Arma 3
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[DYN/CO-08] Whole Lotta Altis
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Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Multiplayer
Scenario Type: Air, Infantry, Vehicles
Scenario Map: Altis
Meta: Dependency
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3.428 MB
4 out. 2013 às 6:48
19 ago. 2015 às 12:00
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[DYN/CO-08] Whole Lotta Altis

COOP version of the dynamic whole map mission WLA for 1-8 players.

A Dynamic Whole Map COOP mission focusing on smooth performance, offering wide customization options and full freedom for gameplay in random generated world events that react on players actions. Where ever you go, there is life and events to see depending local relationship values and what kind of enemy/friendly installations there happens currently to be. Capture factories, piers, power plants to get resources faster to custom build AI guarded guardposts with custom easy-to-use constructing system or spend it to call more support that you can high command if wanted. Or drive any land vehicle, chopper or plane, capturing dynamic generating zones around map. Keep local civilians happy by commiting tasks for them or turn them rioting by raiding villages for more resources. Experience the campaign long mission run by over 400 scripts that are constantly updated and expanded.

In this COOP version its always possible now to play in CSAT side, giving trouble for opposite side player.

-Virtual Ammobox System for TAW_Tonic

-ss3goku0001 for Text Improvements
-TAW_Tonic for Virtual Ammobox System (with permission, updated to work for AI-teammember too)

-JSRS2.0 and Blastcore

Discussões Populares Ver todos (9)
5 mai. 2021 às 15:31
1 jun. 2015 às 11:03
16 jun. 2018 às 2:33
The Future of Whole Lotta Altis (Tanoa SP version link included)
417 comentários
PcbZorg 5 de jun. às 17:20 
Soo, the MP version of WLA is completely unplayable at this point? I discovered WLA about a year ago when i wanted to get back into Arma. I had a lot of fun and enjoyment out of the SP version of WLA.
Now i got some friends i wanted to play WLA with, and these comments does not inspire confidence.
I mean - WLA SP was a bit janky and awkward to control, but it essentially worked for the "slow and methodical taking over of huge map" type of gameplay.
So, WLA Coop is completely dead now?
And i got another question - is there similar type of mod that still works, is Antistasi comparable to WLA?
I love the gameplay where you're thrown into a massive world where dynamic events occur, and you start stealthy and guerilla, slowly getting resources/weapons/recruits, eventually hitting bigger and bigger targets, taking over bases, and the gameplay eventually turning into bigger battles with combined arms.
I was also having a lot of fun playing Reforger Overthrow in SP.
Soo, any recommendations?
Bhaal 14 dez. 2021 às 1:57 
Is there anything else like this thats currently being updated? This has been abandoned.
Wizard 1 fev. 2021 às 5:02 
Such a great mod! You start at night, can't see shit, enemy vehicles are coming straight at you as soon as you paradrop and dematerialize you with their HMGs/GMGs, perfect, just a waste of fucking 20 minutes
Horatio33 19 out. 2020 às 17:48 
I need some help, Every time I insert to a location, Arma 3 crashes completely. I'm not sure why but it does.
Bruhmoments 30 jan. 2020 às 12:33 
how the hell do i get my guys in the damn car?
Cheeki 29 out. 2019 às 19:53 
buggy as shit but still fun to play
Redcoat 10 fev. 2018 às 11:37 
Real shame this dont work anymore. The SP version still does but just dosent feel the same without friends to play it with :(
Tobu 22 jan. 2018 às 20:34 
How do you turn the fog off in-game?
mike187 10 out. 2017 às 14:18 
the problem is, it wasn't like this when released. Author stopped updating his mission long time ago. And all arma3 updates and dlc's might and do break old missions overtime.
The SP version still works better but the coop unfortunatelly not anymore. Some mission coder with lot of time would need to fix it i guess.
DG 9 out. 2017 às 21:42 
1.easy is much more harder than challenge, met a enemy sniper in easy mode, and he shot 4 rounds from about 300m away, less than 2 seconds and killed us 4 men squad... in challenge mode, enemies can't hit anything more than 20m. this is ridiculous.
2.i can't disable enemy artillery fire, even if i set to disabled. we first disabled AI artillery, and then took out every single mortar squad around 2km radius range, after that we ran into small skirmish and 8 rounds mortar fire just came from nowhere bombed us. it's like no matter what you do, author just made this thing unbeatable by using spawn artillery fire function, which is super dumb.
3.i don't know what's the point and i had to use halo jump insertion everytime after i respawn or sometimes use fast travel. and i can't decide when to pull my chute. you choose your spawn point and it just randomly spawns you in somewhere near the LZ and halo jump in with 400m altitude it will force you to open your chute gimme a fking break.