Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

54 人が評価
CH-149 Cormorant
2.306 MB
2019年7月19日 15時39分
2020年5月17日 22時24分
8 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

CH-149 Cormorant

Pattysaurus 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Patty's SAR Aircraft
7 アイテム
The Agusta Westland CH-149 Cormorant is the Canadian Forces designation for the AW101. The AW101 is a medium-lift utility helicopter used to perform a variety of roles for several civil operators and nations, including Britian, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, and Algeria. It was developed in response to requirements for a modern naval utility helicopter, and has since replaced the older and venerable Sikorsky Sea King in a variety of roles.

In August 2010, the Canadian Forces fleet of 14 CH-149 Cormorants passed 40,000 operational hours. The fleet had a higher flying rate than any other AW101 fleet and Cormorant 901, currently stationed at Canadian Forces Base Comox with 442 Squadron, has the highest number of airframe hours on any of the AW101s anywhere in the world.

This CH149 is painted with the livery of the Canadian Forces' aircraft 901 of 442 Squadron. The interior is also laid out as accurately as possible to the real-world version based on photos I could find. Along with the paint job, there are a few differences between the CH-149 and my previous AW101, despite the fact they're the same helicopter. First, the Cormorant has an increased fuel capacity and passenger capacity, meaning it can go further and rescue more people in need. It also has a proper searchlight mounted on its lower port side. However, it lacks the nose camera of the AW101.

If you haven't flown the Norwegian AW101, you can find it here:


-rear cargo door
-movable stretcher
-9 seats in cabin
-1 pilot seat, 1 copilot seat
-touchscreen mini-map
-plenty of first aid
-altitude and position hold
-defibrillator (not for pranks)
-fancy stripes
-maple leaves


-Main Power
-Gear/Door power
-Fuel Pumps
-Throttle up to around 30-35
-Engine Start

And then you're off! Make sure to keep the throttle under 45, unless you're increasing the load, or else you'll get that helicopter wobble we all know too well.

I thought this would be an easy paint job, but it was much, much more than that, and I loved every second of it. I'd like to give a quick shout out to all the men and women who work and fly on these gorgeous aircraft everyday. They're doing dangerous, amazing work out there.

// Enjoy, and happy searching.

23 件のコメント
Nikki Shurk 2021年3月2日 21時50分 
I need me a USCG version, sure its fictional, but I wish it wasn't, Id prefer to have AW-101's over the HH-60J's we currently have.
NordenRaider 2020年4月7日 12時33分 
Love the helicopter and the paint job, but how do I hook the stretcher up?
squishy 2020年1月2日 0時34分 
so im following your start up instructions and the rotors dont move
JackZT 2019年8月28日 13時48分 
Epic AW dude, this is awesome!!! Love the Norvegian skin too...
FLOORCLOUD 2019年7月29日 6時45分 
Thx it works good now
NuggetMaster 2019年7月26日 10時52分 
the weather wont work
Pattysaurus  [作成者] 2019年7月25日 18時08分 
Have at it man!
RNTZH690 2019年7月25日 18時06分 
was just flying this in fsx now ima fly it in stormworks xD
Apollo McYote 2019年7月24日 21時37分 
finally a canadian vehicle in stormworks. thank you for making this
telefiini 2019年7月24日 0時13分