Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Versus Saxton Hale loadouts
Por Cheshire Cat e 1 colaborador(es)
This guide will give you some loadouts to try in VSH - Some will fit the roles he defined, some are experimental, and some are for a laugh.
Feel free to suggest some more in the comments!
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First off: Have you read this? If not, go read it. The information here is based off that one.

Second off: Welcome to the guide! I'm here to give you some loadouts for you to try in Versus saxton hale. There's a few tags you need to know, however:

  • [EA] - Loadout suits Escape Artist.
  • [HH] - Loadout suits Heavy Hitter.
  • [DF] - Loadout suits Defender.
  • [MR] - A multirole loadout that suits all three styles.
  • [JK] - Joke loadout. Reccomended if you're really bored and/or drunk.
  • [LJ] - Lethal Joke. This is a loadout that started as a joke loadout, but is capable of doing a lot of damage, but not consistently enough.
  • [EX] - Experimental. A loadout not extensively tested, and effectiveness is not gaurenteed. Reccomended if you want something new to try.
  • [DE] - Don't even. A loadout that annoys people. Listed here so you can avoid annoying people.

Please note that just because a tag is marked as [HH], it doesn't mean you can't pull off escapes or assist teammates - you're just better at Heavy Hitter with the defined loadout.

I should also add: Things I write here may not work for you. If you think you have a better setup, post it in comments, and i'll add it. If you think something with the [EX] tag works consistently, just say so.
Now that we've got that cleared up, let's get moving!
[HH][EA] Italian Plumber
  • Primary: FaN
  • Secondary: Your choice.
  • Melee: Either Atomiser to help re-align stomps, or Sandman to keep hale still so you have a better target.
A loadout designed to goomba stomp. Get yourself on a high up ledge (but not too high) above a place where hale is likely to be, and jump on him. Use the FaN and Atomiser if you brought it to align yourself for a better stomp, or stun hale for a easier target if you brought the sandman. If you're feeling ~mlg pro~, Use the FaN and atomiser to get enough height over hale to stomp him when you both start out at the same altitude. Just make sure to bug out when you land your stomp and change up where you pounce from, as when hale realises you're around, It's on like Donkey Kong.

[EA] Bleedin' bleeder
  • Primary: FaN
  • Secondary: Flying Guillotine (can be replaced with Crit-A-Cola if you want to enhance Wrap assasin)
  • Melee: Wrap Assasin (Can be replaced with Sandman if you want to enhance Flying Guillotine)
Listed as escape artist rather than heavy hitter, as this one is designed to bleed hale and run away. For those using both bleeding weapons, try and land all three hits (The wrap assasin gains an extra ball in VSH), then bug out. If you missed a Wrap assasin ball, try to recover it before leaving to reduce downtime. When your Cola/Sandman ball/Guillotine/Baubles are recharged, find hale again, and repeat. If using the alternative secondary or melee, Use those before firing off your cleaver or baubles, but the strategy remains. The FaN is there to give you a little bit of assistance in escaping, as this loadout is VERY hit and run.

[HH] Stock
I don't think I have to explain the weapons of this class.
The stock kit is quite viable in this gamemode. Play as you normally would: Scattergun for close range, pistol for long range, Melee if you want to annoy Hale. Just remember to constantly change direction with double jump and stay out at a slightly longer range than you would against a normal opponent, as Hale can very quickly catch up to you.

[JK] Gordon Ramsay
  • Primary: Shortstop
  • Secondary: Flying Guillotine
  • Melee: Frying Pan
A joke loadout I occasionally use on Game Over's VSH servers. Changing your name is optional, but the style you must follow with this loadout goes as such: Melee Hale CONSTANTLY. Treat the pan as your primary, and get a cleaver off on him every chance you get. If you think Hale needs seasoning, pepper him with your shortstop from range. When he's at low health, stick him in the frying pan for 10 minutes, portion him, then serve. Sautee Saxton Hale, Done.

[DE] Timewasting little prat
  • Primary: FaN
  • Secondary: Bonk
  • Melee: Atomiser
The problem with this loadout is how it's commonly employed. This one could be used as a variant on the Italian Plumber, but is never used as such. Instead, scouts constantly run away from hale, knock him back with the FaN, and gulp down bonk whenever he gets near. The result is a guy who thinks he's doing well, but is actually just annoying everyone and wasting time. Brotip: If you MUST use this loadout, try and go for goomba stomps. you'll be more useful. Also, have some damn humility and suicide if you're the last one left and things are starting to drag.
[EA][HH] Italian-American Plumber
  • Primary: Black Box
  • Secondary: Mantreads
  • Melee: Escape plan
Much like the Italian Plumber for the scout, this guy also stomps Hale, but he plays a little differently. As he has to sacrifice some HP to get most of his height (something the scout won't always have to do), playing like this is a bit more difficult, but you are able to do more damage without stomping. On paper, this is easy: Get some height and land on hale. However, you do not have the luxury of changing direction midair. Instead, you must employ air control. To do this(correct me if i'm wrong), hold the direction yo want to turn, and slowly look in that direction (i.e slowly looking left and holding A to turn left). If you did it right, you're turning in your desired direction. Anyway: Do not fire on hale until after you stomp him, this could mess up your chances of landing on him and blow your cover. Instead, fire on him after stomping and while rocket jumping away to regain lost HP. As for the Escape Plan, use it to escape from hale when you're unable to rocket jump away. It's pretty much the only viable melee.

[EX][HH] Clay Hale Shooter
  • Primary: Direct Hit
  • Secondary: Any shotgun, though Reserve Shooter may be better for escapes
  • Melee: Escape Plan
A difficult, but effective loadout. While all soldier weapons mini crit hale if he's midair, we reccomend Direct hit as it's practically built for it: Stupidly fast rocket and higher overall damage. However, this does make rocket jumping a wee bit more difficult. The best time for you to strike is when Hale superjumps, as that's when you can rake in the tasty minicrits.

[EX][HH][DF] Crits where they're due
  • Primary: Any launcher, though Direct Hit is advised
  • Secondary: Any banner, personal preference
  • Melee: Escape Plan or Disciplinary action
This loadout requires you to stick with your team. Build up the banner and let it rip with a bunch of teammates to truly lay the smackdown on hale. We reccomend the Direct Hit due to it's higher damage output, but anything is fine. You can also afford to take the Disciplinary action here, as you can get the most out of it's stats as you're very close to teammates.

  • Primary: Cow Mangler
  • Secondary: Righteous Bison
  • Melee: Escape plan
A simple loadout to follow - Just shoot hale. Just remember to keep your health topped up, as you'll quickly run out from rocket jumping. If you die, you will die in glory. You will die a heroe's death. BUT YOU SHALL NOT DAI, NO, IT IS THE ENEMY WHO SHALL TASTE DEFF AND DEFEAT, AS YOU KNOW! THE CODEX HATSTARTES NAMES THIS MANEUVER STEEL RAIN! WE ARE THE SPESS MERENS! WE ARE THE EMPRAH'S FUREH!

[EX][EA] Runner
  • Primary: Cow Mangler
  • Secondary: Reserve Shooter/Righteous Bison
  • Melee: Escape plan
"Lower your health to about 50-60 Then run around with your escape plan until you spot hale, Fill him with cow Mangler shots then Grab your secondary, Empty that and then Run away, Reload and restock. The reserve shooter can be replaced with Righteous Bison If you want but you won't have the faster Weapon switch you might want for airshotting." - [GO] Ascules
There's very little room for change with pyro, sadly.

[MR] What you're pretty much always gonna use
  • Primary: Backburner or Stock
  • Secondary: Detonator or Flaregun
  • Melee: Anything
Refer to Terry's guide for how to use this.

[EX][HH] Terry's Terriffic Tactic
A loadout I saw Terry using once.
  • Primary: Stock or Degreaser
  • Secondary: Shotgun or Reserve Shooter
  • Melee: Anything
This loadout functions like a puff 'n sting loadout in standard gameplay. Just remember that you don't have your trusty flaregun to make an escape. Personally, i'd use Stock for the higher afterburn, but Terry used the Degreaser.
[HH] What I typically use
  • Primary: Lock 'N Load (Loose Cannon may be viable, too.)
  • Secondary: Splendid Screen (Only use the targe if you don't have the screen)
  • Melee: Eyelander/Reskins
With this loadout, you can deal, as ol' Phreak said, TONS OF DAMAGE. The loch 'N load is crit boosted thanks to your shield and can do over 300 damage a hit. To start with, fire some grenades at Hale. When the time is right, jump in and clock him in the kisser with your eyelander. When you think you've done enough damage for that moment, charge out. Just make sure to stay at the extent of your sword's reach when meleeing him, as you lose your escape plan (not the weapon) if he hits you. Ideally, you want to be able to take a second hit when you lose your shield.

[HH][DF]Tactical Genius
  • Primary: Any grenade launcher
  • Secondary: Any Sticky Launcher
  • Melee: Anything
This one is close to stock, but this one has you be crafty. Hide near a chokepoint and plant some grenades all over it. When hale comes by, hit the big red button, and watch him fly. Many Hales suffer from a bad case of tunnel vision, so you can frequently hide your bombs in plain sight, but cleverer Hales will require you to be a bit more crafty with your grenades, but when they take all that damage, they'll realise that a few bombs must have been placed by some kind of tactical geniu-
[MR] Standard kit
  • Primary: Minigun
  • Secondary: Anything you want
  • Melee: GRU
A good all-around loadout for heavy. Nothing notable needs to be said about this, except we pick the minigun for the good tradeoff between maneuverability and damage.

[HH] Immovable Object, Unstoppable force
  • Primary: Brass Beast
  • Secondary: Anything you want
  • Melee: GRU
This loadout is designed for you to get dug in. HARD. Wether you stay on a ledge or hang in a sentry nest, you ain't going anywhere. We opt to use the GRU here as it can help you quickly get you to a good hiding spot in the crucial first few minutes of a match. While you can use it to relocate, constantly doing so isn't really important, as you should keep your minigun spun up with this loadout, which will give your position away to Hale, so surprising him is out of the question.

[LJ][EA][HH] Gotta Go Fat
  • Primary: Tomislav
  • Secondary: Anything
  • Melee: GRU
For this loadout, Channel sanic. This loadout can do a lot of damage if played correctly, but is incredibly difficult. Run up to hale and punch his living daylights out. Remain mobile and use your lunchbox item to recover lost HP while rolling around at the speed of sound, or find a medic. If a medic ubers you, or you have some distance on hale, feel free to use the tomislav. Micspamming green hill zone at max volume is optional.
Addendum: This loadout is extremely effective if you have a friend playing medic who is constantly healing you. Running circles around hale while shrugging off the -7 HP per second of the GRU and landing good solid melee crits is a good tactic, and even better when the medic pops his uber - when he does, switch to the tomislav. However, on your own, there's no such gaurentee.
[MR] Typical loadout
  • Primary: Any
  • Secondary: Pistol
  • Melee: Jag
A good, all purpose loadout.

[MR] Sentry in the sky with diamonds
  • Primary: Rescue Ranger
  • Secondary: Wrangler
  • Melee: Jag
If you want to get your sentry into a clever spot, Use this. Set up a dispenser and a level 3 sentry. Have a full supply of metal, then use the wrangler to fire rockets at your feet and get up to where you need to be. Use the Rescue Ranger to bring up your dispenser, and then your sentry.

[EX][HH][DF] G-Gunslinger engie?
  • Primary: Frontier Justice
  • Secondary: Pistol
  • Melee: Gunslinger
Admit it: Sentry nests can get boring. Actually getting results is sorta rare. Less skilled hales often get killed before finding you. Cleverer ones have you killed before you even get to your spot. So why not move to somewhere close? You actually get to fight hale, and you can STILL help your team! All you have to do is place your dispenser, place your minisentry in a good spot (find somewhere that hale has difficulty getting to, yet is still in an open area) and rain crits on him with your weapons.
[MR] Fairly debatable approaches
The medic is slightly less varied than the other classes in the sense that you are limited to either a syringe gun or the crusaders crossbow for your primary, a medigun (albeit a heavily buffed one) for your secondary, and melee is to be changed at your discretion.

  • Syringe Gun: Provides +5% ubercharge per hit and is capable of infinitely sustaining a chain ubering pair of medics, syringe guns are best used by [HH] medics.
  • Crusaders Crossbow: Provides 10% ubercharge per hit and is permenantly crit boosted, the crossbow does notable damage while still retaining some uber potential. It is more suited for [EA] as they can still deal some light damage while retreating, giving them ubercharges as they do it.
  • Medigun: You have the choice of either this, or this. There are no other alternatives. The medigun has improved uber build rate, overheal amount, uber duration, crit boosts on activation, heals faster, and heals the user when uber is active. It also begins with 40% uber (including after an ubercharge has been used), meaning even less time is required to fully charge it again.
  • Melee: and by melee, the only viable saw is the ubersaw. It gives 25% uber on hit and can easily give you a free uber if he is not targetting you at the time, ideal for [EA],[HH], and even [D] later on in the round. There's no discussion to be had, it simply is the best melee to go about using.
[MR] Good all around kit
  • Primary: Any rifle of your choice - Sydney sleeper is a strong contender
  • Secondary: Stock SMG or Cosy camper - this is personal preference
  • Melee: Anything but the Bushwacka
Good for general sniping. We opt to lose the bushwacka to keep our crits.

[MR], side of [EA] Tree Sniper
  • Primary: Any rifle capable of headshots
  • Secondary: Cosy camper
  • Melee: Bushwacka
Named after a [GO] running gag. With this gear, you use the bushwacka to get somewhere crafty, and snipe at Hale. We pick the Cosy Camper to replenish lost health from jumping, and the headshot-capable rifles to compensate for the lack of crits. It's also good sniper practice. You will also want to make all of your shots count, as you will eventually have to stock up on ammo again.

[EX][DF] Anti-Rage
Disclaimer: Only use on rage-enabled servers.
  • Primary: Sydney Sleeper
  • Secondary: Jarate
  • Melee: Anything but the Bushwacka
Rage annoys people, but when you're against a ragey Hale, this kit can buy your team some time. Jarate reduces Hale's rage, as you know, but the Sydney sleeper is also able to do this (if I remember correctly).
As with medic, there's very little for me to say.
[MR] *sigh*
  • Primary: Enforcer or Letranger
  • Watch: Stock or Dead Ringer
  • Melee: Stock or Your Eternal Reward
Terry covered most of what you need to know for spy in the main guide, but i'll add one thing.
The stock gives you a damage resistance while you're invisible. Bear that in mind.
10 comentários
Earsy۩ 26 out. 2023 às 7:14 
If this is true
name 3 things closest to you
and then look at your bathroom mirror at midnight
Johny blossom will occur
{True Darkian} 13 mai. 2018 às 7:29 
The Market Gardener:

Liberty Launcher
Market Gardener

The Assaultier:

Black Box
Battalion's Backup
Half Zatoichi
Nightstalker 22 nov. 2016 às 16:46 
joke could be the support scout from mvm. potentially a lethal joke if fan o war will mark boss for death. hp recovery by milking. soda popper for "omfg where did that 5cun7 go?!?!?"
Yellow 04 4 fev. 2014 às 15:05 
Plus, I said any Melee besides Neon and Homewrecker because they do less damage and don't knock him as high into the air
Yellow 04 4 fev. 2014 às 15:04 
Hey Mech, a new loadout which emerged Recent-ishly for Pyro
Flare Gun
[Any Pyro Melee except Neon Annihilator and Homewrecker]

Airblast the hale into the air and Immediatly rush forward and hit him with your Melee whilst he Remains Airborne, this will knock him higher into the air, from this point you have 1 of 2 Choices
Choice 1: Switch to Flare gun and Crit-Flare him in mid-air, sending him a little higher and giving you more damage, Then rinse and repeat previous steps
Choice 2: Switch to Flare gun and Flare-Jump (super detonator) to safety
Cheshire Cat  [autor] 30 set. 2013 às 8:34 
That one can be applied to GOTTA GO FAT, which is why it's classed as [LJ]. When on your own, you're lucky to break 500 using that loadout.
Shin 30 set. 2013 às 2:19 
Heavy and Medic tactic: Requires, Gloves of Running Urgently, shotgun (any kind), any minigun except brass beast. Use the gloves while being healed to run to a safe stop. Wait for the ubercharge to get to 100, good to keep Gloves equipped as you lose health. When ready get close to Hale and pop the uber. Deals crits and can be used to block Hale leaving friends to make their escape. When at the 15% mark switch back to the Gloves and make a getaway. Repeat. Usually does damage between 5000 and 10000. Medic should use Crusaders Crossbow for primary and try to get a few lucky shots while in a safe area to increase uber. [MR] [EX]
A New Player 29 set. 2013 às 13:44 
For the soldier. Robot costume(optional) Direct hit, Concheror, Escape plan. Use the direct hit to damage yourself, usually 2 rockets to the ground right below you(-40 hp), then fill up the banner, activate the banner and hold until you see hale, then run off with the escape plan. Run around using the battle cry.
LethalMoose 28 set. 2013 às 13:38 
I like this guide, but I want more joke loadouts. That is the only critisism I can give.
Yellow 04 26 set. 2013 às 13:29 
Here's a little bit of a stupid Loadout for Soldier, Cow Mangler, Reserve Shooter and Escape plan, Lower your health to about 50-60 Then run around with your escape plan until you spot hale, Fill him with cow Mangler shots then Grab your reserve shooter, Empty that and then Run away, Reload and restock, Reserve shooter can be replaced with Righteous Bison Iffu want but you wont have the faster Weapon switch you might want for airshotting, Anyway, That's just a 'I feel Stupid' Loadout for people to use