Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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how to win war against allies except USA and USSR before 1938 end as 3rd german reich
By Tama Kaze
.3rd German Reich
~focus trees~
1.Remilitarization of the Rhineland.
2.1st army inovation.
3.four year plan.
5.Hermann Göring-worke.
7.extra research slot.
8. select air inovation or army inovation to boost the research.

~ Research ~
1.Simply doing what you do in your own blitzkrieg tactic but dont research any think about the naval trees, tank, support companies.
2. do mobile warfare doctrine, trade interdiction"Submarine only" , Battlefield suppot "fighter ace initiative to incrase your WS at war"
3.dont research any radar,air , marinie special forces.

~what you need to do~
1.3rd german reich you main focus on land doctorine , air superiority and CAS tactical and strategic bombing is was not over power before 1942.
2.build minimum 48 over all default its infantry-division template but you can decrase the amount of the infanty battalions
3.only make Destroyer and Submarine causes need convoy rading for atlantic
4. make sure you declare war with Netherland by justification war with nether land or Dutch east indies.but you better just annex netherland if japan goes into purged kodoha faction which you will war with them in 1942.
5. war with belgium following that french and british will guaranted it.
6. capitulate france max time 2 months and not build vichy france, if you lucky canada , australia , new zeleand ,south aftrica and british raj will send their division to benelux region, and you need invite italy to axis but not invite them to war, causes british and french will make most their navy in medditeranian sea.
7.prepare the naval invasion by default infantry division and Tank division to scapa flow but you abasolutley need prepare another plan to Rosth naval bases causes Ai always or not make their fast attack
8. you need war with poland, czechoslovakia, and austria, and switzerland causes its freaking easy and bypassing some focus trees.
9.if you landed in any naval bases defend its bases by two default infantry divison. causes most AI will or always doinng take naval bases and go back
10.if you still in scottland you need max 24 division to avoid attrition
11.just go rush to london and dover by 100 fighter 100 CAS and small number tank division.
Easy win but hard to prepare
Tama Kaze  [author] 3 Dec, 2019 @ 2:27am 
I will post edit entirely so you can beat allies ass less than End 1937 as axis!!
Winston1123 2 Dec, 2019 @ 4:12pm 
thanks man
Tama Kaze  [author] 30 Sep, 2019 @ 4:26am 
You can farming planes until your military grow up and take all of europe less than 1940 as germany.
You cannot farming until you got usa as your colony or puppet state because usa is very OP if they make comeback , you should invade them less than 1940 as Empire of Greater Japan.