The Last Leviathan

The Last Leviathan

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Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN)
Warning! This collection contains only half replica ships that are most definitely not fully realistic!

There isn't much to say here apart from the fact that this is just a lot of half replica IJN ships...
Elemek (8)
IJN Harugumo (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 123 Power: 14067 Galleon ( VI ) The IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) Harugumo (My one not the real one) is a decently powerful ship with a top speed of 13 knots. It's length is 27 single blocks and is armed with 6 deck cannons. Top tip: It hates ...
IJN Hashidate (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 189 Power: 19877 Wildship Hello, the Hashidate (My one not the real IJN one) is a decently armed destroyer with a top speed of 13 knots (Or so) and a length of 23 single blocks (Not including the rudder) alongside having an armoury of 2 deck ...
IJN Mutsuki (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 233 Power: 23325 Wildship Hello again, the IJN Mutsuki (My one not the real one of course) has a top speed of 11 knots, has a length of 27 single blocks (Not including the rudder of course) and an armoury of... (Quite a decent bit) 2 deck can...
IJN Ishizuchi (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 275 Power: 28244 Wildship Hello (For the fourth time if you looked through my IJN series from minimal block count up to the highest), The IJN Ishizuchi (Not the real one, my one of course) is quite a powerful ship which does 8 knots on empty ...
IJN Nagato (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 352 Power: 41949 Wildship Hello again, This time I bring you the IJN Nagato (Half Replica). It comes in with 12 knots and WAAAAAY too many side cannons for it's size. Armaments: 18 DECK CANNONS (Too much). And 4 triple cannons. Pro tip: DO NO...
IJN Furutaka (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 407 Power: 41330 Wildship Hmello. A wild IJN Furutaka appeared! Bag Pokeball Fight <--- Run Go mine! The IJN Furutaka got destroyed. Easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Top speed: 8 knots Armaments: 7 De...
IJN Musashi (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 538 Power: 50299 Wildship olleH. This half replica of the IJN Musashi is a Yamato class battleship with a few less side guns (Seriously look at the Yamato). Top speed, 6 knots (Was 7 but somehow went to 6), length: No, I am not counting that....
IJN Myogi (Half Replica)
Készítette: Sirvel
Total Blocks: 980 Power: 130392 Wildship Hello. Again. The IJN Myogi (My one, not the real one) comes in at an unballasted speed of 17 or so knots and a full ballast speed of 20-21 Knots (Very speedy boi). Length: No. Top tip: Boom! Enjoy!...