Hunt: Showdown 1896

Hunt: Showdown 1896

111 valoraciones
How to actually git gud in Hunt
Por Stop. Beetle time
I recently saw a video on how to "git gud" in Hunt and thought it was pretty pointless. So here is a guide on how to get better at Hunt written by someone with a total of 5000+ hours in the game across 2 accounts.
Learning the PvP for new players
The best way to learning the PvP quickly is getting into any possible fight you can get into. If you hear shots, go towards it. If you have the bounty and see players, fight them. Running from combat is not gonna make you improve. Trying to run the gauntlet is also very good, people will know where you are and you will be vulnerable but will also teach you to be more aware, learn where players position themselves and where to expect players. Dying is not a sin.
Improving aim
If you want to improve your aim, the first thing is to stop using shotguns and start taking rifles. Here are two rifles with their pros and cons.
- Not punishing because of it's high ammo amount
- High rate of fire (even higher with the Iron Repeater trait)
- Very easy iron sight
- It's a very affordable weapon
- The weapon has low sway and low recoil
- Damage drops rapidly the further the enemy is
- Headshot kill range is low
- High damage (Up to 136)
- A headshot will kill it on almost any range except through walls)
- It is very easily usable as a sniper rifle but can also be used in close range
- Low ammo amount
- Slow rate of fire
Pushing compounds and fighting in close range is viable even with rifles against shotguns. Doing this will rapidly improve your aim and positioning skills. Double tapping is a very nice mechanic you can use in close range rifle fights which will allow you to kill players quickly.
Double tapping
Shooting someone with your primary then switching to your secondary and shooting with that will allow you to quickly kill your opponents even with guns that have slow rate of fire. This will make it easier to kill shotguns in close range.
Tools & Consumables
Make sure you always have the maximum amount of tool and consumable slots in use. A go-to setup for tools would be Knife + First Aid Kit + Dusters. I recommend always taking atleast 2 big vitality shots and 1 explosive or fire bomb (2 in case of Packmule) or 3 weak vitality shots.
Primary and Secondary Weapons
Make sure you have a good combination of weapons. Here is a list of some good loadouts.
Winfield + Silenced Nagant (Traits: Iron Repeater, Fanning) - Silenced Nagant with fanning in close range is an absolutely terrifying gun.
Winfield + Pax/Uppercut - Double tapping with this loadout is very nice and most likely kills the opponent in close range.
Vetterli + Pax (Traits: Fanning, Iron Sharpshooter*)
Mosin + Uppercut (Traits: Fanning*, Iron Sharpshooter*)
Mosin + Dolch (Precision) (Traits: Bulletgrubber, Iron Sharpshooter, (Quartermaster in case of Dolch Precision))
You can find out a lot by just using your ears. There is a lot of sound traps around the map. This includes:
- Horses
- Crows
- Ducks
- Chickens
- Trapped Dogs
- Aggressive Armored
- Aggressive Hives
- Aggressive Zombies
This can let you predict the position of enemy players which gives you an advantage.
Game Sense and Game Knowledge
Game sense and game knowledge comes with the hours. Analyse how your enemies move and how they position. Learn how the average player moves and where to expect players. Once you start learning this a lot of weight will be taken off your shoulders.
The End
This is all I could think of for now. If you guys have any questions or suggestions to add here feel free to comment or send me a friend request on Steam.
41 comentarios
Jarl 24 NOV 2020 a las 9:09 
Oh absolutely I agree on that, it might help get a sense of the game with somewhat better odds of winning early while pushing compounds and close combat etc before people start picking up the general game knowledge and skills a bit better. Gunplay is very important and a big part, but many struggle early on as they do not have general map knowledge and an understanding of the importance of sound, movement, penetration etc etc, I had a friend that hated the game because he was unaware of how important sound is in the game.
Stop. Beetle time  [autor] 24 NOV 2020 a las 4:55 
@Jarl Well although I was mainly pointing out the large shotguns it is insanely easy to get close enough to kill someone with a shotgun shot. It's even insanely easy to win a game with just meelee weapons. Shotguns are not gonna improve the aim and general game sense most of the time.
Jarl 22 NOV 2020 a las 4:28 
I would argue otherwise, using a specter compact for example means you have to be at pointblank range, and its ridiculously low range and dmg (range 7m, dmg 85) means it needs to be a accurate point blank shot, most other weapons have a better fire rate and better dmg, regardless of range. For example Romero hatchet has slightly better range (10m but still 85dmg) which also has to be a killshot, if not rushing with the hatchet is your best bet.
All playstyles are viable and skills based, it is just a matter of preference, I like to run with long ammo rifle and quartermaster and Romero Hatchet in medium slot, allows me to be versatile at all ranges.
Stop. Beetle time  [autor] 22 NOV 2020 a las 0:32 
@Guardian Mehmet nope
Guardian Mehmed 21 NOV 2020 a las 12:16 
So if I use shotguns I won't get better ?
{FU}TheForgeryTTV 20 NOV 2020 a las 17:16 
Double-tapping is best done with a Dolch now and just the Dolch. No more quick-swapping? Time to use the Dolch.
Jarl 16 NOV 2020 a las 10:59 
Double tapping is as viable as ever tbh
Hans Bulletgruber 16 NOV 2020 a las 10:23 
I guess thats fair :)
Stop. Beetle time  [autor] 16 NOV 2020 a las 9:50 
@ToTo™ I kinda agree with that. But since it's still a decent option, I'll leave it in here.
Hans Bulletgruber 16 NOV 2020 a las 8:29 
the section about "double tapping" is a bit outdated now.