Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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Civilization Bonuses: Unique Units and How to Counter Them [Base Game and All DLC]
作者: BEAR
This guide covers the stats and capabilities of all Unique Units in the original Age of Kings and Conqueror's Expansion and the newer expansions (Forgotten Empires, African Kingdoms, Rise of Rajas), how to counter them, and each Civilizations' respective Bonuses. (F) Forgotten Empires, (A) African Kingdoms, (R) Rise of Rajas
AZTECS: Infantry & Monk Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Villagers carry capacity +5
- All Military Units are created 15% faster
- Monks gain 5 HP for every tech researched at the Monastery
- Loom Tech free
- No Gunpowder or Cavalry Units
- Scout Cavalry is replaced by Eagle Warrior (or Eagle Scout depending on game version i.e Conquerors/Forgotten/African/Rajas)

Team Bonus: Relics generate +33% Gold
Unique Tech: Garland Wars - Increases Infantry attack by +4

Unique Unit: Jaguar Warrior (Anti-Infantry Unit)
Basic Information and Strategy
Jaguar Warriors are one of the strongest infantry units in the game due to their improved attack bonus granted by Garland Wars. They are able to hold their own against every infantry unit in a 1v1 situation, including the Teutonic Knight, provided the Jaguar Warrior manages to make the first blow. Their main weakness is lack of pierce armor, making them vulnerable to archers and heavy cavalry.
BERBERS: Cavalry and Naval Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
Villagers move +10% faster
Stable units cost -20% (starting in castle age)
Ships move +10% faster

Team Bonus: Genitour availible at Archery Range

Unique Techs
Kasbah: Team castles work +25% faster
Maghrabi Camels: Camel troops regenerate

Unique Units
Camel Archer: Cavalry Archer with bonus against cavalry archers
Genitour: Mounted Skirmisher

Basic Information and Strategy
Camel Archers - The Berbers have the Camel Archer for their unique castle unit. Being a camel unit, it has an advantage against cavalry, but only of the archer variety i.e. Mangudai and Cavalry Archers. The best strategy would be to use them in small, quick battalions alongside anti-pikemen units. However, I'd recommend a contingent of heavy cavalry to deal with any units with high pierce armor as well as pikemen to deal with camels.

Genitour - Like the Italians, Vikings, and Koreans, the Berbers have two units specific to their civ, the first being the Camel Archer. The second, the Genitour, is a mounted skirmisher, a unit that's effective against archers, mounted and cavalry. Best used in small battalions to utilize their speed, I'd suggest matching them with heavy cavalry to prevent problems with units possessing high pierce armor, or infantry and archers to deal with pikemen and your own pikemen to counter camels.
BRITONS: Foot-Archer Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Town Centers cost -50% Wood from the Castle Age
- Foot archers (except Skirmishers) have +1 range in Castle Age, +1 in Imperial Age (+2 range total)
- Shepherds work 25% faster

Team Bonus: Archery Ranges work 20% faster
Unique Tech: Yeomen - (+1) Range for Foot Archers, (+2) Attack for towers

Unique Unit: Longbowman (Long-range foot Archer)
Basic Information and Strategy
The Longbowman boasts the greatest archer range in the entire game. Starting off at a base of 5, upgrades from the blacksmith, researching Elite Longbowman and Yeomen at the Castle will bring the Longbowman's max range up to 12, thus out-ranging Castles, Towers, Mangonels, and Scorpions including rival Unique Archer units from other civilizations. They also have a higher attack than normal archers.
The best strategy for using Longbowmen is in a group of at least 15 (IMHO). Using them in base defense behind walls with locked gates is another useful tactic. When on the battlefield, protect your Longbowman contingents with a combination of Infantry and Cavalry. Being archer units, Longbowmen won't last long against as little as 5 knights (IMHO).
BURMESE: Monk and Elephant Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Free Lumber Camp Upgrades
- Infantry +1 Attack per Age (Starting in Feudal Age)
- Monastery techs 50% cheaper

Team Bonus: Relics are visible on the mini map

Unique Techs
Howdah (Castle Age): Battle Elephants get +1/+2 armor
Manipur Cavalry (Imperial Age): Cavalry and Arambai get +6 attack versus buildings

Unique Units
Arambai: A powerful, but inaccurate cavalry

Basic Information and Strategy
Arambai: The Burmese Arambai is a cavalry archer with a powerful attack that is unfortunately negated by their horrendous accuracy. Through trial and error (with the assistance of Hardfoil), we decided that the best strength of the Arambai is served in small, quick cohorts that can engage and retreat swiftly from any entanglements they may encounter. Because of their pitiful accuracy, it is best to use them to attack large blocks of troops in order to maximize the damage they do across an area of effect. By far the simplest way to counter the Arambai is with excessive amounts of pikeman. Some of the infantry will certainly fall whilst moving to engage, but if enough, the pikemen will rip the Arambai to shreds.
Byzantines: Defensive Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Buildings gain +10% HPs in Dark Age, +20% Feudal Age, +30% Castle Age, +40% Imperial Age
- Camels, Skirmishers, Pikemen, Halberdiers are cost -25%
- Fire Ships +20% Attack
- Advance to Imp Age costs -33% (667 Food and 536 Gold instead of 1000 Food and 800 Gold)
- Town Watch Tech free

Team Bonus: Monks heal 50% faster
Unique Tech: Logistica - Cataphracts do trample damage

Unique Unit: Cataphract (Anti-Infantry Cavalry)
Basic Information and Strategy
The Cataphract is the unit with the fewest weaknesses. They have a bonus attack against infantry units, making them an ideal defense force. Despite having a disadvantage when it comes to facing Heavy Camels and Mamelukes, the Cataphracts are effective against all units, making them a force to be reckoned with. Still, keeping some infantry with them would be wise seeing as Halberdiers can still be a threat to Cataphracts.
There are several units which are able to efficiently deal with Cataphracts. Halberdiers are the most logical choice, being the unit specifically mean for countering cavalry. However, having more than the attacking Cataphract contingent is wise seeing as Cataphracts can soak up damage like it's nobodies business. The next option would be using Paladins, preferably Frankish ones. While most paladins and cavaliers are able to defeat Cataphracts 1v1, in a large conflict the Cataphracts have the higher success rate.
The Persian War Elephant will be able to defeat Cataphracts with ease thanks to their high attack and HP. Just make sure not to attack with less than 10. A large force of cataphracts can take down 5 war elephants without much difficulty, especially if there are several castles and monks in the general vicinity. (This tidbit came from personal experience in a Regicide match.)
Archers, Hand Cannoneers and Scorpions also have a slight advantage thanks to a lower pierce armor on the Cataphracts part.
Celts: Infantry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Lumberjacks work 15% faster
- Infantry move 15% faster
- Siege weapons fire 20% faster
- Sheep cannot be converted if in 1 Celt Unit's line of sight

Team Bonus: Siege Workshops work 20% faster
Unique Tech: Furor Celtica - Siege Units have +40% HP

Unique Unit: Woad Raider (Fast-moving Infantry)
Basic Information and Strategy
The Woad Raider is the fastest non-hero infantry in the game, making it an excellent rushing unit and about the same speed as a scout cavalry. They're best used against low-level, non-unique infantry and most archers, but become chow food against stronger infantry variants and cavalry. Woad Raiders are also effective against siege weapons and have a bonus against buildings, making them ideal for destroying wonders.
Chinese: Archer Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Start Game with 3 extra villagers but -200 Food and -50 Wood
- Town Center supports 10 population instead of 5
- Technologies cost -10% in Feudal Age, -15% Castle Age, -20% Imp Age
- Demolition Ships have +50% HP

Team Bonus: Farms start with +45 food
Unique Tech: Rocketry - Chu Ko Nu (+2) attack, Scorpions (+4) attack

Unique Unit: Chu Ko Nu (Rapid-fire Archer)
Basic Information and Strategy
The Chu Ko Nu is the only archer in the game that fires multiple shots with each attack. A normal Chu Ko Nu fire 3 arrows per attack while an Elite Chu Ko Nu fire 5 arrows. However, only the first arrow does full damage while the following do only 3. Their large attack and quick fire rate is offset by their low health, lack of base armor, and a base range of 4.
Several successful tactics for using Chu Ko Nu is mingling them with Arbalests and Infantry: Arbalests for clearing away most anti-archer units and Infantry for fending off cavalry and mopping up after the Arbalests. Another tactic is garrisoning them inside Castles and Towers, thus greatly increasing the building's firepower.
The most ideal way of defeating Chu Ko Nu is with longer ranged archers, large numbers of heavy cavalry and siege weapons with splash damage.
Ethiopians: Archer Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Archers move +15% faster
- Receive +100 gold, +100 food when advancing to the next age
- Pikemen and Halberdier upgrades free

Team Bonus: Towers and Outposts +3 LOS

Unique Techs
Royal Heirs: Shotel Warriors are created nearly instantly
Torsion Engines: Siege workshop units blast radius increase

Unique Units
Shotel Warrior: Cheap, quick to build infantry

Basic Information and Strategy
Shotel Warrior - The Ethiopians' Shotel Warrior is a cheap, quick-to-build infantry unit with devastating attack power, allowing it to compete with the Teutons' Teutonic Knight and the Aztecs' Jaquar Warrior for strongest infantry (disallowing heroes). Because of their low cost and quick build time, I suggest creating Shotel Warriors in bulk to simply swarm any enemies. However, their high attack rating is offset by their squishyness. Providing an escort of cavalry and archers would be a wise course of action, particularly to deal with siege weapons with splash damage. Mangonels can be devastating.
Franks: Cavalry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Castles cost -25%
- Cavalry +20% HP
- Farm upgrades free
- Foragers work 25% faster

Team Bonus: Knights have +2 LoS
Unique Tech: Bearded Axe - (+1) Range for Throwing Axeman

Unique Unit: Throwing Axeman (Infantry with Ranged Attack)
Basic Information and Strategy
The most interesting thing about the Throwing Axeman is the classification. Even though it's an infantry unit, it has a ranged attack that makes them useful when dealing with Anti-Archer units with high pierce armor. In addition, Throwing Axemen have an attack bonus against buildings and are prime for destroying Battering Rams from behind walls without compromising defenses by opening gates. But, their inferior range makes them vulnerable to Cavalry, Scorpions and hit-and-run tactics by archers. The Franks lack of the Squire tech makes the Throwing Axeman slow and not as maneuverable as other infantry.
Goths: Infantry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Infantry cost -35% starting in Feudal Age
- Infantry have +1 attack bonus vs buildings
- Villagers have +5 attack bonus vs boars
- (+10) population cap in Imperial Age
- Unable to build Stone Walls

Team Bonus: Barracks work 20% faster
Unique Tech:
(Castle Age) Anarchy - Huskarls can be created at Barracks
(Imp Age) Perfusion - Barracks create units 100% faster

Unique Unit: Huskarl (Anti-Archer and Arrow-Resistant Infantry)
Basic Information and Strategy
The Huskarl has decent attack and reasonable speed, but the main asset of the Huskarl is their 6 pierce armor, making them an ideal archer deterrent and allowing them to attack a castle with ignorance. In general, they are well-rounded units that can deal with most threats. However, they are a bit short coming when pitted against cavalry and mounted archers (I.E. Cavalry Archers, Mangudai, & War Wagons).
Huns: Cavalry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Don't need Houses, but start game with -100 wood
- Cavalry Archers cost -10% Castle Age, -20% Imperial
- Trebuchets +30% Accuracy

Team Bonus: Stables work 20% faster
Unique Tech: Atheism - (+100) years for Relic & Wonder Victories, Spies/Treason cost -50%

Unique Unit Tarkan (Anti-Building Cavalry)
Basic Information and Strategy
The Tarkan's basic role is that of building destruction. Best categorized as a medium cavalry, having HP, Armor, and Attack somewhere between Light Cavalry & Knights. In addition to destroying buildings, Tarkansm are reasonably effective against most ranged units and light cavalry. Their Pierce Armor is substantial enough to withstand attacks from defensive structures, so they are capable of taking down towers and castles, depending on the size of the contingent. They best serve as hit-and-run raiders, destroying a building or two and retreating before a counter-attack can be realized. They also are able to survive pitched battles if the need arises.
Being classified as medium cavalry, Tarkans are less capable of surviving against infantry, heavy cavalry and camels. Despite having a 20 HP advantage and a slight advantage in armor, Cataphracts can beat Tarkans by a narrow margin.
Incas: Infantry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Start with a free llama
- Villagers affected by Blacksmith upgrades
- Houses support 10 population
- Buildings cost -15% stone
- Scout Cavalry is replaced by Eagle Warrior (or Eagle Scout depending on game version i.e Conquerors/Forgotten/African/Rajas)

Team Bonus: Farms built 50% faster
Unique Techs
Couriers: Eagle Warriors, Slingers and Kamayuks +1/+2 armor
Andean Sling: Skirmishers and Slingers have no minimum range

Unique Unit(s)
Kamayuk: Infantry with a massive spear
Slinger: Anti-infantry archer
Basic Information and Strategy
Kamayuk - The basic idea of the Kamayuk is to be the Incan version of the Greek Phalanx. Their primary ability is their bonus against cavalry, but because of a massive spear, the Kamayuk is capable of attacking from behind units and keeping its distance from infantry and archers. This also means that the Kamayuk can attack through walls. A good tactic when using Kamayuks would be to have a decent size contingent in front of the Incas' other unique unit, the Slinger.

Slinger - Slingers are anti-infantry archers that can be built from the archery range. Despite having a less than average range, the Andean Sling tech can cancel that weakness out. Their significant bonus against infantry is a decent deterrant for infantry with the intent of breaking up a contingent of Kamayuks. Being archers, they're vulnerable to cavalry and mounted units. But when matched up with the Incas' other unique unit, a solid tactic is created. Like the Italian's Condottiero, the Slinger has no elite upgrade.

Inidians: Gunpowder and Cavalry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Villagers cost -10% Dark, -15% Feudal, -20% Castle, -25% Imperial
- Fishermen work 15% faster and carry +15
- Camels +1/+1 armor

Team Bonus: Camels +5 attack vs. buildings

Unique Techs
Sultans: All gold income +10%
Shatagni: Hand Cannoneers get +1 Range

Unique Units
Elephant Archer: Archer riding an elephant
Imperial Camel: Camel upgrade

Basic Information and Strategy
Elephant Archer - Same as the Persian War Elephant, the Elephant Archer has a significant amount of HP and Pierce Armor and does the same amount of damage as a Cavalry Archer with a lower rate of fire. However, being mounted on an elephant, movement speed is significantly reduced compared to a cavalry archer. The best way to counter an Elephant Archer would be simply this: Pikemen. Bleeding carploads of pikemen. Or camels. Those work too.

Imperial Camel - An upgrade from the Heavy Camel, the Imp Camel is a harder hitting anti-cavalry unit. With a high HP count, decent attack, high speed, and augmented armor, the Imp Camel can easily take Paladins on 1v1 and, when in a group, can defeat War Elephants with relative ease. Being a cavalry unit, Pikemen are an ideal defense against them.
Italians: Archer and Naval Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Advancing to next age costs -15%
- All dock techs cost -50%
- Fishing ship cost -15 wood
- Gunpowder units cost -25%

Team Bonus: Condottiero also available in allies' barracks in Imperial Age (once you have built a castle)

Unique Techs
Pavise: Foot Archers +1/+1 armor
Silk Road: Trade units cost -50%

Unique Units
Genoese Crossbowman: Archer with bonus against cavalry
Condottiero: Infantry with bonus against gunpowder units

Basic Information and Strategy
Genoese Crossbowman - The Genoese Crossbowman is the only archer unit in AoEII with some kind of edge of cavalry units. Despite having a shorter range, the Genoese Crossbowman has a +5 attack against cavalry, +4 against Camels and Mamelukes, and a whopping +10 against War Elephants and Elephant Archers. The obvious usage for the Genoese Crossbowman is to counter cavalry.
Japanese: Infantry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Fishing ships have x2 HP, +2 piercing armor, work rate +5% Dark, +10% Feudal, +15% Castle, +20% Imperial
- Mills, Lumber/Mining Camps cost -50%
- Infantry attack 25% faster starting in Feudal Age

Team Bonus: Galleys have +50% LoS
Unique Tech: Kataparuto - Trebuchets fire & pack faster

Unique Unit: Samurai (Infantry Unit with Bonus against other Unique Units)
Basic Information and Strategy
At a glance, Samurai seem to be weaker in combat than their Barracks counterparts (the Long Swordsman in the Castle Age and Champion in the Imp Age). When it comes to the late game when Unique Units are in abundance, the Samurai plays a bigger role, having an attack bonus against other Unique Units. Samurai are very effective against heavy infantry and can be deadly against civilizations who rely on their Unique Units towards endgame. The only units they aren't cost effective against are Cataphracts, War Elephants and Teutonic Knights.
Khmer: Siege and Elephant Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Prereq buildings aren't required to advance to further ages or unlock other buildings (i.e., a castle is not required to advance to the Imp age or a blacksmith is not required to build a siege workshop)
- Battle Elephants are +15% faster
- Villagers can garrison in Houses

Team Bonus: Scorpions have +1 range

Unique Techs
Tusk Swords (Castle Age): Battle Elephants get +3 attack
Double Crossbow (Imperial Age): Ballista Elephants and Scorpions shoot two projectiles

Unique Units
Ballista Elephant
: A cavalry siege unit

Basic Information and Strategy
Ballista Elephant: First off, the term 'cavalry siege unit' is a major misnomer. In testing, it was discovered that the Ballista Elephant's only true strength is in defense. They're best against infantry and archers due to the Elephant's piercing attack (like the scorpion's), especially when said troops are in large blocks. In regard to their efficiency against buildings, there's a major drop. Ballista Elephants do very little damage against buildings and suffer greatly when faced with anything anti-cavalry like halberdiers and camels. Best course of action, use the Ballista Elephants to soften up enemy troops instead of using them as front-line fighters.
Korean: Tower and Naval Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Villagers have +3 LoS
- Stone Miners work 20% faster
- Tower Upgrades free (Chemistry still required for Bombard Tower)
- Towers Range +1 Castle Age, +2 Imp Age
- Fortifications are built faster

Team Bonus: Mangonels minimum range reduced
Unique Tech: Shinkichon - (+1) Range for Mangonels & Onagers

Unique Unit:
War Wagon (Heavily Armored Cavalry Archer)
Turtle Ship (Heavily Armored Warship)

Basic Information and Strategy
War Wagon - The War Wagon possesses a high pierce armor, making it an ideal anti-archer unit. It's more powerful and resilient than a cavalry archer, but is more expensive and not as fast. They're more effective in numbers and should be used alongside a contingent of Halberdiers/Pikemen for protection against cavalry and camels, which can destroy War Wagons with ease.

Turtle Ship - The Turtle Ship can be used for multiple purposes. It can either be used in ship-to-ship conflicts or to provide devastating cover for the first stage of a land attack. Being heavily armored makes the Turtle Ship slow and subject to hit-and-run tactics as well as heavy demolition ships. Because of the short range the Turtle Ship possesses can bring it close to the shoreline, thus making it subject to attacks from Mangonels & Onagers which Turtle Ships are weak against.
MAGYARS: Cavalry Infantry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Villagers can kill wolves with 1 strike
- Forging, Iron Casting, Blast Furnace free
- Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Hussar cost -15%

Team Bonus: Foot Archers +2 LOS
Unique Techs
Mercenaries: Magyar Huszar costs no gold
Recurve Bow: Cavalry archers get +1 range, +1 attack

Unique Unit
Magyar Huszar: Cheap Light Cavalry

Basic Information and Strategy
Magyar Huszar - With a high attack and a bonus against siege weapons, the Magyar Huszar is an ideal unit for countering siege units. The best way for using them would be in blocks of 10-20, depending on if Pikemen accompany the advancing siege equipment. Being a Cavalry unit, the Huszar is obviously vulnerable to masses of Pikemen. Bringing infantry along to protect the Huszars is a wise plan.
MALAY: Naval Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Advancing to Ages +80% faster
- Fish Traps cost -33%
- Fish Traps provide unlimited food
- Battle Elephants 25% cheaper

Team Bonus: Docks get +100% Line of Sight

Unique Techs
Thalassocracy (Castle Age): Docks are upgraded to Harbors that fire arrows
Forced Levy (Imperial Age): Militia Line costs no gold

Unique Units
Karambit Warrior: Cheap, fast infantry

Basic Information and Strategy
At first glance, the Karambit Warrior seems like a rather useless unit. At least, they did for me. They're exceptionally cheap to produce and one Karambi Warrior costs half a population, meaning that 100 Karambit Warriors only takes up 50 population. However, they are also a quick unit that are almost as fast as a light cavalry (both being fully upgraded) and can strike fast and hard. Finally, for tactics, Karambit Warriors are best used in a swarm. Their speed really allows them to surround an enemy force and chip away at all sides. GentlemanPenguin's opinion was to use them as a last ditch effort due to their short creation time and cheap price. I agree with this, but Karambit Warriors are good raiders and distraction units to draw your opponent away from your main force.

MALIANS: Infantry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Buildings cost -15% wood
- Barracks units +1 pierce armor per age (starting from Feudal Age)
- Gold mining upgrades free

Team Bonus: University researches +80% faster
Unique Techs
Tigui: Town Centers fire arrows (they are able to fire without being garrisoned with villagers/archers)
Farimba: Cavalry +5 attack

Unique Units
Gbeto: Infantry with a ranged attack

Basic Information and Strategy
The Malians' Gbeto is reminiscent of the Franks' throwing axeman, an infantry unit with a ranged attack. Their armor is negligible, offsetting their high attack rating and high speed. Being infantry, they are susceptible to cavalry and heavy infantry. That being said, I recommend small battalions escorted by pikemen and heavy cavalry to counter archers, cavalry, and infantry. Be aware of mangonels and the like. Also, the Gbeto is the only female military unit, sans heroes.
Mayans: Archer Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Starts with +1 Villager but -50 Food
- Resources last 15% longer
- Archery Range Units cost -10% Feudal Age, -20% Castle Age, -30% Imp Age
- No Gunpowder or Cavalry Units
- Scout Cavalry is replaced by Eagle Warrior (or Eagle Scout depending on game version i.e Conquerors/Forgotten/African/Rajas)

Team Bonus: Walls cost -50%
Unique Tech: El Dorado (+40% HP for Eagle Warriors)

Unique Unit: Plumed Archer (Fast, well-armored foot archer)
Basic Information and Strategy
The prominent differences between normal archers and the Plumed Archer is the Plumed Archer's lower range and attack, but possesses a higher HP count and has exceptional speed, thus allowing them to keep up with most cavalry. A preferable tactic when using the Plumed Archer is hit-and-run, allowing them to effectively replace the Cavalry Archer. They do have an attack bonus against infantry, making them ideal for taking out long swordsman. However, they are vulnerable to cavalry, which means they should be accompanied by an contingent of Pikemen/Halberdiers. They are made less expensive by the Mayan Unique Bonus, making them the least expensive Unique Unit except in Full Tech Tree matches.
Mongols: Cavalry Archer Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Cavalry Archers fire 20% faster
- Light Cavalry, Hussar have +30% HP
- Hunters work 50% faster

Team Bonus: Scout Cavalry line has +2 LoS
Unique Tech: Drill - Siege Units move 50% faster

Unique Unit: Mangudai (Anti-Siege Weapon Cavalry Archer)
Basic Information and Strategy
Mangudai are almost a carbon copy of Cavalry Archers except for their bonus against Siege Equipment, their +1 Attack and +10 HP, making them slightly superior to ordinary Cavalry Archers. Mangudai are cheaper than cavalry archers in terms of Gold but cost more in terms of Wood. When it comes to tactics, Mangudai are most effective against slow moving units such as Monks, Villagers, Siege Weapons, Infantry, and unsuspecting Archers. However, when attacking Scorpions and Mangonels it is preferable to attack with multiple Mangudai instead of 1v1. The main threat to Mangudai are Camels, Skirmishers and Spearmen, although Mangudai are fast enough to avoid the latter. Of the two (Cavalry Archers & Mangudai), the Mangudai is the more logical combat choice.
Persians: Cavalry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Start Match with +50 Food and +50 Wood
- Town Center, Docks x2 HP, work rate +10% Feudal, +15% Castle, +20% Imp

Team Bonus: Knights have +2 Attack against Archers
Unique Tech: Mahouts - War Elephants move 30% faster

Unique Unit: War Elephant (Slow yet strong and devastating)
Basic Information and Strategy
The Persian War Elephant has one prime role: Destroy ALL of the things. There aren't many Units that can economically take down the War Elephants. However, being a cavalry unit, Pikemen/Spearmen have an extra bonus against War Elephants, but a large number of Pikemen/Spearmen would be required to do so. Due to their lack of speed, Cavalry Archers are capable of defeating War Elephants, albeit not as effectively as Mamelukes would be able to with their high speed and Anti-Cavalry bonus. Other counters include siege weapons (particularly Mangonels) and Monks. An escort for the War Elephants will be able to fend off Monks seeking to convert the Elephants.
PORTUGUESE: Naval and Gunpowder Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- All units cost -15% gold
- Ships +10% HP
- Can build Feitoria in Imp Age (The Feitoria is a building that requires 20 pop, 250 stone and gold. An economic building, it generates resources without the need of villagers)

Team Bonus: Free cartography from dark age

Unique Techs
Carrack: Ships +1/+1 armor
Arquebus: Gunpowder units benefit from Ballistics tech

Unique Units
Caravel: Warship with 'area of effect' attack
Organ Gun: Siege engine with area of effect attack

Basic Information and Strategy
Caravel - The Caravel is a ship unit proficient at demolishing entire fleets of enemy warships. Each short fired can damage multiple units as it can penetrate multiple units like the Scorpion siege unit. Thus, firing on tightly pack ships is an effective course of action. However, they are vulnerable to fire ships and demolition ships. Avoiding those ships would be wise.

Organ Gun - Units with area of effect attacks seems to be a trend for the Portugese. Like the Caravel, the Organ Gun is a siege weapon that fires projectiles that are highly effective against large groups of units. Being a siege unit, the Organ Gun is vulnerable to infantry and cavalry, so escorting a group of them with pikemen and anti-infantry units would be wise. Another tactic against the Organ Gun is the skirmisher formation or whatever the formation is called that spreads units out.
Saracens: Camel and Naval Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Market trade cost is 5% of goods (Instead of 30%)
- Markets cost -75 wood
- Transport Ships have x2 HP & x2 carry capacity
- Galleys attack 20% faster
- Cavalry Archers have +3 attack against buildings

Team Bonus: Foot Archers have +1 Attack against Buildings
Unique Tech: Zealotry - Camels, Mamelukes +30 HP

Unique Unit: Mameluke (Anti-Cavalry Camel w/ Ranged Attack)

Basic Information and Strategy
Like the Frank's Throwing Axemen, the Mameluke is a melee Cavalry that throws scimitars with a Range of 3. Their high speed and bonus against Cavalry makes Mameluke one of the best units in the game which is offset by their high cost. Mamelukes are well rounded and suited for most combat, but can be taken down by a higher number of Archers due to the lack of Pierce Armor on the Mameluke's part.
SLAVS: Cavalry Civilization
- Farmers work 15% faster
- Siege Weapons 15% cheaper
- Tracking free

Team Bonus: Military buildings provide +5 population

Unique Techs
Orthodoxy: Monks extra armor
Druzhina: Infantry damage adjacent units

Unique Unit
Boyar: Heavy Cavalry with High Armor

Basic Information and Strategy
Boyar - Another simple unit, the Boyar is like a beefed up Paladin with a high attack damage, HP and armor count. The best option for using such a heavily armed and armored unit would be against gunpowder units and archers. Pikemen are a viable counter for the Boyar, but it will require a significant amount of them to take down even a group of 10 Boyars. A more potentially successful option would be to use Camels or the Italian's Genoese Crossbowman. Aside from that, pray they end you soon.
Spanish: Gunpowder & Monk Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Builders work 30% faster
- Blacksmith upgrades cost no Gold
- Cannon galleons benefit from Ballistics (fire faster, more accurately)
- Gunpowder units fire 15% faster

Team Bonus: Trade units generate +25% gold
Unique Tech: Supremacy - Increased Attack, Armor and HP for Villagers

Unique Unit:
Conquistador (Mounted Hand Cannoneer)
Missionary (Mounted Monk)

Basic Information and Strategy
Conquistador - Conquistadors are basically a mounted form of the Hand Cannoneer. They play the same way, but with the advantage of mobility. Being a gunpowder unit, being closer to the target causes more damage while being less accurate as they move away. Conquistadors are best used in large controllable groups ranging from 20-30 for hit-and-run tactics and included in Knight formations where the Knights soak up incoming attacks from Archers as well as hit the target after the Conquistadors have softened it up. The main threats to Conquistadors are Cavalry contingents and Halberdiers, provided the Halberdiers can catch them. Groups of Eagle Warriors are also capable to taking out Conquistadors.

Missionary - Being mounted, Missionaries are capable of keeping up with Cavalry to convert and are better at escaping from pitched battles. However, their shorter range of 7 (Monks 9) and inability to pick up relics make them less useful in the earlier stages of the game while in the endgame, Missionaries are more valuable, seeing as the relics are already picked up an no longer an objective.
Teutons: Infantry Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Monks have x2 Heal Range
- Towers garrison x2 more units
- Murder Holes Tech free
- Farms cost -33%
- Town Centers garrison +10

Team Bonus: Units resist conversion
Unique Tech: Crenellations - (+3 range for Castles: garrisoned infantry fire arrows)

Unique Unit: Teutonic Knight (Slow yet strong Infantry)
Basic Information and Strategy
Teutonic Knights are the most powerful Infantry Unit in the game and are tough enough to defeat every melee unit in the game with the exception of the Persians' War Elephant and the Byzantines' Cataphract. With all upgrades from the Blacksmith, an Elite Teutonic Knight boats 100 HP, 21 Attack, 13 Armor, and 6 Pierce Armor, making them difficult to defeat. However, they are at a disadvantage against Monks, Archers and Mangonels due to their lack of speed. They're also vulnerable to double teaming from Infantry who attack quickly, namely the Japanese Samurai, and the Celt's Woad Raider. This can be negated by increasing the number of Teutonic Knights traveling in the contingent.
Turks: Gunpowder Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Gunpowder units have +25% HP
- Gunpowder techs cost -50%
- Chemistry tech free
- Gold miners work 20% faster
- Light Cavalry and Hussar upgrade free

Team Bonus: Gunpowder Units created 20% faster
Unique Tech: Artillery - (+2 Range for Bombard Towers, Bombard Cannons, and Cannon Galleons)

Unique Unit: Janissary (Hand Cannoneer w/ Increased Range)
Basic Information and Strategy
Janissaries are similar to play style as Hand Cannoneers but possess superior stats. Although fragile, Janissaries have devastating attack and in groups can fire a crippling volley capable of killing or severely slowing down an advancing enemy. The Janissary is capable of killing almost all units, but are vulnerable to Cavalry due to their speed and ability to close the distance between them quickly. Up close, Janissaries can be defeated easily because of their low HP. A single shot from one Mangonel is capable of devastating a Janissary contingent.

VIETNAMESE: Archer Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Reveals enemy positions at game start
- Archery Range Units have +10% HP in Feudal Age, +15% in Castle, and +20% in Imperial (does not stack)
- Free Conscription

Team Bonus: Have access to Imperial Skirmisher Upgrade

Unique Techs
(Castle Age): Battle Elephants get +30 HP
Paper Money (Imperial Age): Tributes 500 gold to each ally

Unique Units
Rattan Archer
: Archer with high pierce armor

Basic Information and Strategy
When I did testing for the Rattan Archer, I wasn't really going in expecting anything impressive. I primarily thought that they'd be an anti archer unit due to their higher than average pierce armor. However, after sending in contingents numbering 25 cavaliers and 25 champions only to see them both shattered, I started to believe that the Rattan Archer had no real weakness aside from the obvious ones of skirmishers and huskarls. As it turns out, skirmishers weren't very effective against the Rattan Archer. Thus, I'd recommend countering with high numbers of units with high pierce armor or mangonels. Other than that, defensive buildings like castles or garrisoned towers are a reasonable defense.

Vikings: Infantry and Naval Civilization
Special Civilization Bonuses
- Warships cost -15% Feudal Age, -15% Castle Age, -20% Imperial Age
- Infantry +10% HP Feudal Age, +15% Castle Age, +20% Imperial Age
- Wheelbarrow, Hand Cart techs free

Team Bonus: Docks cost -15%
Unique Tech: Berserkergang - Berserks regenerate faster

Unique Unit:
Berserker (Health Regenerating Infantry)
Longboat (Warship that fire multiple arrows)

Basic Information and Strategy
Berserker - The Berserker is the only unit in the game besides Heroes that can regenerate over time. This ability allows them to survive longer in combat and make them effective in pitched battles. They're also effective against enemy buildings and Cavalry, but are vulnerable to Archers and Siege Weapons like Scorpions and Mangonels.

Longboat - Like the Chinese Chu Ko Nu, the Longboat is capable of firing multiple arrows with each attack and can defeat war galleys in 1v1 combat. Longboats are best used in large numbers against multiple enemy vessels and are effective at shore bombardment against infantry. Mangonels and Demolition Ships are the prime deterrents when engaging Longboats.
Note: These techs only affect gameplay with the Expansions.

Gillnets: Fishing Ships gather 25% faster
Available in the Castle Age
Hunting Dogs: Removed

Atlatl: Gives Skirmishers +1 attack and +1 range
Available in the Castle Age

Warwolf: Allows Trebuchets to do splash damage
Available in Imp Age. The Britons' other Unique Tech, 'Yeomen', is now available in the Castle Age

Greek Fire: Gives +1 Range to Fire Ships
Available in the Castle Age

Stronghold: Castles and Towers RoF increased by 20%
Available in the Castle Age

Great Wall: Walls, gates and towers +30% HP
Available in the Castle Age

Chivalry: Stables work 40% faster (Effects research time)
Available in the Castle Age

Perfusion: Barracks work 100% faster
Available in the Castle Age

Marauders: Allows Tarkans to be built at a Stable
Available in the Castle Age

Yasama: Towers fire an additional three arrows
Available in the Castle Age

Panokseon: Turtle Ships move 15% faster
Available in the Castle Age

Obsidian Arrows: Archers, Crossbowmen, Arbalests have +3 attack vs. buildings
Available in the Castle Age

Nomads: Houses do not lose their population room when destroyed
Available in the Castle Age

Madrasah: 33% of a Monk's gold cost is returned to your stockpile if the Monk is slain
Available in the Castle Age

Inquisition: Monks (and Missionaries) convert faster
Available in the Castle Age

Boiling Oil: Castles do 6 more damage to Rams per volley
Available in the Castle Age

Ironclad: Siege weapons get extra melee armor - Trebuchets, Scorpions, Mongonels/Onagers and Bombard Cannons get +4 melee armor while Rams get +1 melee armor
Available in the Castle Age

Sipahi: Cavalry Archers +20 hit points
Available in the Castle Age

Chieftans: Berserks get a +4 attack bonus versus cavalry
Available in the Castle Age
Author's Note
I hope you found this collage useful. If you ever have any questions regarding AoEII, don't hesitate to ask. Comments are welcome. Rating up helps this font of knowledge reach other players interested in getting an edge.

*Das Bork*
52 件のコメント
BEAR  [作成者] 2020年7月4日 9時30分 
My suggestion is turtle with the Franks. Their cheaper castles allow you to drop more compared to other civs and their paladins are some of the best in the game. Hoards of pikemen to counter the paladins and save your paladins for the teutonic knights.
peter.sanderson 2020年7月4日 4時52分 
My friend complete kills me every time using the Teutons. His first raid is with many Paladins then comes waves of Teutonic Knights and monks. What is my best defense and/or offensive strategy to make a game last longer than 45 minutes?
Mr. Millstone 2019年11月21日 20時59分 
Boyar are very prone to archer fire
mxrtxn 2019年10月6日 16時54分 
Thanks for guide. BTW in the malay civ section, in the picture appears a shotel warriors instead of the karambit warrior of the malays
Pengo1 2019年6月27日 19時25分 
How do you counter the cav archers!?
Fazer 2019年2月16日 12時07分 
Thank you.
DJ Raptor 2019年1月1日 5時40分 
Thx, very useful! :microraptor:
chromies 2018年12月25日 8時30分 
Yeah the amount of time building houses is ridiculous, and they are also pretty decent overall, I'm looking for a civilization to "main" and I'm not sure which one
BEAR  [作成者] 2018年12月25日 8時25分 
@extra chromosones
Gotta love that free pop count.
chromies 2018年12月25日 5時19分 
Which is your favourite civilisation?