The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Rings of Old - Morrowind Artifacts for Skyrim (Dawnguard)
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19 SEP 2013 a las 11:41
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Rings of Old - Morrowind Artifacts for Skyrim (Dawnguard)

En 1 colección creada por PrivateEye
Morrowind Artifact for Skyrim Collection
12 artículos

This version of the mod requires Dawnguard! Don't have Dawnguard? Don't worry, you can get a version that does not require DLC HERE

Both version are also available on the Skyrim Nexus[]


This mod adds 5 legendary rings to Skyrim that previously appeared in Morrowind. I thought Skyrim severely lacked in powerful magic jewelry and this mod goes some length to remedy that problem;)

In Morrowind all the “unique” rings just used the same model with some texture variations, making them not so unique at all. That’s why I tried my hand at some brand new models, fitting to the lore behind each artifact! Only one of the rings is modeled after the Morrowind original, so there’s a lot more visual difference between them. Also the model for the Ring of Khajiit was actually made by bethesda. The model and textures were present in the games .BSA files, but were never put in game. I just added it to this mod because it seemed like a fitting addition.

There’s a vanilla and Dawnguard version available for this mod! Obviously, you should only get the Dawnguard version if you have Dawnguard. There’s actually not much difference between the two. The Danwguard version adds another function to the Vampiric Ring (read more below).

How to get it?

All rings can be acquired throughout a small undocumented quest. In Morrowind, legendary items were usually scattered throughout the world. They could be obtained by the player at any time (if you knew where to look), though they were usually heavily guarded. I want to return a bit of that feeling to Skyrim.

A wealthy collector has set his eyes on these special rings. He has hired a mercenary to find and collect them. This enthusiastic (but maybe not too bright) adventurer has started his mission in Whiterun but forgotten his personal journal at the Bannered Mare. Look for it there and read the journal for clues on what to do next.

The rings are scattered through Skyrim so you’ll have to go on a little treasure hunt. You’ll find further clues here and there so keep an eye out for notes.

I did include some hints below for people who get stuck. Try figuring it out yourself first though!:)

Usage permission

Usually I don’t have a problem with people using my meshes/textures, etc. as resource for their own mods. I do have 2 conditions:

- You only use these assets for your own mod in Skyrim. I don’t want my work used in other games or programs!

- You notify me by mail that you want to use the mod. You don’t really need to ask for my permission, I just want to know when and where my work gets use. I see it as simple common courtesy.

- You credit me as author of my assets in your mod.


This mod might conflict with mods that change the same locations or characters. I mostly used obscure locations but I also added objects to a few popular places. Biggest chance for conflicts will be with mods that greatly change the Bannered Mare and/or the Prison Dungeons in Whiterun. Also mods that change the Vampire Movarth Piquine might conflict.


So you’re stuck and think my clues are too vague? Maybe one or two hints will help you!
Note that this section can spoil the entire hunt for you! Just check the first hint to start with, then another only if you’re still stuck! Keep it fun for yourself:)

Read the journal and unsure where to go next?
- The first ring and clues are in a tunnel underneath the Whiterun dungeon.
- The tunnel can be accessed from a cell in the dungeon and through the guards barrack.
- Look for a bucket! You’ll find both the first ring and locations for the others!

Where do I find the character with the Vampiric Ring? It says he’s dead!
- You may recognise the name of this character if you played through Skyrim before. He’s not dead, but a boss character in one of the side quests.
- The quest is called Laid to Rest. You can start it in Morthal. The character respawns, so you’ll even find him in his lair after you already completed the quest.

I read the Thief’s note and know the locations of the ring but can’t find them there!
- The rings are always in a Jewelry chest or strongbox. Some of these are in open locations, other more hidden (never behind a rock or something, but put away on a shelf for example). Look around carefully, they shouldn’t be too hard to find.

There’s still one ring whose location is noted as unknown. How do I find it?
- You’ll find a note in the same place where you find Phynasters Ring. It will tell you where to go.

Where are all the locations where the rings are hidden!? I’ve not discovered these yet!
Use this one as a last resort only! It spoils the entire treasure hunt (though you could just as well google all the locations).
These are all the hiding places of the rings (besides the Ring of Khajiit):
-Cragwallow Slop map[]
-Movarth’s Lair map[]
-Northwatch Keep map[]
-Driftshade Refuge map[]

138 comentarios
JASA_G 18 MAY 2018 a las 8:07 
Klpy7 6 AGO 2017 a las 23:14 
this rings are great but texture is invisible and thats a problem
Yonsim 3 SEP 2016 a las 15:02 
hey er i cant seem to find the rings box... yes i went to the lair and no box i have it downloaded so can you tell me were it is? or some one?
Clover 29 ABR 2016 a las 13:13 
Nestolgia bomb, been waiting for this, now if someone would just make a daedric crecent mod for dragon born dlc, i would be forever happy.
LiveEricson 8 MAR 2016 a las 16:19 
nice mod, I apreciate your hard work :)
this kinda mods make me happy ^^
King Corgi 14 FEB 2016 a las 4:18 
ah hah nvm, i had amod which made inns look nicer XD which stopped the book from spawning
King Corgi 14 FEB 2016 a las 4:04 
I cant find the journal in the bannard mare? mate how well did you hide it XD
MarcOfAge 26 NOV 2015 a las 18:31 
Is the Mentor's Ring better than the Ring of the Erudite from Dawnguard?
Sofa 19 JUL 2015 a las 13:53 
Here's proof of me seeing a winged human goat with a deadric armor