Dungeon Munchies

Dungeon Munchies

71 ratings
Lost recepes and secrets
By Rattler
A short guide that gives you the locations of all lost recepies and sum other stuff.
Spoilers ahead.
Jimbo´s Secret Soup Pot
You can find this item right in the first area. It is the smal ruin at the top left. However youll need a double jump to get there. It will probably take you a few tries. If you cant get it outright come back later with wall climb or Red Dragon Tonic (sword upwards thrust)

Happy Leaf
Shrine: Toad Pools
Right after the shirne jump up in the small hole in the ceiling. There is a platfom you should be able to land on. Again, if you arent able to reach it, wait for the Wallclimb or Red Dragon Tonic later in the game.

I found it rather helpful as it gives you a nice 20% speed boost
Achy Breaky Smelly Heart
Shrine: Z´s Breakfast Food
Altho its not that hidden, there are multiple routs around it, so maybe someone wont find it.
Right after Z´s Breakfast Food, take the lowest Path and continue right. Youll find it eventualy.
[Its been already collected in this screenshot]

Firefly King´s Heart
Shrine: Z´s Breakfast Food
Same area as the Achy Breaky Smelly Heart, but this time youll go up whenever possible. There youll find the Firefly King. He´ll drop the Firefly King´s Heart.

Glowy Mushrooms
These can be found if you continue the path of the Firefly King right till the drop. Jump down while staying left. After landing on the shroom you have to jump right. There youll find a few as well as some more Lore.
Seafood Hotpot
Shrine: LOHAS Phase 2
Just continue right and up, untill you come into the first "room" with spikes.

Standing on that platform go left, there is a hidden path, be mindful of the spikes.

Be careful when you continue, as there are a bunch of slimes that can be rather dangerus.

Dried Insight Shroom
Shrine: Lohas Marketplace
Follow the normal route till you find one water spirit and two eyeballs.

After defeating them you can get up the hidden passage in the celing (where the waterfall comes out)

Work your way up and treat yourself with a new secret recipe

Fried Durian Puffs
Shrine: LOHAS Marketplace
You´ll need to follow the rout for awhile untill you find a crafting and cocking spot.

If get up and follow the path youll be met by multiple spiders. The recipe is also in spiderwebs, so dont try to rush it.

Coco Stuff
Shrine: Railcrossing
When you drop down on the rails, go left instead of right. There youll find a tree with the extra ingredient.

The coresponding recipe can be found a bit further. Make sure to use your dash to avoid dmg.

Super Double Crab Boil
Shrine: Asan Cave
Continue with the path untill after the two Iron Bulls.
There will be a small opening in the celing

There will be some spikes, so be prepared to take some dmg.
Blood Lotus Tea
Shrine: MT Asan Area
Go right untill you have to jump up a ledge. Get on the ledge and the perform walljumps above it.
Pappy Panna Cotton
Shrine: Halcyon Heights Alleyways

There will be a point where you have to go up, look left. There should be an opening.

Did i miss anything? Was new stuff added? Msg me or Comment
Also i know that a lot of non english speakers play this game.
Feel free to use the screenshots to make a translated version.
Chapter 2
Scarlet Pork Stew
When in Grills house, simply head up these platforms and go to the left. The plants on the way are ingredients in the new recipes, so make sure to take them with you.
Corny Energy Drink
Simply go up the second set of platforms after the first one in Grills house and go left again. Should be hard to miss.
Watermellon Juice
After Grill realizes that all her good deeds are not going unappreciated, fight your way trough some enemies, do some parkour and enter this small passage to the left. No matter if you go left or right, this will be the first time you meet RPG broccoli. So you will know where to get the recipe.
Pineapple Pizza
This forbidden recipe can be acquired by traveling to Foryu Bus Station and just going left. When the "right" way continues upwards, simply continue going left. Be warned, there are 3 broccoli archers and some more platforming waiting for you.
Barbeque Corn
This one can be found shortly after the last one. Simply head up and to the right.
Blanched Broccoli
After defeating the small army at "Random Place", head right untill you come to the drop. Go up there.
Mark Gun
This one can be found before Foryu Camp. From there simply go back left and drop down. There is a passage to the left again.
Macrobiotic Fruit something something
Below the respawn point between Foryu Two and Foryu Camp.
Magical Stun Gun
This one is actually a bit hidden. This one is left of the respawn point between the fast travel points Foyu Two and Camp. Continue right untill the path goes upwards. There is a hidden way that continues right.
Tomato Soup
Im running out of contextual transition. Fast travel point: Foryo Camp. Youll find it without directions.
Dragonfire Salsa
Go from the mentioned location and just go left.
Pan Fried Leech Stake
The area around Steeped Wetland Area is a bit of a maze.
Down here

To the Left.

There you should find it.
Slimey Mold Yelly
Same as before, its hidden in a maze.
Go to the right this time.

Its hidden here to the left, at the hight of the zombie. Be ready, youre gonna be ambushed by quite a lot of slimes in the dark.
Bat Soup
After obtaining underwater dash, simply go up at the location in the picture.
Shrimp Claw Double Cannon
Go down when you see the tree prophet and head left.
Stewed Whelk
After gaining the ability to decend faster.
At this crossing, go right.
Leech Blood Pudding
I am sorry to say, but ive picked it and forgot where ive found it.
Grilled Eel
Im sorry if these descriptions get vaguer and vaguer, but there are so many of them.

To the right
Double Fish Bowl


Up again

You dont have to do it in this order, its just one way to get there.
Chainfish Nigiri

At this junction, to the right is the respawn point, up above is the previous recipe.
Go left, there is a hidden passage at the top.
Assorted Fish Something
Gassoline Bottle
This sovjet minister can be found going down/left in this room
Shiny light sword
After entering the SUC fight you way through the first robots.
Dash through the laster on the top left and make your way around.
Braised Wings

To the right is yet another hidden passage
Fried Skin Cracklings
Just go right at the fast travel point: Steeped City Hall dining
Steel Plated Tofu

Hit the button above and dash through the door. At recipe is located at the top to the right.
Iron Egg Skewers
Above the previous secret you will find a side passage, simply enter and follow the only path available.
Fried Breast Cutlet
After ariving at the door behind lasers, go left where you will meet Grill.
Go down and to the left again.
Portable Execution Device
At the laser door, go the left route, follow untill you are here
Drop down the hole.
Fried Leg Tender
Going right from the laser door, continue the path up untill here

Jump over the platform to the right and walljump up. There you will find the secret.
Wreckage Rolls
Right Path of the laser door.

Go down and left
Core consomme
Uhhh somewhere right of the laser door?
Sweaty Sports Drink
This one is a bit tricky. After reaching the first Checkpoints in the mountain, go left and climb the wall up. It might seem like you will be unable to climb it, but it is possible.
Elemental Sundae

Travel left using the walls hanging from the ceiling to refresh your tripple jump and dash.
Apple Flury Ice Cream
Go left from the travel point Snow Peak Residences
Ice Bird Snow Cone

This one is right of the next checkpoint.
Blood Red Battery Soup

Going up the slope shown in the picture.
Holy Handgrenade
First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.

Snow Peak Nature Reserve, go right on this junction.
Apple Pie

After jumping on those floating ice things, go up/left on this junction
Gory Meat Bun
This one can be found after one of simmers fragments

Up/Left here
Cryptic Noodle Soup
Snow Peak Sanctuary

Down here
Be warned, multiple wendigos will wait for you.
Crepuscular Moon
When entering Capital Highway, dont jump down in the hole. Jump over it and wall climb the wall to the right.
Chapter 3 and other stuff
As i already stated, i will mostly incorporate information from comments going forward as i am not continuing the game.
All sources bellow are from the community and not myself.

Recepie video below
Rattler  [author] 24 Nov, 2024 @ 11:48am 
i added your comment to the guide @vincicat
vincicat 24 Nov, 2024 @ 6:50am 
for anyone who need help for the sweaty sports drink:

and the ch3 blueprints & recipes
xoxo.velvet. 17 Sep, 2024 @ 5:08pm 
nvm I found the guide part
xoxo.velvet. 17 Sep, 2024 @ 4:54pm 
help on holy hand grenade please
☆King Rocket☆ 8 Aug, 2024 @ 8:58pm 
The Leechblood Pudding unlocked automatically once the corresponding cookbook is unlocked, if I remember correctly. It's the only page still left in said book.
Linkolchu 27 Apr, 2024 @ 7:25pm 
"shine" i meant shrine
Linkolchu 27 Apr, 2024 @ 7:24pm 
If anyone is stuck on Blood Lotus Tea, the shine it's near is called Mt. Asan Area Entry, and it's not in the area called Mt. Asan Area, like the guide suggests
kawaiineko333 13 Feb, 2024 @ 7:27pm 
Fried Durian Puffs are in Halcyon Heights
Sneakay 13 Oct, 2023 @ 1:46am 
electric mucus not rare drop you can get it by walking on the electric line that the snail leaves
TwistedFox 6 Aug, 2022 @ 2:35pm 
@Rattler nvm the electric muus isnt rare, you just need to wait for a certain attack and walk through it/attack it. Don't even need to kill the snail. Just putting this here for anyone in future.