Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

192 人が評価
Smoother Light (Vanilla/DLC)
Mods: Tweaks
387.769 KB
2019年8月19日 9時43分
2024年11月29日 5時38分
22 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Smoother Light (Vanilla/DLC)

Rewrote the light radius algorithm, making the shape and brightness much more smoother than vanilla, can be configured to allow light go through MeshTile/AirflowTile

2024-07-20 21:45:20
Implement with new way, added a new setting to allow configuring light range tolerance (should affect all light buildings, use with causious)


Now having config UI implement with PLib, check it out while mod's enabled. It's best to restart the game after you changed the config.

- LightThroughMeshTiles: true -> light can go though MeshTile/AirflowTile; false (default) -> can't
- LightRangeTolerance: 1 -> Tolerance when checking if a cell is in light range, the bigger the farther
- Default to 1 which is slight bigger than vanilla but smaller then the old implementation
- Set to 4 should be the same as the old implementation

Known Glitch

- Still tweaking for balance, welcome for your ideas.

Useful Links

- My GitHub[github.com]
- [Oxygen Not Included] - Mods and Tools - Klei Entertainment Forums[forums.kleientertainment.com]
- Oxygen Not Included Database by Fabrizio Filizola[oni-db.com]
- peterhaneve/ONIMods/PLib[github.com]
50 件のコメント
leonlx126 2024年8月16日 3時37分 
电灯泡(Ceiling Light)的亮度范围似乎没有变化,我改了 LightRangeTolerance 为 4,至少看上去不是你截图里那样的
leonlx126 2024年8月14日 5時11分 
hazimemasite 2024年3月6日 3時09分 
good QoL mod
csfireworks 2024年1月13日 7時07分 
好评~可用~work great 24.01.13
Theou 2023年11月18日 15時41分 
Does the work with the Newer darkness expanded mod?
TGIF-42 2023年11月9日 12時30分 
Your GitHub link seems to be outdated, so I can't post this there. I'm hoping you might have time for a feature request. Configuration for Opacity (light absorption levels for Mesh, Airflow, Glass, Pneumatic Doors, and Liquids... maybe for different Gases too?). Your mod is by far the best lighting overhaul I've come across, and these additional configs would make it even better. Thanks for the awesome work, @Vincent!
100 houndmaster bucks 2023年10月18日 1時40分 
There's no mods that add additional light types. LED lights, halogen lights, xenon lights, whatever.. I think it would be cool if someone's mod took it's place
Vinci  [作成者] 2023年6月5日 6時19分 
Judging by the name, probably Lights Expanded and Smoother Lights are conflict.
Shrglwyddes 2023年6月3日 0時57分 
Currently I have observed light cones from ceiling lights consisting of 1 square total. Disabling this mod caused light cones to return to normal sizes. Can anyone confirm whether this mod is working correctly or not?

Currently playing with Lights Expanded, Smoother Lights, and Darkness Not Excluded.
Vinci  [作成者] 2022年11月8日 4時17分 
@教皇 没有哦,只是对范围进行了调整,使得边缘更圆滑了,没有改动其它部分,其实吧,性能这块问题没什么办法的,越到后期需要计算的资源就越多,这个计算量对CPU算力的需求不会凭空消失呀,也不可能随便偷懒省略(虽然估计已经有一定程度的简化了)否则肯定会出BUG,类似的游戏都有这个共同问题吧,也不怪克雷。或者解决方案是用GPU的超高算力来代替CPU做部分计算?:woodleface: