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FemaleBB BodyType for Android
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Mod, 1.0
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843.000 B
2019년 9월 5일 오후 4시 46분
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FemaleBB BodyType for Android

Adds "FemaleBB" to android races body types
댓글 5
Sevrun 2020년 2월 27일 오전 9시 33분 
Any chance this gets a 1.1 update?
Revolvertron 2020년 1월 30일 오후 9시 46분 
It doesn't seem to work for me. Should I have this in any particular spot in the mod order?
Amily 2019년 9월 12일 오전 12시 44분 
You can add it mid game, you just need to edit the character and switch the body type. Most ungenerated pawns should use the body as well, but banished/kid napped pawns will still be using the normal body.
Compilatron  [작성자] 2019년 9월 7일 오전 3시 24분 
You can, but it won't update pre-existing colonists. It's a very crude patch, since I have fairly limited knowledge of modding rimworld...

It would be possible with C# modding but I have yet to delve into that.
Mistletoe The Bard 2019년 9월 5일 오후 10시 11분 
Thanks! Can I add this mid game? I literally just started a colony with android mod yesterday.....