Hunt: Showdown 1896

Hunt: Showdown 1896

95 értékelés
Newby's best friend - Quickplay
Készítő: Warrior of Arse
A simple Guide by a big idiot for all the new guys when 1.0 drops
Well Howdy

First things first - I am not going to sit here and pretend that I am "good" by any stretch of the imagination but with the 1.0 release and (hopefully) a sale to boot I'm fairly certain were gonna see quite a few new players and figured this little bit of advice will help them well on their way

I will also be including a gameplay video of a match I played of quickplay (08/08/2019) at the end so give it a watch to see what I'm talkin bout.

Here we go boys stay calm!

Okay so here's the deal, you've bought Hunt Showdown and are itching to get into it, you pick your starting hunter and get straight into a match, you think things are going well, it sure is noisy here but your used to ambience in other games so its no biggy

You see a clue on the ground and you go to collect it with your pal and suddenly you hear some crows but you don't pick up on it, in you go all happy as Larry and BANG suddenly your pal is dead and there's thunderous footsteps outside you aim your rifle at the door and think "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this gun feels so weird compared to other games" by the time you've gotten used to the sway and aiming system YungBuck4727 has the barrel of his pistol in your mouth and he pulls the trigger.

"what the actual ♥♥♥♥ just happened"

Welcome to hunt my friends and as I'm certain most people's first matches go that way you've learned the hard way that this game aint like the others

What is Quickplay? and why should I not ignore it?
Okay so after your first taste of the game you should be aware of just how different this game is so lets get into it.

Quickplay is essentially a Practice/BR mode that has you start as a random guy with a random weapon (you can choose the vague type eg: melee, short range, medium range) and there is one goal, kill everyone else, or find the Wellspring first and don't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ die.

If you achieve this you get to keep the guy and any weapons/perks/xp you found and earned in the match. (This includes stuff you haven't unlocked yet so its a great way to get good gear)

Pretty good deal right? well here's the catch there is 11 other angry ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ all trying to do the same thing and they will gun you down without a moments hesitation for that sweet sweet XP and free Hunter.

Why you should care

The game is kind enough to give you a certain amount of leeway early on (until level 15 I think) in the main mode (Bounty Hunt) so your hunters wont die until then, but after that my friends if you die in the match you are perma'd which means. New character, New Gear, New Perks which can throw you hella off, especially if you haven't had experience with their equipment yet.

Here is where Quickplay Comes in

This mode essentially gives you the opportunity to test nearly everything and I mean everything without costing you a penny, It will train your situational awareness and will allow you to passively get better at the game in all aspects whilst providing you with rewards of both XP and Dollars (not much though)

There's only one slightly dated meme that describes it perfectly and its this:

What to do in Quickplay
Okay so here we are, you've loaded in and are in a field probably seeing some zombies or horrible mutants but don't worry about those for now ( you get used to it )

The very first thing you wanna do is check you map by pressing Tab to see exactly where you are in relation to everything else.

Then press and hold E, have a look around and you should see some weird blue firefly thingies,
These are showing you the nearest Clues you want these, they will not only get you closer to finding the wellspring But they provide you with Perks whenever you get one, they are also where you can find some new weapons (nearby look for Blue boxes) which you will need for the late game (assuming you aren't dead already)

Heading to the first clue

Okay so you've picked a clue to go for (the bigger the flies/cloud are the closer it is to you) and you start making your way there. I cannot stress enough that you should be fast, but careful.

When I say this what I'm telling you is move quickly, but keep an ear/eye out basically all noises in this game are actual in-game events, crows and wounded horses will make noise when people approach, listen to these, the sounds of monsters getting angry and fighting or running are a surefire way of knowing if someone else is around.

Avoid monsters wherever possible, or if you see them chasing someone else, pissing them off might get that enemy player killed. a good example of this is the burning guys "Immolators" shoot them and they explode and their attacks now deal burning damage. Suprise! (avoid these guys seriously they are fast as hell)

Always assume someone else is nearby as more often than not 2 people will spawn near a clue If you get there first, its sometimes a good idea to hide where you can see it to try and get a cheeky ambush off on someone. After all their loss is your gain and vice versa.

If someone finds the wellspring before you there will be a notification on screen, either use the map or hold E (Darkvision) to see where it is, head there and kill them. if the timer runs out they escape and everyone else is dead. If You kill them you take over as public enemy number 1 so keep on your toes and play carefully.
1. Do not under estimate melee, just cos that guy only has a machete doesn't mean he cant kill you instantly, with melee there are two attack types without aiming (don't right click at all)
simply left click and you will push/barge. this is useful not only for pushing enemies away but you can knock doors open, smash windows and vault inside etc

Hold down left click to charge it up more often than not these are instant kills (see end of video) so if you see someone with a bayonet/hatchet/knuckle duster on their weapon take care and approach with caution - As a general rule, avoid the charged attacks with weapons that have overhead's (Axe, Hammer etc) as these are VERY hard to land and will get you killed, the sweep with these weapons is far more effective, the stabs are very nice though.

2. taking it slow is sometimes the best approach, use the environment to your advantage and more often than not you will see/hear the enemy before they even know you are there allowing you to maneuver accordingly.

3. Take advantage of someone else's misfortune. they getting hit by mutants? press them and make it even worse. someone attacking them? let it play out and kill the wounded victor.

4. There are no forbidden tactics in this game and this goes for both modes, Do everything in your power to make sure you win, Camp, lay traps, barb wire every exit to a building to make sure they cant leave (yes people do this, I have too) even if you don't think you can win its better to try and fail than hesitate and fail and you will find more rewards playing this way. - As a side note, in Regular mode (Bounty Hunt) once the bounty/s have left you have 4 minutes to leave, always remember this when stuck in a fight, if you don't mind dying and want the XP try as hard as you can to kill/stop the other guys from getting out too, but if you want to save your hunter you'd best scoot your way to the extract

5. When in the normal bounty hunt mode you can leave without a bounty and save your guy for another day. (not related to quick play but its important to cut your losses)
My Gameplay footage showing most of the above
First off thanks for reading the guide :)

Secondly I apologise for my ♥♥♥♥ editing and the awful white noise (its a GeForce thing but it hasn't happened in ages :( )

Hope you enjoyed the guide and enjoy the video!

! It should be noted that this footage is 2 YEARS old so the game has changed quite a bit, however the tips in this guide have remained generally unchanged so no update has been needed. !
21 megjegyzés
Warrior of Arse  [készítő] 2021. nov. 2., 14:54 
It is super close range, id definitely say that it is between 10 and 20 metres
Miciso 2021. nov. 2., 1:18 
so how big is the clue range for it to be red? under 25m?
ROHDE 2020. febr. 28., 13:09 
Kvaketron 2019. dec. 22., 5:28 
лол блять, очередной мудила с ближним боем. Тактика - галактика
Akenz_TTV 2019. nov. 26., 12:03 
just nade tower campers out
MasterKoopa 2019. nov. 23., 15:31 
hUNT Showdown Community could star in next Hills have eyes movie
Kilroy_kills 2019. nov. 22., 15:42 
The Machine likes doo doo on his pee pee
The Machine (It/That) 2019. nov. 20., 21:21 
in other words, bad game design.
The Machine (It/That) 2019. nov. 20., 21:21 
sprint between clues and then camp in a tower with concertina below once you get the wellspring. tower camping wins almost every time.
Abacus 2019. aug. 23., 19:18 
I've been watching you for a while now... :hunter0: