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Round Table Gaming StarWarsRP
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Content for the Round Table Gaming StarWarsRP server
Vật phẩm (115)
Clone Death Trooper NPC and Playermodel Pack
Tạo bởi Zatomus
Clone Death Trooper NPC and Playermodel Pack By Zatomus These are non-cannon clone troopers that I made based off of the Blackwing virus Death Troopers. Check out my Imperial Death Troopers Here:
Alydus's Fortification Builder Tablet
Tạo bởi Alydus
Alydus's Fortification Builder Tablet Want to make your fortifications destructible? Download the destructible fortifications extension! Alydus's Fortification Builder Tablet adds a convenient, simple to use serverside tablet weapon that allows users to de...
CGI Deathwatch Pack
Tạo bởi Stooge We are proud to announce our new Pack, The Deathwatch!. If you like all these addons, Why don't you take the time and rate and favourite Or even follow us! It really does show the modders appreciation for the work. Plus The m...
Clone Wars Adventures: Lightsabers
Tạo bởi ArsenicBeast
Lightsabers ported from Clone Wars Adventures! Please give a rating as it really helps the addon grow, it takes 1 click to do so. Info In this addon there are 40(give or take 1 or 2) lightsabers that have been ported over to work in GMod. Thanks to my frie...
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
Desolation ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map is a factory style map that is set in the apocalypse. A lot of inspiration came from the older mad max movies. The map has AI nodes and features a 3D skybox. ---------------- ==Support=...
Evan's Deployable Turret
Tạo bởi OfficiallyNeverHere
Press e on the base of the turret to pick it back up. This is an addon that I along with King David, Idris, and Star helped make. It is a swep that can spawn in an entity, the turret, which can be used and then picked back up as a swep. The turret addon it...
Fire Extinguisher
Tạo bởi Rubat
Extinguish fire! A classic fire extinguisher, just like in Half-Life 2: Beta. And it pushes physics objects too! It uses custom ammo, which can be replenished by jumping into water or picking up another fire extinguisher....
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
Geonosis from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map features the planet of Geonosis from Star Wars. There is a CIS core ship docked on the planet, cargo bay with docking station, geonosis fighter hangar, control room, and a ...
Tạo bởi Robert F.
'This addon aims to replace fecal Half Life: 2 effects with custom particles.' said Harry. It's not compatible with "Explosion Effect" addon. There are three new explosion effects for grenades, RPGS and dynamite tool. In addition, AR2's combine balls now p...
gExplo Universal Tweak
Tạo bởi Robert F.
This extra mod now replaces all explosion effects including the ones that barrels, slams and other explosive produces. This addon requires gExplo to work. Not made by me. Just uploading. Author This addon is covered by User Generated Content License, pleas...
Gm Lunar Base
Tạo bởi Doomologist
Gm Lunar Base is a scenic build map featuring a rugged lunar surface and a base with a functional underground hangar. Enjoy! Technical Stuff- The texture set mainly featured in the map is the pk02 set created by Philip Klevestav. Th...
Tạo bởi SuspiciouslyAwesome
►► ◄◄ gm_Lair features a tropical island and a Supervillains-like lair inside (you may have guessed it) a VOLCANO, cause honestly- what's cooler than a lair inside a volcano? Trailer made by Melting Terminal: ...
Infantry First Aid Kit
Tạo bởi Othereum
IFAK from FA:S 2.0 Misc. Good for RP servers. It's STANDALONE addon that NOT requiring FA:S 2.0 Base or Misc. Well, you can use both if you want. Credits to spy....
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
The planet Jakku from Star Wars The Force Awakens ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map features key parts from Jakku. Points of interest are Niima Outpost, Rey's AT-AT, a village, Finn's crashed Tie Fighter, Wastelands from the battl...
Tạo bởi Jvs
It's a jetpack! You can equip it by pressing USE ( default key is E on your keyboard ). WASD to move, shift to hover, jump to rise up and crouch to go down. You can unequip it by using "pe_drop sent_jetpack" in the console or by dying, there will be a pane...
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
Kashyyyk from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map features the beachhead that was seen in episode III of Star Wars. There are wookie treehouses as well as some republic tech around with a republic ship flying overhead. The...
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
Mustafar from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map features a droid factory on the planet Mustafar. There are several iconic places on this map that were seen in the movie. The map was mostly inspired by the movie and the S...
Mygeeto - Event Map
Tạo bởi Akiran | SWFS
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Mygeeto Mygeeto was a frigid, crystalline planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of the Lurmen species. An InterGalactic Banking Clan stronghold, it was aligned with the Confederacy of Independent Syste...
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
Theed on Naboo from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map features city streets of Naboo, plasma refinery, hangar, and much much more! Now you can reenact your favorite scenes from episode one such as the fight with Darth Ma...
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
Prop hunt map of the planet Hoth from Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ Features some interior and exterior locations of Hoth that are designed and set up for the prop hunt gamemode. ---------------- ==Suppor...
Republic Clearance Cards
Tạo bởi Herm
If you want to create your own cards, here are all of the files I used to create them. If you are going to use any of these assets, and upload your own versions using them, please credit me in the description of your addon In this day and age, people has u...
Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack
Tạo bởi Captain Charles
Name: Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack Version: 2 Description: Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack for Garry's mod. Contents: -Anakin Episode 2 -Anakin Episode 3 -Common Jedi (Adi Gallia, Shaak Ti, Bultar Swan, Barriss Offee,...) -Count Dooku -Darth Maul (staff) -Darth M...
Rhen Var - Event Map
Tạo bởi Akiran | SWFS
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Rhen Var Rhen Var was a planet situated near the Tion Cluster in the Outer Rim Territories and one of the former Thanium Worlds. It was the first planet in the Tobali system. Throughout the history of the Galactic Republic, Rhen Var was co...
RPW - Binoculars Pack
Tạo bởi Arctic
In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to Man. This has nothing to do with that. This is binoculars. Join the OFFICIAL Discord server here: Please read the FAQ and description before asking in the comments...
Tạo bởi Lord Trilobite
Rp Kashyyyk Jungle Beta 2 The jungle on Kashyyyk from Star Wars. Featuring a Wookiee village taken over by the Empire. Role Play _____________________ Recomended Players 1 to 32 ~ REQUIREMENT WARNING! ~ This map requires Counter Strike: Source and Half Lif...
Tạo bởi Lord Trilobite
An updated version of Ardowa's map Mesric. The old map was pretty nice but it has some problems and errors. So I asked the original author Ardowa if I could edit it and add some stuff, which he was okay with. So with that I've been tweaking and adding some...
Tạo bởi Lord Trilobite
Rp Naboo City Version 2.3 rp_naboo_city_v2_3 A generic city on Naboo from Star Wars. It's not supposed to be any specific location from the movies, just the same theme and style. Role Play _____________________ Features: - large city area - housing areas -...
Tạo bởi Vlashen
My second Star Wars themed roleplaying map. After several months of work I finally release my second map. It's a heavily updatred version of Nar_Shaddaa with many new buildings, a Republic base, better club, and new textures. The map includes custom sounds...
Tạo bởi Big Mac
This map has been created to estimate the time needed to create a medium-quality event map. Map created for Crimson Gaming, a Polish Star Wars roleplay community. Feel free to use it for your SWRP events! Content: Small-sized snowy terrain, Medium-sized fa...
Tạo bởi rogue
Loosely based on the planet of Vanqor from the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". .vmf + materials here: http://www.mediafire(dot)com/file/jubh61che3n969a (REPLACE (dot) IN URL WITH PERIOD!) For whom ever wants to edit and make their own version....
Sci-fi Props Megapack
Tạo bởi Lt_C
Over 70 Unique Sci-Fi Themed Props! Included in this release is the bulk of two years’ work on a specific visual theme. When combined with my other similar releases, this is little short of the cores assets needed to make a total conversion source mod. Eve...
SW Vehicle: AT-RT
Tạo bởi Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                        All Terrain Recon...
SW Vehicle: NR-N99 Snailtank
Tạo bởi Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                   NR-N99 Persuader class...
Star Wars Lightsabers
Tạo bởi Rubat
Star Wars Lightsabers Extension
Tạo bởi AkainuTAMAKI
This is a simple script who add 11 hilt of lightsaber for "Star Wars Lightsabers" made by Rubat. List of hilt: Kyle Saber Hilt Reborn Saber Hilt Saber 1 to 9 Hilt Thank to Captain Charles for the "Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack" addon. Work only with "Star War...
Star Wars Materials
This is a Big Pack of Materials (Textures) of Star Wars Walls. There is actually 45 Materials! Do not forget to leave a I like and putting the addon in favorites if he seems to you useful ^^ -----------------------------------------------------------------...
Star Wars Prop Pack
Tạo bởi dhkatz
Star Wars Prop Pack By Doctor Jew This prop pack is a collection of Star Wars props ported from various locations, previously not found on the workshop. Still a work in progress, and will be constantly updated until I have run out of props to port, this ma...
Star Wars the Clone Wars - Geonosis & Venator Map
Tạo bởi Lord Tyler
This addon features over a well crafted map that suits the roleplay needs of a semi serious star wars server. This map provides you with geonosis and a venator that will allow you to have quick - lag free events! LucasFilm and Didney for Star Wars You may ...
Star Wars Vehicles: Extras
Tạo bởi dhkatz
Star Wars Vehicles: Extras: Unofficial extra content pack for implementation in other vehicle addons. This pack contains extra code, materials, and sounds shared across various other workshop addons. Not really useful on its own (unless you like sounds). T...
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
This is my rendition of the planet Tatooine from Star Wars. I made this for the baikour gamemode but can also work with other gamemodes. The map is AI noded and features a 3D skybox. Iconic places on this map are a tusken raider camp, sarlacc pit, sandcraw...
[Event Map] Outpost-B1
Tạo bởi An Enemy
NOTE: This map is part of a series of "" Purpose: 1. This map shall function as a relief to on-ship maps by providing bunking areas, tr...
Star Wars Entities [Beta]
Tạo bởi dhkatz
Star Wars Entities By Doctor Jew This entity pack is a collection of Star Wars entities based off my prop pack, previously not found on the workshop. Still a work in progress, and will be constantly updated until I have run out of entities to make, this ma...
Droid Dispenser Entities
Tạo bởi AussiWozzi
The B1 battle droid dispenser was a roughly cylindrical box made of durasteel used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars to continually dispense a supply of B1 battle droids, from three circular hatches mounted at equidistant poin...
Portable Force Field
Tạo bởi tau
A hand-held force field grenade! 2016/9/16 Added a version that follows the player around! Shows up as "Hex-Shield (local)". Uses the suit battery as fuel, so you need to have the suit charged. Added the cvar cl_hexshieldcolor which allows you to change th...
SW Map : Kamino
Tạo bởi Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<< The Kamino base surface from STAR WARS Roleplay : Kamino ...
Star wars Detpack
Tạo bởi Lonli
Создатель модели Detpack: . Спасибо ему огромное за модель :3...
Star Wars: rp_monsglacia_crimson
Tạo bởi Big Mac
Star Wars Roleplay Map _____________________________ Map lore: The unknown regions remain largery unexplored, however a recent discovery of a new mineral on the planet of Mons Glacia in that sector has urged the Republic to set up a base of operations ther...
Star Wars - Astromech Droids Playermodel Pack v1.4
Tạo bởi Grady
Astromech Droids By Grady & Cooky Hey! This is our Astromech Droid Pack. We hope you like it. A Feedback would be nice :) Whats in that pack? - Astromech Red - Astromech Green - Astromech Yellow - Astromech Black - Astromech Purple - Astromech Blue (R2-D2)...
rp_vanqor_sbs - [SBS] Clone Wars RP
Tạo bởi [SBS] The Guy
✨ Map Information ⓘ This level design, rp_vanqor_sbs, was commissioned by Star by Star Gaming from ShyStudios for Clone Wars RP on Garry's Mod. This is basically, a completely recreated from the ground up version of the original rp_vanqor map released seve...
Advanced Light Entities
Tạo bởi tau
2017/3/2 Added "new" versions of the projected light and expensive light that use client-side objects instead of networked entities. They have a few missing features, but are less network-intensive and possibly less expensive. This Addon adds six simple en...
Nebulous GBombs 4
Tạo bởi Toasty
Re-uploaded GBombs 4 so that it works for World War 3 RolePlay over at Nebulous. Includes all the usuall things from previous Gbombs 4 + a new feature for mortars allowing you to use it more efficiently. I actually got permission from the creator of Gbombs...
Star Wars Fusion Cutter
Tạo bởi Alydus
Star Wars Fusion Cutter Repairer This addon adds a new utility weapon (class: alydus_fusioncutter), which allows you to repair and perform operations on numerous entities created by different authors. It is a multitool, and I'm constantly trying to make it...
[LFS] V-wing & V-19
Tạo bởi Zero-Nine
This addon was provided to you by - Me: Code, Screenshots Digger: Models, Rigging, Animation, Textures Tessa: Textures Servius: V-wing sounds 1/20/23 LVS Version coming soon, just wait 3/11/23 Still coming just working on some new stuff -------------------...
[LFS] BTL-B Y-Wing Starfighter (REPUBLIC Y-WING)
Tạo bởi mellowcholy
> THIS ADDON REQUIRES THE LFS BASE TO FUNCTION < > Make sure to support me by rating this addon! < Info: " The BTL-B Y-wing was a model of Y-wing starfighter used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. It was both a starfighter and a bomber, and i...
[LFS] NU-Class Attack Shuttle (NU SHUTTLE)
Tạo bởi mellowcholy
> THIS ADDON REQUIRES THE LFS BASE TO FUNCTION < > Make sure to support me by rating this addon! < Info: " The Nu-class transport, also known as the Nu-class attack shuttle or Republic attack shuttle, was a model of shuttle used by the Republic Navy during...
[LFS] Hyena-class Bomber
Tạo bởi ϟLightning Boltϟ
"Send the Hyena Bombers... That should draw those cowards out..." The Separatists have now begun to produce Hyena Bombers to draw out those Republic cowards, and to keep them on alert... Either take part as an escort for these Hyena Bombers, or become the ...
[LFS] HMP Droid Gunship
Tạo bởi ϟLightning Boltϟ
"By your command..." -HMP Droid Gunship The Geonosians have finally begun to supply the Droid army with HMP Droid Gunships. These Droid Gunships are to be not taken as a joke, as they're seriously armed, smart, and dangerous. To defeat these HMP Droid Guns...
[TFA] StarWars Republic Weapon Reworked Pack
Tạo bởi ChanceSphere574
StarWars Republic reworked weapon Pack from Battlefront II. DC-15S DC-15A DC-15A (Original) DC-15LE DC-15LE (Original) DC-15X DC-15S DC-15SE Valken x38 DC-17 DP-23 DP-24 DC-19 DC-19LE Stun DC-15S Stun DC-17 Dual DC-15s Dual ...
[TFA] StarWars Reworked Shared Resources and Assets
Tạo bởi ChanceSphere574 This This pack contain all resource needed for all my weapon pack, contains basic reload sounds, view and world models, also some icon and textures CVars Serveur Side : rw_sw_bit_amount "16" rw_sw_smoke_amount "5" rw_sw_impa...
[TFA Official] Star Wars Shared Resources [ Sounds, Icons, Shared Support Menu ]
Tạo bởi Servius
Tạo bởi Stooge
Watch the video for pictures! We are proud to announce our addon, SWRP SWEP Mega-Pack. Starwars Roleplay weapons These are the starwars weapons converted to TFA base, Due to the fact that no matter what anybody did the hold t...
Vanilla's Ship Destruction Tool
Tạo bởi mellowcholy
Features - Customizable explosion length - Easy to use - Works on entities and props...
Vanilla's Hyperspace Tool
Tạo bởi mellowcholy
A tool that allows any entity (Star Wars Vehicle, LFS Ship, even Father Grigori!) to emerge from hyperspace or to jump to hyperspace....
Half-Life 2 Tools
Tạo bởi Rubat
A set of Half-Life 2 inspired/themed tools. Fully compatible with duplicator. Tool list Headcrab canister tool ( sbox_maxenv_headcrabcanisters ) Ammo crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_ammo_crates ) Item crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_item_crates ) Thumper tool ( sbox_m...
Tạo bởi 122jimbo
- I no longer have time to keep my maps up to date. Do what you want with them.You can upload your own version on the workshop as long as you give me credit! ________________________________________________________________________________ Map takes place o...
vFire - Dynamic Fire for Garry's Mod
Tạo bởi Vioxtar
64 Bit Branch Support Fixed! Apologies for the month late fix. Thank you for bringing the issue to my attention in the comments/discussions, and thank you Ickycoolboy for making a fix available. vFire development is dormant. Still, efforts will be made to ...
[GG] Event Models #1
Tạo bởi Hasan
Star Wars Flamethrower (Weapon)
Tạo bởi TheMexicanJew
This is a usable First Order flamethrower but can be used for any time period I guess since all star wars weapons look similair in my opinion. ...
Cydi Venator
Tạo bởi MacDuffin
This map was a month long project to put out a quality venator for public use. I tried to make it as new & interesting as possible while having all the necessary things for a Star Wars Roleplay server. This was an edit of rp_venator_cydonia. Thank you to M...
[TFA] StarWars Rocket Launcher Pack
Tạo bởi ChanceSphere574
StarWars Rocket launcher pack ! The best rocket pack at all, contain 8 rockets launcher from StarWars and with 3 additionnal rocket mods, the Pointing Mod, the Tracking Mod and the Control Mod, a laser with the current color...
CGI Fleet Playermodels w/ Bodygroups
Tạo bởi Church I know everyone is tired of boring fleet models so here you go. What's inside? Black Fleet Officer Green Fleet Officer Medical Fleet Officer Blue Fleet Officer All models have a hat, headset, backpack and scarf as bodygroups ...
CGI Clone Troopers: EOD
Tạo bởi Prince Zay EOD Clone Troopers, or more commonly known as Bomb Squad Troopers, were specialized clone troopers that were trained to disarm and dispose bombs and explosives This pack contains : 4 EOD models (Yes this pack will be updated...
CGI Phase 2 Clone Troopers: EOD
Tạo bởi Batmanhey
CGI Phase 2 Clone Troopers: EOD Clone ordnance specialists, also known as EOD Squad, were specialized clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic, trained in ordnance disarmament and disposal. This model pack contains 3...
Tạo bởi Least Valuable Player
This is a modification of the Star Wars RP Venator map to include a CIS Providence capital ship. This map is intended for use on Star Wars Roleplay. Feel free to use this map on your servers. If you would like me to alter this map for your server, contact ...
Aura's LVS Fight Radar [SWRP]
Tạo bởi Aura
NEW UPDATE FOR LVS BEFORE YOU COMPLAIN / ASK If you are going to complain about the new update with the map feature, do not bother, I'm going to try to answer all of your questions here and now: First, you can disable the map feature entirely in the entity...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)
Tạo bởi King David™
[wOS] Animation Extension - Blade Symphony
Tạo bởi King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Blade Symphony integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations, I simply moved it over to the ...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Riddick
Tạo bởi King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! These are custom animations made by Riddick for wiltOS Technologies. All rights belong to DO NOT REUPLOAD THIS EXTENSION, AND APPROPRIATELY CREDIT THE...
[wOS] Advanced Lightsaber Combat (Content Pack)
Tạo bởi King David™
Placeable Particle Effects
Tạo bởi The Lawnmower Man
READTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHIS ======== What is this addon about? ======== Placeable Particle Effects is an addon that lets you place or attach (weld) various effects to spice up your work, like screenshots, artwork, anima...
[LFS] Star Wars Mega Pack
Tạo bởi Nashatok
An assortment of miscellaneous Star Wars ships from nimble interceptors to versatile corvettes, mostly from Legends, brought to LFS for the enjoyment of anyone and everyone, representing nearly every major era of Star Wars. This pack can also be found spli...
Star Wars Capital Ships : Props Pack
If you have any problems with the props let me know in the comment section , if I see that the request for the size of the ships is strongly ask I will make an update to change their sizes for a large size, meanwhile you can use the Resizer for now. Resize...
[SRSP] CGI Phase 2 - Stealth Ops
Tạo bởi ReizeR
This addon contains 11 clone trooper models! Made by ReizeR I have remade the base textures for these clones. They now look much better! Here is a list of whats inside this addon: Stealth Commander Stealth Captain Stealth Lieutenant Stealth Sergant Stealth...
[PN] CGI Phase 2 (Helios) - Clone Troopers
Tạo bởi ReizeR
This addon contains 9 clone trooper models! Made by ReizeR This one use Helios clone trooper base which is free as stated on his steam profile 11.05.19. His profile - Link Go check him out and his work. Commisiond by Psychotic Networks. (Screenshots later)...
[PN] CGI Phase 2 (Helios) - 5th Fleet Security
Tạo bởi ReizeR
This addon contains 8 clone trooper models! Made by ReizeR This one use Helios clone trooper base which is free as stated on his steam profile 11.05.19. His profile - Link Go check him out and his work. Commisiond by Psychotic Networks. (Screenshots later)...
[PN] CGI Phase 2 (Helios) - 501st Legion
Tạo bởi ReizeR
This addon contains 14 clone trooper models! Made by ReizeR This one use Helios clone trooper base which is free as stated on his steam profile 11.05.19. His profile - Link Go check him out and his work. Commisiond by Psychotic Networks. (Screenshots later...
[PN] CGI Phase 2 (Helios) - Regiment Pilots
Tạo bởi SRSP Project
This addon contains 6 clone trooper models! Made by ReizeR This one use Helios clone trooper base which is free as stated on his steam profile 11.05.19. His profile - Link Go check him out and his work. Commisiond by Psychotic Networks. Here is a list of w...
[PN] CGI Phase 2 (Helios) - 21st Nova Corps
Tạo bởi ReizeR
This addon contains 12 clone trooper models! Made by ReizeR This one use Helios clone trooper base which is free as stated on his steam profile 11.05.19. His profile - Link Go check him out and his work. Commisiond by Psychotic Networks. (Screenshots later...
[MFG] Models #1
Tạo bởi Hasan
Content used for servers. It's pretty epic....
Aura's LFS Repair Droid [SWRP]
Tạo bởi Aura
This addon adds one single droid that will sit in it's spot waiting for a ship with less ammo, or health than maximum, and go top off all it's stats! Pretty simple. For the AI to actually work, and the droid to be able to move, the map must have a navmesh ...
CGI Cadet Playermodel
Tạo bởi suno
Hey guys, this addon is a bit old so let me update this description box. This was one of my first projects involving modelling and updating textures. I've took this model, modified it, and made it look more like a clone cadet. Overtime I will actually crea...
[LFS] LAAT/i Republic Gunship
Tạo bởi ϟLightning Boltϟ
"Pilot! Land in that assembly area!" Provide transportation for your troops while also providing Gunship fire support! ____________________________________________ Vehicles as of now: LAAT/i (Red, Blue, and Green varients). ARC LAAT/i (Red, Blue, and Green...
[LFS] Ues Alshain Shuttle
The so called Scfi-Fi Shuttle has the functions of an Vtol and looks fancy in the nameless sci-fi gmod universe, also it has infinite primary and tertiary ammo, but it only has 24 missiles. it has 7500 base health. Findable under Entities Tab-->-->Ues Alsh...
rp jedivssith wos v2
Tạo bởi GTHebk
- Interdiction de réutiliser cet map à des fins Commercial - Interdiction de modifier la map sans mon autorisation -- Je vous souhaite un agréable jeu sur la map Je vous invite à rejoindre le discord pour toute demande ~~~~ - ...
Sonic Screwdriver
Tạo bởi Divided
A working SWEP version of the Sonic Screwdriver for Garry's Mod. For more sonics and other cool additions, see the official Extension List Check out our discord server: Usage: Simply point the screwdriver at something ...
Star Wars SNPCs - Battle Droids
Tạo bởi DrVrej
Welcome to my Star Wars Battle Droid SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 6 New SNPCs & Entities Standard Batt...
VJ Base
Tạo bởi DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Black Mesa SNPCs
Tạo bởi DrVrej
Welcome to my Black Mesa SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 26 New SNPCs & Entities Black Ops Assassin HECU ...
[LFS] ETA-2 Interceptor
Tạo bởi Deno
-Information- The Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, also known as the Jedi interceptor or Jedi starfighter due to its extensive use by Jedi pilots, was a Republic starfighter used late in the Clone Wars that shared design elements with the Republic's Delta-7 ...
Tạo bởi ArsenicBeast
Zeus' SWTOR character, Zeus! Please give a rating as it really helps the addon grow, it takes 1 click to do so. Info Zeus' personal SWTOR model Credits LucasArts/Bioware: For the original model and textures. Ripping and rigging: ArsenicBeast Ported for: Ze...
[SN] CGI ARC Trooper and ARC General Playermodels
Tạo bởi Kralich/Gonzo
CGI ARC Trooper and ARC General. THESE MODELS HAVE EXTENSIVE BODYGROUPS! This pack includes the following: CGI ARC Trooper Red CGI ARC Trooper Green CGI ARC Trooper Blue CGI ARC Trooper Yellow CGI ARC General For more information on models, feel free to ad...
CGI CIS Droid Pack
Tạo bởi Stooge We are proud to announce the new textures and rigs to fix the models, CIS Droids! Be sure to follow All of the authors if you like the content! Droids Backstory Droids were mechanical constructs designed to assist organic lif...
Tạo bởi Stuffy360
A large open snowy map. It has a large road that can be used to drive S-cars with, and plenty of hills and trees to dodge! There are no games needed for this map to work, everything is included in the bsp. Credits -Dr. Spud: The tree branch textures I used...
[Crimson] RP_Noclyria
Tạo bởi Cody Evans
A custom map made for SWRP Events. Features a canyon like desert planet with a military bunker in the middle. The bunker contains an elevator that leads to a small underground complex that includes some rooms for RP. Main goal of the map is to Attack/Defen...
M9K Specialties
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
Tạo bởi ScurvyLegs
Forest Moon of Endor from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map feature the forest planet Endor from Star Wars. It includes an imperial bunker, 2 imperial landing pads, rebel base, Ewok lake village, Ewok tree village, sever...