The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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Tags: Lua, Trinkets
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14.411 KB
4 aug 2019 om 18:09
20 jun 2022 om 20:35
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In 1 verzameling van Mode8fx
Mips96's Mods
13 items
• Trinket
• Spawns a passive item and pickup on the final floor of your run
• Repentance and multiplayer support

Inheritance is a trinket that spawns a random passive item and pickup when you get to your run's estimated final floor. The type of item/pickup depends on the floor:

Sheol: Devil Room item + black heart
Cathedral: Angel Room item + soul heart
Dark Room: Red Chest item + bomb
Chest: Golden Chest item + key
Void: Boss Room item + trinket (excluding Inheritance)
Corpse 2: Curse Room item + rotten heart
Home: Secret Room item + tarot card

This trinket synergizes with Mom's Box by giving two items and pickups, and it synergizes with Humbling Bundle and BOGO Bombs by spawning double pickups when applicable.

Since the game sometimes can't know for certain what your final floor is due to randomly-spawning Void portals, it is estimated based on your current situation (for example, if you get to the Cathedral and don't have the Polaroid, then it estimates that the Cathedral is your final floor). Regardless, Inheritance is guaranteed to activate at some point in the run. Also, getting to this final floor removes Inheritance from both your inventory and the trinket pool since it is no longer useful.
5 opmerkingen
... 11 aug 2019 om 17:15 
I'm a fan of the sprite and the effect is balanced and really cool.
Mode8fx  [auteur] 10 aug 2019 om 9:33 
Go ahead!
AdipemDragon  [auteur] 10 aug 2019 om 9:15 
hey, can i try to make a new sprite for this item?
Mode8fx  [auteur] 6 aug 2019 om 8:40 
Thanks! I was going for something like a "last will and testament" with a big inheritance (hence the diamond), but I'm no artist *shrug*
... 6 aug 2019 om 6:48 
Not a fan of the sprite but the effect is balanced and really cool.