Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

707 ratings
How To Rank Up To Global Elite (NEW)
By The Suspect
A Guide to help players to reach The Global Elite as quickly as possible!

Written By PxnDu and The Official Suspect from Overwatch Demos

The road to Global Elite is tough. It will take time to reach the top rank in Counter Strike.

This guide has been carefully formulated to help you reach your goal. This guide is far from perfect, there is no genius guide that will make you Global Elite, at the end of the day it is down to you and only you.

However, This guide has been created to guide you (XD pun intended) in the right direction in order for you to have the best chance of reaching Global Elite. For this guide to be most effective take each section individually.

Guide Created by PanDu and VLTRN
First Things First
It is essential when working towards bettering your game to accept that you are not the best player in the world and that you are doing things wrong. (This is hard to accept, especially for someone like me who has a MASSIVE EGO).

Watch Your Demos

Watch your demos to understand what it is that you are doing wrong. The information you gain from this is vital in improving quickly. For example if you miss too many easy shots then you know that you need to consider working on your aim and movement.

Things to Remember

  • K/D does not matter
  • Skins do not matter
  • Rank does not equal skill

Getting 5 trade kills is better than 5 exit frags. It is important for you to understand what plays are good and what plays put the round at risk.

Steam Group

Join Our NEW Steam Group to Practice with fellow players also grinding for Global Elite!!

Join Here!!!


When practicing for anything in life, Motivation is required. It is important for you to have motivation otherwise everything else is pointless. Follow these steps to get motivated.

Step 1
- Find Your Motivation

What is your motivation?

What is it that motivates you to practice?

Whether it is because you dream of becoming a professional cs-go player or you want to beat your friend in every 1 v 1 you play.

Step 2
- Use That Motivation

Grab a hold of your motivation and use it to power yourself through tough times. The road to global is not easy, motivation will be needed!!!

Step 3
- For those who dont have motivation or a lack of it

The only thing stopping you from going professional is yourself. You are capable of more than you are giving us!!!! Humans are amazing, we can do anything we put our minds to. Put your mind into your practice, you will amaze yourself at what you can achieve with a little motivation.

Message to everyone who doubts you: I am capable, I am worthy, I will work hard to prove you wrong.

I did not make it despite my hard work

Dont worry, the work you put in has not been your downfall, if you gave your all,
you have proven that you are a fighter and that you are worthy of respect and admiration by all.
Mindset and Self Belief
CSGO is a game that requires self-confidence therefore it is important to always keep your head up.

Here are some tips for keeping a good mindset in game:

  • Always believe in yourself and remember how good you are when you play your best.
  • Never get angry with your team because they are preforming badly, It will only make the match more difficult to win.
  • If you have a bad game and your team is screaming at you, Don't let them ruin your self-esteem. This game does not shape you as a player, it is only 1 bad game.

Remember to always believe in the plays you are making. For example pushing up banana on inferno early round, will require you to keep calm as nades will fly over your head. It is very important to believe, make sure you commit to the push otherwise you will get stuck and killed by the ct. However, you should not carry out overconfident peeks just because you believe in them. It is important to know when it is the right time to make plays.

When making plays, it is important that the play you make does not risk the round or cause problems for your team. Just because a risky play worked does not necessarily mean that it was the correct play. This can end up with you throwing a round and in turn maybe even the game. Be respectful of your team and make the correct plays. Communicate your plays to ensure that no teammate is caught off guard.

If you are planning on doing a very risky play in the next round, take a timeout and discuss it with your team. If they are all willing to play along with it then fire away! At higher ranks you have more leeway with your plays, but it is still important to remember to make sure you aren’t risking the round for kills, play with your team!!

CSGO can be a stressful game, especially if you solo queue. If you find yourself stressing when playing, it is important to understand why you are actually stressing.

The reasons can vary from person to person. It may be because you are afraid of playing badly, or something in real life is hindering your performance. There are so many reasons why people feel stressed when playing, so try asking yourself what it is that makes you feel pressured or stressed when you play and try to find a solution to it.

And remember not to be negative towards yourself. Always remain positive, it is more important than you may think.
Practice Schedule

I would recommend practicing 3 - 4 times a week

CS-GO is a game that is based on muscle memory and reaction time. It is important to keep these at maximum performance.

Potential Practice Plan

- Practice 1 Hr 30 Mins

Aim - 20 Mins
Movement - 10 Mins
Death match / Retake Servers - 1 Hour

- Practice 1 Hr 30 Mins

Aim - 20 Mins
Movement - 10 Mins
Death match / Retake Servers - 1 Hour

- Practice 2 hrs 30 Mins

Aim - 20 Mins
Movement - 10 Mins
Death match / Retake Servers - 25 Mins

MM / Faceit / ESEA - 1 / 2 games

- Practice 2 hrs 30 Mins

Aim - 20 Mins
Movement - 10 Mins
Death match / Retake Servers - 25 Mins

MM / Faceit / ESEA - 1 / 2 games
If you are finding that your practice schedule is causing discomfort or you are suffering from burnout.

It is important to take a break, your health is the most important thing in the world, it is important to understand that not living healthy will affect your ability to perform within all aspects of life.
Warmup ( Aim / Movement)


When rifling, proper bursts are a fine line between Pro and Noobs. If you are doing it right you can take out multiple enemies in long-distance battles or you would rather end up in the “Spray and Pray” category. While burst goes up to 10 bullets, 2-3 are the best and more effective in mid to long range gunfights. To master this just start your own game and try memorizing the pattern and how intervals can help to maintain it.

Aim Placement

If you are keeping your aim at headshot level then you have done most of the job. Try watching some pro players and how, where they place their crosshair when aiming and checking different spots around the map. Try imitating it on regular basis and this won’t be your concern in a few days of time. The picture above will more appropriately show where your crosshair placement should be.


Mostly used in mid to close encounters, good sprayers can down an entire team rush with proper control. To practice this first fire the entire magazine of the gun on an empty wall and observe the pattern. Now try controlling it by moving your mouse in the opposite direction, if bullets go left you pull to the right and vice versa. Practice this for a while and start using it in pub game with the sole intention of killing every enemy through a spray. The same goes for burst practice as well and should be done in pubs too.

Below is the spray pattern shown for the basic csgo rifles:


Movement in CSGO is very important. The movement system in CSGO is very advanced in comparison to other games, it will take time to master. Movement affects aim therefore it is vital that you learn how to do it as perfectly as possible to ensure you hit as many bullets as possible.

There are a wide variety of specialised servers where you can practice your mechanical movement.
These servers can be located in the community browser

Different Types of Servers:
  • KZ Servers
  • Bhop Servers
  • Strafe Servers

Here is a video showing 100+ jumps in CSGO

Warmup Up / Training

Warm Up / Training Maps are extremely useful. It is important to download the maps that give you maximum customization, this allows you to train all aspects of your game.

Warm Up Maps

There are a number of maps that let you practice a wide variety of game aspects. Some really effective maps are given below:
Recommended WARM UP

This can be customized to personal preference

Spray Down 100 Bots
Tap Shoot 100 Bots Stationary
Spray Transfer 100 Bots
Tap Shoot 100 Bots Strafe Shooting
20 Mins in Deathmatch
20 Mins in Pistol Deathmatch

At this point you will be ready to play MM / Faceit / ESEA
Useful Tutorial Videos


Thank You
Thank you for reading through my guide, i hope that i have helped you to reach Global Elite!!!!

Don’t forget to leave a like and a comment saying what you liked about the guide and any features you would like to see implemented. Also any mistakes present in the guide please let me know in the comments and I will fix them as quick as possible

More Content Will Be added to this guide, therefore it is vital that you keep coming back and reading to see any sections that have been added.

Upcoming Features

1. Advanced Section (For Global Players to help get lvl 10 face it / high esea ranks)
2. More Detailed Warm Up Plan
3. More Helpful YouTube Videos

Good Luck and Have Fun - P@nDu


All Donations are welcome! This will help motivate me to continue updating this with more tips!!

m0j 22 Mar, 2023 @ 11:23am 
Very Useful thank you :)
marcusbanana☭☭☭ 24 Mar, 2021 @ 7:01pm 
take my points :B1:
580 17 Jul, 2019 @ 12:58am 
ty im global now
maasu 14 Jun, 2019 @ 3:40pm 
Playing the franchise for about 7 years, still need someone elses tips to get to MGE :)
♕ FisherMan Edvin 9 Jun, 2019 @ 10:55am 
My internet is pretty bad at sometimes aswell so I can't play all the time.
♕ FisherMan Edvin 9 Jun, 2019 @ 10:53am 
I play mm with my friends and I top frag with 30+ frags almost every game, until we stopped playing. I'm back now first game with a friend 20+ frags top second game was terrible but we won anyways. I got DMG after being unranked from LE, pretty good :)
PapaHellmann 9 Jun, 2019 @ 10:28am 
Dont play mm, is how you reach global- hitreg is terrible, you need to prefire everything.
ZyLowBe 8 Jun, 2019 @ 5:49pm 
The Real GOW 8 Jun, 2019 @ 5:06pm 
My lack of motivation is my left hand has no middle finger, it makes playing with the keyboard very hard while shifting or crouching it gets even harder
aggoar 8 Jun, 2019 @ 11:36am 
matchmaking, faceit is like mm but on other servers and esea is the same but u have to pay