Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

150 人が評価
City Sprawl
1.614 MB
2019年7月7日 14時20分
2019年7月10日 15時38分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

City Sprawl

Edits the yields of the Trading Posts Grow into Towns mod. The trading post provides +1 food, production and gold, with each tier adding one more. The defence bonus has been increased as well.

Original Mod:

Trading Post:
+1 food
+1 production
+1 gold
5% defence
Available at agriculture
Built on any tile

+2 food
+2 production
+2 gold
10% defence
Available at guilds
Not buildable on snow

+3 food
+3 production
+3 gold
20% defence
Available at industrialization
Not buildable on tundra

+4 food
+4 production
+4 gold
40% defence
Available at replaceable parts
Built same places as village

How it works:
A worker builds the trading post, then after reaching a certain era (renaissance for the hamlet), by working it with a citizen the tier will upgrade. It takes a while and you should make sure to lock the citizen to the tile.

If this seems overpowered, that's because it is. The yields ensure that the ai will spam this improvement and that cities grow big and strong, and then in the late game there will be dense urban combat. Probably goes well with a mod that focuses on late game combat.

Updated so that each tier can be built by workers in case the improvement isn't upgrading on its own like it should.
32 件のコメント
NavyPierre 2023年7月27日 12時38分 
It seems like the Hamlets are missing when playing the with the Vox Populi mod, but I have no clue if the same happens in vanilla. Anyone else having this issue?
SuspiciouspegasusTTV 2021年9月24日 16時00分 
Ohh hey this is kind of like districts in civ 6! awesome, and it expands upon a mod I already have downloaded!
bluhspizo 2021年9月3日 19時40分 
does this also require the original mod? I don't see my trading posts upgrading. If it helps, I'm on marathon speed and I'm in the enlightenment era (another mod, if it wasn't clear). Would these things effect anything?
rouven-s.-simon 2021年2月5日 14時14分 
It lacks religion.
And you can buy art etc. pp. only with religion.
Computer Dweller  [作成者] 2020年3月16日 7時03分 
I never tested if it was savegame compatible, but I think it is.
Sovyun 2020年3月13日 17時48分 
Do I need to start with a new save or can I continue with this mod on a existing save file?
Buttwheat 2020年1月12日 14時57分 
Hey nice, thanks for fixing that mod.
Computer Dweller  [作成者] 2019年12月15日 17時51分 
I don't know how to make the improvement only buildable when adjacent to cities, but I did make a working version that only gives yields when next to a city, completely forgot about it until now so I'll release it when I have some free time.
Dawud Sandstorm 2019年12月13日 19時19分 
Should only be next to city or on roads adjacent to an upgraded tile next to the city
Cyberduck 2019年9月16日 8時37分 
You know guys it's pretty easy (with some tests but it could be a good introduction to modding^^) to understand the file and change the values.
I just lower the yields to reasonable values, if the yields of these improvements are greater than strategic, bonus or luxury resources yields it totally break the game (no resources strategy on civ ??), but made them just behind with some techs adding yields in time like other improvements is really great, the defense bonus is a great idea, it made the fort and citadel obsolete with time, pretty accurate with the graphics of these improvements in late eras. (who look like totally outdated defense)