glyphid Brood Nexus does not erupt spawners if destroyed while frozen.
    • Naedocyte Breeder as other flying enemies instantly die if frozen.
    • Glyphid Exploder won't detonate if killed while frozen.
    • Septic Spreader does not spill goo if killed while frozen.

  • It's advised to collect eggs on Egg Hunt missions one by one, since each of them has a chance to spawn a horde, making it possible to have multiple hordes at once, that's obviously not good.

  • Besides obvious weak spots, hitting mouth of most of the insects deals them increased damage.

  • Killing exploders with a hit on its head prevents them from exploding.

  • Attaching sticky grenade onto any enemy makes it turn around and retreat. Works great on Glyphid Praetorians.

  • You can dodge Dreadnought's spikes from stomping attack if you correctly time the jump.

  • You can pet lootbugs for a chance for them to drop small amount of gold or nitra.

  • Lootbugs can eat loose mineral chunks.

  • Blowing both goo sacks of Mactera Goo Bomber before killing it, will make it not release sticky goo upon death.

  • Spitball Infector's projectile can be shot down.

  • Septic Spreader's projectile can be shot down.

  • There is a specific status effect called 'Temperature Shock' which can be applied to bugs to deal massive damage if you heat them fast enough while they're frozen, or vise-versa, cool them down quickly while they're burning.

  • All robot enemies excluding Rival Caretaker & Prospector Drone will instantly die when fully lit on fire.

  • Larvae enemies die on contact while also providing damage to the target.

  • Dealing damage equally to the Twins Dreadnoughts will prevent them healing each other.
  • Besides blocking insects and projectiles, gunners shield generator also increases armor regeneration rate while inside.

  • Impact Axe can be collected back if you missed the throw.

  • Once the axe hits somebody, it will also release a small impact burst.

  • Impact Axes ignore armor resistance.

  • Engineers L.U.R.E grenade has strength, after its gone - grenade explodes.
    Detonating it by yourself, you lose the opportunity to deal additional damage.

  • Zipline can be grabbed mid-air.

  • Drillers satchel charge can be used to mine minerals fast.

  • Frozen players can be hit by a pickaxe to unfreeze them.

  • Drillers power drills have extra armor breaking damage.

  • You can burn down spider webs, melt snow or engineers platforms.

  • With weapons that provide terrain destruction you can mine minerals or get red sugar down from heights: Grenade launcher, Minigun, Autocannon, Bulldog Revolver.

  • Drills can be used to open ebonuts.

  • Drop & Resupply pods deals massive damage to bugs as to dwarves.

  • Until pipeline is fully built it is possible to destroy its last node by hitting it with Pickaxe, Power Drills or Impact Axe.

  • Other dwarves can help engineer build his turrets.

  • Stick some Impact Axes into the ground before interacting with drop pod to have overstock of them later.
Boetvaardig 1 Jun @ 6:13am 
Drills count as melee weapon just like pickaxe. Combine cryo cannon freeze with drills and the Vampire perk for massive healing on swarms of normal-sized glyphids.
Dreamreamer 16 Mar, 2022 @ 1:57pm 
drillers drills can be used to break ebonuts instead of a pickaxe
Surlo 16 Oct, 2019 @ 10:29am 
Driller's flamethrower will also melt snow
Golden Dragon 10 Oct, 2019 @ 4:53am 
• При убийстве взрывников в голову, они умирают мгновенно.
И не взрываются.

• Вы можете использовать гранатомет или миниган/ автопушку, чтобы добывать красный сахар с потолков или возвышенностей. Однако, с оружием стрелка можно потратить приличное кол-во патронов.
У стрелка есть бульдог с разрывными, им проще.
Golden Dragon 10 Oct, 2019 @ 4:53am 
• При купленном обновлении, платформы инженера до определенного момента поглощают урон от падения при приземлении на них.
Они поглощают всегда одинаковое количество урона, если игрок получил меньше - он не получит вообще никакого.
Тем не менее в любом случае лучше падать на платформу чем на простую поверхность.

• Заморозка оказывает особое влияние на некоторых существ:
Glyphid Brood Nexus не извергает мелких жуков, если был уничтожен в замороженном состоянии.
Только если был уничтожен КРИТИЧЕСКИМ уроном (по глазку например)
Golden Dragon 10 Oct, 2019 @ 4:53am 
•Если поднять сахар или воспользоваться капсулой снабжения, во время активированого перка Железная Воля то вы не упадёте.
Аналогично если получаешь здоровье с перка вампир.
В общем - ЛЮБОЕ пополнение здоровья при активной железной воле, позволит не упасть.
А ещё можно на железной воле зайти в капсулу при отлёте и засчитает как живого.
frostymchillybunz 2 Oct, 2019 @ 3:26pm 
If mactera grabber passes by a zipline while holding you .. spam the button to use zipline you can escape the grab
suetca  [author] 2 Oct, 2019 @ 3:19pm 
Спасибо. Это просто шутка, локальный мем игры.
when melon 2 Oct, 2019 @ 9:33am 
Руководство отличное,но не понял одного,что значит "спамить We're ruch!" ?
TakeItEes 27 Sep, 2019 @ 11:26am 
Great work! Seriously!! Thank you for doing this :)