100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice

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������� - A Natsumi Character Guide
Por Tekkahedron y 1 colaboradores
Cook your frien̵ds □̸ ̴□̴□̴□̵□̴□̵□̵□̴□̵□̵ ̴□̷□̵□̶□̵ with this character guide for Natsumi.

Don't let the giant knife f̴oo̷l you. Natsumi is a supportive star collector, and the first healer in 100% Orange Juice. While she isn't particularly durable and her offenses are laughable, she gains 5 stars whenever she heals an opponent. Her healing output can be used to deny opponents from getting KOs as well as keep herself alive. Her hyper Cooking Time heals all players based on her level, triggering her passive and giving her lots of stars.

Play Natsumi if:
  • You enjoy p̵la̴yin̵g healers in other games.
  • You want to he̵l̶p people, even while they are trying to ki̷ll you.
  • You want to play a po̵liti̴ca̵l game with your opponents.

  • Enhanced star collection.
  • Can deny KOs by healing characters in peril.
  • Can pick on tanks and low ATK characters for easy stars.
  • Powerful support capabilities in co-op.

  • Weak to being bullied due to low ATK.
  • Countered by evasive characters.
  • Players are not obligated to spare if you heal them.
  • Has trouble collecting stars in peaceful games.
  • One of her best cards (Dinner) also counters her.

Unit Card

HP: 5 | ATK: -1 | DEF: 0 | EVD: 0 | REC: 5

If not KOed and standing on the same panel with other players at the end of your turn, each unit on the panel recovers 1 HP.
For each other player you heal, gain 5 stars.

Natsumi has a slightly below average stat spread, having the same stats as QP but with -1 ATK. While her defensive stats make her decently bulky, especially with the healing she provides, her negative ATK modifier and healing passive will make it very difficult for her to KO her opponents outside of lucky rolls or extremely low health targets. While this does make it difficult for Natsumi to defend herself, it also allows her to attack enemies with the intention of dealing a small amount of damage to them, then healing it back with her passive. It is important to pick targets that won't deal large amounts of damage back to you when doing this though. Attacking an offensive character may cause you to bite off more than you can chew when it comes time for their counterattack. Evasive characters generally aren't worth attacking unless they already have damage accumulated. Natsumi's -1 ATK is an easy dodge for them, which results in no healing for you. Tanks are the best to attack, as they can whether the blows easily, have a hard time dodging, and don't hit very hard.

Natsumi has two passive abilities to justify her poor stats. The first will heal you and any other units on the same panel as you for 1 HP at the end of your turn, provided you aren't KOed and there is at least one other unit on your panel. This will trigger even if the other units are KOed or can't be healed, but will only heal units that are alive. You will still heal for 1 HP even if no one else on the panel is able to be healed.

The second passive is what allows Natsumi to have a chance at winning while supporting her opponents. Whenever Natsumi heals another unit, she gains 5 stars. This includes healing from her passive as well as card effects like Dinner. The stars gained are a flat amount that triggers once per heal regardless of the amount. Healing and opponent for 3 HP with Dinner will give the same number of stars as healing an opponent for 1 HP with your passive. The effect can trigger multiple times if multiple opponents were healed from the same effect. The opponent must actually recover health in order for you to gain stars, so if an opponent is already at full health or can't be healed, you won't gain any stars. Self healing will not trigger this passive.

Hyper Card

Cooking Time
Type: Event
Level Requirement: 1
Cost: Level x5 stars

All players recover your Lvl x HP. Gain 5 stars for each HP recovered.

Cooking Time functions a lot like Dinner, except that the cost and heal scale with your level and it also gives the user 5 stars times the total HP healed. The amount of health this card recovers, and by extension how many stars it can generate, scale with your level. Cooking Time will also trigger Natsumi's passive, giving her an extra 5 stars for each opponent that recovered at least 1 HP. The most optimal time to play Cooking time is when all players are low on health, but there are other times when less optimal payoffs can be worth it. For example, healing a player that is close to being KOed by another character is an effective way of denying the bully stars and wins, so it can sometimes be worth playing Cooking Time for less stars to do so. Another is when you are low on health, but the other players are at least missing a little health.

Stages of the Game
Level 1
Natsumi has to balance aggression with extremely passive play in order to make the most out of her passive. Attacking players with the sole intent of damaging them a little in order to heal them and gain stars. Cooking Time is an extremely powerful tool for gathering stars at this stage of the game. If all players have at least 1 damage, Cooking Time gives a whopping 30 stars accounting for it's cost.

Level 2
Be more careful at this point, as many characters with battle card hypers now have the ability to play them. Try to stay on these character's good side while poking at them.

Level 3
At this point, Cooking Time is about on par with Dinner. Dinner costs fewer stars, but Cooking Time has much greater return potential. If you have both, it can be better to use Cooking Time before the star cost gets too high. Oh? Everyone is all ready healed? I wonder how that could have happened.

Star Breaker? She's baking cookies now instead of people? That's wonderful! Maybe we can be friends! I can show her how to take good care of her cookware! Although, it might be a little hard to get stars now...

I haven't won a game in days. People have not been needing healing nearly as much since Star Breaker... I mean Star Baker started being nice. I'm barely getting enough stars to get past norma three before the games end. But at least everyone seems happier now. Heh...

Mei never seems to be around. She and the others are always hanging out with Star Baker. Mei really does like her cookies, doesn't she? I wish she would play with me more. I need to remind her that my meals are the best food around. That much sugar can't be good for you anyways. She's always full with two cooks around. I'll have to play extra hard and help her work up an appetite.

I didn't mean to.

It's wrong. It's all wrong.

Mei wasn't moving as fast as she normally does, probably from all those cookies she's been gorging on. We used to play all the time and nothing bad ever happened. She's usually really good at dodging my attacks, even without Red and Blue. But this time...



Mutinous swine.

Everyone's saying I'm a monster for hurting to my best friend like that. Kiriko laughed and said she didn't think I had it in me, but she's terrible. I'm terrible. Nobody want to play any more. Nobody even wants to talk to me any more. They're all still talking about me, I know it. I can't trust them. I'm all alone now. I'm sorry Mei. Please be OK.

She's gone.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

Is this what she's feeling right now?

This pain?


You did this.

Your cookies did this.

It's your fault.

It's all your fault.

Now she's hurt and it's your fault.

I'll never for give you.


This feeling?

I need you to understand.

What I am feeling.

What Mei is feeling.

I need everyone to understand.


Ha Ha


Kimochi ~ ♪ ~ ♫


Don't let the giant knife stab you. Natsumi has vowed revenge on all who have wronged her. Although her base ATK isn't great, it quickly ramps up as her opponents take damage. This combined with her ability to move again after KOs make her one of the best characters on the game at finishing off wounded opponents. Her hyper Killing Time forces her opponents to play her game or scurry to find healing.

Play Natsumi if:
  • You enjoy killing healers in other games.
  • You want to kill people, even while they are trying to help you.
  • You want to play a killing game with your opponents.

  • Destroys weakened enemies in combat.
  • Hyper forces people to fight or die.
  • Destroys high HP characters. and tanks once they are wounded.
  • Never has to play co-op.

  • Low HP characters don't give her much of a boost.
  • Has trouble dealing with evasive characters unless they are low.
  • Players are not obligated to fight during killing time.
  • Has trouble collecting wins in peaceful games.
  • Hyper is countered by home bases and Dinner.
  • If you win, your opponents die in real life.

Unit Card

HP: 5 | ATK: -1 | DEF: 0 | EVD: 0 | REC: 5

Cannot gain ATK from cards.
When attacking first, gain ATK equal to the defender's missing HP (maximum bonus of +4).
Whenever you KO a player in battle, if it's your turn, roll for movement again.

Natsumi's ATK stat starts at a measly -1. However, her thirst for the blood of her enemies boosts her ATK based on the amount of damage they are currently suffering. The maximum she can get from this is a massive +3 ATK stat if they have 4 or more damage. Keep in mind that this boost only triggers when she attacks first, so enemies attacking you (with the exception of Iru and Sherry) will have a big advantage against you in combat if they be brave and take the initiative. This boost also makes her more effective against high HP units like Marie Poppo who give the maximum boost much sooner and usually have poor defenses and less effective against low HP units like Peat who give a much smaller boost.

Due to this incredibly strong offensive boost, Natsumi is unable to increase her ATK using cards. Battle cards like Big Magnum and event cards such as Super All-Out Mode are more or less useless to her. Effects that set her stats can however increase her ATK, since they don't specifically provide a boost to the stat. Reverse Attribute Field and Serious Battle can technically increase her ATK while the opponent has no damage.

Her final passive ability allows her to move again when she KOs an opponent in combat on her turn. This does not trigger if she is attacked during another player's turn or if she uses a turn-ending battle card like Gentleman's Battle. This passive makes movement boosting effects like Dash! incredibly potent if her opponents are all weakened, allowing her to chain kills on low health players. It is important to bring lots of out-of-combat damage cards as well in order to take advantage of her skillset, as her low ATK and inability to boost it with battle cards make getting first blood difficult.

Hyper Card

Killing Time
Type: Event
Level Requirement: 3
Cost: 13

Each player gains the following until they are KOed or are healed.
Stock effect: Lose 1 HP at the start of your turn unless you have 1 HP. Heal to full HP after KOing a player in battle.

Let's play a killing game. Each player's health will slowly drain each turn. How inconvenient. Fortunately, there is an easy way to win. Only blood can free you from this curse. Killing another player will revitalize you, giving you an advantage against your weakened opponents. Of course, you could all spare each other and return home to heal, but can you really trust them? Even the smallest, meekest creature can bear its fangs when confronted by death. Your enemies will do what ever they can to stay alive, but my smile tells no lies. My knife will end this quickly if it finds you, so what will you do?

In order for the game to be successful, there must not be any food in the facility. Eating is frowned upon and will ruin the experience for everyone.

Stages of the Game
Level 1
At this point, Natsumi is unable to play many of the cards she needs to weaken her opponents without setting herself back on leveling up, with the exception of Cloud of Seagulls. It is generally safer to save your stars and cards and aim for the 10 stars to get to level 2 as soon as possible. If an opponent happens to get a bad roll and loses a large chunk of their health, show no mercy if you can do so without wasting too many resources.

Level 2
You now have access to one of Natsumi's most potent cards: Indiscriminate Fire Support. In addition, enemies will now have access to most of the battle cards, emboldening them to fight. Now you can start setting up kills on other players, but make sure that the payoff is worth it.

Level 3-4
With the combination of Indiscriminate Fire Support and the newly available Killing Time, your opponents will need to tread carefully. Keep in mind that these two cards affect you as well. Try and stay behind your victims lest the hunter become the hunted.

Level 5
The only real difference here is that you can now hard play Sealed Guardian without Price of Power. If you can recover your stars from using it or can chain kill multiple opponents, the 50 star cost may be worth it.

The Boss
Natsumi loves bosses. They're big, they're mean, and they give tons of stars and wins when slain. Try to stay away from boss panels until their health is low, like 1-3 HP. Otherwise, you risk softening up the boss for another player while taking a massive counterattack. Instead, pounce on players that mistakenly wander into the boss's territory and find themselves missing an HP or 4.

Deckbuilding Overview
S: Necessary. Godlike synergy or required for the character to function. (Note: Not every character has one of these.)
A: Powerful. A high priority card that will usually be in your deck.
B: Very Good. Not necessary, but should always be considered.
C: Average. Nice cards to have, but might be outclassed. Also includes situational cards.
D: Poor. Helps your opponents more than it helps you.
F: Awful. You are actively hurting yourself by bringing these cards.

Indiscriminate Fire Support
Sink or Swim
Long-Distance Shot
Nice Present
Forced Revival
Oh My Friend
Out of Ammo
Windy Enchantment
Final Battle
Backdoor Trade
Passionate Research
Cloud of Seagulls
Little War
Party Time
Play of the Gods
Sealed Guardian
Lost Child
Go Away
Heat 300%
Accel Hyper
Rainbow-Colored Circle
Lonely Chariot
Nice Jingle
Accelerating Sky
Gift Exchange
Holy Night
Scrambled Eve
We Are Waruda
Lucky Charm
Poppo the Snatcher
Price For Power
Unlucky Charm
Dangerous Pudding
Mimyuu's Hammer
Piggy Bank
Present Thief
Princess's Privilege
Sky Restaurant 'Pures'
Tragedy in the Dead of Night
Desperate Modification
Tactical Retreat
Completion Award
Flip Out
Gentleman's Battle
Path Blockers
President's Privilege
Stiff Crystal
Sweet Destroyer
Treasure Thief
Here and There
Scary Solicitation
Serene Hush
Star-Blasting Light
Unpaid Work
Bad Pudding
For the Future of the Toy Store
I Wanna See You
Piyopiyo Procession
Sealed Memories
Big Magnum
Dark Side Of Business
I'm On Fire!
Portable Pudding
Reverse Attribute Field
Quick Restoration
Shield Counter
Serious Battle
Saki's Cookie
Super All-Out Mode
Metallic Monocoque

S Rank Cards
When It Comes Down Everyone Will Die
This card is an amazing way to stack up damage on your opponents. For only 10 stars, it will slowly whittle down everyone's HP until someone is KOed. This card is best used while all players have a significant portion of their HP left, otherwise it will end quickly when someone bites it.

A Rank Cards
We All Float Down Here
An opponent at 1 or 2 HP isn't going to put up much of a fight thanks to Natsumi's passive ATK bonus. This battle card will will let you take even more from weakened opponents while not being particularly useful for saving them. Don't bring more than one or two though, as this card doesn't actually help you get them to that point.
You Can't Fight Them, You Have to Run!
This card lets you clean up after a successful Killing Time or Sealed Guardian and is great for catching people in general. Just be aware that your opponents can use it to flee just as easily as you can to give chase.
Garbage Day!
Bring one of your opponents one step closer to death and boost your ATK against them to boot!
Nothing Bad Is Going to Happen on Christmas
Lets you draw more instruments of torture. Or mayonnaise.
Rise from Your Grave
Make each kill twice as nice by letting you kill them a second time. You can also use it to revive players that tried to deny your kill by KOing themselves via out of combat damage.
What Sweet Music They Make
The boss is a great source of damage for your opponrnts and has a ton of HP to fuel your ATK boosting passive. It's like a meat pinata and this card makes every day your birthday!
Great, Now I Have to Use the Crappy Knife
This card prevents opponents from using battle cards to defend themselves or healing items to reduce your threat to them.
Don't Imagine That I'll Flee
This card makes it very easy to keep up with your victims while not ruining Killing Time like Dash! can.

B Rank Cards
On Guard, Rainsford!
Lock your opponents in battle and slowly feed on their pain until they meet their end. Be careful who you play this against. Tanks yes, Suguris no.
Don't Feed Them After Midnight
This card will help your opponents stay alive long enough for you to finish them off. It also helps you stay alive I guess.
Don't Make Me a Killer
This card lets you take a stab at anyone that would try to be a hero. Very useful since Natsumi only gets her ATK bonus when attacking a player.
What is Your Pleasure, Sir?
Quickly norma after a good kill before someone does the same to you. Your karma will drop 7 points just for including this in the deck, but wining an online board game is more important in the long run.
Conquer Yourself
Killing Time doesn't stack and Natsumi is more than happy for someone else to play it for her, so you may as well grab an Accelerator or Extraordinary Specs if the opportunity arises.
Note from a Crazed Researcher
Make every time Killing Time.
They Always Make a Mess
While you can damage yourself with this card, the +2 ATK it gives far outweighs the downsides. You can even use it to deny yourself in a pinch.
Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them
Natsumi's ATK bonus updates as the fight goes on, so two rounds of combat gives you a much higher chance of taking down a damaged opponent.
How Can You Sit There and Eat Pizza?
Play this during Killing Time and things will get interesting real fast.
This Is My Card! It Was Made for Me!
*Stabbing intensifies*
Play this card along with Play of the Gods and/or President's Privilege to offset its immense star cost. Or play Price for Power if you don't care about your stars.
One of Us
Natsumi's ATK bonus is unaffected by this card, so you can safely use it as a tool to rack up damage on opponents or finish off a tank with ease.
Fear the Old Blood
While the healing from this does cancel Killing Time, it also lets you take back huge chunks of health when finishing off opponents. The health drain can even help you get kills sometimes.
Are You My Mummy?
This card lets you move backwards, making it much easier to catch opponents. You will have to discard it to follow them afterwards or norma though.
Here's Peat!
Pop in unannounced and ruin someone's attempts to norma. Works great when used with Long-Distance Shot or other out of combat damage, but can backfire if a full HP enemy lands on it.
Get Out
This is a good trap for denying normas or 2x spaces.
The Power of Kae Compels You!
Weakens the player that lands on it, putting them at risk of taking more damage and potentially letting you KO them much sooner.

C Rank Cards
Rip and Tear Until It's Done
This battle card can help deal large amounts of damage and ever KO full health enemies if you are lucky due to that fact that it doesn't technically boost your ATK.
There's Color Everywhere
This card encourages people to go for risky dodge plays that can cause lots of damage, but sometimes those plays pay off.
Congratulations You Are Still Alive
If you happen to bite off more than you can stab, this card will help you get back into the game faster. Beware opponents who have used this card, as they will recover immediately after you KO them and be in position to counterattack.
Man Door Hand Hook Car Door
You can use this to help you catch up with wounded opponents. If an opponent uses it, they better hope they don't land in front of you.
Happy Happy Halloween
The bonus stars are nice when you are having trouble damaging opponents in peaceful games.
Who Died and Made You Queen of the Zombies?
If you find your hand getting clogged with useless battle cards, this will let you toss them for something hopefully more helpful.
Fly You Fools
The usefulness of this card is very matchup dependent. If there are any high evade characters in the game like Suguri, it will allow them the chance to survive your boosted attacks while they are low on HP. Otherwise, it makes it a but harder for players to block your good rolls.
What's In the Box?
You don't mind losing Killing Time, so this card can help you get a better hand courtesy of your opponents. You might even snag a juicy hyper card.
This card doesn't really help you win much, as it also benefits your opponents. If anything, it helps them get more stars for when you k̝ͫͪ͟͟i̸̞̩ͧ͞l̷̵̜̇͐l̼̫̅͋͟ ̝̋͐ͧ̇t͖͓̦̕̚h̵̖͂̍̒ḛ̞̀͘͠m̗͙͍͛ͧ.
Drop the Presents Scramblio!
If your opponent doesn't have any cards, they can't play things like defensive battle cards or healing.
Waruda Never Say Die
It moves annoying traps. Not great, but it's far cheaper and easier to play than Star-Blasting Light.
Happy Thoughts in Bottles
Most players will toss this as soon as things start to look dire and Natsumi has problems dealing with full HP characters, so don't expect to take advantage of the downside.
You should discard this if you pick it up. This card is mostly to help weaken the player who draws it. Only a FOOOOOL would carry this with you lurking around.
I Sacrifice
This card can help you get Killing Time started a little earlier or let you surprise someone with something like Accel Hyper later in the game.
What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
This card is usually a minor inconvenience at best. Pass this around if you are going for kills.
Flantasy Flan
The effect is decent, but there are better cards you could be playing.
A Time Loop That Seems to Have No End
Place this on draw or bonus panels if you are feeling nice or drop panels if you are feeling naughty. Encounter panels can give you some trouble if the NPCs aren't already damaged.
You Got the Body, I've Got the Brains
This is a really good card for making comebacks, but can be dangerous when you are ahead.
Mac Wants the What?
This card will empty the victim's hand of troublesome cards that could help them escape you.
When It's an Accident It's Called Manslaughter
Natsumi has better options for spreading damage, but if Killing Time, Indiscriminate Fire Support, Long-Distance Shot, Cloud of Seagulls, and just punching people aren't enough for you, then give this card a try.
Machine for Pigs
This card can help you gain stars to level up later in the game if you are having trouble getting KOs.
I Know What You Did Last Christmas
Another hand control card that can give you the opportunity to steal your opponent's hand. One thing you can do with this is to play it on your home panel in case someone tries to place a trap there.
I Have No Stars and I Must Norma
The heal is regrettable but causing the victim to lose half of their stars is well worth it.
There Was Pudding Here. It's Gone Now.
A decent trap that lets you steal cards form opponents.
Your Honor Demands She Be Slain
This card can be tricky to make use of if your opponents are willing to KO themselves outside of combat. If you can make it work, however, it can help you gain wins faster.

D Rank Cards
What's the Most You Ever Lost on a Coin Toss?
Play only if you are willing to die horribly every once in a while.
All Block and No Play Make Kyoko a Dull Character
This card does a really good job of reducing damage. Maybe a little too good a job. Rbits is a little weaker and forces your opponent to block.
Alright, I'm Leaving Now!
This card will let your opponents escape at the most inopportune times. They could potentially use that time to flee, heal, or call the police so it's better not to put yourself in that situation.
Now Do It Again, But as a Magical Girl This Time
You need to be playing a lot of traps for this to be worth it.
Don't Mind If I Do!
No Red and no Blue make Mei something something, so she plays this card as an easy way to help empty her hand quickly. Her and Star Breaker are the only characters that really want this card.
Trial By Stone
The whole point of Natsumi is to pick off injured players with her massive ATK bonus. This card can only be used on opponents with full HP, which Natsumi has a hard time dealing with.
Don't Dead Open Inside
This can be an effective card for forcing opponents to land on traps, potentially causing them damage and limiting their movement so you can catch up to them. Good for trap builds but otherwise not great.
Prom 1992
Most of your cards are cheap enough that this card doesn't really help much. It is helpful in decks that want to try to play Sealed Guardian though.
Give the Crystal Your Fear
This can help against particularly nasty traps like Sky Restaurant 'Pures' or Big Bang Bell, but it also depends on people actually playing those traps.
I Hate Drugs and Chewing Gum
This card can be great if your opponents are hording Pudding or Portable Pudding. If they aren't, it's a waste of 20 stars and a deck slot.
And That's When I Got... Naughty
Alone with Poppo I did stand,
an Ubiquitous held in her hand.
My eyes did dart and my heart demand
that I be quite... Naughty.
Everybody Scram!
This is a cheap and easy-to-play card to help your opponents escape from you.
Miracles Aren't Free, Ya Know?
This card has a good chance of triggering Killing Time without you having to play it, which is fine by you.
I'll Buy That at a High Price
While the star drain is nice, you really shouldn't be arming your victims with defensive or healing cards.
It Came From the Kotatsu
This card prevents people from killing each other. Is that the kind of world you want to live in?
What Happens When the Numbers Run Out?
This card is good for countering trap-based characters like Arthur or Krilla, but otherwise becomes an overly expensive dead card.
Late Stage Capitalism
You could potentially use this to prevent an opponent from stealing the stars of someone out of your reach. This much more likely to happen to you if you bring this card.
Mustard or Hot Sauce?
A decent trap, but there are better cards.
We Toys See Everything
One good stab will make this card unplayable, so you are usually better off playing cards that you can, you know, play.
Anyone Who Gets Between Me and Kyupita Can Just Die!
This would be great if it didn't cause you to move in front of the player that triggered your trap. You are better off running Assault or Dash! if you want to jump people.
I Need a Monster to Clobber That There QP
This is a less reliable alternative to Mimyuu's Hammer, which is already unreliable due to being a trap. The effectiveness of this card depends highly on who shows up, with only a one-in-three chance of a positive ATK unit.
Looks Like Free EXP
This card can help you collect some wins, but is unreliable due to the way Natsumi's ATK buff works. You are pretty much guaranteed to get at least 1 KO against Robo Ball, but Chicken will dodge you while at full HP and Seagull can hurt if it rolls well.
Did You See That Zach?
While the effect is great for befuddling opponents, it can be a bit difficult to get someone to trigger it at a time when you can capitalize on it. If you can't do that, it's merely a minor annoyance at best.

F Rank Cards
This is My Boomstick
On use: Hit yourself. Idiot.
Children of the Night
You gain no stat boost from this, making it weak when your opponent is at full health. If they are low you are usually better off just killing them. Use this to bait out troublesome Self-Destructs and Hyper Modes.
I'll Be Reckless If It Means I'll Win
There's a very good chance that this card will give you an offensive battle card that will only hurt you. You are better off just running the cards that you want to pull from this.
I'm Fireproof, You're Not.
This does nothing for you. At least it gives your opponent -1 DEF in case they whiff their roll against you.
You Didn't Think I Was Done, Did Ya?
A level 2 get-out-of-murder free card for anyone that plays it against you. It's not even real pudding.
I'm Sorry Mei
Good against full health players, but very very bad for you otherwise.
Perfect Organism
This card undoes all your hard work and cancels Killing Time if you don't finish them off. That being said, this is probably the only healing card Natsumi can put in her deck now without screwing herself.
Where's the Kaboom?
Why would you put a card in the deck that can save your victims and possibly KO you?
You Forget to Remember to Be Scared
Negates your ATK boost and lets squishier characters like Poppo go toe to toe with you.
Sweeter Than All the Cakes in the World
Saves one of your enemies right when they're at they're most vulnerable.
Would You Do It for a Saki Snack?
The heal is small, but this card can counter Killing Time at any point in the game for free.
Some Good Food, Some Bad Laughs, Some ���� �������
Prepare... For Your Finale
Natsumi can't benefit from this card because of her passive. Meanwhile, her opponents will reap the rewards of her hyper for little investment.
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Plane
This card does not block Killing Time due to it not being treated as damage, but it does block Indiscriminate Fire Support and her other damage cards, which is a big no-no.

Sample Decks
When They Cry

2x Dash!
2x Long Distance Shot
2x Cloud of Seagulls
3x Indiscriminate Fire Support
1x Windy Enchantment

This deck takes advantage of many out-of-combat effects in order to wear opponents down. Dash! and Windy Enchantment will help you clean up your weakened opponents.

Corpse Party

1x Nice Present
2x Long-Distance Shot
2x Forced Revival
2x Indiscriminate Fire Support
1x Oh My Friend
2x Flamethrower

This deck uses Forced Revival to KO opponents immediately after reviving them. Oh My Friend is used to summon the boss, who happens to be very good at KOing players. Flamethrower is mostly there for hand control, but does have a chance of KOing an opponent while letting you steal their stars on the revive.

Zero Escape

3x Dash
2x Long-Distance Shot
1x Lonely Chariot
1x Passionate Research
1x Play of the Gods
1x Sealed Guardian
1x Price of Power

The sole purpose of this gimmicky deck is to trick someone into playing Sealed Guardian with Play of the Gods, then use Dash! to clean up the board. It isn't nearly as consistent, but a real villain values presentation above practicality!

Who to Watch Out For
Evasive Characters

Natsumi needs to be able to deal damage to her opponents to fuel her massive ATK boost. Although Killing Time and cards like Long-Distance Shot can help you deal the initial damage to them, many of them have low base HP, leaving their chances of survival pretty high no matter how hurt they are.


This purple-skirted eye stabber can easily clean up after your hyper with her own hyper. Full Speed Alicianrone lets her zip around the battlefield slashing down anyone in her way. The extremely high star cost severely limits how often she can do this, especially if she is going for star normas. Fighting her can be extremely difficult due to her scaling EVD passive. even with some damage, her EVD increases with your ATK, meaning bad rolls have a good chance of missing her. Try to catch her after a bad fight or deal damage to her outside of combat. In this matchup, it's stab or be stabbed, and your stabbings are free of charge.


When close to death, Alte has a nasty habit of Self-Destructing, leaving you with no wins and a crater where your star count used to be. Be sure to use Out of Ammo in this matchup in order to prevent this or attack her while her hand is empty. If she is taking damage on purpose, she may be fishing for a Self-Destruct KO, which makes for the perfect time to play Scrambled Eve or Out of Ammo.


Chicken has an easy time dodging your initial strikes and does not have enough HP for you to get much of an ATK bonus against it. Even if you do manage to KO it, Chicken does not give as many stars or wins as other characters, making it hardly worth the effort to KO. Golden Egg can be a pain, but it doesn't hurt you that much if you can get a good KO off on another player.


A delightfully crazed gunman who will go out of her way to deny your kills with her hyper. Although the damage of Extended Photon Rifle is random, that matters less when all of Iru's opponents are injured. If you can get the initiative on her, she can't do much to stop you outside of lucky rolls, especially if her health is low. As long as she's hurt and you aren't at 1 HP, she can't fight you without Long-Distance Shot.


Islay can be quite difficult to deal damage to thanks to her impressive base stats. Her hyper Rival can be used to systematically deny you from getting kills. On the bright side, you will always have initiative against her when she isn't using Rival, making her much easier to pick off once her HP is low.


This mad doctor is doomed as soon as she comes under the effects of Killing Time. Unfortunately, she rather enjoys players being at 1 HP so she can finish them off with her hyper Final Surgery. Make sure to stay on her tail as her massive health pool and inability to heal make her easy pickings if you can catch her.


This person does not exist.

Peat & Nanako

Peat and Nanako's low health and good defensive stats make them both very hard for you to kill. Even if you do manage to take one of them out, there's a good chance that they will quickly get back up and blindside you from behind. The massive stat boost Peat gets from Blue Crow the Second or that Nanako can potentially get from Deploy Bits will show you who the real killer is. Ironic that the guy with the Jason mask is one of your biggest counters.


QP has everything to fear from you. She isn't great at dodging and relies on defensive cards to stay alive, so she often has to block to avoid getting KOed. The problem is that she can just pop Hyper Mode if she gets into any real trouble, allowing her to avoid the consequences of death and revive quickly. Use tactics similar to taking out Alte, but save your good disruption cards for when she has a lot of stars.

Star Baker


Suguri (Ver.2)

In addition to her high EVD, this version of Suguri is more or less immune to Killing Time thanks to her passive HP regeneration. Worse yet, her hyper Revival of Stars will remove encounter panels from the map, reducing the chance your opponents will take damage and cutting your ATK on the affected panels. This matchup is pretty much a hard counter with not much you can do to beat her.


Natsumi does not play nice with others. Once the boss is downed, she will turn on her teammates and kill them too. Heck, sometimes she can't even control herself and will start before the boss is even taken out. Therefore, she has been banned in co-op play.

It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
Solid Witch!
Marie Poppo:
Fufufu.. Looks like I missed something fun here.
Uhh... Maybe I spoke too soon.
Hey! Natsumi! Stop attacking everyone! This world is for board games only!
I don't want to play board games. I want to punish bad people.
You can't do that here! We're already in hot water with the ESRB because Yuuki used up our last free swear word! One more slip-up like that and we'll lose our target demographic!
Woah! She's not messing around!
Careful! Let me try talking to her.
Natsumi, you need to stop doing this.
I will not.
I know you're upset but we can talk this out. You just need to let us help you.
Seriously! Try taking some deep breaths or counting to ten or something!
I don't want to be helped. Not after what happened to Mei. What I did to Mei. I'm a monster now, and monsters don't get happy endings.
Mei is fine. She's right here.
Sup ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
Natsumi, I know you're upset, but stabbing people isn't going to fix anything.
*Staggered breathing*
Uh, people die when you kill them, and that's no good. Aw jeez, what am I even saying. I'm terrible at pep talks... Is any of this getting through to you Natsumi?
M-m... Sniff...
Well, I guess it was just good enough!
How is this possible? I thought you were done for! And what about everyone else?
I healed them.
How? Some of them were hurt pretty bad. You don't even heal in this game!
I can channel the life force of the planet. Anything's possible with that kind of ability. I healed an airplane once.
Fair enough.
Mei... Everyone... I'm so sorry. I got jealous and did terrible, unforgivable things because I couldn't control myself.
Yeah, trying to kill people over cookies is pretty of messed up.
QP, didn't you attack a bunch of innocent people over pudding that you bought with someone else's money?
Yes. Yes she did.
N-no fair... It's not the same thing...
Star Baker:
Stealing food and money? Now that's just plain evil.
Star Baker, I'm sorry. You weren't trying to hurt anyone. I need to be a better healer and a better person if I want to compete with you.
Star Baker:
No problem. Put 'er there pal.
Ow! Hot! My hand!
I wouldn't worry too much about that. Ever since Indiscriminate Fire Support came out her love for burning things has been rekindled.
Star Breaker:
Well the important thing is that everyone is OK.
It's a Halloween Miracle!
Speaking of miracles, if this story could have a happy ending, then maybe some day we'll finally get to see the release of Alicianrone!
My game is never coming out, is it?
Don't lose hope. *Pat* *Pat*
Well this whole thing as been a complete fiasco. I'm going to revert the world to before this all happened and erase everyone's memories. That way I won't have deal with this... viscera.
Going for the deus ex machina ending I see.
Hey! You're one to talk! How else am I going to explain why none of this stuff is actually in the game?
Anyways, here goes nothing! Magical Rewind!
Happy Halloween everyone!

Thanks for reading!

Special thanks to:
Tricocahedron for letting me bounce card ideas off of them.
Spooky Rosalyn for being my horror consultant.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you felt this guide was missing something.

If you enjoyed this joke guide and want more, check out my April Fools guide for Star Baker!

Images: 100% Orange Juice Wiki[100orangejuice.gamepedia.com]

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4 comentarios
Trigger_Bone 24 MAR 2021 a las 1:26 a. m. 
Enrique♦ 19 ENE 2020 a las 7:57 a. m. 
Henrietta 31 OCT 2019 a las 7:29 p. m. 
sheepy 31 OCT 2019 a las 7:10 p. m. 
this was a wild ride. good read