Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

185 个评价
Metro Overhaul Mod v9.0+
由 BadPeanut 制作
This is a detailed guide for features of Metro Overhaul Mod, version 9.0
Getting Started:
This is Metro Overhaul Mod version 9.0+

Metro Overhaul Mod does the following:
  • Allow the metro system in this game to be brought above ground.
  • Add depot functionality for more realism
  • Add character to the metro network with new track styles, rendered tunnels and stations.
  • Extend the functionality of metro with new UI menus controlling track aesthetics, as well as underground station depth and length.
  • Easily switch stations between Metro and Train
  • Easily customize multi-track stations for metro and train services
- Subscribing
For Metro Overhaul to work, you must subscribe to all the required items. These can be found in the panel on the right hand side:

or you can Subscribe to the all inclusive Collection that contains not only the MOM requirements, but the requirements for those too.
- Required Items (and why they're required)
  • Metropolitan Depot
    This is required so that the metro vehicles have somewhere to spawn from. Metro Overhaul removes the vanilla behavior of vehicles spawning directly at stations, instead opting for a more realistic gameplay mechanic. if you don't have this, no metro vehicles will spawn, rendering your entire metro system useless.

  • Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)
    This mod allows more flexibility when placing stops at stations that have more than the default amount of platforms (more than 2). If you don't get this mod, you may find it difficult to control how your lines use the new multi-platform stations provided.

  • Set of Ground Stations
  • Set of Elevated Stations
    These stations are the first on the workshop that contain all the train versions of the metro tracks - the Dual Island Platform, Single Island Platform, Bypass (express) and standard train tracks, which are all required items to the sets:

    If you do not subscribe to these stations, and their required station track networks, you will not be able to convert stations to metro (or metro to train) with the new dynamic converter the mod provides.

- Enabling Required Items in Content Manager
For a full list of required assets and mods that need to be turned on in the content manager please see below:

Make sure these mods are enabled:

Make sure these assets are enabled:

It may seem extensive, but if you don't enable these some aspects of the mod will not work. If you feel you can't subscribe to everything here, maybe MOM is too complex for your computer to handle.
Just know that all required mods, and assets are altogether 200MB in size. That's all. So you can feel informed about your decision to use 200MB of file space to use this very complex mod.
- Best Practice
  • Always back up your saves when starting to use a new mod, or when an update occurs. That way if anything goes wrong, you won't lose your city and feel bad!
  • Read through every piece of description, guide and tutorial you can find before asking for help, it's likely that your question is already answered somewhere and we don't write out these things for fun. Have some courtesy and try your best to answer your questions first - how do we work on Metro Overhaul v 10.0 if we're too busy answering stupid questions?
  • Take a chance! Play around with what's in the mod, and learn from your own mistakes. We've tried to make the UI and gameplay feel as intuitive as possible without assuming everyone's 2 years old.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help if you have done your very best to sort it out first. However, I (Bad Peanut) can't be bothered helping people who can't be bothered reading descriptions and can't be bothered helping themselves. So be warned - I'm very happy to help those who have made an effort and very quick to sass those who have clearly not. Try not to get sassed :P
Overview of the User Interface:
This will aim to give you a brief understanding of the various UI menus that come with the mod.

- Options Menu

This is the options menu for Metro Overhaul. It allows you to manage some of the features that come with the mod. You can turn off the station converter, customization and more. However, after changing an option make sure you quit to desktop and relaunch the game for the changes to take effect.
- In-game Metro Menu

This is where you can access the individual track types, MOM provides single track, double track and quad track. By selecting any of these, you will activate the Track Options pop-up menu.

MOM also keeps the original vanilla metro underground station. You can click on the underground station to activate the Subway Station Options pop-up menu.
- Track Options Menu

This menu will pop-up anytime you select a MOM track to place. It allows you to customize the track you are about to place by letting you choose the style, the direction, pillars, placement and design.

Style Selector
The Style Selector allows you to switch the styles of the selected track. You can select between the two current styles available: Modern or Classic, which will change the mesh and textures of the track on ground, elevated, bridge and tunnel segments. If you are unsure which style is which, you can hover over the icons in-game and a pop-up text will appear naming them. These icons are used in other menus to signify the track style.


The direction buttons let you switch the direction of the track you have selected between one way and two way. The highlighted green option is the current selection.

Directions can be changed for both single and double tracks, however one way direction is disabled for quad tracks.

Pillar Selection

The Pillar Selector allows you to choose which pillar you want to be placed per segment on an elevated segment of track.

From left to right the pillar tracks are as follows:
Median Wide - A pillar with two outer supports and a middle support. 32m wide (4 cells)
Wide - Pillar with 2 outer supports, no middle support. 32m wide (4 cells)
Narrow - Pillar with 2 outer supports. 16m wide (2 cells)
Narrow Median - Pillar with one centered support. 8m wide (1 cell)

Pillar Selection is only supported for the elevated tracks, for bridge tracks, your pillars will revert to the bridge pillar, regardless of your selected pillar.

Alternate Design

This one allows you to tweak the mesh of the currently selected style. So the style won't change but you will add a fence that runs either side of the tracks for both ground and elevated tracks. For Bridge you will completely swap out the mesh for a new bridge style.

Over-Road Friendly

When checked, this mode allows you to place elevated tracks above roads in game without them colliding. This is not using any anarchy mod, and the pillars will not disappear. It disables the track's ability to snap to the roads beneath. You can layer your tracks above each other too.

Over-Road Friendly pillars are only supported for the elevated tracks, for bridge tracks, your pillars will revert to the bridge pillar, regardless of your selected pillar.

- Subway Station Options Menu

This menu will pop-up any time you select a station asset that contains an underground station track. Before placing the station you can customize the underground station tracks as follows:

Station Length

This slider affects the overall length of the station track. 144m is the default for a default length train, however if you get shorter or longer trains from the workshop, this means you can customize the track length to accommodate them.

Station Depth

This slider changes the depth of the track in relation to the surface. 15m below the terrain is the default setting, but if you wish to you can make it shallower to 12m or deeper to 36m. This is handing for layering nearby metro tracks so they don't collide with one another.

Station Angle

Station moves the track on a central pivot determined by the angle of rotation. You can rotate a full 360 degrees.

Station Bend

Bend allows you to place a curved station track. Either a slight curve (0.5) or a full curve (1) in either a concave or convex direction.

The above sliders can work together, so for example you could change the angle and bend of the track to fully explore your network, and make it deeper or longer to stack metro stations near themselves.

Subway Station Track Styles

This option is similar to the above track Style Selector - where you can select the style of the layout of the underground station track.

From left to right they are the following:
Side platform - two stops on the outside of two metro tracks.
Island platform - two stops between two metro tracks.
Single Platform - places two separate tracks, each with one metro track and one platform.
Express Side Platform - two stops on the outside of four metro tracks. The Inner two tracks do not service any stops.
Dual Island Platform - four stops, four tracks, each track services a stop; with two stops grouped between two metro tracks.
- Surface Station Options Menu
..(aka Station Converter)

This menu will pop-up if you have the "In-Game Train <-> Metro Station Converter" option selected in the mod options menu (see above).
You must also have all the required items for it to be able to convert the tracks.

This menu pops up when any train or metro station is selected that contains any recognised above-ground tracks. The station can be in any menu; train, metro or whatever - as long as the asset itself is either train or metro.

Station Converter

This is where you can completely convert any custom station you've downloaded from the workshop - regardless of whether it starts out as train or as metro.
There are three tabs, each one changes the asset to a specific state.
From left to right:

Steam Tab - this maintains the asset as it was originally created by the author who uploaded it, so if it were a train station, it will remain a train station, if it were a metro station then it would stay metro.

Train Tab - this overrides the default asset AI to become a Train Station AI. This means that all above ground tracks will be converted to their vanilla train counterpart, which can be changed later. Style Selector is only available for MOM tracks and not trains.
If an asset is converted to Train Station, then it can accept intercity trains and will show that in the building's Menu.

Metro Tab - this overrides the default asset AI to become a Metro Station AI. This means that all above ground tracks will be converted to their Metro Overhaul counterpart, which can be changed later. Style Selector is available for MOM tracks so you can choose between modern and classic before you plop the station.

Customize Individual Tracks

Regardless of your conversion choice above, you can still customize individual station tracks. If a Station is a multitrack station; with a simple click, you can toggle which track will be train (orange) and which will be metro (green).
Bare in mind, the graphic representation isn't guaranteed to reflect the order of the station tracks in game, therefore it's recommended you play around and place a test station with a test configuration so you can see which tracks are changed.

Style Selector

The style selector is the same functionality as seen above in "Track Options Menu" and is only available for MOM tracks.
Building Your Metro Network:
This part is to walk you through the various things to do when setting up a network, like converting a vanilla metro save to MOM, placing a depot, placing a station, placing tracks and placing lines.
- Convert a Vanilla Metro Save
So you have a vanilla savegame that you've already built an extensive metro network in and you want to start using Metro Overhaul. Any old save can be converted by MOM to use the new networks that MOM provides. All your tunnels will be changed to the default modern tunnel and all your metro stations will be converted to the standard side platform station.

If you are using a vanilla save that has no metro network in it when you start using MOM, you will have no problems as there is nothing already placed for MOM to convert, you can skip ahead.

As the vanilla metro is built at 4m below the surface, MOM will automatically lower the placed tracks to a depth of 15m, including all station tracks.

One thing MOM can't do, is make the station tracks longer. They will stay the vanilla size of 88m in length. If you start using the MOM trains (m100) then you will need to manually delete and re-plop the metro stations to suit the 144m length required for those trains.

This is unavoidable and it is impossible to automate due to the nature of surrounding track nodes.

To make your converted network ready, you will need to place and connect a depot so trains can spawn. Continue reading for details:

- Placing and Connecting the Depot

The Metropolitan Depot by MrMaison is the depot that is required for MOM trains to spawn. It works similarly to bus depots: You place a depot, and build a line and make sure there is a viable way for the vehicles to get from the depot to the line. However, MOM is a bit more than that. In order to make a viable way for the vehicles to get to a line you have to be aware of how they will route to the line.

Metro trains will only spawn if they can find a direct route to the station that is geographically the closest to the depot as the crow flies on the line you are wishing to spawn vehicles for. That means if you're looking down from Birdseye view - and you draw a straight line from the depot to each station on the line, the station that has the shortest line should have a direct connection with the depot.

For example: below, Station A is geographically closer than Station B. If the tracks are connected directly to Station B, although this is still making a connection to the line, the vehicles won't spawn. If the tracks are making a direct connection to Station A (the closest station) then the vehicles can spawn and run along the line.

- Placing stops on multi-track Stations
Placing stops on stations is pretty normal with MOM, unless you find yourself using a station that has more than 2 platforms.

In that case, the required mod: Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE) can be used to unlock all the available stops.

When you're subscribed to this mod, if you hold down the shift key as you place a stop, it will allow you to choose any platform to place the stop at. For example:

This method can be used for any station, whether it's underground, ground, elevated or using more than one segment of track.
- Set of Elevated Stations (User Guide)
Both the ground and elevated sets of stations are required for this mod to be able to activate it's station converter (they have the required tracks that allow it)
But while the ground stations are as basic as any vanilla station there is a small feature for the Elevated Station.

Remember that both sets are actually Vanilla Train tracks and therefore must be converted each time you select it in the train menu with the aforementioned menu options.

When placing the Elevated stations do need a bit of room away from existing roads, otherwise the snapping feature from the vanilla game can pull the embedded roads out of their original positions and mess things up. For more details on that have a read of the set's description.


When placing any station (regardless of MOM or not) you should avoid the prevalent method of placing and adjusting with the mod called moveit. Unfortunately, with the slightest touch of the moveit tool, your station can have it's hidden paths broken so that cims can't route to the platforms.
So to place the elevated stations you must use the vanilla rotation and plopping tools; right click and pan before placing:

Upgrade-able Roads

Each of the elevated station in the set come with a configuration of 2 lane bi-directional roads beneath them. They have fixed height, which means the hidden pedestrian paths can connect from the platform to the ground successfully because they will remain 100% flat, no matter the terrain.

Once placed however, you are free to upgrade or delete any of these roads to whatever you like - without the use of anarchy (or any mod - this works for the train version too). Just remember if you get rid of all the roads there's no way for cims to get to the platforms!

It's still recommended to use a 2 cell wide road where the entrances to the station is.

- Over-Road Friendly Track Placement
This one is pretty simple - to understand how to select the Over-Road Friendly mode, take a look in the above section "Track Options Menu".

When selecting the pillar, you can choose from 4 styles of pillar, each suitable for a different type of road. All you have to do is draw the track above a road while you've got the mode turned on, and remember each time you select the track tool, you will need to select Over-Road Friendly mode as it resets each time you deselect. (this is necessary)

- Quad Tracks: a How-To
Quad tracks are great for having more control over your metro lines, however they do have their limitations. If you don't use any mods alongside MOM then it may be difficult to control and stop vehicles from changing lanes. In fact, if you think of the 4 lane car road, the game mechanics is exactly the same, at any node the train can choose to change tracks and will do so.

That being said: we are working with the TM:PE team to add a function to TM:PE that helps to fix the pathfinding AI for quad tracks. In the meantime we suggest using TM:PE lane connector tool:

As this can help to control those pesky, unrealistic lane changes.
Do successfully control a track though, you may have to use the lane connector tool on each node between stations, to get the exact behaviour you want.

Troubleshooting: The What and Why
This section is what to do if you can't get ANY of the above parts to work as expected. It's gonna take some effort from you and from us! But together we can solve it.

Now first things first, you've GOT to check whether you have all the required items downloaded - that includes the mods, the assets and the asset's required items too.

If you're unsure about what's needed we've put it all in one easy to subscribe to collection right here:


Don't forget to make sure they're all turned on, some are assets and some are mods - usually assets are turned on by default but mods are disabled.

First thing to establish is if there is a problem with Metro Overhaul or if it's another mod conflict.

The Troubleshooting Steps (WHY?)

That's when you have to follow the Troubleshooting steps as outlined in the mod's description:

These basically remove any other mod from the equation. If it's a problem with MOM specifically then the problem will persist even if you've disabled everything else (although make sure you complete all the steps and don't just disable things thinking that's all that matters).
And if it is a problem with MOM, you should be able to produce a 100% vanilla savegame for us to download over steam - which will help us to fix the problem much faster! But that means no other mods AND no other custom assets otherwise we won't be able to open the save.

What Happens when the Troubleshooting Steps don't work?!

Now what happens if the problem goes away when you're using MOM in isolation after following the troubleshooting steps? Well it's good news! The mod itself isn't broken (hooray) BUT it does mean that one of the other mods you are subscribed to is interfering with the same code that MOM alters. Now it's not the end of the world but it's going to take some work to get to the bottom of it.

Now we test our releases as much as we can before putting it out in the world. We have a private beta that has all the best modders participating and testing with us as well as some excellent players. But even with all this manpower we can't test against every single mod on the workshop. Remember there are over 1000 of them!

So if you've discovered a problem with an anonymous mod that you're using and you want us to try and fix it then we need your help! You're going to have to disable all your other mods and slowly but surely turn them back on, one by one, until you find the one that starts causing problems. This is tedious, and if we could do it for you we would, but we can't :(

If you persevere and find the mod that is doing you dirty, come back and let us know! We will do our best to reach out to the creator and find a way to fix it if we can! And in the meantime at least you can disable that one mod until we get it fixed.
Enjoying the Mod
Finally, I wish to thank you all who have read this guide thoroughly. I hope it helps and explains things simplistically and clearly. If there are any improvements, please let me know in the comments.

I would like to remind you that while we all take great pride in this mod and love having you guys use it, please remember we are still just people! There's only one very hard working coder so things take time, and of course real life takes priority whenever necessary.

We don't receive any payment except those that feel gracious enough to donate to any of us.

In requesting help with the mod, I ask that you do all within your power to answer your own question first, by reading this guide (it took an age to write) or reading the description, or watching the video that Bsquiklehausen recorded (first video on the mod's slideshow). They are all very informative and there is hopefully enough information that any simple question is already answered.
I promise to cordially help anyone who has a legitimate problem that isn't clearly answered in any of the aforementioned resources. However if it is, I will just be directing you to read through this thoroughly, and yes it may take time, but just try and imagine how much time this mod takes to actually produce and hopefully you'll think it's time well spent. Of course, we can't spend time working on v10 (or whatever is next) if we're re-answering questions that are already here.

Please enjoy the mod, and share with us screenshots of your lovely Overhauled Metro networks, on here, on reddit, on twitter and on facebook - it makes it all worth it seeing it in use!

Thank you.
72 条留言
theb2blandlord 2023 年 3 月 18 日 上午 7:55 
spell check is crazy....should have read " just wanted to take this moment and give you FLOWERS not I'm sure you don't any help from on that! Salute my friend...
theb2blandlord 2023 年 3 月 18 日 上午 7:54 
Peanut whts good fam. Just wanted to take this moment and give you followers for the upcoming sports pack DLC. I've always followed and included your artwork in my cities from the transit hubs to the matchday stadiums. But from the previews I've seen online, the best is yet to come. Thanks for your efforts and looking forward to Tuesday the 22nd!
MarkJohnson 2022 年 7 月 8 日 上午 9:01 
Did MOM remove my underground metro tracks? I don't see them anywhere and now I can't finish my underground metro system.
哆啦 2022 年 6 月 27 日 下午 8:25 
Hello, I just installed this module (including all the premodules and assets), but I didn't find the Track Options Menu when I entered the game. And the built-in subway track of the newly built subway station in my game is gone...(for MOM)
FlumFlum 2022 年 3 月 19 日 上午 8:32 
Guys, i Have just The MoM Modlist installed. And the Track Option Menu that should plop up, is not there. Are you Having a Discord or something where i can trouble shoot? I dont know what to do anymore :(
Future 2022 年 3 月 6 日 下午 12:59 
Can a feature be added to choose which side of the one-lane one-way track has the third rail? having the side fixed to one side makes some switch/junctions look weird...
Jon 2022 年 3 月 3 日 上午 10:09 
If possible, can the depot be optional ("opt out")? I hate using depots, so it will be a great help indeed.

Either way, this is truly a masterpiece level mod, bloody penguin and bad peanut are artists.
Danger Girl Forever 2022 年 2 月 23 日 下午 1:03 
Trains are queued and every time one is about to spawn it disappears. Anyone know why this is happening? :(
RezaF (レザエフ) 2022 年 2 月 20 日 下午 7:35 
The mechanic behind metro depot is just unnecessarily complex. I appreciate the over the road metro line of this mod but making the metro only spawned only when there's a line connected to the closest geographical station is a bit frustrating.
Henry64Ita 2021 年 11 月 17 日 上午 11:25 
with Over-Road Friendly checked : not able to choose pillar (same one type is selected) and not able to draw the track above the road. when i've installed this mod a month ago all this stuff working well after that i've remove and then reinstalled with this issue