Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Luomukset (97)
Open Road
Tekijä: ICS
The chopper where our 4 survivors escaped in The Parish campaign, has fallen into harms way. Co-pilot of the chopper was not immune and started to turn into infected. The other pilot got bitten by the infected one but managed to land the chopper. However. ...
Smoker's Tongue Reflection Classic - Training Map
Tekijä: coaghoul🛠
Even though humankind is dead, human curiosity is still living. This small and cozy underground lab allows you to develop all necessary skills and reactions, needed for successful Smoker's tongue reflection. Green buttons - spawn new smoker or remove spawn...
Tekijä: green
A small beach with some houses inspired by Dead Island Riptide. There are a lot of weapons around the map and points where you can hold out. Created for the GameBanana Trouble in Paradise mapping competition. Changelog for version 7! http://steamcommunity....
We Don't Go To Ravenholm
Tekijä: Chuffy [s^3]
This is a port of the Ravenholm maps from Half Life 2. This is NOT original work, all I did was modify some areas to be suitable for Left 4 Dead 2, all credit goes to Valve for the maps. If you encounter a problem with the campaign, please check the FAQ be...
Urban Flight
Tekijä: The Rabbit
The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police barricades, and the ...
The Real Dead Center
Tekijä: Silver
This Addon replace the Dead Center atmosphere by a new one, with alternative color scheme (a bit darker and also a different shadow gradient). Inspired by Princess Luna's 'The Real Parish' great Addon (try it if you didnt yet!), this one changes Dead Cente...
Deadbeat Escape (Part 1 of 2)
Tekijä: Mendaxyz
http://i.imgur.com/QXYVOmc.png Survivors must make their way through the rural outskirts and into the city with hopes of finding the evacuation center in time. Deadbeat Escape is a four-map campaign that supports coop and versus. NOTE: Make sure you downlo...
3PS - Play in Third Person
Tekijä: c2
⸻ Installation Subscribe. Download 3ps․cfg and save it to your L4D2 config folder: Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\cfg\ ᠌Make sure you save the file as "3ps.cfg" (how) Bind the blank keys in Options ➤ Keyboard/Mouse ➤ Ed...
[Touhou] GuanLou Sword
Tekijä: K"ashimura♦
Replaced in-game the Katana. On the game original katana modify and add. Hope you enjoy. : ) http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/96102627882017307/D6876C31AEE3F8F14EA963B07DA6E86EE7284853/...
Santa can I go out and kill tonight 2?
Tekijä: Tisa
This is a SURVIVAL map with an ending! Santa just finished delivering presents to survivors christmas-safe house when he fell of his sledge and got frozen in the lake behind the house.The sledge is still circling the house and it's up to our survivors to c...
【狐式坦克】Vtuber 白上吹雪/Shirakami Fubuki/白上 フブキ for Tank
Tekijä: Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 整活向MOD Features: -jiggle bones 飘动骨骼 -first person arms 第一人称手模 -world model 第三人称模型 -tank rock 狐笋替换坦克的石头 Thank you for you like.觉得不错请务必点赞,谢谢...
Hatsune Miku Animated Sprays 初音ミク动态喷漆
Tekijä: Yuunori
初音ミク动态喷漆 This addon replaces default sprays and there are 12 sprays. Installation 1)Subscribe 2)Run game 3)Options - multiplayer - sprays Enjoy! Thumb up if you like this addon....
《Home Town》v1.62Custom weapon
《故乡》正在准备重新上传,其中会包括一些地图小更新和更好属性的自定义武器包~ Hometown is preparing to be re uploaded, which will include some map updates and custom weapon packs with better attributes~ ******************************************************************************** This subscr...
『Replace Rochelle voice』Vtuber Nekomiya Hinata(ねこみやひなた、猫宮ひなた) 替换 二代Rochelle人物语音
观众姥爷们,喜欢的请务必点个赞哦,厚颜无耻的求赞(`・ω・´) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/999179297230853541/92D2BC514FDC7522FCA6FDB1889632A3586BFE2F/ l4d2 survivors Rochelle voice 猫宮 ひなた 是从2018年2月开始活动的日本虚拟YouTuber。 人设是穿着宽松上衣塑料袋的粉发萝莉,本人曾表示衣服从侧面看是看不到的。 性别不详。特征是呆毛和猫耳乱发。在推上...
【原神】可莉-蹦蹦炸弹(土质炸药) / 【Genshin Impact】 KLEE-JumpBomb(PipeBomb)
Tekijä: 洛兮
替换土质炸弹,replace PipeBomb 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap) 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1767080776703467051/A7FCD4A437D3628A17E0979E26DC5D2266D33274/ 高特效法线效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
【原神】 QBZ95-芭芭拉(替换SCAR)\ [Genshin Impact] QBZ95-芭芭拉
Tekijä: 洛兮
替换三连发SCAR(replace the SCAR) 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2105661848 芭芭拉冲鸭! L4D2MOD制作交流群:1016787637 L4D2开黑群:721355486 我的B站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/247187251 做的不好,还请见谅,希望你们喜欢!...
【少女前线】MK23宣告开学的猫之歌一代连喷(Girls' Frontline MK23AutoShotgun1014)
Tekijä: 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了1014(replace 1014) 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) Pid=77761314 希望你能喜欢,顺便来个赞吧! 一些话 最近没什么空 而且电脑重装了系统 还有很多东西没有准备好 所以隔了好久才更新 学业也挺忙的 但是高考过后更新的速度就会上来了 下次尝试做个动态的(大概吧, 咕咕咕 )...
【崩坏三】(重制)铁锹—德丽莎 \ 【Honkai Impact 3rd】(Remake)shovel—Theresa
Tekijä: 洛兮
这是之前mod的重制,由于之前的那个存在一些问题,例如血迹,发光太强等,因此对此做了一个重制的版本,添加了法线,降低了夜光强度,修改了贴图。替换近战武器铲子 ,replace shovel 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);夜光效果 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1711917386165333110/03B09AC427A...
【碧蓝航线】独角兽手枪(Azur lane Unicorn pistol)
Tekijä: 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了手枪(replace pistol) 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) Pid=83064048 更新说明 21/7/15增加细节(Add details ) 家里的电脑出问题了,出来上网顺便做个mod 这么敬业的作者不应该来个赞吗(笑)...
书记舞 电脑显示器动画
Tekijä: 蒜蓉炒面
替换了游戏内的电脑显示器, 我是藤原拓海 我开着AE86 我有个妹妹叫藤原千花 听说广大b站用户想娶我妹妹 如果你能在秋名山赢了我,我会同意你娶我妹. 今晚秋名山见 粉丝群:931395294...
原神 卡比兔兔替换Bommer(Made by MLUI)
这个mod是MLUI大佬mod的补档,MLUI大佬于2月5日下午删库退坑,精致的人物感染者等一系列mod都随之被删除。 本人仅上传,一切版权归原作者所有。如果原作者不满意,认为此行为侵权,本人立即删除。 也希望mod作者早日回归,重新上传mod。 This mod is a supplementary file of the MLUI’s mod. MLUI deleted a lot of mods in the afternoon of February 5, and a series of MODS ...
明日方舟 医疗小车替换弹药堆
Arknights 医疗车Lancet-2替换弹药堆和弹药罐 合金框架,强劲电机,配以高效能源策略�?坚固,耐用,续航持久,高模块化配件任您选择 只为最大程度契合客户需求,雷神工业向您保证 雷神存在者,存在,即完美 应网友的意见做了弹药堆 依旧感谢模型作者的精致建模 这个模型的点数依然达到了五万+ 别问为什么不是医疗包的MOD 猫娘药包天下第一 借物表 模型:落古雷鸣 祝游戏愉快 10.19更新说明 将车身的红十字替换为弹药标识...
康娜,不得了,替换拾取东西声音 kawayi KannaKamui replace Pick things up
Tekijä: 真·勇者
康娜,不得了,替换拾取东西声音 kawayi KannaKamui replace Pick things up 已修复语音念不全的问题 试听地址 http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=234255 Audition address http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=234255...
明日方舟蓝毒 Azureus|Blue poison skin for AK47
明日方舟蓝毒 Arknights character?Azureus|Blue poison Arknights character:Azureus|Blue poison 仅替换了贴图 Texture - Replaced Animation - Default Sound - Default https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1016068753801998620/CA8AA66586B69CFCB6F7409EE92CD3EF824B8768/ ht...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Tekijä: 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
原版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=905845475 本mod在基于原版的基础上进行了第一人称Hunter声音的更新(对抗党福音来了~) 实在等不及原作者更新了所以自己做了一个第一人称Hunter声音的更新,由于是基于原始版本的更新所以封面图也使用了原作者的图(其实是自己手残不会制图。。。) 有关更新的事我也尝试着联系了原mod作者,无奈没有回复。。。。。。 只好自己先私自更新了,如果侵权啥的请告知我,我会马上下架。 ...
明日方舟 近卫小车替换激光盒(laser)
Arknights 近卫小车Castle-3替换激光盒/红外线盒 Castle-3: 合金框架,强劲电机,配以高效能铩源策略,坚固,耐用,续航持久。高模块化配件任您选择,只为最大程度契合客户需求。雷神工业向您保证,雷神存在者,存在,即完美。 夜光贴图 黢黑的地方也能看清楚 很难想象这么一个小车顶点数能达到六万多 而且百分之八十都在底盘部位 可以看出模型作者真的用心了 还有个医疗小车 但我想不出替换什么好 借物:落古雷鸣 祝游戏愉快 ...
更科瑠夏胆汁瓶 / Bile bottle
Tekijä: Cheese菠蘿包
图源P站 ID 46113097 仅修改贴图 感谢各位的赞和订阅 thank you for your subscription and praise...
Tekijä: Dragon Maid Zz
这个mod包含三种音效,都是初音逐渐升高中的片段,死亡团灭音效,被chager撞的音效,以及尸潮来临音效 This mod contains three sound effects, all of which are part of the miku rise, the death of the group, the sound effects of the charger, and the arrival of the body tide 我的b站主页https://space.bilibili.com/...
猫宫日向木喷 | NekomiyaHinata pump Shotgun(pump Shotgun)
Tekijä: Nekomiya6
猫宫日向 猫老大 NekomiyaHinata 木喷 单喷 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 拥有质感 Have texture 模型动作均来自官方 The model and action are from the official https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1716409000985268792/58B23AB02D84A5F1A73DA803106524B4...
猫宫日向SVCh|NekomiyaHinata VCh Replace military sniper(Military Sniper)
Tekijä: Nekomiya6
猫宫日向 猫老大 NekomiyaHinata Replace military sniper SVCh 'Chukavin' 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 拥有质感 Have texture https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1750192709721300951/63AE545CBA746D00C70431B55A0F73496761DBE2/ https://s...
白上フブキ(Sirakami fubuki)白上吹雪替换 tank music
Tekijä: 彩姬
awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl 白上フブキSirakami fubuki 替换TANK コンコンきつねBGM awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl awsl video视频https://www.bilibili.com/video/av33835771...
如何使用: 你要订阅插件,然后使用GCFScape解压BIK文件,替换Left 4 Dead 2\media里的Valve.bik文件即可。 不知道怎么弄?:参考我的指南:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1689894113 或度盘直接下载:链接:https://p a n.baidu.com/s/1mkVepEqHOMn9zyyLEJkHfw 提取码:6vwc 有个小bug,就是播放完之后会卡住,按ESC跳过即可。 Subscr...
Azur lane可畏牛奶动态 替换 止痛药 [Pills]
Tekijä: 玩apex像吸毒
碧蓝航线可畏牛奶动态 替换 止痛药 修改了夜光 并且是动态 牛奶虽好 切勿贪杯 正常展示 https://i.loli.net/2021/02/01/cbyNsrOaLHeM1Wv.gif 夜光展示 https://i.loli.net/2021/02/01/dXPjNFEYD6GhQ7q.gif...
用nany cat 的部分电音替换了 被Boomer喷了胆汁之后的音乐 求生者因胆汁的恶臭而止不住的猫嚎 The survivor howled like a cat because of the stench of bile...
7 HD Potted Plants
Tekijä: Ellie
This mod is the first one (and probably one of the only ones of this kind ever) that uses Model RNG on map objects. The coding to make such a thing work is complex and requires some game processing power :). Anyway, this being said, it's pretty obvious : t...
Barricade Flashing Lights
Tekijä: Tя!cky ツ
Working animated flashers. When seen together example Hard Rain, flashes are slightly overlapped. So they give a more realism feel. Great in Daylight or Night also flash in water! http://imgur.com/uV7WZ5S.jpg Traffic Barrel 16 Frames - seen in Dark Carniva...
Call of "⑨" (Mega Mob Alert)
Tekijä: Saika
Question: Why do a crowd of zombies suddenly rush over? Because they all desire for Cirno's math class! Replace mega mob incoming alert with "The Call of Baka"(beginning of 《チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室》).Have fun....
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Chocola For Ellis(Nekopara)
Tekijä: Peakness Yang
Replaces Ellis for Chocola from Nekopara Voice Pack: Chocola -ncludes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync This is my 14th mod on workshop,This time,we can play with Cat Girl in...
City 17
Tekijä: Mrs. Puss
Please, check out my HL2 movie! "Seven hour war" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVuqIuCCpT8 == Take a deadly walk through the City 17, straight from Half-Life 2 ep 1. Fight your way from the very bottom of the town to the trainstation and... well, escape. ...
Clean and Reflective Water
Tekijä: Meraru
Combines the tweaks made by this and this mod so you can get both cleaner water and better reflections. YES, THIS STILL HAS THE BUGS ENHANCED WATER REFLECTIONS HAD, USE THIS ADDON TAKING THAT INTO CONSIDERATION, THANKS. Explanation of the bug by Blue: "The...
CS Style HD D.Eagle
Tekijä: Cele
Animations were imitations,sound original Desert Eagle: Silvertm Sound: Valve Animation: Cele Thanks for Slyfe's video preview...
Tekijä: 洛兮
替换狙击步枪AWP,replace the Sniper rifle AWP 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1729927067468573315/5122F9C77417506198A61F51A26D16DCAE43A473/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&imp...
CS:GO M4A1-S 沙花叉クロヱ (替换M16) / CS:GO M4A1-S 沙花叉クロヱ (replace M16A2)
Tekijä: 洛兮
替换M16步枪 ,replace M16A2 Rifle 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);高光贴图;夜光贴图 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=226648093 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22...
Day Break (Campaign)
Tekijä: DannBo
It's been a long road since I started this project shortly before Left 4 Dead 2 came out, but I'm happy to share with you my custom campaign: Day Break! Campaign Description: The survivors must escape San Francisco before the military bombs it! After their...
Diescraper Redux
Tekijä: Rectus
After being firebombed, the survivors must flee their safehouse, and find their way to safety. A 4 map campaign playable in all game modes. Extensively tested on Versus. Now playable on offical servers (possibly running outdated versions). Supported mutati...
DOOM Chaingun
Replaces The M60 Credits: Stefano - Model Rip Nopeful - Base Animation Lt. Rocky/Tripwire - Idle/Run/Minigun Spin Animation...
Enhanced Blood Splatter Overlay
Tekijä: [valeriae]
This mod does exactly what it says on the tin, it improves the blood splatters that get on your view/screen when killing things at close range. (Melee weapons or shooting at point blank) The blood will refract what is behind it, and it does not have any gl...
Farewell Chenming
Tekijä: ŠĦĪFŦ
The 4 survivors known the Chen Ming city is the final evacuation sites, they had to go through untold hardships to the town square from a road, a small town, they can see the dawn of the second day? enjoy campaign v3.0 Fixed finale level lag v4.0 More know...
Fireworks Pack 1
Tekijä: Methadone Kitty
Changes the colours of the stage fireworks on the Concert map and the boxed fireworks explosives on any map. The individual mods (Will conflict if you install both seperately) : Concert Fireworks only Bluey Greeny Fireworks only http://i.imgur.com/T7YGOxf....
Flatscreen TV
Tekijä: Ellie
Do you want to watch HD TV shows in a low definition videogame ? Neither do I, but this mod allows you to do so anyway. Subscribe and enjoy your favorite TV mods from further away with this bigger screen, that is compatible with all TV screen mods except t...
Funky FX (funny particle effects)
Tekijä: Urik
- due to requests, I've removed the now-irrelevant xmas explosions. It's still available here http://l4d2.gamebanana.com/sprites/5286 if you want The song in the video: "Midnight Riders - All I Want For Xmas (Is to kick your ass)" \left 4 dead 2\left4dead2...
Gary Loading Screens
Tekijä: Gary
Loading screens for all official campaigns including The Last Stand. Supports all aspect ratios selectable from the in-game video options. Optional Extras https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1818893809446296295/5C9A30161654C6D760A6572A6E5D0D0051501A...
Genshin Impact - Skyward Blade (Machete)
Tekijä: ihcorochris
The sword of a knight that symbolizes the restored honor of Dvalin. The blessings of the Anemo Archon rest on the fuller of the blade, imbuing the sword with the powers of the sky and the wind. DESCRIPTION A port over of the 5* Sword from Genshin Impact it...
Hatsune Miku Helicopter Pilot
Tekijä: мяFunreal
Hatsune miku found herself a helicopter. Includes corpse models. She will, once in a while scratch her right arm, look at the dashboard, look out the window and move her feet. Credits: Mamama - model, textures Dewobedil - rigging, port to gmod MrFunreal - ...
Helm's Deep -Fixed-
Tekijä: JAiZ
The battle of Helms Deep is back, and now finally safe to play! After the version uploaded by SeriouS_Samurai was set to friends-only visibility, a lot of players were left wondering whether they will ever be able to play this iconic Lord of the Rings map ...
Higotumaru SDicon
Tekijä: 星宫萤雪
Replace the HUD icon that you can see often in game. artist:Houkai Impact 3rd...
Improved Blood Textures
Tekijä: BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
Journey to Splash Mountain - Part 1
Tekijä: [DCC] Dives
The Survivors head to Disneyland after hearing it is a military evacuation zone, only to find it completely overrun by zombies. Might as well have some fun while we're here. You MUST download all 5 parts for the campaign to work. FInd all 5 parts here: htt...
L4D2's winter is coming~
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
It's so cold! This MOD only contains the snow ground, and the rest of the MOD in the collection Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. L4D2's winter is co...
LED Flashlight (infected & survivor)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Infection with Led light, Let the infected vision become clear.soft and not dazzling, replace the main line of sight of infected and survivor https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
lord dragon [spitter]
Tekijä: kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's lord dragon replace spitter in game. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是mua猫装替换了jockey 希望大家喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces spitter. 替换 spitter ------------------------Then/胡说...
Main menu icons of VTubers 2.5!
If you like this,please thumbs up,favour,and subscribe! Characters:Inuyama tamaki https://i.loli.net/2019/04/28/5cc4a6dc64a26.jpg Shirakami Fubuki https://i.loli.net/2019/04/28/5cc4a5d92e2c9.png Natsuiro matsuri https://i.loli.net/2019/04/28/5cc4a6ba5f5db....
Minecraft Survival Map Pack
Tekijä: HoodedKitty
A bunch of Minecraft survival maps packed into one. Featuring 5 maps. To download this add-on just click the subscribe button. Note: This add-on can only be used in Survival gamemode only....
Modernized APC with Animated Gun (10 RNG)
Tekijä: gray
Modernized version of the APC in Blood Harvest Finale with animated gun Final Update - Added 10 RNG camouflages - DShK replaced by m2 Browning - Added a few more props Credits Model - L4D2 and gray Textures - gray Animaiton - gray Sounds - gray ...
Noire-My wife-Vending Machine[Hyperdimension Neptunia]
Tekijä: Gustab.M
-----------------------------简体中文----------------------------- 这是我L4D2的第二个工坊作品 Noire,超次元游戏海王星里Lastation的女神 感谢tsunako老师的作品,我才能完成这个mod 希望你们能喜欢 -----------------------------English----------------------------- Here is my second work for L4D2. Noire,the CPU of...
https://i.imgur.com/gmaqOA3.png If you like my work and would like to see more, you can support me directly by donating. And if not, a nice comment or feedback on my maps would be much appreciated. :) Thank you! Welcome to Outrun City! Here is a Retrowave/...
Pikachu | ピカチュウ| 皮卡丘(guitar)
Tekijä: Azhe
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ 非常高兴能完成这个作品,希望大家喜欢 I'm very happy to finish this work. I hope you like it 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16h411U7JA Demo video:https://www.bilib...
Replaces regular L4D2 loading icon for fubuki
Tekijä: 彩姬
Replaces regular L4D2 loading icon for fubuki...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Tekijä: Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
Safe Door Rainbow Transparent (glowing)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
replace for the Safe Door. Like the white crystal beauty Self luminous, and has a perspective effect Like friends remember to evaluate my work, The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. Rainbow Trans...
Resident Evil 1
Roku's Discord Group An incident with the chopper forces the survivors to get into a big house in the middle of Raccoon Forest... -THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW: Important: Enable the instructor hints in Options>multiplayer. This campaign use custom hints to hel...
Resident Evil 2 - Side A
Roku's Discord Group Things you have to know: It is a double campaign, Side B can be downloaded here http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762715214 1. This is not a recreation, it is a campaign based on Resident Evil 2 (Leon A) and is play...
Virtual Youtuber - Sirakami fubuki V2 - Francis
Tekijä: NanaNana
V2 Francis Replacement Feature Polished Materials Jigglebones Facial Animations First Person Arms, sleeve jigglebones Boomer Bile Texture Corresponding Francis's Attachments A few model edit 4k texture Ears that move with expression Credits Original charac...
[崩坏3]异度黑核侵蚀(Black 19C Replace Charger)
Tekijä: Maryland BB-46
异度黑核侵蚀 为了针对发狂的银狼,逆熵释放了初代黑化小兔 由于没有女武神的控制,强大的崩坏力量感染了黑兔的核心 顺便推荐大佬的板鸭人物mod 替换Charger模型 替换第一人称手臂 动态骨骼的尾巴 单人游戏进不去bug:打开控制台,输入sv_consistency 0 模型:mihoyo 崩坏3一周岁啦!萌新发一个模型庆祝一下~ 第一次做成功的动态骨骼 第一次尝试渲染,大佬们觉得违和请写在评论,谢谢 感谢大佬们支持和帮助: 我江带头冲锋 DANIAO 敏酱~ ClearSkyC 御琪幽然 还有L4d2萌新...
Virtual Youtuber - Sirakami fubuki V2 - Coach
Tekijä: NanaNana
V2 Coach Replacement Feature Polished Materials Jigglebones Facial Animations First Person Arms, sleeve jigglebones Boomer Bile Texture Corresponding Coach's Attachments A few model edit 4k texture Credits Original character design: Nagishiro Mito Original...
Yama Finale fix
Tekijä: R󠀡F
This small addon fixes the arguably broken scavenge finale in Yama campaign + more. You need to use local server for this. All players are required to get this addon. You still need all parts of Yama campaign for this mod....
Resident Evil 2 - Side B
Roku's Discord Group Things you have to know: It is a double campaign, Side A can be downloaded here http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762591677 0. I speak Spanish and some English. I'm from Argentina, if you use another language I wont...
Sakura Miku Replace Witch
Tekijä: Ronata
Sakura Miku in Witch Mode :D It change the Model,Sound, and Music of the Witch Model Credit to : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126001534 Image Credit to : http://ichigimy.deviantart.com/art/Seasons-451972420...
Sun Flare Removal
Tekijä: t0m50n
Remove the sun flare similar to what changing your shader detail < high does....
ToyZ 2
Welcome back to ToyZ! Now featuring more escape routes! Thanks for the support everybody! This map has secrets, but I won't tell you where the hard ones are. There are teddy bears around the map, if you press E on them they activate different things in the...
[Hunter] Kanna Kamui
Tekijä: K"ashimura♦
Model from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter characters. Front cover 「Author」TOMATO 「PixivID」61771640 Model 「Author」icemega5 Resource modification list L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter Model L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter FPS Arms Hunter Special Ability I...
[1080P]白上吹雪の手书—狐 言 乱 语 小 猫 咪 替换剧情介绍
原视频地址(Origin Video):https://www.bilibili.com/video/av42038790 如何使用: 你需要订阅插件,然后使用GCFScape解压BIK文件,替换Left 4 Dead 2\media里的l4d2_intro 即可。 或度盘直接下载:链接: https://p a n.baidu.com/s/1qDcF67xcuHSraGA0FhOu5w 提取码: 2hhr 不知道怎么弄?:参考我的指南:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfi...
Yamakaze-kai for Zoey(KanColle)
Tekijä: Peakness Yang
Replaces Zoey for Yamakaze-kai from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 山风(Yamakaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:cham@niconico This is my 10th mod...
Weapon No Recoil
Tekijä: z920804
搬運mod Feature:Weapon No Recoil and Increased damage This mod is recommended for single play. It is recommended not to use it by multiplayer. for example: Confrontation mode...
Virtual youtubers common infected
Tekijä: imelman
Replaces common and uncommon infected with Vtubers. Something totally to show who's who. Common infected - Shirakami Fubuki CEDA - Izumo Kasumi Clown - Carro Pino Mudmen - Nekomata Okayu Construction worker/baggage handler - Ienega Mugi Riot - Sister Cleai...
Vanilla For Rochelle(Nekopara)
Tekijä: Peakness Yang
Replaces Rochelle for Vanilla from Nekopara Voice Pack: Vanilla Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync This is my 15th mod on workshop,finally,we can play TRUE FPS game w...