Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD

Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD

116 ratings
Galaxy on Fire 2: 100% Achievement Guide
By Jedo
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The guide will cover all the achievements currently in Galaxy on Fire 2.

There are a total of 92 achievements.

2 are gained from natural progression.
84 are tiered medals (28 types with a bronze, silver, and gold medal for each).
5 have specific conditions.
1 is for completing everything else.
Natural Progression (2 Achievements)

Veteran - You got this medal from Admiral Smith for outstanding services to the Terran Space Fleet.

You can get this medal by simply starting the game.

Void Terror - Congratulations! You fought off the Voids.

This medal is awarded after the last mission.
24 Gold Medals (84 Achievements) - Part 1
There are 28 gold medals for tiered achievements in the game. Completing all of these will result in 84 achievements. 28 for each tier of Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Survivor Gold - Arrived with less than 5% of hull energy.

Before anything else, I want to mention that I got this achievement using a Veteran Terran ship without any equipment (shield/armor). Hitting asteroids can easily get you this achievement. The only problem is that with the ship I was using, only hitting asteroids resulted in death. I was not able to get below 5% without killing myself via Asteroids. To combat this, I intentionally got hit by a pirate once before jumping to a secure system to hit asteroids. This will allow you to get around 3-4% easily. If you have trouble getting hit ONLY once then lower the difficulty and practice strafing while doing evasive rolls. Once you reach the target hull energy, board any space station.

Geologist Gold - Mined at least 11 different types of ore.

The different types of ore are listed here[]. Each ore links to a page that shows which systems have which ores. A good scanner and a high quality drill will help decrease the time it takes to mine any ore.

Adv. Geologist Gold - Mined at least 11 different cores.

The same advice for Geologist Gold can be applied to this medal. Class A asteroids give a core when mined successfully. I suggest using a K'yuul mining drill[] if you don't have access to the Gunant's Drill[] yet.

Killer Gold - More than 250 kills.

This will unlock naturally by simply doing all other content. Pirate kill missions in the later stages of the game are very easy. They give good money and some kills for minimal effort.

Carrier Gold - Transported more than 200t of goods on courier missions.

This adds up all the courier missions you've taken so just keep accepting convenient ones while you play. Later on when you can teleport to other systems (without a jumpgate), you can do the long distance missions much faster.

Miner Gold - Mined more than 1000t of ore.

This is very easy to get with a Veteran Terran ship with a lot of cargo expansions. I do not recommend using the 350 cargo ship because it only has gun turrets that are manually fired and reduce mobility. The 2 best drills to mine this much ore would be Gunant's Drill[] if you already have the teleport ability OR the IMT Extract 4.0X[].

Adv. Miner Gold - Mined more than 25t of cores.

The same mining advive applies to this medal. The only difference is that you will have to actively search for Class A asteroids. The 2 best drills to use would be the K'yuul mining drill[] or the Gunant's Drill[].

Personal Need Gold - Bought more than 1000t of booze.

The easiest way to get this medal is to buy cheap booze in bulk and just sell it 1 system away. Union drought or anything else that's cheap works. A list of booze and vendor locations can be found here[].

Barkeeper Gold - Owned at least 22 different types of booze.

A list of booze and vendor locations can be found here[]. Just go visit each system. You can also gain certain types of booze by killing pirates.

Garbage Man Gold - Destroyed more than 150t of space junk.

You will eventually find these missions by checking out the space lounge. These missions will direct you to certain places with a lot of tiny rock-looking things to destroy. Luckily, there will NEVER be any enemies in the appointed place. This is easy to clear if you carry nukes with you.

Space Tourist Gold - Been to at least 100 different stations.

100 stations mean ALL the stations in the game. Systems that have been completely visited are marked with a tiny orange arrow.

Explorer Gold - Been to at least 22 different systems.

This can be obtained while trying to get Space Tourist Gold. The game differentiates between systems that are cleared and systems that are not.

Handyman Gold - Owned at least 13 blueprints.

You can find a list of the blueprints here[]. Ignore the DLC-marked blueprints since the PC version does not have any DLC.

Engineer Gold - Finished at least 13 different blueprints.

This medal requires you to completely build all the blueprints listed in Handyman Gold. This is easy to do. It just takes a bit of dedication to search each shop that you visit for the necessary parts.

Addict Gold - Played for more than 20 hours.

An easy way to do this without having your game pause on you is to visit a space station. Being in the lobby counts towards your hours played (provided that you don't manually pause). You can tab out while in any station's lobby and the clock will keep ticking. Just make sure to save every now and then.

Workaholic Gold - Finished more than 50 missions.

You'll be able to earn this by just continuously completing missions while working towards Moneybags Gold. Pirate killing missions are the easiest and fastest ones to do (especially if they are in the same orbit).

Globetrotter Gold - Used the jumpgate at least 100 times.

Using the teleportation drive does not count as using a jumpgate.

Tour Operator Gold - Carried more than 50 passengers.

Once again you can pick a ship like the Veteran Terran ship and just have multiple cargo expansions. From there you can buy large cabins and do the transport missions offered in various space stations.

Ninja Gold - Invisible for more than 5 minutes.

I obtained this medal by using the best Cloaking device. The Yin Co. Shadow Ninja[] lets you cloak for about 40 seconds for a measly cost of 5 energy cells[]. You don't have to be invisible for 5 consecutive minutes. It simply adds on the total time you have been invisible.
24 Gold Medals (84 Achievements) - Part 2

Nuclear Armament Gold - Detonated more than 50 bombs.

The best way to do this is to go to a secure system while carrying the required amount of nukes. Just detonate them while paying attention where the friendly patrols are. Things can get ugly if you accidentally hit them. The AMR Tormentor[] is the weakest and cheapest nuke and it is recommended for completing this medal.

Alien Hunter Gold - Collected more than 25t of alien remains.

This medal simply requires you to collect the remains of Void enemies. There will be plenty of opportunities to do this. I suggest reading up on the Void so that you can be prepared to collect when you do meet them. I also suggest getting a good scanner and tractor beam to collect the remains faster.

Weapon Fanatic Gold - Mounted 4 primary weapons.

Before I bought a Veteran, I had a Nuyang II. It's a Midorian ship that let's you mount 4 primary weapons. This medal simply requires you to get a ship to mount 4 weapons with.

Looter Gold - Salvaged more than 500t of freight.

You can salvage any cargo whenever you kill an enemy. Once again, a good scanner and tractor beam will speed this up.

Moneybags Gold - Earned more than 1000000$.

You can earn this money near the end. Missions give 50-100k (or even more). Pick missions that are most convenient to you and eventually you will be able to get this. Some missions also request certain products. Trading organs/vossk organs to the space lounge quest givers can net you triple the profit that can reach the hundreds of thousands.

Chatterbox Gold - Spoke with more than 100 people.

You will eventually get this while doing missions. You'll have to talk to a lot of people to complete the other medals anyway so it is guaranteed that you will get Chatterbox Gold along the way.

Commander Gold - Commanded more than 20 wingmen.

Some NPCs in the space lounge offer their services as wingmen. Some of them come in the form of 3 wingmen. Accept their offers as soon as you have the chance so that you can eventually unlock this medal.

Mason Gold - Destroyed more than 250 asteroids.

I used autoguns to destory 250 asteroids. Keep in mind that lasers are not able to break them.

Space Saver Gold - Had more than 500t of free cargo space.

I do not recommend getting the 350 cargo ship. Having no primary weapons can be fatal in this game. Instead, get a Veteran with several cargo expansions.

Everything Else (6 Achievements)

Harum-Scarum - Left a station without weapons or equipment.

Just unequip all of your equipment in a secure system and leave the station. The achievement will unlock and you can just rush back to safety by doing a 180.

Naysayer - Rejected more than 50 job offers.

Self-explanatory. You can reject offers without consequence.

Daredevil - Accepted 10 missions without asking about the difficulty.

Self-explanatory. Accept missions that don't require you to travel too far. If it's in a secure system, chances are that it won't be too hard.

Tracker - Accepted 12 missions without asking about the location.

Knowing a bit about the systems and orbits in this game will go a long way. Simply accept and complete 12 missions in which you do not ask the location. Just make sure that you regonize where the mission wants you to go.

Renegade - Evoked hostility in one faction.

If you keep doing missions for the same faction you will eventually evoke their enemy's hostility. Another fast way to evoke hostility is to shoot down a faction's ships. Just remember that there are consequences for doing this. You will have to pay a fee to restore your reputation with the faction. While this is in effect, you also have to pay bribes to dock in enemy factions' space stations.

Champion - You got all the medals!

Congratulations! If you have any questions/concerns regarding the guide then please feel free to comment on here or on my profile. If you found this guide helpful, please comment/rate/favorite/subscribe!
DabstiX 13 Nov, 2021 @ 1:45pm 
Please make another game just like this but bigger, i'd pay 200$ for a game exactly like this but multiplayer, with a auction house to buy sell and trade, this game is still after years of gaming, one of the best ive ever played.. Please make another exactly like it, 3 was a fail imo. this was perfect.
Floyd 6 Apr, 2015 @ 9:08am 
I confirm what SteveK mentionned, I already encountered a couple wandering pirates while destroying the space waste. I believe it was a random event, not linked with the mission objective, but still; you're not completely exempt from danger. :)
Invisi 16 Feb, 2015 @ 5:03pm 
Still trying to find where the config .ini file is located so i can modify graphic settings to 2560x1440 manually since it is not possible in launcher menu options. :CSAT:
Jepp 18 Sep, 2014 @ 5:02pm 
Thanks for the guide Jedo! I'm getting there.
A quick note on the Bartender achievement. If you go to the status menu at a hangar and click on it, it shows which you haven't collected yet (as seen in bottom left):

You may have already known, but I thought it might be worth mentioning here.
SteveK. 14 Jul, 2014 @ 10:41am 
Just one little thing considering Garbage Man Gold , there can be pirates if ure unlucky.. i had like 4 or 5 times pirates shippin through the trash ...
Popefy 4 Jun, 2014 @ 2:12pm 
but let the pirate shoot you until you have the little bit of health left
Popefy 4 Jun, 2014 @ 2:11pm 
easier way of getting gold survivor is at the beginning of the game with gunnant, when the one pirate appears just stay right next to the station without docking and once you can only see a tiny bit of your ship health left, dock at the station, instant gold survivor medal
☣ Leech ☢ 24 May, 2014 @ 9:08am 
Got the last Achievement, great Guide! :first_star:
☣ Leech ☢ 20 May, 2014 @ 3:17pm 
I´ll need it^^
Love 2 100% Games:hmm:
Jedo  [author] 20 May, 2014 @ 3:16pm 
Np! Good luck on attempting to 100% the game!