Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

47 ratings
Okri's Challenge - 'INCOMING!' - Solo
By Fifth_Quarter
A guide to completing Okri's Challenge 'INCOMING!' playing Solo [with bots] or without a full team of players.
The challenge in question is 'INCOMING' Kill a Rat Ogre mid leap.

This guide aims to get you the challenge without 3 other players all willing to sacrifice their time for your challenge.
If done with others this guide still works, although it should be noted ONLY the player that makes the kill completes the challenge.

The idea is to lose the bots before the fight, reduce the Rat Ogre health to within a Single Shoot from death and lure it into a position that forces it to Leap.
As it really does so when at low health and/or when only 1 player is available for it to target.

To do this follows some Suggested/Required criteria for the successful completion of the challenge.
This is what I used and it worked first time [although I forgot to record that run].
All are subject to user preference, but recommend as a proven way to maximise your chance of completing the challenge.

Please Note:
This Guide was put together based on the game prior to Patch 2.0.0
Following patch 2.0.0 I no longer play this game, therefor this guide will no longer be updated and may not be 100% accurate.
Map Selection
Screaming Bell;
1) Always spawns a Rat Ogre following the destruction of the bell.
2) The terrain offers opportunities for the Rat Ogre to leap at you.
Neutralisation of your Bots
This will be a big issue when completing this challenge as the bots will engage the Rat Ogre regardless and ruin your chances.
To combat this we can reduce the bots Hero Power to make them less efficient and more likely to go down.

For the 3 bots that will be accompanying you:
1) Chose none tank classes, as you will want them 'Waiting to be Rescued' so they can not interfere.
2) Replace all gear with base items, reducing bot hero power to Max 305. [whilst level cap is at 30]
3) Remember to reassign gear following mission completion.
Hero Selection
This is up to you, however the recommended makes surviving, and leaving your bots to their fate easier as well as putting distance between you and the Rat Ogre.

1) Handmaiden - With 'Dash' Skill, 'Gift of Ladrielle' & 'Defiance' talents you can leave your bots behind, survive easier alone with a 50% damage reduction as last Hero alive and break LOS with the Rat Ogre whilst getting enough distance around the Scaffolding to force it to Leap.

NOTE: You can use any hero you want, but breaking line of sight with the Rat Ogre so it can reacquires you as a new target on the other side of the gap appears to work the best, hence the Handmaiden.
The Tricky Bit
1) Start 'The Screaming Bell', Difficulty: Champion/Legend, Private Game.
2) As you progress through the level allow your bots to take damage, go down or die.
3) Revive as you meet and move on. [unless they spawn in the Bell area].
4) Remove all but one chain from the bell.
5) Get any living bots killed. Sorry Bots.
6) Remove the last chain and beat down the Rat Ogre to near no health.
7) Lure the rat Ogre onto the scaffolding and proceed around it till Career Skill is ready.
8) Use you Career Skill to leave the Rat Ogre on the Lower parts of the Inner circle of the Scaffolding, you want to be on the opposite side as it reacquires you as a target.
DO NOT be under another part of the structure. This blocks the LOS the Rat Ogre needs to Leap.
9) Pray to Sigma for the Rat Ogre to Leap, this could take multiple attempts.
10) Once the Rat Ogre leaps across the gap, Shoot.
11) Repeat 7-10 if you didn't kill the Ogre, otherwise repeat form 1 if you killed the Rat Ogre but the challenge did not show in the chat box.
12) Revive Bots, they deserve it after what you just put them through.
13) Complete the level to secure the Challenge
14) Realise that this challenge is not worth the effort for a Commendation Chest.

Video from the fall of the last chain to INCOMING mid air kill, Steps 6 - 10:
Unfortunately it seems the 2nd time on, unlike with all other challenges, the text saying you have achieved the challenge does not show in the chat box, and I did not record my efforts the first time I tried and achieved the challenge.
For best results wait for a Leap directly at you.

I did screen shoot it in the Keep following a 2nd attempt to get the footage, as proof:
Thank you for reading & I hope this guide helps you finish one of the more annoying challenges.

If you have any suggestion as to refine the process please leave a comment below.

And if you would be so kind as to rate up if you found this helpful, it would be much appreciated.

Baby Rage 11 Jul, 2019 @ 11:17am 
this was rly helpful! :) tnx man
Combine00 25 Jun, 2019 @ 11:55am 
i personally did this challenge by speed running a pug match with handmaiden then going into and out of the bubble as the ogre hovered around the stairs. made him leap towards me pretty much everytime