Production Line

Production Line

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Adding custom car colors and company logos
Készítő: cliffski
A guide to the new modding options in version 1.80 of the game :D
How to mod new car colors
Tired of the standard colors? The limited colors exist purely to speed up the games rendering, but if you don't mind a 0.1% reduction in FPS (probably) you can add a bunch more in a text file.

To do this, you need a new 'cl' file which is actually just a simple text file (or 'ini' file) in a special location. the base one for the game is here:

\steamapps\common\production line\data\simulation\cl

Add if you open it using windows notepad or another text editor it contains a bunch of line of text like this:

0 = 0,color_berry_red,Berry Red,238,45,0,
1 = 0,color_leaf_green,Leaf Green,113,205,115,
2 = 0,color_sky_blue,Sky Blue,69,188,227,
3 = 0,color_extrovert_orange,Extrovert Orange,240,130,0,
4 = 0,color_banana_yellow,Banana Yellow,233,226,43,
5 = 1,color_pearl white,Pearl White,248,248,248,job_creator
6 = 1,color_aquatic blue,Aquatic Blue,25,225,218,off_grid
7 = 1,color_charcoal,Charcoal Black,32,32,32,efficient_layout
8 = 1,color_purple_prose,Purple Prose,166,131,255,innovator
9 = 1,color_peach,Peach,242,156,118,min_spec
10 = 1,color_classic_green,Classic Green,9,105,9,research_addict
11 = 1,color_regency_red,Regency Red,148,24,50,wide_product_range
12 = 1,color_lime_green,Lime Green,159,199,139,experienced_manager
13 = 1,color_deep_blue,Deep Blue,13,103,215,industry_veteran
14 = 0,color_pure_chrome,Pure Chrome,255,255,255,

To add new colors, just create a similar file in the same location in your own mod, such as:

my mod name\data\simulation\cl

Note that there is NO file extension, so make sure your text editor does NOT add one!. You can enter as many or as few colors as you like. the format is color name, followed by red, green and blue, with each value going from zero to 255.
Sadly there is no multi-language support, so colors are shown exactly as typed, in all languages. example:

15 = 0,color_1,Hot Pink,255,153,255,

And this will show up in game like this:

Note that once you create cars using a modded color, you will NEED that mod to be activated when you use (or share) that save game, otherwise you will encounter errors or the save game will not load.

How to mod new company logos
Fancy adding some new company logos to the game? Want to add the logo of your own company? or just something cool? Its actually really easy.

Create a mod (see the main modding guide for details) with the following folder

\my mod name\data\bitmaps\logos

And inside there, just stick in dds file for each logo you want. What is a dds file? It actually stands for 'direct draw surface' and is a file format used by directx, but its easy to make using photoshop, paintshop pro or many other programs. You can get plugins for many of them from nvidia here:

The options used to save out dds files for production line are normally the following:

So your saved out file will look something like this: (don't forget you can add an alpha channel)

and in game you will be able to select it from the logo chooser and add it like so:

2 megjegyzés
protoborg 2019. okt. 8., 8:45 
Nice to know GIMP works too.
F҉e҉i҉b҉n҉i҉z҉ 2019. szept. 9., 14:05 
ahh ok I was using 8bit rgb yoiks lol, Thanks so much for this, I hope it gives that lil extra touch to ppls mods.. also btw for the ppl reading this tute, you can also use gimp for dds exporting with mipmaps.