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Hunting Squad
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Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
7.475 MB
15. juni 2019 kl. 12:00
28. apr. kl. 7:39
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Hunting Squad

Adding Hunting Squad production building.

Configure list of animals for auto hunting.

Plus quality of life automation and annoyance removal.

Hunt in squad, because it is dangerous to go alone.

Tired of hunter being chased by maddened animal? Create a hunting squad building - if one colonist is chased, other hunters will still shoot. Even better, if "Hunt maddened" is ticked in building options and mad squirrel is chasing one of your people:
- Alpha team, man down, man down.
- I told you. Benny, bring me everyone.
- What do you mean "everyone"?

Even if you don't want auto hunting, there are other quality of life automations, which will make RimWorld more enjoyable (at least for me :). Set squad size to 0, to disable next auto hunt.

Animal types, for hunt, can be selected from list of Predator, Gentle, Annoying.

Building 1, priority 10
Group of 1-2 hunters hunting for small, gentle animals within max radius of building.

Building 2, priority 12
Group of 4-6 hunters, minimum 3 ranged hunter, minimum 1 melee hunter, hunting for predators within smaller radius, start shooting when all are in range and it is more than 5 tiles from colonist activity

Squad members will stay in almost max distance from hunted animal (just enough, so it won't run away when they are aiming) and shoot, if it is safe for friendly beings and different race animals.

Hunting Squad building settings can be initialised from other building (handy for camping trip).

Animals for hunt can be marked based on their size and speed. (Add animals with speed less than 3.4, remove animals with size greater than 5.6)

Hunt options to:
- Safe hunt for fire causing animals (wait for rain/etc and shoot from afar)
- Prioritize hunt for fire causing animals
- Hunt only at good weather
- Hunt only at day
- Stop hunting when meat limit(per colonist) is reached
- Calculate distance to animal from hunters group centre (otherwise it is from building)
- Hunt maddened (bring me everyone!)
- Draw shooting lines - checks done when hunting squad member is attempting to shoot target

Other options:
- Automation if in range of Hunting Squad building (helps to limit wandering too far when there are very few colonists)
- Chop trees if stock level is less than selected ("Where is that 100% grown tree?)
- Harvest wild healing root if below specified stock ("Free healing stuff!")
- Harvest wild food plants if ... ("Bored? Check where is food on map")
- Harvest ambrosia if ...
- Equip lost weapon ("I remember that I had some kind of weapon, before I was carried to hospital. I will use bare fists from now on, FTW!")
- Equip better weapon (DPS) ("My current gun has 5 DPS, there is unused gun with 8 DPS. Hmm, what should I do?")
- Equip better weapon of the same type - for example, change yours poor revolver for good revolver (if enabled it has priority over previous option)
- Set new colonist zone to most popular ("I am new, so I can go anywhere, yay!" "NO")
- Set new colonist work priorities (I hated to set it again and again for new recruits. "Hey you, new guy, don't know what you should do? Learn from us!")
- Set new colonist medicine preference to most popular ("Look at what we are using and use it too!")
- Disable auto undrafter
- Draw action lines, to see, what colonists are doing
- Auto unforbid: apparel, weapon, medicine, food source (when item hit points are greater than specified percentage) ("Some animal has been just killed by bear? Bring it to storage ASAP, LOL!")
- Specify how often you want to check if there is new animal for hunt ("Find animal for hunt" option, default 10 seconds)
- Specify how often you want to check next dangerous hunt move (default 0.25 second), designate trees/etc(above stuff), so it won't affect overall performance too much. When dealing with maddened animal check time is 0.1 as it is less predictable)
- Auto fill empty bills in work table with bills from most recent work table (handy when camping on caravan trip)
- Auto add missing bills to work table (suspended), not suspended on top
- Remove limit of bills in work table ("Need to add 16th bill? Too bad.")
- Set prefered weapon range for damage per second (DPS) calculation, used in equiping better weapon.

Only colonists free to do hunt activity (work priority) are taken into account.
To make colonists abandon current auto hunt(due to raid or other "fun"), "Clear prioritized work" of a hunter or draft sombody and unpause for split second.

Interface for selecting animals is based on Hunting Squad mod (auto designating animals for hunt).
It is using Harmony library for disabling auto undrafter, allowing adding more than 15 bills and removing max 1000 debug messages limit.

Possible mod conflicts:
- hunting should be fine as it is not using drafting anymore and all jobs are player forced. If some other mod is drafting, this mod will stop hunting and wait until everybody is undrafted from military.

- designating plants - if other mod is doing it, disable in options

- filling bills - enable if you don't have mod doing that

Languages supported: English, Polish, Simplified Chinese (thanks to HawnHan, https://github.com/HawnHan/ChineseSimplified-of-HuntingSquad).

You like it? You can buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/twowolfstyle
Populære diskussioner Vis alle (4)
27. juli 2021 kl. 15:12
[1.2] Mod-Breaking Error
6. dec. 2022 kl. 23:19
Error when placing down the building and performance issues
5. jan. 2023 kl. 11:34
Animal searching in filter
253 kommentarer
伽枫 19. maj kl. 8:42 
Narlindir 9. maj kl. 12:48 
really neat concept
but very jank implementation
very laggy
nosferato1st 30. apr. kl. 13:05 
If I were to guess, it would be the fact I had never previously installed before 1.5, so only folders in my mod folder is the 1.5 folder
Gexman 30. apr. kl. 12:21 
I have been using the mod with no issues as of just now
nosferato1st 29. apr. kl. 12:19 
even after removing all mods still no hunting spot
TwoWolfStyle  [ophavsmand] 29. apr. kl. 8:35 
It is in 2nd screenshot. Green square. In the same screen as butcher's square
nosferato1st 28. apr. kl. 15:48 
@TwoWolfSyle I cannot locate the hunting squad building
TwoWolfStyle  [ophavsmand] 28. apr. kl. 7:45 
v works with 1.5
v won't designate trees for cutting which containing "polux" in the name

@magborg In HuntingSquad options:
- allow melee hunters
- set min number of hunters to 2
- set min number of melee hunters to 2
At the bottom of options window, you can check status of hunt and why it is not starting (ill colonists, etc)

@Artillery Piece - Updated to 1.5 I don't use Mechanoid Hunters mod, my mod is for hunting animals (replacing vanilla hunting)