Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

65 평점
How To Make A Meat Man
Face Melter 님이 작성
This guide will teach you how to make a living Meat Man.
즐겨찾기 해제
Getting Started
  • First Step: off you'll obviously need some meat if you don't have any then go to the section were i'll teach you how to summon some meat
  • Second Step: dont tell your parents they dont understand your quench for the meat man himself
  • Third Step: get some type of adhesive material like tape or glue you can eat it if you want but only once we need to make the Meat Man after all :3
  • Fourth Step: be in a quiet secluded room that's really hot and no one can hear you scream

    thats all the stuff we need now lets go make that moist meat man

Lets do this
  • First form the legs,torso,arms,and head,and glue them together.
  • Next you must lick all of the meat on the body that way it knows that you like it you can tell it worked if you get E-coli.
  • Wait 12 years and once its been 12 years add $100.00 into your steam wallet,then buy "Meat-Man Comes Alive" DLC for Garry's Mod 2 and wait for it to download it may take up 99 Terabites on your computer but its worth it
  • Once its done installing throw your computer monitor at the meat statue and BOOM you just brought it to life you should be proud of yourself!
    IMPORTANT: if your Meat Man is for some reason evil please refer to the guide that is labelled "OH NO MY MEAT MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" if theres nothing else then thank you
There is a 50% percent chance that your Meat Man might be evil and try to kill you or someone else if you are having these problems then you've come to the right section of this guide

  • throw vegetables at it until it says "STOP" if that doesn't work then see these other steps below
  • insult its grandmother,this usually doesn't work but hey it can't hurt to try right?
  • show it the latest seasons of Family Guy im sure the evil Meat Man will stop if not then we have bigger problems...
  • make it listen to the THX intro sound at full blast
  • eat meat in front of it

    If none of these steps worked then im sorry but you'll have to try again in 36 years otherwise you might get banned permanently :(
How To Summon Meat In Case You Don't Have Any
You'll need a squeaky rubber chicken,once you have one squeeze it 40 times then the juicy meat will appear if not you must die and reincarnate to do this step again
The End
That's it if you don't have any issues and you have the perfect Meat Man then you did it. Comment down below what experiences you've had with your Meat Man.

댓글 76
NoobGamer1267 2024년 3월 16일 오전 4시 20분 
my meat mans don't like each other, what should i do?
Plate 2023년 7월 19일 오후 10시 01분 
All hope is lost. Repent, and Meatman shall have mercy on thy soul.
Soda Man 2020년 2월 14일 오후 7시 28분 
There is no help. nothing can save you now.
Timmy Two Shoes 2019년 8월 18일 오후 1시 59분 
Instructions unclear: I accidentally got my pp stuck in my stepsister.
Huntsmen 2019년 7월 21일 오전 10시 21분 
Does the world have anything against marriage with a meat man?
Hat Kid 2019년 7월 1일 오후 12시 08분 
instructions unclear: my meat man said f*** you n**** i f****** hate you b****. how do i fix
bad at the videogame 2019년 6월 30일 오후 6시 26분 
What do i do if it mutates?
yep 2019년 6월 27일 오전 8시 06분 
ENG: rate my profile illustration, and I will write to you in your profile +REP:gr_serious:
RUS: оцените мой профиль иллюстрации, и я напишу вам в вашем профиле + REP:gr_serious:
celsius 🐱‍👤 2019년 6월 26일 오후 5시 29분 
meat man's meat
man im dead 2019년 6월 26일 오후 4시 24분 
10/10 Actually worked