Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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10 Input Configurable Touch Screen Video Switcher
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Tunnisteet: v0.7.18
45.681 KB
7.7.2019 klo 11.08
7.7.2019 klo 12.04
4 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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10 Input Configurable Touch Screen Video Switcher

10 Input Configurable Video Switcher

Properties include a slider to adjust the number of video feeds from 1 through 10.

1. Connect Video Feeds in order (from 1 through 10)
2. Connect a display with both touch input (composite) and video output (video) (preferably greater in size than 1x1, though it will work, just with buttons covering most of the screen)
3. Select how many video feeds you have filled from 1 through 10

Connections :
1-10 - Numbered Video Inputs 11 - Video Output 12 - Touch Input

Streamable video link[]

3 kommenttia
Kitsuneツ 17.12.2020 klo 23.04 
Hello!, Its pretty cool and very useful for me making my things but, If possible can you add a feature where the buttons can be located on a separate screen, im using a 2x2 monitor and the buttons often block the video, However, I've seen nothing like this and its very helpful, Thx
Rangermark12 15.10.2020 klo 18.43 
i'm making a tv and i'm using it so it has more then one input
Rangermark12 15.10.2020 klo 17.48 
Cool thanks!