Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Guide to making a popular mod that gets on the front page
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100% accurate guide that will work every time
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In The Beginning
In the beginning you were just a weary modder looking for a way to get your mod to the front page. The first thing you will need for this is: An idea, a good one. You will need to use something well known so that people will be intrigued enough to click on it if they see it. Now don't be stupid and use some "alt history funny moustache man has a bigger forehead." This format will only get you so far. You must use something trending as demonstrated by my own mods containing trending things at the time such as "Sprite Cranberry" and "ironside intro" It just works. Remember that just having people see it will bring people to see it.
The Making
The making of the mod is an important part. If the mod is made horribly then people will unsubscribe and forget about it. (adding a video to show the quality is VERY much recommended) Remember, if you don't know what you are doing, the best way to learn the basics is through youtube, or if you are brave enough then ask a more experienced modder. Don't get angry when you are creating a mod, if something does not work, you will most likely have nobody to blame but yourself. Make sure you have a clear idea of the mod you are making. Is it just an event? A focus tree? A new nation? All of the above? You don't have to start big, you can experiment with what you have learned from a tutorial and just go from there. Remember to never start modding two things at once, such as if you are making a focus tree and making new nations at the same time, you will most likely only be slower than if you just made the nations first.
Go Big
The mod will have to be your all, not something stupid like a mod that just changes sounds. Don't ever expect the mod you make to be on the front page most popular. It will only bring you down. Remember that it involves a lot of luck even when you have it centered around something trending. There is not an easy way to the top, and remember these take time. Go big, but not TOO big. Don't try to make a total conversion mod and expect to find success. Remember to experiment, one successful mod will most likely lead you to know all you need to.
Where to Start
I can never express enough just how important experimenting is. But, where should you start experimenting? Well, i would recommend learning how to then creating a nation, giving it a name, a leader, and remember youtube is the best place to look for tutorials. But I would never recommend trying to add focus trees first. I gave up multiple times trying to make those. Sometimes you have to take something into your own hands and start trying to do it yourself, if the tutorial does not work, remember: You have nothing to lose. Except maybe a few hours of work
You have to want to make the mod. You need motivation. Strong motivation is what got me through the frustrating part of modding. I wanted to make the mod, against all odds, having no knowledge of modding every before, I did it. And you can too. If you give you, you didn't want to make the mod, not like many people before you with no experience did
The Front Page
A mod being on the front page does not mean it is worthy of it. Make sure it is for all players, not just for some who want Mussolini to be form the Roman Empire. I did it with a (two) sound mod(s). Imagine what you could do with a real mod.
The Memes
People love memes. Adding a meme to your mod will (probably) improve your subscriber count, especially if the mod is based on a meme (not guaranteed) Here's an idea make a meme world, where you just make every portrait a meme and change country names to be based on the memes from their country, so everyone might want it! I actually was making a huge mod based on sprite cranberry that I forgot to backup when i reset my computer
People make mod, lots of mods. Make sure your mod has not been done before (there are lots of alt history mods or mods that just add focus trees for one nation) Knowing what people want and why they want it is extremely important for knocking out the competition. Your mod might not always be the best and it might be worse than any other mod out there. But that does not mean it wont reach the front page. Look different from the competition, the alt history mods, you don't have to do what everyone else does
trust me
You doubt anything I say? I'll have you know I am literally god himself at modding. I have made the best mods on the entire internet. You know what? I only stopped because the power of my mods would have become to powerful if I had kept going, you weakling, imbecile you know nothing compared to me, you couldn't come close to making a mod as good as mine. You couldn't event dream about the potential of my mods. I dare you to disagree. Did I mention that I'm literally god too? I can actually make you disappear without even thinking about it. I wouldn't even know, I've literally set up the world in a way that you would disappear without a trace if you think anything bad about me or my mods. I bet your laughing, well ,buddy, as soon as you stop you will die ,slowly, painfully. Guess what? I know you were not laughing, do not doubt my power, Whats that, too many commas? Think again idiot, because if you don't, say goodbye to everything good in your life, you know what I'll just stop now, you have been graced with my teachings, good day.
3 kommenttia
TankGuy54 21.5.2021 klo 17.50 
i have an idea
VaD_3r 24.12.2019 klo 6.29 
i like sprite cranberry so im really sad now
cloudburn 21.12.2019 klo 13.18 
thank you you have shown the way. next stop: soviet power fantasy