Tropico 6

Tropico 6

130 ratings
Achievement Guide for Tropico 6
By ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽
A comprehensive guide to every achievement in Tropico 6. If DLC achievements are added, I will resolve those as quickly as possible.
Welcome to Tropico 6! If you have played Tropico 5, this game is very similar to what you've already played. If you have not played Tropico 5 and are unfamiliar with the basics of Tropico, I recommend that you go through the tutorials and experiment with the mechanics, consulting a basic guide if necessary (here on Steam, check out "Brief game basics" by beardog), as this guide will not cover the very basics of the game but will instead detail specific tricks and strategies necessary to complete the story missions and to sweep the misc. achievements. Unless otherwise noted, a sandbox with unlimited money implies the Modern Era.

Some things I didn't realize for a while that are very useful.
-Shift-click on specific raids in the interface to automatically repeat them for that raid building.
-Hold CTRL while placing buildings down to quick build instantly without having to go into the building's settings.(costs money).
-The Chapel can be set to "Help First - Preach Later" to offer healthcare in the Colonial Era.
Missions Introduction
Completing missions is required for 16 of the achievements, and you must complete them all. Every mission can be completed on "Easy" for full achievement credit. Every mission covers a different type of resource, faction, or strange goal to be focused on. I will give some era-specific mission advice and then some more specific tips under each individual mission's achievement.
Mission Era-Specific Tips
Colonial: This is the hardest era to mess up, as once you play through the colonial era a few times, you'll understand just about everything there is to this opening Era. A good strategy to follow for consistent money is to focus on creating Logging Camps and Lumber Mills. Planks are a great early export; make sure you find an optimal trade route to get a bonus 5-20% on top of the already consistent revenue (as well as for other exported goods). Keep both Logging Camps and Lumber Mills on max budget and build affordable housing nearby them. Gold is another very valuable resource that nets a lot of profit with only one structure required (Gold Mine) and little commitment. Issue the Wealth Tax and Employee of the Month (goes for ALL Eras). Make sure your teamsters are not overloaded by building either more Teamster Offices or upgraded Teamster Ports. Immigrants are very important as well. Follow the typical rebel requests and always ask for 10 Revolutionary Immigrants, and research the Penal Colony and issue that as soon as possible. Construct a Pirate's Cove and decide between Rescue: Many if you need workers, or Treasure Hunt if you want to try and get extra money on the side. Build a few guard towers near your shores/ports if the game tells you to or right before independence (assuming you don't want to spend 15k), but keep them on a low budget until you're ready to secede.

World Wars: Utilizing Logging Camps, Lumber Mills, and the new Shipyard building will be your saving grace in the World War era. Research State Loans and the Wealth Tax, which will give you 50k that you must pay back (and then some) over 10 years. Whenever you issue the edict is up to you, but be aware that the monthly payments can be very tolling if you aren't making enough money, though banks can more than cover the expenses through interest with enough in the Treasury. Build an Immigration Office kept it on Open Doors and research Penal Colony and then issue it. Always build a Bank or two and keep them on max budget to gain lots of interest over time. Having no military is recommended for this era, just be sure to choose Pacifist State in the constitution to slow rebellion. Do not do anything to upset the major factions or superpowers. If you get a Task to invite a superpower to an Embassy, accept and complete it. The payment will cover the Embassy cost and you can raise relations to get 20k every 5 years by asking for financial aid.

Cold War: Shipyards, State Loans, Penal Colony, an Immigration Office, and Banks will remain useful in this era. You also now have access to the Nuclear Testing edict (you need to research it) that gives you 100k free at the cost of heavily harming relations with every faction. It is up to you to weigh this decision accordingly. Tourism is finicky and gives money pretty inconsistently. Only focus on it if it is required for a mission (same with modern era). Use the same foreign relations strategy with Embassies as in the World Wars for foreign aid.

Modern: Shipyards, State Loans, Penal Colony, an Immigration Office, Banks, and Nuclear Testing, will all help you in this last Era. The Office is also now available to build, and it is very beneficial to have a few of them on whatever workmode is going to earn you the most money (check in the almanac for how many citizens are employed, have homes, or are conservatives/intellectuals and do the math using the workmode formulas). For electricity, use coal at first and expand to Solar once your funds allow for it. Now that Hydro. Plantations are available, you can easily expand your industry to Chocolate Factories and Juiceries for a lot of income. Upgrade your buildings as well, as they will all be available in the Modern Era. In this era, the Wealth Tax tends to be most effective as there are more wealthy citizens.

The Beginning of a Servantship
Complete Mission "Penultimo of the Caribbean"
Easiest mission, will help you become familiar with the game. Listen to the Crown and follow the mission tasks. Remember the importance of immigrants and the Logging Camp + Lumber Mill combo. Note that you need to select the building El Presidente visits by selecting him, choosing Visit Building, and clicking on the Theater in this case.
Number 18
Complete Mission "Speakeasy"
Use the crime overlays wisely to find the optimal spot to place the necessary structures. Use the People tab of the Almanac to identify the key citizens. Other than that, this is a simple mission.
Caribbean Comrade
Complete Mission "Better Red than Dead"
Keep the communists happy. To demolish buildings for tasks, go into the Almanac, the Building Lists tab, find the category of the building you need to destroy, then the specific building itself, then the Settings tab of that building, and click Demolish. Liberty will be your focus at the end. Change your media buildings to the default, liberty emitting workmodes as soon as you fulfill the task of having 2 of them boosting communist appeal, and either change the constitution or simply avoid researching State Controlled Media altogether. Research and enact the Right to Arms edict for 15 additional liberty.
The Dreamer of Dreams
Complete Mission "Chocolate Factory"
Keep all the plantations and chocolate factories together. In the modern era, create more Hydro. Plantations for Sugar and Cocoa and have at least 4 Chocolate Factories. Your Teamsters will be the heroes of this mission: have a lot of them and keep them busy. The Middle East trade route at the end takes a while to fulfill, you are likely better off pursuing the other factions unless you don't mind waiting a while. Remember to invest in those offices and banks. This is a safe mission to use the Nuclear Testing edict, as domestic faction approval is not important.
The Legend of Langostino
Complete Mission "Pirate King"
Keep your Pirate Coves active at all times and choose the Lumber industry, making the most out of the scarce but somewhat forgiving forests. Increase the Pirate Cove budgets if necessary right before the World Wonder heists to gain more raid points.
For Science!
Complete Mission "Tropicoland"
Keep the touristy areas in beautiful areas. Have the industry closer to the main area/island. A Juicery goes a long way here, as does a Chocolate Factory. Keep your citizens working in Tourism and ensure their housing is close enough to the tourists to be effective. As always in the modern era, Offices and Banks will make lots of money. Have roads connecting all the islands.
Go Sovereigns!
Complete Mission "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
Modernize the Mines early on and increase the budgets of the Mines, the Steel Mill, and the Vehicle Factory. Build a new Hydro. Plantation for Rubber. Over time, develop a Shipping industry. Expand the tourism sector gradually by placing new buildings in beautiful areas, and follow the straight forward demands. There are quite a few wealthy citizens naturally in this mission as well. Research and enact the Wealth Tax to capitalize on them.
Happy Ending?
Complete Mission "Acts of God"
You can very easily develop a strong shipping industry here. Place as many gold mines as you are required and keep them on max budget. Have an ample supply of Construction and Teamster Offices and especially Teamster Ports. Have at least small settlements on every island so you have access to coal, iron, and nickel to utilize Steel Mills and Weapons Factories. Evacuate at every eruption and let your construction workers rebuild, manually fronting the fees required to construct and repair Landings and Teamster Ports to speed things up.
Of Seals And Men
Complete Mission "Concrete Beach"
The game is kind enough to give you a Logging Camp and Lumber Mill. Add a few more logging camps and a Shipyard and upgrade all the buildings, setting the Lumber Mill to the Hasty Debarking workmode. The tourism is easy to fulfill here. For help staffing your government buildings, construct a Pirate Cove and set them to Rescue: Educated. Keep your treasury high for the Banks and spend the excess on what the mission requires. Choose either path.
Complete Mission "Shackland"
The Hagia Sofia is a must have for this mission. It will stop citizens from dying from poor healthcare. Penal Colony and an Immigration Office both help to boost your population. Research Emigration and choose Best Country on Earth. Listen to the tasks and you'll slowly get to 4 digits.
Complete Mission "(Super)Power Defense"
Invest in 2 Weapons Factories early on to fulfill the Side Quest and make easy money. Upgrade the mines as well as your Steel Mill. Research State Loans and Nuclear Testing, then build a bank, then build a Pharmacuticals Factory once you build another Oil Rig. Have outposts near your shores for the many waves of enemies. Save your Swiss Money for the very end, you will need 50k.
Complete Mission "The Referendum"
Easily the toughest mission. Build a Bank and issue State Loans early on and make sure to follow the side quests for the Superpower money. Stealing and constructing the Colosseum through the Spy Academy is all but a necessity, allowing you to focus solely on food and fun happiness to determine the overall happiness. For food, have a variety of food types kept on high budget. For fun, build cheapish Entertainment buildings and make them accessible to all Tropicans and with high service qualities. Faction approval is easy enough to manipulate by spamming parks, religious buildings, different types of housing and issuing edicts such as Food For the People, Contraception Ban, Good Old Days, etc. Make sure to keep an eye on the faction approval as you need to maintain it until the date of the Referendum. Use the +5 Faction Approval as reward whenever available.
Computer Says "No"
Complete Mission "Bureaucracy 2.0"
A pretty simple mission. Hard to fail, just build more offices and maintain the industry the game gives you and rage against the machine.
Beware The Betman
Complete Mission "The One Percenters"
Another fairly simple mission. Lots of potential to go crazy on industry. Use imports to help with the Bets themselves (import gold to export jewelry, import different food types for Food Variety bet, etc.). If you fail the bets, save up "lots" of money (100k) to buy them at the end.
Viva Tropico!
Complete Mission "Battle Royal"
The final battle. Takes you through all 4 Eras. Follow the Era specific advice I gave and you will do fine. Don't rush advancing to the next era. Instead, generate some cash to invest immediately upon advancing. The Colosseum is useful in this mission as it was in the Referendum, and you will need 3 World Wonders by the Modern Era anyways. You will likely have a large population. Build at least 6 offices to take advantage of this. Spread out your resources and cut costs on Military and Housing when available (once the Colosseum is up, they won't care).
Been there, Done That
Complete all Missions
See each specific mission related achievement for help.
Just One...More...Term...
Spend 5 hours playing Tropico 6
Unless you're a first try, 100% speedrun god, you will have this achievement sooner or later.
Un-Lonely Island
Reach a population of 1000
Required for the Shackland mission. Otherwise, create a sandbox with unlimited money and god mode your way to 1,000 people (keep happiness high and have Penal Colony, Contraception Ban, Cultural Diversity, and Immigration Office) with good healthcare and Best Country on Earth.
Trade Is My Trait
Have an active trade route for all trade licences at the same time
Open a sandbox with unlimited money and create trade routes until you have 10 total (requires buying 9 licenses).
We Don't Have Time For That
Have no elections within a duration of 20 years
Enact the Martial Law edict or just say "It's not a good time" when elections are demanded. Will take 2 election cycles. Be sure to keep your military strong.
French Connection
Have the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower constructed at the same time
Open a sandbox with unlimited money and construct the Commando Garrison and the Spy Academy. Put them on max budget and complete the heists for the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. Fulfill the heist tasks as required and import or create buildings for specific materials. Construct the Wonders when finished. Note that this cannot be done on the same island as the Fairy Tale Come True and the Curse Of The Mummy achievements, as you are limited to one heist per raid building.
Fairy Tale Come True
Have Neuschwanstein Castle and the Taj Mahal constructed at the same time
Open a sandbox with unlimited money and construct the Commando Garrison and the Cyber Operations Center. Put them on max budget and complete the heists for the Taj Mahal and the Neuschwanstein Castle. Fulfill the heist tasks as required and import or create buildings for specific materials. Note that this cannot be done on the same island as the French Connection and the Curse of the Mummy achievements, as you are limited to one heist per raid building.
Curse Of The Mummy
Have the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid constructed at the same time
Open a sandbox with unlimited money and construct the Spy Academy and the Cyber Operations Center. Put them on max budget and complete the heists for the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza. Fulfill the heist tasks as required and import or create buildings for specific materials. Construct the Wonders when finished. Note that this cannot be done on the same island as the French Connection and the Fairy Tale Come True achievements, as you are limited to one heist per raid building.
The Time For Wonders
Have four heists active at the same time
Open a sandbox with unlimited money, build all 4 raid buildings, put them on max budget to get the necessary amount of raid points, and select any World Wonders Heist for each.
Promising Endeavors
Perform 500 raids across all games
It is best to always have as many raids going on as possible through normal gameplay. Open a sandbox and keep raids on a loop (shift click any raid for each building) to clean up as many as you need.
The Governator
Remain in colonial era for 30 years
Easily done in sandbox with unlimited money. To keep track of time, check the Statistics Tab of the Palace (30 years= ~11,000 days). Just don't claim independence or let your mandate expire.
I Owe You Nothing
Reach a Swiss bank account credit of S$ 50k without ever accepting a single Broker request.
Open a sandbox with unlimited money, quickly research and enact the Building Permit Edict, and start building expensive buildings. I did this by building and demolishing the Space Program over and over again.
Make Tropico Great Again!
Finish a sandbox game without any imports
The achievements Make Tropico Great Again, Survivor, and Watch The World Burn can all easily be completed in the same sandbox game by doing the following: Create a sandbox game using the island from the mission Acts of God with unlimited money that has a victory condition of completing 5 tasks and with Disasters set to Frequent. Do not use any imports and do not build any Fire Stations. Then, fulfill any 5 tasks in gameplay (research and enact the Audience edict if necessary) that do not require imports nor Fire Stations.
From Knight to Little Duck
Construct bridges with a accumulated length of 728 grid tiles
Create a Huge, sandbox with unlimited money with many islands, and a small main island. Build bridges wherever you can (across water), knowing that you must have a few tiles on each side of the bridge for it to start and end properly. The achievement will take longer than you think, but you'll get it eventually.
Double Trouble
Have two faction escalations at the same time
Open a sandbox with unlimited money. Build a lot of Plastics Plants and Embassies to upset the Environmentalists and the Militarists. This will trigger 2 ultimatums at once.
Watch The World Burn
Finish a sandbox game without ever constructing a fire station
The achievements Watch The World Burn, Survivor, and Make Tropico Great Again can all easily be completed in the same sandbox game by doing the following: Create a sandbox game using the island from the mission Acts of God with unlimited money that has a victory condition of completing 5 tasks and with Disasters set to Frequent. Do not use any imports and do not build any Fire Stations. Then, fulfill any 5 tasks in gameplay (research and enact the Audience edict if necessary) that do not require imports nor Fire Stations.
Have 20 inspiring statues at the same time
Sandbox. Unlimited money. 20 inspiring statues. Well done.
Sublime Subliminal Supreme
Have 90% of all Tropicans support the same faction
Open a sandbox with unlimited money in the colonial era. Spend your time completing quests for revolutionary immigrants and using the People tab in the almanac to kill every single piece of Royalist scum. Build many newspapers as well and set them all to The Independent workmode to sway those who are indifferent to the side of the rebels.
Don't Panic!
Have a Space Mission end with a special event.
Create a Space Program and keep repeating the Prestige Mission (will need lots of knowledge). You will eventually have a special event popup at the end of the mission. Keep the building on max budget, choose Atheist State for Religion and State in the Constitution to further boost the efficiency and speed up mission times.
Win a multiplayer game as a team
Set the victory conditions to completing the fewest amount of tasks the game lets you (you'll have to complete 10 as a team) and have unlimited money. Find a willing teammate (post a comment here and you might be able to find someone) and ensure you're both on Team 1. Complete any 10 tasks and you'll pop this achievement! It does not matter who does how many tasks or who does the last task.
One Does Not Simply Stage A Coup
Survive a military coup
Open a sandbox with unlimited money. Do not have any military buildings. Set the Palace to max budget and upgrade it for 4 more guards. Upset the militarists by placing a lot of embassies and triggering an Ultimatum. Fail the Ultimatum and spark a coup. They should lose.
Finish a sandbox game on a map with a volcano on it with Disasters set to "Frequent"

Survivor, Make Tropico Great Again, and Watch The World Burn can all easily be completed in the same sandbox game by doing the following: Create a sandbox game using the island from the mission Acts of God with unlimited money that has a victory condition of completing 5 tasks and with Disasters set to Frequent. Do not use any imports and do not build any Fire Stations. Then, fulfill any 5 tasks in gameplay (research and enact the Audience edict if necessary) that do not require imports nor Fire Stations.
Chain Gang
Generate $3,500 in a month with convict labor
Open a sandbox with unlimited money (or a previous game with a lot of money and large population). Choose No Separation and Total Surveillance in the constitution and build some prisons and police stations. Keep areas very underfunded and unhappy. Set all prisons to Convict Labor. Research and enact Penal Colony, Prohibition, Right to Arms, and build a Courthouse. Arrest people randomly through the People section of the Almanac. Continue this and wait long enough until you have enough labor to make 3.5k in a single month using convict labor. The best way to track this is to look at your yearly figures until you have $42,000 a year from penal labor, which will meet the threshold.
Generate 15 random maps
Main Menu>New Game>Sandbox>Random Map>Start Map>Main Menu.......( x 15)
My Ways
End 50 protests by force or by bribing the protesters across all games
This one is a bit of a grind without using this simple trick that doctors hate. Play the game until reaching a protest or artificially cause one by opening a sandbox with unlimited money and demolishing every building except for the Construction Office, building a lot of Guard Towers and nothing else, then building a lot of unmanned (right click on empty slots to close them) Oil Rigs to upset the Environmentalists and then abandon their ultimatum. Wait for a protest. When a protest appears (there will be both a megaphone icon on the corresponding building as well as a notification in the top left), save the game, resolve the protest through a bribe, and load the save game and repeat. If you are able to have several protests at once when saving, this will go by even quicker. There is also a guaranteed protest in The Referendum fairly early in the mission, though that is a desperate man's game.

UPDATE: Thanks to @NerdErudito for this tip: "I found a way to get the My Ways in a single game without grind. Can be done in the same game as the Double Trouble one. When you trigger the Environmentalist Ultimatum and fail it, will trigger a protest in every Plastic Plant that you've built. So, build 50 Plastic Plants (and 5 Embassies for the other achievement and fail both ultimatum to get the other achievement), save the file and then bribe them all and you should get it. If not, reload the file one more time and bribe them all."
If anything is unclear, shoot me a comment under the guide and I'll gladly clarify. I will take any questions and will try to help where possible. Enjoy the guide, the wonderful game, and good luck!
Hbrown 26 Sep @ 1:17am 
Anyone still looking to do Teamplayer achievment?
CosmicSoda 3 Sep @ 3:55am 
Unlimited Money in Sandbox no longer allows you to unlock acheivements
ShadowBandit97 11 May @ 3:15pm 
if ya wanna help with teamplayer add me!
Nightblood 26 Apr @ 5:02pm 
Anyone up for teamplayer?
Matthew 22 Mar @ 12:58pm 
Looking for someone to do Teamplayer with, send a friend request
Fredericks 10 Feb @ 10:04am 
If anyone else wants to get a network achievement, I will be extremely glad
D.TSMAUG 16S 7 Nov, 2023 @ 11:36am 
looking for someone for Teamplayer achievement
Random5 19 Oct, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
Looking for someone for the Teamplayer achievement. Send a friend request!
El FARMILA 5 Oct, 2023 @ 1:45am 
looking for people to achieve in multiplayer
DiabloCris13 13 May, 2023 @ 1:12am 
Someone to do the Teamplayer achievement? Add me as a friend and send me a message.