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AlphaMod - District Types and Swaps
Por AlphaAsh
New districts in the Stellaris mod, AlphaMod.

This guide was originally published for version 2.3/2.5 of AlphaMod, and some images and information may be out-of-date with the latest version.
In AlphaMod, most planets have six district types available, with there being two additions to the usual four district types available in the vanilla version of the game.

Most regular planet-types have the following six district types available:

Industrial District and Swaps
Many of the standard planet-types have a fifth district type, the Industrial District.

A planetary decision can be used to focus the districts on alloys or consumer goods production, changing the jobs provided.

District Swaps
Industrial Districts can be swapped using a planetary decision to either of two other types of district, with some restrictions.

Biomass Cultivation
Only gestalt empires, and non-corporate xenophobic and/or materialist empires can swap to Biomass Cultivation districts. Also an empire with the Environmentalist civic cannot swap to Biomass Cultivation districts.

Nature Reserves
Only non-corporate egalitarian, xenophile and pacifist empires, or an empire with the Environmentalist civic, may swap to Nature Reserve districts. The swap is mandatory for any empire with the Natural Harmony civic (from the supplement Civic Virtues).
Community District and Swaps
Most standard planet-types will also have a sixth district type available, the Community District.

Empires with a fanatic ethic, other than Egalitarian, will have a mandatory swap, as will Gestalts.

Non-fanatic empires (and Egalitarians) will have planetary decisions available to decide whether to swap the Community District.

Typically two jobs provided from a non-gestalt district are determined by an empire's Education and Business policy choice.

Ethos Swaps








Gestalt Swaps

Hostile Habitable Districts
Most hostile habitable planetoids (Molten Habitable, Toxic Habitable, Frozen Habitable and Barren Habitable) do not have all of the four vanilla district types or the Industrial District or Community District.

However, a hostile habitable planetoid may still have Mining Districts and/or Industrial Districts, dependent on its suitability for mining, or Reactor Farms or Energy Districts dependent on its suitability for energy generation.

Hostile habitable planetoids never have City Districts or Farming Districts.

Common Hostile Habitable Districts

Habitation Domes

Utility Domes

Reactor Farms

Specialised Hostile Habitable Districts

Which is available is dependent on planet-type. Unlike many districts, you will need the technology to produce a strategic resource before being able to build these districts.

Frozen Habitable

Molten Habitable

Toxic Habitable