Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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【Updated to Patch 5.5】Optimal Melee Weapon Combo
By Royale w/ Cheese
Collection of all melee weapons optimal combos.
This guide is meant to help players learn the best way to use their melee weapons.
In order to use this guide efficiently, be familiar with the following terms.

Input Types
Light attack: Press mouse left button.
Heavy attack: Hold mouse left button for a short period of time and release.
Push: Hold mouse right button and press mouse left button.
Push attack: Hold mouse right button and then hold mouse left button.
Special attack: Press V. Only few weapons have special attack.

Block Cancel: Click mouse right button once. Reset the combo cycle.
QQ Cancel: Double click Q(switch weapon). Reset the combo cycle. It will increase a lot of weapon's DPS. However I am personally highly against abusing these mechanics. So I will only mention those weapons that can be dramatically improved by QQ cancel.

Combo Usage
Against horde: This combo is used to fight against horde. Weapons may have multiple combos for different stamina consumption & different horde density. Here, high density horde usually means horde with shield units/chaos horde with a lot marauders/beastman horde.
Against elite: This combo is used to fight against elites. Due to the number/type of elites, there might be more than one combos.
Against monster: This combo is used to fight monsters. It does the highest monster DPS. Due to monster can have armour (e.g Stromfiend), there might be more than one combos.

Movetech is not a part of this guide. And other community members already made excellent recourse for it.
Novality's Movetech Collection [docs.google.com]
Mr Chen's Movement Breakdown

Further Reading
Markus Kruber
Executioner Sword
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting few armoured elites, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.
Against horde:
When Swift Slaying is not active, use combo push - light attack to provide more crowd control.

When Swift Slaying is active, use combo light attack - block cancel to provide more DPS.

When you need more stagger on horde, use combo light attack - heavy attack.

Against elite:
When fighting elites for high dps, use combo push attack - light attack - heavy attack.

When fighting elites for high reach/safety dps, use combo heavy attack - light attack - light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster with high headshot rate, use combo heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting armoured monster or has low headshot rate, use combo push attack - light attack - heavy attack.
Sword & Mace
Against horde:
When fighting horde with high stamina, use combo push attack - light attack - light attack.

When fighting horde with low stamina or need higher stagger/against high density, use chain heavy attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain heavy attacks.
2h Sword
Against horde:
When fighting low density horde or when swift slaying is not active, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push can increase crowd control.

When fighting high density horde or elites mixing in horde, use chain heavy attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting single armoured elite, use chain push attacks.

When fighting unarmoured or multiple elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting normal monster, use chain heavy attacks.

When fighting armoured monster with high stamina, use chain push attacks.

When fighting armoured monster with low stamina, use chain heavy attacks.
2h Hammer
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain heavy attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elite, use chain light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain light attack.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - heavy attack. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use combo light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push attacks can stagger elite.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo heavy attack - block cancel. Mixing some push attacks can stagger elite.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use combo light attack - block cancel.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.
Spear & Shield
Special attack:
Spear and Shield special attack(default key: Mouse 5) is two light spears poke while blocking. It has good damage on unarmoured units and low damage on armoured. Use it when you are under pressure, like tanking a Monster/Boss or fighting multiple unstaggerable elites.

Against horde:
When fighting horde for high DPS, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel

When fighting horde for high stagger, use combo push - heavy attack.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain light attack.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo push attack - heavy attack - heavy attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attack.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo push attack - heavy attack - heavy attack.
1h Sword
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

When fighting horde with low stamina, use combo heavy attack-light attack.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo heavy attack-heavy attack-light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo heavy attack-heavy attack-light attack.
Sword & Shield
Chain bash:
Chain bash can stagger all types of unit (except monster). A great way to stabilize your position/stagger multiple elites. It can also farm temporary HP with stagger very efficiently.
Use combo push - heavy attack to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use the combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/shield bash can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites with high stamina, use the combo push attack - heavy attack.

When fighting elites with low stamina, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack. Mixing some push/shield bash can stagger elite.

Against monster:
When fighting monster with high stamina, use the combo push attack - heavy attack.

When fighting monster with low stamina, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting armoured elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Mace & Shield
Chain bash:
Chain bash can stagger all types of unit (except monster). A great way to stabilize your position/stagger multiple elites. It can also farm temporary HP with stagger very efficiently.
Use the combo push - heavy attack to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use light attack, then chain light attack - heavy attack. Mixing some push/shield bash can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting eltes, use combo push attack - light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo push attack - light attack.
Bretonnian Longsword
Against horde:
When Swift Slaying is not active OR fighting low density horde, use combo light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push can increase crowd control.

When Swift Slaying is active AND fighting high density horde, use combo light attack - heavy attack.

When fighting horde with elites inside, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - block cancel.

Against elite:
When fighting elites for high dps, use push attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting elites for high stagger, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting monsters, use push attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.
Bretonnian Sword & Shield
Chain bash:
Chain bash can stagger all types of unit (except monster). A great way to stabilize your position/stagger multiple elites. It can also farm temporary HP with stagger very efficiently.
Use combo push - light attack to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack- block cancel.

Against elite:
When fighting elites with good headshot opportunity, use combo push attack - heavy attack.

To damage and stagger elites, use combo push - light attack - heavy attack.

To damage elites without stagger, use combo heavy attack-light attack - heavy attack

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo heavy attack-light attack - heavy attack.
Bardin Goreksson
Cog Hammer
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain heavy attacks.
1h Axe
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting normal elites, use chain light attacks.

When fighting super armour elites, use chain heavy attacks. Mixing some push attacks can increase moveability.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Dual Axes
Against horde:
When fighting low health horde, use chain light attacks.

When fighting high health horde, use chain heavy attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control/move speed.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use chain heavy attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase move speed.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
2h Axe
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain heavy attack. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use chain light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain light attack.
Axe & Shield
Chain bash:
Chain bash can stagger all types of unit (except monster). A great way to stabilize your position/stagger multiple elites. It can also farm temporary HP with stagger very efficiently.
Use the combo push - heavy attack to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use the combo heavy attack - heavy attack - push.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use light attack, then chain light attack - heavy attack. Mixing some push/shield bash can stagger elite.

Against monster:
When fighting elites, use light attack, then chain light attack - heavy attack.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting armoured elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Dual Hammers
Against horde:
When fighting low density horde, use chain light attacks.

When fighting high density horde, use combo light attack - heavy attack - heavy attack.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo push attack - light attack - heavy attack.

Alternatively, use combo heavy attack - qq cancel for best DPS on all types of elites.

Against monster:
When fighting normal monster or with low stamina, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

When fighting super armour monster with high stamina, use combo push attack - light attack.

Alternatively, use combo heavy attack - qq cancel for best DPS on all types of monsters.
2h Hammer
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain heavy attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elite, use chain light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain light attack.
Hammer & Shield
Chain bash:
Chain bash can stagger all types of unit (except monster). A great way to stabilize your position/stagger multiple elites. It can also farm temporary HP with stagger very efficiently.
Use the combo push - heavy attack to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use light attack, then chain light attack - heavy attack. Mixing some push/shield bash can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo push attack - light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo push attack - light attack.
War Pick
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use timed 2nd level heavy attacks. Only use chained heavy attacks when you feel safe. Use block to cancel charging to avoid damage.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain 2nd level heavy attacks.
Elven Axe
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting normal elites, chain light attacks.

When fighting super armour elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Elven Spear
Against horde:
When fighting horde with high stamina, use combo push attack - light attack - light attack.

When fighting horde with low stamina, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo light attack-heavy attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo light attack - heavy attack
Spear & Shield
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo heavy attack - light attack - light attack.

When fighting horde for high stagger, use combo push - heavy attack.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain light attack.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo push attack - heavy attack - heavy attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo push attack - heavy attack - heavy attack.
Dual Daggers
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting monsters, use chain heavy attacks.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use chain heavy attacks. 2nd heavy downstrike deals most damage, so the 1st heavy upstrike can be missed to buy more space.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use chain heavy attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain heavy attack.
Sword & Dagger
Against horde:
When fighting low density horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push can increase crowd control.

When fighting high density horde, use combo heavy attack - light attack. Mixing some push can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain heavy attacks.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo push attack - heavy attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo push attack - heavy attack.
Dual Swords
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured elites with high stamina, use chain push attacks.

When fighting armoured elites with low stamina, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster with high stamina, use chain push attacks.

When fighting armoured monster with low stamina, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.
2h Sword
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.
Victor Saltzpyre
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting normal elites, chain light attacks.

When fighting super armour elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo heavy attack - light attack - light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo heavy attack - light attack - light attack.
Axe & Falchion
Against horde:
When fighting horde with high stamina, use combo push attack - light attack - light attack.

When fighting horde with low stamina, use combo light attack - light attack - light attack - block cancel.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - light attack - light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - light attack - light attack.
Special attack:
Rapier special attack(default key: Mouse 5) is a quick pistol shot. It has strong stagger, high damage on Infantry/Berserker units, low damage on Armoured/Monster units. Its damage falls off dramatically at long range. Use it to stagger and deal good damage to close range Infantry/Berserker elites.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use combo 1st level heavy attack - special attack.

When fighting armoured elites, use timed 2nd level heavy attacks. Only use chained heavy attacks when you feel safe. Use block to cancel charging to avoid damage.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain 2nd level heavy attacks.
Against horde:
When Swift Slaying is not active, use combo light attack - heavy attack.

When Swift Slaying is active, use chain heavy attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo heavy attack - light attack - light attack - light attack.

When fighting multiple elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo heavy attack - light attack - light attack - light attack.
2h Sword
Against horde:
When fighting low density horde or when swift slaying is not active, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push can increase crowd control.

When fighting high density horde or elites mixing in horde, use chain heavy attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting single armoured elite, use chain push attacks.

When fighting unarmoured or multiple elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting normal monster, use chain heavy attacks.

When fighting armoured monster with high stamina, use chain push attacks.

When fighting armoured monster with low stamina, use chain heavy attacks.
Bill hook
Special attack:
Bill hook special attack(default key: Mouse 5) is a quick hook attack. It deals low damage, and stagger all types of units/elites except Boss. Use it to stagger and enable other combos.

Against horde:
When fighting horde with high stamina, use combo push attack - light attack.

When fighting horde with low stamina, use chain light attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting elites for high safety, use combo special attack - heavy attack.

When fighting elites for higher DPS, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting monster with low headshot rate, use chain heavy attacks.

When fighting monster with high headshot rate, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.
Holy Great Hammer
Special attack:
Great Hammer special attack(default key: Mouse 5) is a quick single target attack, sharing the damage profile with its push attack. Use it to reset your attack combo back to the first light attack or first heavy attack.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - light attack.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo light attack - light attack - heavy attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo light attack - light attack - heavy attack.
Flail and Shield
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain heavy attack.

When fighting horde and need quick crowd control, use combo push attack-light attack-light attack.

Against elite:
When fighting single Mauler, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel.

When fighting single Monk/Savage, use combo 5 light attacks - block cancel.

When fighting single armoured elite, use combo light attack - heavy attack.

Alternatively, use combo light attack - qq cancel for best DPS on all types of the single elite.

When fighting multiple elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo light attack - heavy attack.

Alternatively, use combo light attack - qq cancel for best DPS on all types of monster.
Skull-Splitter & Blessed Tome
Special attack:
Skull-Splitter & Blessed Tome special attack(default key: Mouse 5) is used to charge its Heavy Attacks. After fully charging the Heavy Attacks, the pattern on the book will be fully lighted. Then you can choose when to perform your fully-charged Heavy Attack.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo push attack attack - 2nd level heavy attack.

Against elite:
When fighting single unarmoured elite, use chain light attack.

When fighting single normal armoured elite, use combo light attack - 2nd level heavy attack.

When fighting single super armoured elite, use chain first-level heavy attacks.

When fighting multiple elites, use combo light attack - 2nd level heavy attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attack.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain first-level heavy attacks.
Skull-Splitter Hammer
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting armoured elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use heavy attack, then chain heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Paired Skull-Splitters
Against horde:
When fighting low density horde, use chain light attacks.

When fighting high density horde, use combo light attack - heavy attack - heavy attack.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo push attack - light attack - heavy attack.

Alternatively, use combo heavy attack - qq cancel for best DPS on all types of elites.

Against monster:
When fighting normal monster, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

When fighting super armour monster, use combo push attack - light attack - heavy attack.

Alternatively, use combo heavy attack - qq cancel for best DPS on all types of monsters.
Skull-Splitter & Shield
Chain bash:
Chain bash can stagger all types of unit (except monster). A great way to stabilize your position/stagger multiple elites. It can also farm temporary HP with stagger very efficiently.
Use the combo push - heavy attack to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use light attack, then chain light attack - heavy attack. Mixing some push/shield bash can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting eltes, use combo push attack - light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo push attack - light attack.
Sienna Fuegonasus
Dagger (No Famished Flame)
Heavy Attack 1:
Dagger heavy attack 1 shares similar properties of shield bash. It can hit infinite amount of units inside the hitbox with strong stagger and DoT. Use it to stagger horde/elite/apply DoT. Use combo heavy attack - block cancel to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites with high headshot rate, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured elites/unarmoured elites with low headshot rate, use chain heavy attacks. 2nd heavy stab deals most damage, so the 1st heavy sweep can be missed to buy more space.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Dagger (Famished Flame)
Heavy Attack 1:
Dagger heavy attack 1 shares similar properties of shield bash. It can hit infinite amount of units inside the hitbox with strong stagger and DoT. Use it to stagger horde/elite/apply DoT. Use combo heavy attack - block cancel to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against elite:
When fighting elite, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use chain heavy attacks.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain light attacks. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

Against elite:
When fighting normal elites with high headshot rate, use chain light attacks.

When fighting super armour elites, or normal elites with low headshot rate, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - block cancel.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster with high headshot rate, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armour monster, or unarmoured monster with low headshot rate, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - block cancel.
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo push attack-chain heavy attacks.

When fighting horde and need quick crowd control, use combo push attack-light attack-light attack.

Against elite:
When fighting normal elites, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel.

When fighting super armour elites, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel.
When fighting armoured monster, use combo heavy attack-block cancel.
1h Sword
Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo light attack - light attack - block cancel. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

When fighting horde with low stamina, use combo heavy attack-light attack.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo heavy attack-heavy attack-light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo heavy attack-heavy attack-light attack.
Fire Sword (No Famished Flame)
Heavy Attack 1:
Fire Sword heavy attack 1 shares similar properties of shield bash. It can hit infinite amount of units inside the hitbox with strong stagger and DoT. Use it to stagger horde/elite/apply DoT. Use combo heavy attack - block cancel to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use chain heavy attack.

Against elite:
When fighting elite, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - light attack - light attack.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - light attack - light attack.
Fire Sword (Famished Flame)
Heavy Attack 1:
Fire Sword heavy attack 1 shares similar properties of shield bash. It can hit infinite amount of units inside the hitbox with strong stagger and DoT. Use it to stagger horde/elite/apply DoT. Use combo heavy attack - block cancel to chain bash.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against elite:
When fighting elite with high stamina, use chain push attack

When fighting elite with low stamina, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.

Against monster:
When fighting monster with high stamina, use chain push attack

When fighting monster with low stamina, use combo heavy attack - block cancel.
Burning Flail
Against horde:
When fighting low density horde or want to farm THP, use combo light attack - heavy attack - light attack. Mixing some push/push attacks can increase crowd control.

When fighting high density horde, use chain heavy attacks.

Against elite:
When fighting unarmoured elites, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured elites, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - light attack.

When fighting multiple elites, use chain heavy attacks.

Against monster:
When fighting unarmoured monster, use chain light attacks.

When fighting armoured monster, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - light attack.
Ensorcelled Reaper
Special attack:
Ensorcelled Reaper special attack(default key: Mouse 5) is a ground slam AoE attack. Only hit enemies in front of the player. Does little damage, but can stagger all elites moves except Chaos Warrior overhead at close range.
Use combo special attack - heavy attack to control mixed horde/multiple elites.
You can start with special attack to stagger the target, then loop into single target combo light attack - heavy attack.

Against horde:
When fighting horde, use combo heavy attack - heavy attack - block cancel.

Against elite:
When fighting elites, use combo light attack - light attack - heavy attack - block cancel.

Against monster:
When fighting monster, use combo light attack - light attack - heavy attack - block cancel.
煙海 | Enkai 18 Jun @ 10:47am 
Interesting , looks like I'll have to change the combo I've been using, thanks for the answer! Master Cheese.
Royale w/ Cheese  [author] 18 Jun @ 10:36am 
Ye it's my typo, l1-h3, h3 uses old 1h sword heavy profile, it's a stagger focus attack, has way less damage cleave than stagger cleave.
Having a sweep animation doesn't mean it has high horde clear ability, having a overhead/stab animation doesn't mean it has high single target damage.
煙海 | Enkai 18 Jun @ 10:31am 
Wait a minute, regarding the sword and shield combo I mentioned earlier, isn't it that using the first light attack followed a heavy attack will connect to H3 (Horizontal Sweep)?

It'll be like L1-H3-Repeat, something like that.
Royale w/ Cheese  [author] 18 Jun @ 9:56am 
For sword shield, h2 is a stagger/single target attack like 1h sword heavy
For Flail, I would only consider l3/l4 combo on CW because of headshot angle, they are single target but doesn't mean they do good damage.
You can check armory/BP calculator to see cleave number and such.
煙海 | Enkai 18 Jun @ 9:30am 
Hey, Master Cheese, have some questions for you.

Like Kruber's Sword & Shield, would it be less effective to use chain light attack - heavy attack on fighting the horde?

And Flail from Saltzpyre, is it less effective to use push attack - light attack - light attack when fighting armoured elites with high stamina?
Royale w/ Cheese  [author] 13 Jun @ 2:09pm 
I use default
✩ veni ✩ 13 Jun @ 1:30pm 
what input buffer would it be recommended for these
Royale w/ Cheese  [author] 12 Apr @ 7:10pm 
Yeah all attacks are single target.
煙海 | Enkai 12 Apr @ 7:05pm 
Thank you, I guess the push attack can only hit one enemy at a time.
unless it's a slave rat, right?
Royale w/ Cheese  [author] 12 Apr @ 6:55pm 
I will update the video, but it is still chain light attack. Even though some attacks are horizontal now, all of them still use single target profile, you can only hit 1 unit per swing unless slave rat.