Counter-Strike 2
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So you want to be a better Caller
Από ShooTa
A repository and guide to enable callers,or players wishing to be callers, to find out futher information and improve your skills.
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In this guide I shall be putting forward ideas and skills related to being the Caller for a 5 man cs:go competitive team , along with examples pertaining to in-game situations, as well as using a combination of personal knowledge and experience to help further describe the subject.

I will cover what a Callers role is and how to do it, Some basics concepts for Strats

I will also go into the differences between a Caller (or In-Game Leader)and a Cs:go Team Leader - In most teams the caller is also the team leader, however some teams split this up.

Go a bit deeper into how to make up strats and how to begin to train your team to both help you create the Strats as well as how to really get your team to learn them once created . How to test them and finally how to review them to improve them.

By no means is this guide complete, but I aim to cover most if not all aspects of the role of the caller and also provide examples to explain any points.

Hope you enjoy the read.
The Basics of being a Caller
So you want to be a caller for your team ...

First off let me explain your role to be :

  • A Leader
  • A Guide
  • A Manager
  • A Teacher
  • An Accountant
  • A Negotiator
  • A Friend

these you will be at some time or other during your time as a caller.

but First and Foremost you must be a LEADER, Instilling confidence in your team and leading them to do your bidding.

but in the most basic sense your role is

"To clearly articulate to your fellow players what they must do during that round and why"

I have added this section here - just to really nail down the information that should be occurring within a team during a game.

Some teams are the most amazingly dialled in-game communicators, whereas others are a a riotous mess of shouting - but they communicate the required information to each other - teams that do little communication are more likely to fail

Only when a team has played together long enough and can accurately guess their team members moves/actions should a team be able to reduce the amount of information they are communicating.
This is down to being able to remove information that a lesser/newer team Must communicate - and only through this long term and also a huge amount of training/experience can things like calling for counter-flashes- or Meta-game actions be removed from communications.

So as a player what information should I be giving to my other players - and what should I be being told by them?

again I've broken this down to a military terms the 6 W's
I shall use a " | " to break up each part
  • Who
  • When
  • Where
  • What
  • What
  • What

The Enemy team - So call numbers - best used by calling individual digits for multiples as you see them such as "1,2,3 | pushing site.."

When did it Happen? Most of the time it is NOW so this can be left out - but say your call is after you died - OR you had to wait due to another team member communicting then it is added.

Where are the Enemy players? - or Where are they Going to -
Nb. this second can be dangerous as due to death-cams you may be seeing a fake movement

What are they doing? - Use simplistic descriptive words - RUSHING, PUSHING, PEEKING, FLASHING, ROTATING, PLANTING, FACING, JUMPING,etc.

What weapons are they using? - flashes and other grenades are most common here. Think though that spotting that an enemy player is holding an AWP or an AUTO Sniper is crucial information to your team members and caller. So is if they have Rifles or Pistols - as that can tell you if the other team is ECO or not.

Also here state How much Health that they have.. if you know.(usually your dead for this info sadly)

What are you doing about it? are you continuing your movement, are you HOLDING, RETURNING FIRE, FALLING BACK, NEEDING BACKUP, or are you DEAD...
let the others know what your doing in relation to all the information you have just given them again in a one/two word style -


"1,2,3 | NOW | SHORT | Rushing | Aks | Falling back, Need help"
this can be shorted obviously as its happening now and rapidly to
" 1,2,3 | SHORT | Rushing | Falling Back"

this is a call most likely from a Terrorist Awper spotting two players crossing from Ct spawn to B site
Again it can be shortened.

Also note that if you DO NOT Know part of the call don't put it in.

here you know an enemy player has smoked mid - apart from that you have now other info to give.

Why should I give my calls in a format like this ?

well the reason to try and make everyone use this format is simple - If everyone uses the same style of calling out their information then the caller can much more easily gather it into a useful picture - rather than having to wade through useless/non critical parts to get the meat of what you are saying.

and a further note - when you are dead - only call to give an update of why you died and what you saw after you died - DO NOT CALL after that - ONLY the CALLER and those alive should be heard - and if the caller is dead he should only give a quick update to the plan ./ Do not call sounds or what you MIGHT think the enemy are doing. Especially do NOT tell your team mates how to play.

Using this information as a Caller

so calls have happened and I have gained insight that more than 3 have gone to B - cracking I can now adapt my plan because of this - and either cancel that B push I had planed or tell my A players to rapidly execute the initial plan.

but what about in subsequent rounds? if I as a caller heard that every round that the had smoked MID what would that tell me? well more than likely they were not playing an awper there - so I can now use this to do aggressive pushes through that area, happy in the knowledge my team wont get picked off by an awper...

what if at 1.25 every round I as a CT caller heard that Smokes landed in MID just before they rushed B ? well I could adapt my defence to pre nade the B entrances just after or during the Smokes happening.

Summing up this communication section
So you see Information can be really useful going into further rounds - be it timings of events
be it the speed of how players rotate, how aggressive a player is, if the team does complicated smokes/flashes prior to attacking, or if they leave a Lurker behind to shoot my team during the rotate.... all of this will inform your calls later in the game.
How to Call
How do you the person become you the caller?

A caller - by definition needs to verbally call out information
in order to do this you need a microphone - one that is clear from back-ground noise and unmuffled.
be it a cheap clip on type or a hightech studio standard one - or the more usual headset style found on many gaming headsets.

What you say and how you say it is very important as the caller.

A mnemonic that helps with the act of calling is :


standing for :
As an Order
and with

So CLEARLY - you must annunciate each syllable and word - so that the person hearing it at the other end of the line understands it

- As many non-primary English speaker will tell you English as a language is inherently complicated due to how various words sound effects the meaning -
bear - the animal bare - the state of nothingness and bear- the act of carrying or bearing an object or task or emotion.

LOUDLY - again in the heat of a game - there is gunfire,footsteps,explosions and also more often than not other people talking. being loud will make sure your call is heard above these.

AS an order - You the caller are in charge - but an order means that the words you are saying should have WHO, WHAT to do and WHY so that the players understand who the order is to and what they need to do and why they are doing it
- you may need a player to put himself into danger so that another team member can trade the kill or can move from danger into cover. HE/SHE needs to know why so that it is not just without reason. - without the WHY there is no point to an order.

with PAUSES your voice has to travel some distance and again as stated the noise within the game can cause problems clearly understanding and hearing your call - by giving specific breaks between the words you use and more importantly between the individual parts of your call will only further help your players do what you ask of them.
What to Call
So what information do I need to give my players?

A caller at Minimum has 15-20 seconds at the start of the round to give the call - So what you say must be in the shortest way possible.

Think the four W's

  • What Should they Buy? and if so what weapons?
  • Where should they Go? is it a specifically trained strategy or not?
  • Wierd Extras should an individual do anything specific?
  • Why are they about to do it?

Nb. the more experienced your team in terms of time spent playing with each other will allow you as the caller to be faster , and say much less .

the better your team at communication will allow periods at the end of the previous round to get across communication to the caller - more later on this topic....

Why do you need to call these things?

lets break it down -

What Should they Buy? - this is obviously Key
-It fully depends on how much money each player has.
-it depends on what you and the caller are asking the team to do
- only YOU the CALLER should call this and also you should NOT let your players buy before your call to buy otherwise they may do it wrong!
- doing this first allows them to buy before the buy time runs out.

- I will come onto this a bit later - as well there are a few good guides on cs:go money+ economics.

Where should they go - well this decision is informed by 3 things
  • what happened in previous rounds
  • what you have bought
  • what is achievable

each player thought MUST know where you want them to END UP and in a less experienced team How to get there.

As a caller its best practice if you can go thought Specific strats prior to a Competitive Match in training time - more on which I shall mention later.

What extras - does someone need something specific for the strategy you have called - an extra flash or grenade - do they need to do a boost for a player - do they need to rotate somewhere specific other than their usual spot.

here you can also add in specific timings - methods ,Fast/Slow Noisy/Quiet - or further specifics.

Why are you asking them to do this
Again as stated this is the fact that links in and ties the CALL together and to accurately get across you the callers intention for the round - and as is the case for 9/10 calls they go badly wrong within seconds after the beginning of the round due to meeting the enemy team and say your key player being awped. so this AIM -aka the WHY is the one part a player needs to know .

do you want them to kills the other team - to either ruin their economy - or their self confidence
do you want to kill an individual player - to either ruin their economy - or their self confidence
do you want to plant the bomb (maybe at a specific site- for use later on in the game)
do you want your players to survive
do you want to run this strat specifically so that you can fake it in later rounds.
When to Call
When to Call

A standard CS:GO competitive round is 1.75 minutes long with a 15 second buy-time
where as you have a few more seconds in Match making -but for the purposes of this guide I will use the standard competitive ones as a guide line.

As the caller you Really only have 15 seconds with which to get out your call - more of which is in the next section.

but is that the end of your role? no...

you as the caller must guide your team through the round.
"No plan survives first contact"
"Let slip the dogs of war"
are two quotes that really sum this up - your initial call will go to a mess as soon as you come into contact with the enemy - or as soon as your players hit the lines of conflict. Which means you as the Caller have to not only play the role in the plan you Called but also to Direct the plan to achieving the AIM you proposed.

Usually throughout the round events will occur that will either inform you as to the opposing teams disposition (set-up) or their actions, or something will effect your team
- be it :
an early death on your team
an early kill on the enemy
your players spotted that the enemy had stacked an area/stacked a site.
or as sometimes happens one of your team fails to buy/incorrectly buys a bit of equipment.

This will cause you to have to tweak your initial plan to encompass what you have learnt so far.

So as a Caller - you will have to Quickly state any changes or actions you now need your team to make.
Your awper spots only one CT crosses doors on dust 2
This will allow you to change your plan knowing the enemy is distinctly weaker on the B site.
"Joe go round to tunnels and help Fred get the pick on the single guy in B"

Now there is a distinct difference from being the Caller who quickly updates his plan - thus giving his players quick direction to still allow them to complete the aim - THAN - the back seat caller - who Micro manages his players - Do NOT become one of them.

To micro manage you would be telling them where to move, how to move, what weapon, where to fire, everything you hear, ad infinitum - LET YOUR PLAYER PLAY - have TRUST that they can still do what you told them- you gave them your AIM .

Concentrate on your own game - have TRUST in your players that they will do what you have called - as they put their TRUST in you that your call is the right one. Too many Callers use the excuse that they are on the bottom of the scoreboard due to "being the caller" "having to think for you guys" - yes it will affect your play but a good caller will still hit his shots/ play his part in the plan.
Basic Strats
Ok I realise most of you will probably skip this section as it sounds too simple for you but stay reading for a second

As a caller you have to decide how you want your players to play and due to game mechanics you are given two choices really early on at the begging of a round.... Spawns


every time you start a round the game spawns you in a semi-random position (I believe its related to the number of kills but without a huge experiment I cannot be certain)
So this means that some of your players will automatically be placed nearer certain areas of the map....

So how does this affect me as a caller you ask?

well my little friend - if you can get your player to a certain part of the map first - then there is a higher chance that you will win any engagement that occurs there - and so you will win map control over that area. Map control is Key to winning rounds, and winning rounds means winning games...

Now most new teams and players play off set positions - PLAYER A will always play long, player B will always go to near B site. - simply because it means they can best learn that position and be at their best when it comes to facing enemies in that area.

but what if you can play off spawns?
Now your thinking - if player A spawns nearest B - then I can control that area - and player B spawns near Long - he can also get into long before the enemy player - Thus meaning two wins - rather than if they had both gone to the normal position - and more likely have a tougher time when meeting an opponent.

Spawns can be an excellent way to set your team up prior to rolling into a strategy...
and I would advise using them as it will force your players to get better overall as well as giving them the best opportunity to get early kills - When you have enough set strategies you can then revert to standard positions straight off spawn when you require it.


ah the simple GUN-HO \Guts n Glory dash into a site....there's not much to say here except that they very very rarely work...except on pistol rounds. and that I would always stick to having a 4 man rush with a final man with a secondary job of either ♥♥♥♥♥♥ or being a lurker.

this is the most common tactic when a specific strat is not called. It is the GO TO of plays - usually when assaulting the larger of the two sites and in lower skilled teams is usually done in the same manner as a rush - by which i mean the initial default positions and feeling out the enemy for a pick are skipped in order to rapidly assault the site.

Kill Everyone
I use this as a loose start in name only - but its usually just a hugely extended period of finding and pushing the enemy team after moving to default positions where you end up killing all or the vast majority of the enemy team without committing to a specific site.

again is a basic form of a strategy - where the caller loosely implies he wants to try pushing a site with 3 or so players - aka the Emphasis is winning that area - but unlike set strats this one does not necessarily use set timings or set flashes/smokes etc.

These basic forms of strategy really are the ground blocks to making up set strategies or as fillers for when you do not wish to use a set strat or give away your strats say in a competition.
IN-GAME or OUT-of-GAME Leader
Differences between an IN-GAME Leader and an OUT-of-GAME Leader

As mentioned in my introduction a caller is usually both the in-game leader and the out-of-game leader- however they are two distinct job descriptions

In the prior sections I've begun to outline the role of the in-game leader (caller) but what of the out of game?

The out-of-game leader must manage the team both in terms of their day to day or week to week schedule

Most teams operate on a weekly basis - they play Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and then usually take Friday and Saturday off - with Sunday being a fun night or another night off.

As well as sorting out disputes and issues within the team. - This is team and individual specific therefore I will leave this section out.

They must deal with other teams and leagues/competition admins along with all the other aspects of being a competitive team - finding the matches - deciding which leagues/ladders to play - and just as importantly deciding when the players or team need a rest break - as anyone can burn out if overused.

So the out-of-game leader must decide when, where, and what to practice; and also when and where they want their team to play.
How to Practice (part1 - Meta Practice)
This is more reference to being an team leader than a caller specifically. Team training is obviously a direct means of advancing your calling through improving the speed of the call due to being able to condense specific complicated strats down to one or two word calls.

All teams practice differently, so this may not apply to you, but bear with me as again you can take parts away or the whole and hopefully inject something new to further improve the team and in turn your own calling.

Individual Training

Now if you break down what each player must learn -
Weapon Usage
Individual Movement
Team Movement
Game sense
and the team play book

so you have to make sure that all 5 team members can do this.

Aim - is person specific you do not require the team to learn this
Weapon Usage - is person specific - for both all the guns and grenades
Individual Movement - again should be learnt apart from the team
Team Movement - requires part or all of the team
Communication - requires part or all of the team
Game sense - requires games - so in turn the team.

So my first point is really when setting up training time for your team - give them time for their own personal training.

Nb. There are plenty of guides, videos and training aides from aim_ maps to Deathmatch servers and aim specific maps out there, so I will not go further into this.

Team Training

Before I even begin to talk Strategies and Playbooks and awesome fakes, let me say that you can train to be a better team without these - train your Mini/Meta game.

In any game its 5 players vs 5 players - but realisticly for your team in a perfect world you would want to play it as a series of 5 v 1 - 5 of your team versus 1 of the enemy, however due to the maps we use in counterstrike - its rare to have a full 5 men in one area so usually it will come down to 2-3 players versus 1-2 enemy players. where you really want to play two 2v1 events keeping one player in reserve.

This allows you to set up some training exercises that can be run without the whole team
far too often I have seen 4 guys sat moaning on a teamspeak because X was late - this can cover this situation turning a negative into a positive for your team

So I now want to practice 2 v 1 's with a further player being support - So you break your team into 2 sides the attackers versus defenders - and have each pair assault trying to break the site into two different engagements forcing the 2v1 rather than a 2v2 or worse two 1v2s your third player can be the initial flash/smoke thrower and initiator to the play.

if you cover this on multiple occasions and for all the different areas and sites that players normally end up fighting in you will begin to really grasp the Site Entry]

Using Dust 2 as an example of areas you can do this - you have:-
Site A
Site B
Mid Doors (ct side)
Catwalk/top of mid

During these Mini games you would be forcing your players to use better communications - letting them decide how to break up the engagement areas - who would cover where and do what.
Think of World class Hostage rescue/Anti-terrorist squads they know exactly who is going where when they break into a room - first comes the flashbang - then 1 man left 1 man right 1 covers high and sweeps R to L and the other coves low from L to R - and by drilling these methods of entry it becomes second nature.

So your team would Learn :-
Better communication

as well as setting up for strategies.....
How to Practice (part2 - Strategy)
Team Strategy

So we have learnt to Meta-practice now lets take that and put it into the team strategy.
Now ill discuss how to come up with your own strategies. I will leave out the really basics strats as hopefully your team has used them already - the RUSH and the 3/2 SPLIT and the KILL THEM ALL THEN TAKE A SITE which you can further become masters in later...

Team Disposition

A Counterstrike team consists of 5 in game players.
One of which is you the caller. that leaves 4 others , and hopefully by now you will know each players strengths and weakness' - if you don't then go ask your players - they should be able to admit what they do best or enjoy most compared to what they dislike most and are worst at.

So how do you take these strengths and weakness' into game? well first off to carry out most Mid level strategies you require the following if attacking (Aka Terrorist side):

A Caller
1 person - aka YOU.

Assault team #1
A Entrance fragger - The first guy into a site who has a fast and accurate aim.
A back-up fragger - who will be able to Trade the kill if the lead man is killed.

A secondary back-up - usually providing specific grenade usage to allow the two assault

Assault team #2
A Entrance fragger - The first guy into a site who has a fast and accurate aim.
A back-up fragger - who will be able to Trade the kill if the lead man is killed.

A secondary back-up - usually providing specific grenade usage to allow the two assault

Distraction team
A primary Distractor - who Actively distracts 1 or2 of the opposing team though noise and fire.
A back-up Distractor - who helps sell the distraction - again most likely though added noise and grenade usage.

Long range Team
A Picker/Sniper (1 or 2) - who can kill the enemy players at long range at the beginning stages of the round.

Lurker Team
A Lurker - A Player who can get kills during the rotation phase of the round, usually by hiding in less obvious spots along likely rotation routes.

The Bomber
A bomb carrier - the man with the c4

Exit kill team
1-3 players who passively wait outside a site in order to kill exiting enemy players.

Now wait up your saying this man cannot count there's more than 5 people mentioned here, and yes there are - as in many roles in life you end up getting "double hatted", having to do two roles at the same time.

Also Have you noticed that from the Meta practice of using 2(3) people attacking an area and breaking it into 2v1s that you have already created these assault teams?

So lets take a Single round
here is the break down

Round Start
Buy time
First Part - usually this is when your players would move to default positions
Second Part - the first engagement and rotation into plan
Third Part - execution of the plan
Forth Part - dealing with events after plan execution
Round End

So any strategy you would want to really break down into separate parts allowing certain freedoms to your players and lots of room for unforeseen events - so using the above Roles and putting them into a round situation.

So in a normal strategy - you would want:
An initial Kill - either by your Long range team, or one of your 2 man assault teams in the form of a pick.
you may want a second kill before moving into your strategy fully.
At which point part of your team would rotate into the first part of your plan - usually one man aiding the assault team in a successful site/area push

This would leave 2 players elsewhere on the map
The Long Range player
one of the remaining players from the assault team

These two players would now become your distraction team - either by pining the remaining enemy players to the opposing site, or on one of the rotation routes- aiming to make the enemy think that your first assault team is NOT the main attack.
Whilst the Distraction team is doing its job - The Initial assault team - along with the Secondary back-up then Push onto the bomb site - and one of 3 then plants the bomb.

The remaining two distraction players can then rotate to the now secured bomb site - OR - remain along the rotation routes as Lurkers.

And if everything goes horribly wrong the Lurkers can become Exit killers .

I hope you managed to follow my thought train there - During each part of the round there was a phase of the Strat happening - and during those phases Different players took on the different roles needed at that time.

So the Key of a Successful strategy is for each player to Know what he is meant to be achieving at each part of the Strat. The better your team becomes with each Strat then the more Alternates you will develop and be able to use when events occur, you will develop Fakes - Double Fakes - Variants (fast, slow, quiet, loud) and be able to add or take away men from the roles in the strat to further confuse the enemy.

So how to I come up with a Strat?

Well if you have been training with your team on the mini games as suggested you will have site Entries nailed - PART THREE of your plan. So all you now need to think of is "how do I want to get to that site entry?", so you need to think of where and how you can best effect of reducing the number of enemy players that your team has to face at each particular site/area you have practised.

ill put this here that you should as a caller always always come up with strats with part or all of your team - make them feel connected to the strat

some teams have dedicated strategists who work with the caller to make the strats before putting them to the team - usually a backup caller

So I want to Go A , therefore I want to Reduce the numbers of players on A in order to gain access to the site - So I have 3 options I can either Kill the Enemy players on that site, Kill the players that will Rotate to that site (i.e. the Primary site backup) or Make the Players in that site believe I am attacking the other site, so that they (some or all) leave the site.

This then will give you PART TWO of your plan. the actual action involved in reducing the numbers - leaving only PART ONE - how to get your team members into position so that they can do part two.

Notice how we have achieve a plan via working backwards from our AIM - giving the Method of achieving that AIM and also the Initial execution to enable the Method.

everything other than the Strat you now have created is Fluff - window dressing - which you can use to createe fakes - Ie Smoke Usage or how your team gets to there Initial Strat positions.

So why make your own strategies, when I can just steal them off the pros?

well you can do that - but you will have to really work hard on gaining the understanding of Why they do each part which is far easier if your doing the plan. I'm a massive fan of taking other strats and Moulding them to your team however - taking elements to make your strategies stronger, or varying them.

the reason I have shown you how to come up with a strat is so that it will work with your team - and that each team member will fully understand their individual role as well as the AIM of the strat.
How to Practice (Part3 - Learning the Strats)
In the Last section we talked about how to take the META-Practice and convert it into part of a Strategy so we now have to teach our team the strategy.

Training The Strats
There is only one reasonable way to fully learn any strategy

it breaks down into 3 sections

The Walk-Through - you take the team on a verbal tour through the strategy - explaining each persons role and any actions that they must complete that allow other team members to do their part in the plan.

The Dry-Run - where you now all slowly Run the Strat doing all the flashes/smokes/He's etc. all without an opponent - just so that the players can understand the mechanics of what they are required to do - And when you feel confident that they are following it you can increase the speed of the dry-run eventually getting it to Match speed.

The Live Run - you specifically get a team practice and then run the Strategy On every round - Until the enemy team reacts and begins to alter their defence against it- at which point its worth doing another strategy/rush - and then repeating the one you are practising .

This will give you lots of information - first off is it a viable strat - if yes then you would discuss AS A TEAM how to further tweak the strat . You can then Repeat the LIVE training on another team or two in case the first was a fluke.

Now I would note that there is every chance that you will get battered and loose many rounds whilst getting the strat right in LIVE circumstances, I get that - and as longgg as your team understands that the AIM is not to win but is in fact to TEST the Strat then it should be ok - yodon'tnt even have to play the full half/match versus the opposing team I i personally would leave after the half - speed up training.

So congratulations you have a working strategy.

note - I've covered a basic mid level strategy creation - Strats Such as Rushes, Fakes, Counter-Fakes, Simple Splits can all be learnt this way.
How to Review
Another part of being the team caller /leader is to review the history of your team, the games you have played and the rounds you have won/lost and which strats worked or failed - most importantly figuring out WHY....


so how do I review? well reviewing is firstly individual -

how could I have done that situation better?
how could I have called better?
what could I have done differently to win that round?

but also as a team -
was this strat correct to run then?
did this strat work/fail because of this?

Reviewing your own Strats

Where you will have to use one of your strats multiple times - and that there is a good chance the enemy team will react to it - by pre-reviewing the outcomes of your strategy you will have also worked out a good defence to how to counter any actions an enemy team will do to break down your strategy..and more importantly if for some reason they use it against you.

say if your main play involved a mid round push by two players in long - but the other team started to double HE the doors just as you set up - then you could tweak by review that strat to either go earlier or later.

So asking searching questions is the KEY
  • You can do this round by round in your heads or very quickly at the end of the round.
  • You can do this at the end of a half - usually using what you have learnt about the enemy and their weakness/strengths are..
  • You can do this POST MATCH
    - The debrief - and in my mind this is the most crucial -giving each team member a few mins to say how they could/would have improved as an individual and as a team ..
    - the Demo watch - re watching the game and seeing if everyone did their part in any set strats correctly, if a strat failed what caused it,

Only by reviewing your performances can you improve upon your game.

Now another part of reveiwing that I will just touch upon is the anti-strat - and really only comes into play during competitions. That is where you Know you will encounter teams that you can go and find out information on them by looking at streams/old demos/ speaking to other teams, finding out their strats/timings/aggressiveness or individual skill that you can then take away and use to form a plan of action against.

Most basically this usually involves finding one of their key Strats and simply coming up with a good defence to it...
But it could come down to timings - at 1.30 they always are setting up their final push - so we will pre-peek our areas and catch them mid set-up
Or X is deadly with an AWP at long - right we will smoke him out of position

Basically Reviewing a teams prior history you can gain information that you can use much earlier on in a game ; Than if you had to find it out during the game and deal with it then....

Mostly Anti Strating is only used at the top end of the sport where the teams that you end up playing are the Same all the time - allowing you to find out this information - Usually most teams will not use this except in rare circumstances...

To quickly sum up

I have covered

how to communicate correctly
how to call effectively
what to call when you are calling
how best to get your team to practice
how to come up with strats for your team
how to practice these strats
and how to review your and your teams performances after games

So hopefully you can now head off and use some of this knowledge and become either a better caller - or a better player. I may have begun to stray a bit away from calling into managing in some areas as well as into play specific training - but well I thought it pertinent...

lastly I apologise for grammar or spelling mistakes - I'm sure ill get around to correcting them soon.

Good luck and happy Gaming


70 σχόλια
2015 legend 20 Απρ 2021, 11:57 
alex 30 Νοε 2020, 0:39 
Not sure how relevant this is now, but being an experienced IGL & Caller since 1.6 I'll add something little.

Where ShooTa says "reach a certain point of the map" ref: spawns.
The CT's will always reach the bombsite first.

Some of you might be finding this is where the problem lies from experience at least. With the best aggressive spawn the Terrorist/s will always reach the choke point of that site where you are likely to engage in combat with the earliest or at the very least be able to pre-aim a spot for when the CT crosses to position him/herself for defending. Having said this, with a good spawn from the CT and a little bhop timings might be slightly off.

Having said this also. If a CT has a not so good spawn they are likely to pre-nade, smoke or flash to hold you off so the CT can get a comfortable defensive spot.

For example De_dust2. With an aggressive spawn you'll reach tunnels look into head shot box(the small one at the back of plateau) before the CT will.
alex 30 Νοε 2020, 0:39 
Another example: If you have the best Terrorist spawn for de_cache you'll reach the larger opening looking into bSite or bMain. Where-by you can see someone cross into checkers and/or fall from heaven to try and enter that side of the site. If you choose to not take the pick, be with via an AWP, Deagle or AK for example. At the very least it's information.
Krystal 28 Οκτ 2019, 8:34 
How to get free skins?
1) Go to pvpro .com(remove the space)
2) Start registration
3) In RAF code, use: KrySTaL100
4) Get 10000 coins and buy skins

Как получить бесплатные скины?
Заходим на pvpro .com(убираем пробел)
Используем Refcode: KrySTaL100
Получаем 10000 монет и покупаем скины
ShooTa  [Δημιουργός] 22 Οκτ 2016, 11:53 
Thanks once again guys - and Hooper - you clearly havnt learnt your map timings yet - as putting a man with a better spawn in certain situations (not all the time) will guarantee a kill./ Gl out there folks
BeefSupream 16 Οκτ 2016, 13:58 
New to the game. Great guide! Thank U!
RIOT 1 Μαϊ 2016, 8:38 
the spawning point you have highlighted is utter dogshite
pancho villa 13 Φεβ 2016, 12:01 
Great Guide im working towards being the IGL for my team thanks bro:csgocross:
Hello! It's Meeeeeeeeee 1 Ιαν 2016, 4:56 
Nice Team Management Knowledge. Love that one. thanks.
Goofy 10 Δεκ 2015, 12:30 