Streets of Rogue

Streets of Rogue

48 rating
Everything Werewolf
Oleh Papa Canis
The Werewolf seems deceptively simple to play. However, Throwing yourself at everything you come across is a one-way ticket back to the character select screen. The Werewolf requires a good amount of planning to be used safely and correctly.

Because of time restraints, more and more information will be added as time goes on.
Batalkan favorit
Step 1: Kill a ghost
Step 2: there's no step 2 you did it.

In order to damage ghosts, you need the "Ghost Gibber" which has a chance to spawn from mission rewards, and is part of the Scientist's starting loadout.

Fun fact, the ghost gibber also works on vampires and zombies.
Back on Topic...
Class Overview
As a Human:
Endurance: 1/4
Speed: 1/4
Melee: 1/4
Firearms: 1/4

As a Werewolf:
Endurance: 1/4
Speed: 8/4
Melee: 6/4
Firearms: 1/4

Special Ability (Right Click):
Transform into a Werewolf for 15 seconds. During the transformation, your right click is replaced with a powerful lunge attack, known as "Sharp Lunge". When the transformation ends, you get "Crazy-Dizzy" for 5 seconds, and the transformation itself is put on a 20 second cooldown.

Antisocial: Most people won't join your party.
Sucker: Items in shops cost more.
Skinny Nerdlinger: Knockback from damage is increased, more guns cause knockback when fired.

As a Werewolf:
Bloodlust: Gain 10 health per kill.
Unstoppable-ish: Knockback from damage is severely decreased. No knockback taken from bullets.
Ultimate Butterfinger-er: Great chance to knock a weapon out of someone's hands.
Long Lunge: Melee attacks send you farther than normal.
Malodorous: Shop owners want you to leave. Humans wont join your party.
Sausage Fingers: Can't equip any weapon, including thrown items.
Vocally Challenged: Can't speak english.
Pea-Brained: Cant interact with items and/or objects.

Unlockable Traits:
Killing Time: Werewolf Form lasts longer.
Restless Beast: Werewolf Form has a shorter cooldown.
Steady Head: No longer become Crazy-Dizzy when turning back into a human.
How to Effectively Utilize the Transformation
For the most part, the Werewolf's job is to kill things as quickly as possible, whether it be a small group of armed guards, or a bloodbath of bystanders. As a Werewolf, you will feel unstoppable. You need to learn that you are, in fact, not. You still have 80 max health in Werewolf form.

The Werewolf's most dangerous enemy is a group of heavily-armed enemies. Because of this, the Werewolf struggles in the last two districts, Downtown and Uptown. The amount of NPCs equipped with machine guns will punish anyone using the "run in and hope for the best" method, which will lead to a surprisingly quick death. During these later stages, the Werewolf needs to think more methodically with their transformation, and plan ahead their actions.

Always think before you transform. If you're about to run into a hideout, take a general look of the NPCs inside, and the mission you have to do. If the property owners are heavily armed, you might want to consider stealth as an option, without transforming. If you get caught, go ahead and transform. You don't need to worry about this in the early districts, as property owners are usually spaced out, thus easy to pick off.
General Tips and Tricks
-During the early districts, you can play the Werewolf relatively care-free. NPCs armed with melee weapons aren't that dangerous, unless you are under 20 health or something. Pistols also won't give you many problems unless there are 3 or more armed enemies, which is a rare situation to be in during the early game. However, once you reach Downtown, you should immediately start being more careful with transformations.

-Finish fights as fast as possible. Allowing the enemy to live longer allows them to shoot more bullets at you, which is detrimental due to your 80 health. If you allow yourself to turn back into a human mid-fight, rip you.

-If you aggro an NPC during Werewolf form, and transform out of view, they will no longer be hostile until they see the Werewolf form again.

-You should use the Werewolf form's right click (the Lunge attack) almost 100% of the time. In comparison to the normal attack, it deals more damage, and moves the Werewolf forward, allowing him to stay in melee range despite the attack's knockback. Two quick lunges is enough to kill most NPCs.

-Try to hit multiple NPCs with a single attack as much as possible, since it makes fights much more shorter. This is extremely apparent if NPCs are following each other in a straight line, such as gangsters or mobsters.

-If you find yourself low on health, go find some weak NPCs and slaughter them in Werewolf form. The trait "Bloodlust" will give you 10 HP per kill. Slum Dwellers are great targets, as they are plentiful in the early districts. However, in the later districts, Upper-Crusters require three lunges to kill instead of two, and will spawn Supercops if you let them live.

-You can pick up items while in Werewolf form. Use this to pick up dropped guns/ammo. You should also break chests and pick up it's contents to save time, rather than wait until you're a human and open the chest. You can also use the exit elevator, and use the quick heal button, while in Werewolf form.

-You can't use doors when in Werewolf form. However, you can break them down easily enough by attacking them. This doesn't work on steel doors.

-If you are in the middle of a big fight and you're about to turn back into a human, you should run away and come back when your transformation is ready again. It's better to be safe than sorry, and dead.

-The effect "Crazy-Dizzy" behaves like normal dizziness (your character wanders aimlessly) except for one thing: You won't lose the effect if you get hit. This means that if you get caught with your pants down, be prepared for a beating.

-Items that increase raw damage, such as a Critter Upper and Giantizer, are extremely useful for the Werewolf, as a critical hit lunge will either 1-hit an enemy, or leave them with a sliver of health. The Giantizer triples your damage, so it's basically a 1-hit against anything in the game, save for the Killer Robot (which you can still very easily kill with a Giant Werewolf)

-Attacking slaves isn't the best idea when in Werewolf form, as the raw damage output is enough to make the slave immediately explode upon death, which causes you to take an explosion to the face. However, if it's a slave accompanied by, say, an Upper-Cruster, the combined 20 HP you will get from Bloodlust (assuming you killed them both) can help offset the 30 HP you took from the explosion.

(If you have your own tips, comment them below and I'll add them if they're decent.)
What Not to Do
(This section will be polished later)

-Don't fight groups of machine gun-wielding enemies. Three or more of them can easily shred through your HP. Pick them off one-by-one or don't use the transformation. Supercops and mobsters are good examples. If you *need* to kill a group of them, make sure to line them up in a way so you hit multiple enemies at once.

-Don't mindlessly transform. When you want to raid a hideout as a Werewolf, make sure you at least have a general idea of what you want to do.

-Dont bother with increasing stats such as Speed or Firearms when better melee-focused options are available, as they aren't much use to the Werewolf. The former because he already moves ridiculously fast to the point where an extra point is negligible, and the latter because the Werewolf in general shines with his melee skill. However, you should still have a pistol and a shotgun, at least, for the later levels.
Traits of Interest
Longer Status effects
This trait affects the duration of the Werewolf transformation (and dizziness) which is basically off-brand "Killing Time". Plus, it can be upgraded to "Longer Status Effects +" which doubles the duration of the transformation.

Increased Crit Chance
While, for the most part, an extra 3% isn't really that exciting, Werewolf form does so much melee damage that a crit is a 1-hit kill to almost every NPC. You can also upgrade this to 6% increase if no other available trait interests you.

This is a great trait to have as any class, really. It's an easy double damage, which makes your sharp lunge scary.

Melee +
The melee trait affects you in Werewolf form, so if there isn't anything else you want on the level-up screen, pick this up.

Endurance +
This is also a great pick up. 20 hp can be the difference between life and death, especially for a class, such as Werewolf, that constantly puts themselves in harms way.
Big Quest + Super Special Ability
Big Quest ("Satiate That Bloodlust!"):
In order to complete his big quest, the Werewolf needs to kill 5 people in a single transformation, in every level. This doesn't sound that hard, but it gets especially tricky in the later districts, most notably Uptown.

For the most part, the one thing you need to do is locate 4-5 NPCs in the general vicinity. Then, kill each one as fast as possible, whilst at the same time, hitting multiple NPCs with a single attack, if you can. You know that you have achieved your 5-kill quota when you see the green text saying "+ Big Quest" appear above you. If that doesn't show up, go around and try and kill anyone in sight until the green text shows up.
If you accidentally anger the wrong person, cops for example, you can break line of sight until you transform back into a human, making them not hostile/annoyed anymore (until they see you as a Werewolf again.)
Uptown is especially annoying to do your big quest since people that wander outside are usually slaves, upper-crusters, supercops, and cop bots. The reason why that's so much of a problem is because they either take more than 2 lunge attacks to kill, explode on death which damages you, are armed with painful weapons, or have a deadly combo of two or all. A good idea might be to find a public, heavily populated building, such as a pool or club, and transform in there instead. You risk getting shot at by several guns, which is your main weakness, but at least it's better than facing the threats outside, with the intent of genocide.

Super Werewolf:
The Werewolf's stats are different when transformed:
Endurance: 1/4
Speed: 10/4 (Originally 8)
Melee: 8/4 (Originally 6)
Firearms: 1/4

The Werewolf now gets a LARGE damage resistance when transformed.
The Werewolf form now only takes about 50% of damage. This allows you to facetank just about anything the game can throw at you.
In addition, werewolf form now lasts longer, has a shorter cooldown, and no longer inflicts "Crazy-Dizzy" when it ends.

The Super Werewolf is easily the best combat character in the game, since it can facetank just about anything and get away without a scratch 80%ish of the time due to Bloodlust. Due to the Werewolf no longer getting dizzy either, the player can be generally more carefree since they can easily swap to a powerful weapon as soon as the transformation ends.
29 Komentar
Aidyn 25 Des 2022 @ 10:28am 
Also, Melee + does NOT stack with werewolf form, as it's strength is already maxed out. You are only increasing the human form's melee damage
Aidyn 25 Des 2022 @ 9:28am 
I would also add in the traits Knuckley. It stacks with your other buffs, so that just about everything will die in a single hit, even without a crit.
Totadi Cocainine 8 Agu 2022 @ 4:24pm 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little boy called Joey, he was ten-years-old and he lived in a mental hospital because he posted a shitty copypasta onto a People Playground mod's comment section. He got so bad he went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the Feds decided that best idea was to get rid of him so they set up a special room to kill him, as inhumane as possible. And he sat there in agony for hours until he died. Now every week on the day of his death he returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00 a.m. He creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by pegging you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and he will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes nothing will happen
Papa Canis  [pembuat] 27 Jul 2022 @ 9:02pm 
just spam right click. A lunging werewolf is the fastest thing in SoR's known universe.
PurpleXVI 4 Jun 2021 @ 1:16pm 
I really have no idea how to get those five kills in a row on every level, not because I get killed but because people SCATTER when they see you and 15 seconds just isn't long enough to both chase them all down AND kill them.
Papa Canis  [pembuat] 5 Apr 2021 @ 9:06am 
Werewolf is super easy when you know what you're doing. It's just very easy to mess up if you don't.
Leal 5 Apr 2021 @ 6:16am 
This was the easiest class for me. NGL
Bouma 18 Des 2020 @ 6:37pm 
Great guide!
Papa Canis  [pembuat] 3 Des 2020 @ 9:41am 
っLunauticalっ 28 Nov 2020 @ 7:29pm 
People are just salty and don't know how to use it well