Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose

72 ratings
Understanding the Commander Role
By Putin's Femboi BF
Incredibly short guide that tells you the basics as commander, <5 minute read.
What is a Commander?
Easy answer, glorified squad leader with access to fire support.

What are your responsibilities?
Primary Responsibilities:
Coordinate communication.
Call in fire support.

Secondary Responsibilities:
Use your binoculars to observe things and report them.

Ternary Responsibilities:
Kill things with your sub-machine gun.
Primary Responsibility: Coordinate Communication


The markers on the map you place are visible to everyone on the map. EVERYONE.

Talk with squad leaders to determine enemy troop concentrations, then place artillery markers( number 6 key while map is open) and let the people on arty know you need them to fire on that position. They will be able to see the range and will hopefully comply.

Pro tip: A good commander will "coerce" 1-2 players to play artillery at the start of the game. 3-4 artillery players may be ideal if you posses superior resources and/or need a breakthrough.

Additionally, talk with commanders and place your observe marker to let everyone know where enemy armor is located.

Lastly, you may want to divide squads between defending the current objective and attacking the next. Realistically, they may or may not listen.
Primary Responsibility: Fire Support
Two types of supports a commander can call in, each cost a different resources.

Manpower Supports:

Last Stand:
You do not lose resources for a short period. Useful if the enemy is making a push or you are spending resources on other support types.

Your men are worth more while defending objectives. I recommend using when you have some men in an objective and the enemy is half way to capturing it. This will let your men hold on longer and may allow reinforcements to reach them.

Improve Morale(Or Whatever they renamed it to)
Use this if you require more of the resource from the objective you are about to capture. Otherwise this is useless. I don't use this often myself.

Munition Supports:

Call in a bomber. It performs a bombing run with the center of the bombing run being the marker. The line is approximately 200 meters long. Will DESTROY TANKS, SANDBAGS, AT...etc. Takes approximately 45 seconds to arrive after being called. Therefore, NOT GOOD on moving tanks. Left click the icon before you call in to CHANGE THE DIRECTION of the strike.

CAS(Close Air Support/Fighter):

Call in a fighter to perform a strafing run. Works against infantry. VERY SMALL WIDTH(<5 meters). Most place directly on enemy or it will miss. Attack line is approximately 200 meters long with center on icon you place. Does not work against tanks or most static placements.

Super cheap at 15 munitions. It drops 100 resources on the marker after approximately 30 seconds + 30 second crate descent => 60 seconds.

This can allow your squad leaders or YOU to build garrisons on the location. Additionally, it can allow others to build AT, sandbags, etc. Communicate with squads leaders and set up garrisons where needed.
Secondary Responsibility: Use your binoculars
You are NOT part of a squad. You can respawn at garrisons. Your fire supports should be saved until they provide actual value and they must often be used quickly. Therefore, you should not be putting yourself in the thick of battle very often. Stay alive and stay 200-300 meters behind the front lines.

Try to think tactically.

Advise squads to flank the enemy.

Ask if they need AT, supplies, bomber runs, etc.

Let allies know when you advance or need to retreat.

Show confidence.

Direct tanks.

Direct artillery.
Good Luck Commanders
And may God help you, because this guide sure as hell didn't.

Aubrey 11 Aug, 2022 @ 2:16am 
I don't care what the other people say, this honestly helps a lot for a simple Officer main.
Papazhoom 10 Jun, 2022 @ 3:30am 
R3D M15T 18 Apr, 2022 @ 2:32am 
I wouldn't call this a guide more like an simple overview. Rule one make sure that you are at least 50 rank to be effective. Make sure that you have a mic and communicate instructions clearly and concisely to other NCO's Make sure to allocate squad roles for defensive and attacking positions.

Do not be soft command squads and request mics and resources. You will not be able to be effective just hot seating and for god sake man see it to the END !!!

Listen to high ranked Squad Leaders as these guys will generally have a good understanding and control the mavericks, remember you have control here
CRAGNAR 16 Jun, 2021 @ 1:24pm 
All wrong and then some. Commander role is to build garrys, enforce squad cohesion, command all squads, support when possible, always understand the map and what is going on, etc. etc. etc.
Bill D. Garrison 11 Oct, 2020 @ 7:28pm 
Useless as a "guide" more like an overview of the commander role. No fucking guide to be found here
Thahat 8 Apr, 2020 @ 8:32am 
would add: motivate your team to build garrisons, rope in select squad leaders and promise them supplies via air drop. "remind" squad leaders to tell one or more of their guys to play supply guys. the team with better garrisons generally wins.
The_Joker 18 Nov, 2019 @ 5:23am 
Nice, another point is that artillery uses less munitions then CAS.
khan 27 Oct, 2019 @ 7:11pm 
5 Star guide!
Maximus 20 Oct, 2019 @ 4:52pm 
great guide. you should include its very important that you and your squad leaders have mics, nothing is worse than a team that cant communicate. Also, its important the commander can keep control and respect over his soldiers, i can't tell you how sad it is to hear squad leaders and the commander cussing each other out while their team is losing their last sectors in an unorganized defense,
Rat Bastard 29 Sep, 2019 @ 10:17am 
Some good advice here. Just one correction, bombing runs start ON the marker and travel in the direction you choose. For strafing runs, the marker represents the middle of the strafe. The commander can left-click the bombing/strafing marker on the map to change the direction of travel. There have been graphical updates to the commander's map recently to help make this more clear.