Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

wait...DAFUQ ?!
"the reason why Caesar hate this game."
9 megjegyzés
Dread 2013. szept. 7., 19:13 
also if anyone says anything about ancient times your really thinking about rome or greek or
guals brattina germanii
Dread 2013. szept. 7., 19:10 
and actually rome has by far 1 of the most intresting and great story from ancient times to
present day they were 1 of the strongest factions i mean they have mafia its the really orginazed gang and they got a pope so when people say rome was made too rule the world i think they should of have but i would not give them too much khowlage cuz they might be bad
Dread 2013. szept. 7., 19:06 
dude lol cuz thats julius ceaser right there he was a life long dictator and he was battling gaul
also his family was the house of jullia he said I came I saw I conquered
Atraveller 2013. szept. 7., 18:06 
Every game on the market is "a rehash of an old game with new mechanics", every single one of them.
Xerces 2013. szept. 7., 14:53 
the only thing I can think of is that this is a complaint that it's a rehash of an old game with new mechanics.

I think it would be cool if they explored some different scenarios as well. Ghengis Khan maybe? Three Kingdoms of Korea (lessor known time period), or Three Kingdoms of China (more well known, such as the Novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the game of the same name by Koei).

but just commenting on rehashing though, I felt Medieval II was superior to Rome, and I know I will be in the minority on this, but actually Empire was superior to both of them in terms of scope, which surprises even me because initially that game made me swear off C.A. games in.

In terms of mechanics though, with each release the mechanics get better and better, Including Rome II.
Install Wizard 2013. szept. 7., 9:44 
i dont get it.. :(
Dr.Stan #2  [készítő] 2013. szept. 7., 9:43 
"conquered"? :mcpixel:
Install Wizard 2013. szept. 7., 9:40 
do what again?
Atraveller 2013. szept. 7., 7:33 