Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

SRT: Spyro the Dragon - Infinite Fly & Supercharge explore (all levels + Crush segment)
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"Main info about this glitch can be find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQAVbDfBT4U
This is probably the only Spyro you can't fully complete since some things aren't work propetly, like supercharge in Tree Tops and enemies in some areas. Below i'll write the levels that can't be completed:
1.Artisans - Town Square (only for Skill Point);
2. Peace keepers - Ice Cavern;
3. Beast Makers - Terrace Village, Misty Bog, Tree Tops, Metalhead;
4. Dream Weavers - Home.
I've done two walkthroughs where it shows how it will look, where is first one - a walkthrough where you aren't skipping a levels and playing the game just like normally except that it's with infinite fly and supercharge. Second one was done quite faster but i was still forced to finish one of skipped levels. More info will be in these video (with the links as well once i'll finish uploading).
Crush segment is present here since i didn't check it last time on how he reacts on supercharge.
And as i said previously, i'll apreciate anyone who will do a time to all levels in comments."