Torchlight II

Torchlight II

216 个评价
Red Mage (A Final Fantasy inspired class!) (v.47)
标签: 角色, 职业
3.649 MB
2013 年 10 月 10 日 下午 1:46
2015 年 1 月 4 日 下午 6:12
35 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Red Mage (A Final Fantasy inspired class!) (v.47)

The MOD is a tribute to Red Mage class found in various Final Fantasy games.
Also known as Red Warmage, the class has a great array of magical spells, from offensive to supportive.
The Red Mage has additional melee or physical capabilities that differentiate it further from the standard mage which focuses more heavily on casting.

For Torchlight 2, the Red Mage has 4 Skill Trees, making the class very versatile:

1- Battle Skills and White Magick focuses in physical combat skills and supportive White Magic, like the Cure skill. Passives enhance your Physical Combat. For Physical battle, the Red Mage fits well with a Sword and a Shield.

-Rapid Swing > Damages enemies by swinging fast your weapon.
-Cure > Restores HP
-Telekinesis > Long range attack that possibly teleport foes.
-Esuna > Protects the party against some negative statuses
-Shock > Releases air blades from your weapon
-Bravery > Buff that bypass the defenses of your foes.
-Ultima > Deals heavy neutral magical damage.
-Swiftness* > Increases your flee rate.
-Battle Lore* > Increases physical damage and attack speed when using melee weapons.
-Bubble* > Increases max HP.

2- Green Magick and Time Magick focuses in supportive skills either to harm your enemies or strengthen yourself and your party. The Passives of this skill tree are turned to enhance your magickal powers.

-Silence > Causes silence status, preventing enemies using some skills.
-Slow > Reduces movement, cast and attack speed of enemies.
-Protect > Creates a barrier to reduce physical damage taken.
-Shell > Creates a barrier to reduce elemental damage taken.
-Haste > Increases movement, cast and attack speed.
-Gravity > Deals Damage over Time, reduces flee rate and possibly immobilize foes.
-Reflect > Forms a barrier to reflect missiles.
-Chanelling Spellbound* > Reduces skills mana cost and improves elemental status duration
-Magick Lore* > Increases elemental damage output.
-Mighty Guard* > Forms a permanent barrier to reduce damage taken and reflect damage back

3- Black Magick focuses in destructive elemental spells. Passives are Auto-triggerable skills. Staves, Maces and Wands are the finest choice to execute Black Magick.

-Fire > Hurl a fire orb on enemies.
-Blizzard > Damages enemies around with a freezing wind.
-Thunder > Causes a thunderstorm on a selected area.
-Bio > Creates a poisonous rain to damage and poison foes.
-Aero > Release tornadoes to damage foes.
-Scathe > Throw highly damaging orb of neutral magical damage at your foes.
-Ardour > Forms an intense blaze on a selected area.
-Toxify* > Deals additional poison damage on poisoned foes.
-Drain* > Absorbs HP from killed foes.
-Osmose* > Absorbs Mana from killed foes.

4- Quickenings are special skills that can only be used if you are on Trance State. Quickenings are One Levels Skills, so you will spent only one skill point in each Quickening. There are 7 Quickenings available for the Red Mage:

-Jump > Execute a powerful jump attack on enemies, stunning them.
-Thrust Kick > Execute a powerful kick, knocking back foes.
-Refresh > Restores Mana for the party.
-Berserk > Doubles physical damage output for a bit, but causes silence status in exchange.
-Matra Magic > Releases a barrage of neutral magic missiles
-Summon > Call an ancient creature known as Esper to battle at your side.
-Aurabolt > Releases a beam of pure light to damage foes.

Charge Bar:
Mist Charge is the Special charge bar for the Red Mage. When the bar is full, the Red Mage enters in Trance State for 12 seconds.
Trance State increases elemental damage and critical chance plus halving the mana cost of your skills. While Trance State is activated you can use any Quickenings purchased in the Quickenings Skill Tree.

Exclusive Spell Scrolls:
Red Mage MOD adds exclusive Spell Scrolls based on Final Fantasy spells and skills. See them below.

*Scroll of Dia, Diara, Diaga and Diaja > Dia skills only hits undead monsters. They cause a good damage, blind and reduce their defenses.
*Scroll of Teleport > A Teleport skill that quickly realocates your player and grants a little bonus to flee rate for a short time.
*Scroll of Poison > A weaker version of Bio available as Spell.
*Scroll of Death > Death instant kill an enemy, but won't work on Bosses.
*Scroll of Blaze and Blazega > Launches a cold fireball that deals Ice and Fire damage.
*Scroll of Regen and Regenga > A white magic that gradually recovers your Health.
*Scroll of Gravity Bomb > Launches a gravitational bomb that tears off 25% of enemies Max HP.
*Scroll of Quake > Punches the ground with your fist dealing Physical damage in a wide area.


The Red Mage class is almost complete. If you find any bugs please contact-me.
A well important note is to load Red Mage MOD above any other MOD to avoid trouble with quest rewards.

ToDo list:
- Fix a missing "cut effect particle" on Rapid Swing
- Improve Silence, Thunder, Drain, Osmose, Summon Skills.
- A Charge Bar (I'm using Embermage visual.)
- Character portrait (Using Embermage with some colorswap)
-Specific equipment (You can use some mods to let you equip other classes restrict equipment. I confess that this makes the experience with Red Mage even better)

热门讨论 查看全部(1)
2021 年 2 月 18 日 上午 11:49
Bug Report and Suggestions.
189 条留言
LordderNarren 2 月 15 日 上午 9:48 
Does focus increase magic damage from red mage too? So not the frost, electro or fire damge but from things like scathe.
LordderNarren 2 月 13 日 上午 10:04 
I am enjoying it a lot indeed. This is the build is what i always wantet to play, but no arpg ever had:D
I dont know how much synergies changed since 2015 but i will give it a try when i am done with vanilla. If it doesnt work will seek for an old version. So when we are chatting anyway: When i start synergies, should i start with a leveld char?
I tried it out some years ago but the mobs killed every time. I was with classy classes, so maybe they are just not balanced for synergies.
~Schiavelli~  [作者] 2 月 11 日 上午 11:44 
Hi LordderNarren
Thanks for playing my mod. Hope you enjoying it :)
The Mod was compatible with Synergies in 2015, where i last updated it.
Due to various issues with the Steam Workshop, i'm unable to update, saddly.

You can check the last changelog in the Update tab
LordderNarren 1 月 30 日 下午 3:59 
Is there a place where i can find the changelogs or updates listed because the workshop description is obviosly outdated. You fixed the animations and addet gear(are ther legendarys too?). Also is the mod compatible for synergies?
LordderNarren 1 月 30 日 下午 3:54 
Such a nice battlemageclass. I never played ff but this class is exactly what i want to play. thank you!
Leon 2019 年 10 月 27 日 下午 2:31 
Your English is good, my dude. I hope you can find a fix- bugs always get on my nerves too.
~Schiavelli~  [作者] 2019 年 10 月 26 日 上午 8:45 
Hey Grumple Stiltskin
You can use swords that give elemental (for ex. +100 Ice damage) and enhance focus. Or insert elemental shards on free slots
~Schiavelli~  [作者] 2019 年 10 月 26 日 上午 8:38 
Hi Orwell
A few months ago i've updated some skills with poor effects like Silence, and improved others.
But i,m having trouble to upload the update to steam. Cant find an answer in the community.
Maybe i'll try it again soon. Sorry (for the bad english)
Leon 2019 年 10 月 6 日 下午 3:00 
Will this mod be finished any time soon?
Grumple Stiltskin 2019 年 3 月 17 日 下午 7:32 
So this is certainly a fun class. But would it possible for you to post a build that allows the red mage to do ample spell damage while still using a sword and shield? I confess that I don't understand Torchlight's mechanics enough to properly pull it off myself. I'm liable to split strength and focus equally and hope for the best.