Primal Carnage: Extinction

Primal Carnage: Extinction

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Profile: Chris Imperial Carter.
By Aggro Stego.
Chris Imperial Carter.

The host of Voldimus.

The Gold eye boy.

Through out his travels and adventures, Chris Imperial Carter was one of my most used, so today I made a guide on
steam.... Enjoy!
Chris Imperial Carter looks like the following.

Pale white skin colour.
Long Dark brown hair reaching down to the shoulders except the fringe, and sides of of his hair reaching down to the jaw bone
Gold eye colour,
3 purple scratches marks on his right wrist.
physique: broad shoulders, long but medium sized arms, reaching down to his thighs, and have some hands that are quite big. The rest is more of like a normal muscle man, not body builder though, and no abs.
standing: 6,1
weight: 230 pounds.


Blackish brown tea shirt.
sleeveless hoodi
light blueish grey jeans
and a pair of mountain climber karrimor shoes, in black and grey colour with a tint of red, rest is normal*.

there is ones in different colours.

but the first one is the main one.

Born June 12th 2000.

Chris Branchoff was born to a homicidal and rapist father, after the rape committed by him to his wife and Chris's mother, Martha Branchoff. Chris had witnessed the many times of Martha's abuse over the years, form minor to deep wounds. The day came when Darrel, his father, murdered Martha in cold blood, out of panic, and retreated, only to be caught by the cops. Before the cops can reach to the house, Chris vanished, running away from the horrors and the nightmares from the house he live din, at the young age of 5. He arrived in Bellrun, a man made city on a small island right next to the Britain island. This would be the place, where he was raised and cared for by the adoption centre. An orphanage. His Uncle and Aunt came time and time again, but never kept him, in fear of him being like his father, due to sharing his genetics, and the stuff he has seen. WHile he changed his name, to Chris Imperial Carter.

at 7, He was showing sign of his mental health problems. most of them are terminal, and the rest are not. Finding ways to cope. when he got to the age of 16, in the event of japan, soon to become the Dimus host of Voldimus, and once transformed. Gives birth to Voldimus Rex.
I will keep these stories in the history section short, non spoiler. Just putting the timeline in order, and whats cannon and non-cannon.

The Isle of Dawn [Cannon]

Genesis of Rem [Cannon]

Dawn of Destruction [Cannon]

[Currently working on project, [Canon.]

Battle against Voldimus Rex [Semi Cannon]

Titan of plague [Non Cannon]

Dimensional Clash Event [Non Cannon]

Titanverse [Non Cannon]

Multiverse Crisis [Non Cannon].


Chris is stronger then the normal man, with a normal body being as strong as a strong man, due to the Ramarak flowing. He was also strong enough to kill a man in one punch, hitting him at a certain angle to the head,, that coursed the neck to snap. at a certain angle.


Due to the Ramarak, Chris can run faster as well, as fast or faster then Usain Bolt. even fats enough to dodge rockets.


Once again thanks to the Ramarak. Chris is shown to be extremely agile. through dodging attacks and his acrobatics. He also showed the endurance to climb walls with instinct and find methods of climbing, reach for any useful object to hang on, climb , or hurl himself.


Chris can resist the fire of arrows, but not bullets, he can get hurt. but he barely slow him down, but still feels its pain.

Healing Factor.

If damaged to heavily, Chris can heal. Through Ramarak. he can nearly heal from all manner of wounds.

Primal Being.

The suppressed form of Voldimus Rex, the Primal Being , in full name, Primordial being, allows Chris to use a small amount of Chris's to use some of Voldys powers.
It majorly increases the attributes of Chris from all of the the stuff Ramarak and Chris's body have.
For example,


Up by a good amount. Chris can also see things on his foes, like where to hit, when to dodge, when to strike. normally indicating if different colours. Red being strike, yellow being dodge/ block. and crimson for kill.

Dimus Transformation.

Chris can transform into Voldimus Rex.


A main factor of Chris's weakness, is his mental health. He suffers to extreme measures. Suffering Disorders like


Theses disorders was a crippling weakness, alongside the bad memories that make him loose control. With anger as a result. Chris can still take damage from some weapons and if used for most of the time, Primal being can put a strain on him and burn out. With that, Chris tends to bury himself in pillows and blankets to make himself feel protected. Due to his psychological state

Chris Imperial Carter developed through out the years since his debut in 2014. But he wasn't always the way he was. Chris was gonna a soldier, before being changed to a teen, with a harsh past life. And a crisis that was to give birth to a raging demon inside his soul. Only to be unleashed into the world, when feeling the negative emotion of fury.

Chris has also gonna be featured alongside Voldimus Rex in Disturibas Comic book series known as Titanverse. Mainly an Undertale fan made story though.

Chris was also was planned to have Hazel eyes, during his days of being normal human, before being a Dimus host. While later on, having Gold eyes, when he becomes a Dimus Host.

alongside form there being alternative versions of Chris. That is it for Chris Imperial Carter...

Cya! :D
Aggro Stego.  [author] 22 Aug, 2020 @ 6:19am 
I don't roleplay anymore.
(I seriously need to change that )
Akusuka 22 Aug, 2020 @ 5:46am 
Also I saw in you bio that you like role-play. We could role-play together.
Akusuka 22 Aug, 2020 @ 5:43am 
I've read all of your guides and I like them a lot. I can tell that you've put a lot of work into them. And I saw that you're looking for an artist that would make an accurate artwork of your OC.
Feel free to text me.
Aggro Stego.  [author] 20 Aug, 2020 @ 7:49am 
Nazul 20 Aug, 2020 @ 7:43am 
ive heard of that, had it myself so im not going to do that to you
Aggro Stego.  [author] 20 Aug, 2020 @ 7:41am 
Just I hear shit all the time. Regarding people's accounts getting scammed because a random person they just so happened to add has apparently accidentally reported them for duplicate items

Nazul 20 Aug, 2020 @ 7:24am 
why do you immediately think of the idea that i may be a hacker?
Aggro Stego.  [author] 20 Aug, 2020 @ 7:02am 
And how do I know you're not one of those steam hackers?
Nazul 20 Aug, 2020 @ 12:13am 
hello i wanted to add you because i was intrigued by your guides

if you can accept my request that would be appreciated :3

(i cant send a request now because you rejected my prev one so i assume youd be able to add me at least)