Human Fall Flat

Human Fall Flat

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[NEW] Human Workshop: Post-Launch Fixes, Updates and Additions – v1003292
Por Mildred Bumble
This brand-new guide details the majority of the fixes, updates and additions we’ve made since the Workshop went live on 2 April. All of these and more are included in our next update - v1003292. If you want something fixing as a priority and it's not on this list then we'd love to know via our new @discordapp channel so we can prioritise fixing it for you for future updates.

Here you'll be able to chat with thousands of Human: Fall Flat fans -

There is a dedicated WORKSHOP-SUPPORT channel, which is the place to go if you need a little help and if your question has not been answered by any of our guides. Head there to ask for and get help from the community as well as letting us know of anything you feel needs fixing as a priority.

Also feel free to direct message me @Mildred Bumble via Discord if you want something fixing as a priority and I will add it to our backlog of work. If you've found this guide and any of my other guides helpful it'd be appreciated if you could take the time to rate them.
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Importing the Unity Package (Version 1.1)
With the update to v1003292 we've also included an updated Human Unity package (Version 1.1). If this is the first time installing the Human Unity package then please follow the steps in my separate guide - [NEW] Human Workshop: Getting Started - Configuring Unity, Making your First Level, Publishing and Subscribing to Levels

However, if you've already got a Human: Fall Flat project in Unity you'll just need to import the updated Human Unity package. Ensure that you close any Scenes that you've been working with, select the Assets option from the main menu and then follow these next series of steps:

• Select Import Package and click Custom Package:

• This will bring up a window to select which package you’d like to import.
• Navigate to the Human Fall Flat install folder.
• The default location for Human Fall Flat Workshop files is:

C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Human Fall Flat/WorkshopPackage:

• Once this is done select the Human Unity package file and select Open.
• After a short delay a Import Unity Package window should appear
• Press the Import button:

• You should see a progress bar. Wait until it has finished installing.
• Once this has finished you you may now find that in the Assets window not all of the Prefabs have their expected thumbnails and look like this, which isn't very useful:

To get these thumbnails to appear correctly for yourself, you can go through the following steps:

• Right click on the specifc Prefab that is a problem or the entire Prefabs folder.
• Select Reimport for a single Prefab or the Reimport All option if you've selected the entire Prefabs folder.

Notice that once completed your thumbnails will appear correctly. Though, this process will take quite a while if you've chosen to reimport the entire Prefabs folder.
Minor Feature Additions - Workshop
  • Updated the flow when completing a published Workshop level so it actually ends now and returns all players to the front-end lobby (The Lock Level option in multiplayer can still be enabled to stop any player ending the level).
This means that after hitting the PassTrigger in a level it will end the next time you fall and any creators making use of the PassTrigger in order to respawn players are going to need to update their triggering if they don’t want to get kicked out of playing a map.

An example of this can be seen in the soccer-themed level - Human足球场. This level has got a 6x6m PassTrigger box in the middle of the pitch, so you immediately trigger it on entering the level. But you don't actually finish the level until you start to fall again, which can be triggered by the hammers that are sat on the touchline. So, the fix for the updated flow on this level is to move / remove the PassTrigger.

On the other hand, the Saber Arena 2 lobby which has sabers set-up in a similar fashion to the hammers from Human足球场 won’t have this problem in the next update, as it doesn’t make any use of the PassTrigger.
  • Updated the flow for a player leaving a published Workshop level so that they are now presented with a full-screen ‘Rate Level’ UI that hooks into the existing Workshop rating system in the Steam Overlay.

o This UI will NOT be shown to a player on leaving a published Workshop level if a vote for the level has already been registered by them, either via the Steam Overlay or via the in-game ‘Rate Level’ UI.
o This UI will NOT be shown on leaving a published Workshop level if the player hasn’t spent a sufficient amount of time within the level in that particular play session.
  • The SkyboxSkyNight1 material wasn't included in the Unity package at Workshop launch so you couldn't set-up all aspects of the level-lighting seen in the Dark level.
o This has now been included and the following instructions have also been added to the - [NEW] Human Workshop: Getting Started - Configuring Unity, Making your First Level, Publishing and Subscribing to Levels:

“Alternatively, if you would like a night time lighting setting like that seen in the recent Dark Level:
o On the Lighting Tab - Change the Skybox Material to SkyboxSkyNight1 (We've included 3 different night time materials to choose from but SkyboxSkyNight1 is a direct copy of the one used in the Dark level)
o On the Directional Light Object itself - Set the Directional Light Color to #7AACDDFF
o On the Lighting Tab - Set the Intensity Multip to 1
o Drag the Directional Light into the Sun Source box on the Lighting Tab.
o On the Lighting Tab - Change the Environmental Lighting Source to Color
o On the Lighting Tab - Change Ambient Color to #40667A
o On the Lighting Tab - Change the Environmental Reflections Intensity Multiplier to 0.842
o On the Lighting Tab - Change Bounces to 2
o On the Level Object itself, on its BuiltInLevel (script) component in the Inspector, tick No Clouds.”

  • The old Workshop modder branch also used to have a README.txt that could previously be found here - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Human Fall Flat\WorkshopPackage.
o This has now been translated into all supported languages and has been added back in as far as further supporting any new Workshop creators.
  • Separated a player's saved checkpoint progress through a LOCAL LEVEL from their saved checkpoint progress through a SUBSCRIBED LEVEL so that they can now have saved checkpoint progress active for both types of Workshop level simultaneously, rather than the last saved checkpoint for a particular Workshop level being the only one active.
o At the same time the save data has been updated to potentially track thousands of Workshop levels' saved checkpoint progress at the same time, rather than just the one.
o For any Workshop level with active saved checkpoint progress the PLAY option will update to appear as CONTINUE and a RESTART LEVEL option will be added to the list of available options. This allows you to restart Workshop levels from the front-end menus and not just via the pause menu.

o Thanks to FluffyPrower and anyone else that raised this issue, which we've now had the time to implement properly.
  • Added an About option under the Human option within Unity. This now lists the version number of the in-use Human Unity package.
Minor Feature Additions - Debug Shortcuts
  • Legacy versions of the game used to include a debugshortcuts.txt that could be found here - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Human Fall Flat.
o This has now been updated, translated into all supported languages and has been added back in.
o Any debug functions listed within it that had stopped functioning, now function again (see the Bug Fixes - Debug Shortcuts section later on for further detail).
o Here it is in full:


This document contains useful keyboard shortcuts that were used to test the game, record marketing footage, etc. They are meant for power users and workshop creators, provided AS IS, and MIGHT potentially cause bugs in the game.

All the shortcuts can be activated once in the game (not in a menu). Some shortcuts, like JUMP TO CHECKPOINT, will only work if you have already completed the current level. Some shortcuts will prevent achievement progress. To reactivate achievement progress, go back to the main menu and then back into the level again.


In game press ` to open and close the debug console. This is where you can type some of the debug shortcuts listed below.

JUMP TO LEVEL / CHECKPOINT - Unlocked by completing level. Not supported for Workshop levels.

If you want to jump to another level and checkpoint type the following, with spaces and press Enter to jump to that specific location in the game:

l <level> <checkpoint>

So to jump to Checkpoint 5 in the Aztec level you'd type:

l 8 5

To go to a checkpoint just type the following, with spaces and press Enter to jump to that specific location in the level:

cp <number>

Levels and checkpoints start at 0. They are as follows:

0-Mansion, checkpoints 0-3
1-Train, checkpoints 0-4
2-Carry, checkpoints 0-3
3-Mountain, checkpoints 0-3
4-Demolition, checkpoints 0-7
5-Castle, checkpoints 0-12
6-Water, checkpoints 0-10
7-Power Plant, checkpoints 0-14
8-Aztec, checkpoints 0-13
9-Dark, checkpoints 0-24
10-Credits, checkpoints 0


Type FPS and press Enter - Switch to the experimental FPS mode.

CAMERA - Unlocked by completing level.

* [] (square brackets) - change camera zoom. Pressing Esc to enter and exit the pause menu will reset the camera zoom back to its default
* , (Comma) and . (Period) - increase and decrease cloud/fog density (more isometric shots would look desaturated without this)
* F6 - freeze/unfreeze time (to capture a still)
* F7 - toggle fullscreen camera in CO-OP mode
* F8 - enter FreeRoam camera mode - enables moving camera and capturing keyframed camera animations
* Ctrl+Shift+T (or Cmd+Shift+T for Mac) - slow-motion - time becomes 2x slower
* Ctrl+Shift+R (or Cmd+Shift+R for Mac) - frame video capture (will slow game time to export PNGs to C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\NoBrakesGames\Human\Frames or for Mac to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/unity.NoBrakesGames.Human/Frames)


Once in FreeRoam the following shortcuts are enabled to control the camera:
* WASD - move around
* Q - up
* Z - down
WASD & QZ are relative to the camera’s angle
* Mouselook – look around
* Mousewheel - change field of vision (FOV)
* F6 - freeze/unfreeze human

RECORDER (THEATER MODE) - Unlocked by completing level. Once activated it will block achievement progress / unlocking.

In game you can press * (multiply on the numpad) and it will start capturing frames. A red Recording indicator will appear in the top left corner of the screen to indicate that this mode has been activated. Pressing * again will stop capturing and enter theater mode. Pressing * again while in theater mode will exit the recorder. While in theater mode a timeline will appear at the bottom of the screen and the following shortcuts will become available:
* Left arrow – rewind
* Right arrow – forward
* Shift left/right – fast forward/rewind
* Space – play/pause
* Shift+Space – reverse play

Please note, a 3rd party video recording program (eg Fraps) is needed to save recorded frames. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+R (or Cmd+Shift+R for Mac) to do a frame capture of your playback.

KEY-FRAME (THEATER MODE) - Once activated it will block achievement progress / unlocking.

In theater mode to create dynamic play back you can record camera variables (the camera angle and position in the world) up to 9 times to key-frames. Along with recording the camera variable you can also indicate what type of transition happens between frames. These will be marked on the timeline that appears once in theater mode. To record the following use the numbers on the keyboard, not on the numpad. Please note that you must be in Free Roam camera mode while in Theater Mode to register key-frames.

* 1-9 - Create regular key-frame at current recorder frame (remembering camera world position and rotation)
The following can make shots seem shaky if human is doing mid-air acrobatics (including jumping)
* Shift 1-9 - Create targeted key-frame looking at human (stores camera world position, camera rotation will be set to look at the human final positioning). Marked with a t on the timeline (see screenshot below)
* Ctrl 1-9 (or Cmd 1-9 for Mac) - Create human key-frame (camera position relative to human is remembered). Marked with a h on the timeline (see screenshot below)
* 0 clear key-frames

You can mix and match all three types of key-frames (regular, targeted, human).
Note that pressing numbers out of sequence will overwrite previous keys (1, 3 the 2 will lead to 3 being cleared).
Minor Feature Additions - Prefabs
  • Variants of theLightGreyMetalMechLargeLongHandledLever1 prefab were requested by That1MuteFrog:
o One that stops being activated when not held by Human. There were settings on the lever script to change the way the lever works in relation to the world. Added some tool tips to the script to help explain this to creators. Also added LightGreyMetalMechLargeReturningLongHandledLever1 to the Demolition PrefabTestbed.
o One that snaps-off when used by Human – The version of a lever is now available and has been added into the Demolition PrefabTestbed – LightGreyMetalMechLargeBreakingLongHandledLever1.
  • There is now a DetectPlayerAmbientSound.prefab in the Assets > Workshop > Prefabs folder of the Workshop Package:
o This adds something for creators to control the music and ambient sounds in their levels. The inclusion of all the audio lead to the inclusion of this prefab rather than adding something in for every ambient sound that is possible.
o This prefab gives an example of how that control can be achieved.
o This prefab can also be used for reverb and lighting changes.
Known Issues - Workshop
  • The CopperMetalMechSmallMinecartwHandle1 Prefab (Minecart with handle) has no wheels when viewed in the Dark PrefabTestbed on the Mac.
o The Prefab in the Assets folder itself is fine if used; just not when viewed in the PrefabTestbed.
  • LightRoseWoodMechSmallSmashableEntrance1 Prefab is missing a shader for its frame
o This will be fixed for our next update but the LightRoseWoodMechSmallSmashableEntrance1 prefab is missing a shader, as pictured below:

It's fine in the Dark PrefabTestbed but not in the Dark Prefabs folder.

However, to fix this for yourself, you can go through the following steps:

o Select LightRoseWoodMechSmallSmashableEntrance1Frame
o In the Inspector open the Materials section in the Mesh Renderer
o Drag the LightRoseWood and DarkRoseWood materials into the materials section or click the circle with a dot icon next to each material and choose LightRoseWood and then DarkRoseWood from the box that appears, as pictured below:

Bug Fixes - Workshop
  • Audio – SFX of prefabs in Workshop levels were not affected by any of the relevant volume sliders in OPTIONS > AUDIO.
o Thanks to FluffyPrower and anyone else that raised this as a problem.
  • Checkpoints – Deleting an existing level's checkpoints in Unity while the player had active checkpoint progress in that level created a full screen blur on loading the level following a re-export and they could no longer access the pause menu.
o Thanks to Cenn who raised this as problem.
  • No export validation checks on unnecessary / overlapping Net Body components lead to broken objects and a full-screen blur bug, as detailed in this video:
o On export, creators will now receive the following error message:

Object <prefab name> has a NetBody but no RigidBody. A NetBody only needs to be on objects that have a Rigidbody

and they’ll be blocked from exporting their map to the game until they’ve removed the unnecessary Net Body components.
o Thanks to Gotcha for this one.
  • The Water map was appearing in the Workshop hub filter under 'Levels' but should have been under 'Lobbies' based on its metadata.
o We fixed this for r00ster91 at the time but have since gone on and updated the exporter, which will now realise that the type of the level has changed (either to Level or Lobby) and will re-export everything properly.
o Thanks to Dutchcrazygamer who raised this as a problem.
  • Steam Overlay – Changing the name or description of a published Level, Lobby or Model via the Steam Overlay would not change this information at the metadata level so any changes were never reflected in-game.
  • Pause Menu – Description field in the pause menu of a Workshop level had no real margins so the text just jutted right-up against the screen edge.
  • Pause Menu – Some Chinese characters in Workshop level names did not appear correctly while in the front-end lobby.
  • Front-End – Workshop Level's Description text was getting cut-off far too early in the SUBSCRIBED LEVELS information box.
  • Front End – Description of the level failed to appear in the SUBSCRIBED LEVELS information box if the level was missing a name in its metadata.
  • Front End – If a level had no Theme tags associated with it the section heading of Themes: would still be shown on the LOCAL or SUBSCRIBED LEVELS information box. This now gets removed if this is the case.
  • Front End – Certain levels weren't displaying their Level Name in the LOCAL or SUBSCRIBED LEVELS information box but were doing so under its Level Thumbnail.
  • Publish – Republishing a deleted item would lead to a ‘Failed Upload Screen’ even if players saved it in a new slot (in the case of a Model).
  • Publish – The game lingered in a lengthy unresponsive state after a network disconnect while players were publishing their Model or Levels to the Workshop before finally displaying the ‘Failed Upload Screen’.
o This has been improved in that we flag the disconnect as soon as Steam tells us about it so it is much faster than it was previously.
  • Publish – If players suffered a network disconnect when publishing their Model to the Workshop it could create a corrupted file in their Workshop items which could be used in game if other players subscribed to it.
  • Mac – HFF-Code-CSharp.dll shared by all platforms in the editor looks for steam_api64 but for macOS it's called steam_api.bundle, which caused errors on trying to play it in the editor in Unity.
o Thanks to quale who raised this Mac-specific problem.
o Thanks to LoganWulfric and anyone else that raised this Mac-specific problem.

  • Multiplayer – The ‘last used’ Lobby level was being remembered either as a client or the host. This functionality has been updated so that it is only remembering the 'last used’ Lobby' as a Host preference and joining a lobby as a client no longer overrides a player’s Host preferences.
  • Multiplayer – Clients were still able to join a host’s subscribed Workshop lobby when its visibility was set to Hidden or Friends Only via the Steam Overlay. This would lead to the loading screen overlaying the UI (the UI could be seen faintly), making it seem like the player was stuck on a loading screen.
o In addition, on the Public Games list the Lobby Level could be seen by players that are not subscribed to the level no matter what the visibility of the Lobby Level was.
o Thanks to Wyan and anyone else that raised this problem.
  • Multiplayer – Level Thumbnail image in the information panel in the Public Games list would constantly refresh with a mouse pointer hovered over it.
o In addition, with the level thumbnail image already being shown, if the mouse pointer was hovered over the main text section in the information panel this would unnecessarily refresh the level thumbnail image but only once.
o In addition, if you’d hovered over a server in the Public Games list that was using a Workshop level, the level thumbnail image has to download again. You'd see this if you took focus away from that particular server in the Public Games list and then hover over it again - all of the other text in the Information Panel would appear instantly but the thumbnail appeared a short time after.
Bug Fixes - Multiplayer
  • Multiplayer – The client could be permanently stuck in the lobby UI after trying to leave a lobby that's closing.
o Thanks to TBM who raised this as a problem.
  • Multiplayer – The lobby information panel in the Public / Friends List would display the lobby level name in the Host's chosen language rather than their own.
  • Multiplayer – Players will now successfully transition from one Multiplayer game to another when choosing to accept an invite.
  • Multiplayer – Overhead player names were previously blank on a Mac.
  • Multiplayer – Overhead player names appeared fuzzy / low res when "Antialiasing" was set to "TAA".
  • Multiplayer – WASD and other controls no longer receive input when the Text Chat window is active.
  • Multiplayer – Dark – Several Assets had SFX that didn’t sound the same between Host and Client.
  • Multiplayer – Powerplant – During multiplayer games the client did not sync properly because the steering wheel of the truck could be seen to disappear.
Bug Fixes - Customize
  • Customize – Going back to the WEBCAM options after you left the screen before the webcam finished a capture would result in numbers lingering onscreen.
  • Customize – UI highlighting is no longer lost when retaking webcam images.
  • Customize – Vertical wrap for 'Discard Paint' screen options has been added.
  • Customize – The 'Shot ready' UI screen can now be navigated up and down using a controller or keyboard.
  • Customise – Mask sub-list couldn't ever be accessed again after highlighting an option with a controller.
Bug Fixes - Debug Shortcuts
  • F7 - toggle full-screen camera in CO-OP mode debug function detailed in the debugshortcuts text file now functions again.
  • JUMP TO LEVEL / CHECKPOINT debug function detailed in the debugshortcuts text file now functions again. The file has also been updated to provide checkpoint information for all existing levels and exactly how both functions work.
  • [] - change camera zoom (e.g. fall animation) debug function detailed in the debugshortcuts text file now functions again. The file has also been updated to detail that hitting Esc to go in and out the pause menu will reset the camera zoom to its default level.
  • Ctrl+Shift+R - frame video capture function detailed in the debugshortcuts text file now functions again. Once captured the screenshots will be located in C:\Users\userAppData\LocalLow\NoBrakesGames\Human\Frames or for Mac to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/unity.NoBrakesGames.Human/Frames
  • "[REC] Cheat atctivated, achievements no longer available" HUD text string on activating debug RECORDER has had the obvious English typo in it fixed
Bug Fixes - General
  • Pause Menu – Mouse cursor would get disabled if Esc was pressed at the same time as WASD or directional arrows.
o A fix for our speedrunner community. Thanks to IdentitY who raised this as a problem.
  • Pause Menu – Selecting the RESUME button in the pause menu when using a controller no longer causes Human to jump at the same time as resuming.
  • Powerplant – The lit Torch no longer fails to respawn.
  • Dark – Loading the checkpoint after completing the final puzzle wouldn’t re-spawn the head and the legs of the model.
  • Dark – The lightning strike at the start of the level would sometimes trigger at the wrong time.
  • Objects – Electrical wires would not reconnect to a socket unless let go of and picked back up first after disconnecting them.
Bug Fixes – Prefabs - Part #1
  • Dark - DarkRoseWoodMechSmallRopeGear2 has been removed from the updated Unity package but the Unity packaging system doesn't remove items so it will still exist for any creator who has already installed the launch package (it can just be deleted from this level's prefabs folder so it is no longer visible).
  • Dark - CopperMetalMechSmallMinecartwithHandle1 has been removed from the updated Unity package but the Unity packaging system doesn't remove items so it will still exist as a Prefab for any creator who has already installed the launch package (it can just be deleted from this level's prefabs folder so it is no longer visible).
o It has been replaced with CopperMetalMechSmallMinecartwHandle1 (that has a slightly different name) that has been adjusted to work better with the available minecart track.
  • Water - RedMetalMechLargeShippingContainer1 and BlueMetalMechLargeShippingContainer1 would lose their collision if the player got too far away from them.
  • Demolition – Having the wrecking ball hitting YellowMetalMechMediumCableCar1 would result in the asset bugging out or simply disappearing.
o The physics engine was trying its best but these particular prefabs have now been separated out from each other in the Demolition PrefabTestBed.

Now, as far as the long list of prefabs fixes below and where the separated geometry is concerned there should be no visible difference to the creator, however there will be less baggage with the prefab. This should reduce the memory overhead for the level and therefore the time it takes to get going. This will also reduce the memory overhead for the creator while working in Unity, increasing the speed of update slightly. Instead of being part of a larger FBX for a section of one of the existing levels, they are now an FBX of their own.

Where we’ve noted that the FBX has been broken up this means we’ve changed it from a single collision mesh to a couple of collision meshes and visible meshes, which allows for different physics settings per-material on the prefab. After that the correct physics materials have been set so the sound of collisions driven through the physics engine are correct.

Changing the material settings involved switching from a texture atlas, flat colour map, to a material where there are no other colours involved in the mapping. This now allows the creator to drag-and-drop a material onto something and have just that section change colour rather than the whole object, which was the case. So instead of getting an entirely pink tree, as an example, only the leaves or the trunk will now become pink.
  • DarkRoseWoodMechSmallVineDoorwLatch2
o Fixed missing collision
o Metal physics material no longer missing from asset
  • DarkRoseWoodMechMedium12ToothCog1
o Physics material corrections
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkRoseWoodMechSmall8ToothCog1
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkRoseWoodMechSmallRopeGear1
o Broke-up FBX for material elements
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkRoseWoodMechSmallRopeGear2
o Removed as dupe of Gear 1
  • DarkRoseWoodMechSmallHandCrank1
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
o Component name changes
  • DarkRoseWoodMechLargeWinchSystem1
o Changed material settings
o Component name changes
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkRoseWoodMechMediumWindowShutter1
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkRoseWoodMechLargeCrankSystem1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkRoseWoodMechLargeSlopedTrackSection1
o Broke up FBX for material elements
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkRoseWoodMechSmallPlanks1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkRoseWoodMechMediumPlanks1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
  • DarkRoseWoodMechSmallAxe1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Physics material corrections
o Fixed up the Magnet point
o Broke up FBX for material elements
  • DarkRoseWoodMechMediumConsole1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
  • DarkRoseWoodMechMediumElectricalOutlet1
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
o Component name changes
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Component name changes
  • GoldMetalMechSmallGoldKey1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
o Component name changes
Bug Fixes – Prefabs - Part #2
  • LightGreyMetalMechSmallLockwKeyhole1
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • LightGreyMetalMechSmallElectricalFuse1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightGreyMetalMechMediumPendulum1
o Changed material settings
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Physics material corrections
o Component name changes
  • LightRopeMechMediumBeltDrive2
o Physics material corrections
  • LightRoseWoodMechMediumScalesCradle1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightRoseWoodMechMediumWeighingArmandGrill1
o Component name changes
o Physics material corrections
  • LightRoseWoodMechMediumBookshelf2
o Changed material settings
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Component name changes
o Changed material settings
  • LightRoseWoodMechMediumBookshelf1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • LightRoseWoodMechSmallSmashableEntrance1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkRoseWoodMechLargeFellableTree1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings.
  • RustedMetalMechSmallMinecart1
o Component name changes
o Fixed misaligned collision
  • RustedMetalMechSmallMovingPlatform1
o Component name changes
o Changed material settings
o Linked Sound to motion
  • LightRoseWoodStepsMediumWonkyStairs1
o Changed material settings
  • LightRoseWoodWallSmallSwingBar1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightSandStoneWallSmallCrookedDoorwaywithBarricade1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBridgeSmallHalfHumped1
o Renamed from LightStoneBridgeSmallHalfHumpedBridge1
  • LightStoneDecorationMediumHumanFountain1
o Renamed from LightStoneDecorationMediumBobFountain1
  • DarkWoodDoorMediumWoodenDouble1
o Physics material corrections
  • GameMechSmallExitSign1
o Linked Sound to activation
  • MetalMechMedium2ButtonDoorwExitLight1
o Linked Sound to activation
o Repointed meshes to existing versions
  • MetalMechMedium2ButtonDoor1
o Repointed meshes to existing versions
  • MetalMechMediumButtonDoor1
o Repointed meshes to existing versions
  • YellowMetalMechSmallRemoteControl1
o Changed material settings
  • LightGreyMetalDecorationLargeElectricPylon1
o Changed material settings
  • LightGreyMetalDecorationSmallLampPost1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneDecorationLargeBuilderHumanStatue1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
  • CoalMechLargeCluster1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • CoalMechLargeCluster2
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkGreyMetalMechLargeIndustrialBoiler1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkGreyMetalMechLargePressureGauge1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Fixed node graph input name
  • DarkGreyMetalMechSmallTransformerTower1
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkGreyMetalMechSmallBattery1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkGreyMetalMechMediumMetalBar1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings
  • DarkGreyMetalMechMediumFansElectricCable1
o Component name changes
  • DarkGreyMetalMechLargeMotorisedGate1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkGreyMetalMechLargeMotorisedEntrance1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkGreyMetalMechLargeVerticalSlottedDoor1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkGreyMetalMechMediumDebrisMovingConveyorBelt1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightGreyMetalMechSmallPowerSocketwMotor1
o Prefab name changed from LightMetalMechSmallPowerSocketwMotor1
o Component name changes
  • LightGreyMetalMechSmallPowerSocketwMotorDoor1
o Prefab name changed from LightMetalMechSmallPowerSocketwMotorDoor1
o Component name changes
  • LightGreyMetalMechSmallPowerSocketwGauge1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • LightGreyMetalMechSmallConveyorBeltSupportStantion1
o Renamed from LightGreyMetalMechSmallConveyorBeltSupportStanchion1
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneMechLargeIndustrialFanBlock1
o Broke up FBX for material elements
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneMechLargeWallFan1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
  • LightWoodMechSmallFlamingTorch1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • YellowMetalMechMediumChargerwithGauge1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • YellowMetalMechLargeIndustrialForklift1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • YellowMetalMechLargeConveyorRollerwMotor1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • YellowMetalMechLargeConveyorRoller1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • YellowMetalMechLargeScaleableConveyorBelt1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings
  • YellowMetalMechMediumPowerGeneratorwConnectors1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightStoneWallLargeMotorisedGateWall1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • YellowMetalWallSmallBarrierEnd1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • YellowMetalWallSmallBarrierMidSection1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • YellowMetalWallMediumBarrierMidSection1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • YellowMetalWallLargeBarrierMidSection1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingSmallArchedGreenhouse1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • WhiteMetalBuildingMediumArchedGreenhouse1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingLargeArchedGreenhouse1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingLargeGreenhouseLeanto1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingMediumGreenhouseLeanto1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingSmallGreenhouseLeanto1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingSmallArchedGreenhouseFrame2
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingSmallArchedGreenhouseWallwDoor2
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalBuildingSmallArchedGreenhouse2
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • WhiteMetalBuildingMediumArchedGreenhouse2
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • WhiteMetalBuildingLargeArchedGreenhouse2
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightVegetationDecorationMediumWallOvergrowth1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightVegetationDecorationMediumFloorOvergrowth1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightVegetationDecorationSmallFloorOvergrowth1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightVegetationDecorationSmallWallOvergrowth1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightVegetationDecorationSmallFloorOvergrowth2
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightWoodDecorationMediumParkBench1
o Removed redundant components
o Changed material settings
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightWoodDecorationMediumClimbingBranches1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightWoodDecorationLargeClimbingBranches1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodDecorationLargeClimbingBranches2
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodDecorationLargeClimbingBranches3
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodDecorationLargeClimbingBranches4
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
Bug Fixes – Prefabs - Part #3
  • LightWoodDecorationSmallClimbingBranches1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodDecorationLargeClimbingBranches5
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodDecorationLargeClimbingBranches6
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkStoneFloorLargeDrapingBrokenFloor1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkStoneFloorSmallImpactLocation1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkStoneFloorLargeRaisedBed1
o Separated the mesh for physics materials
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkGreyMetalMechLargeTrainEngine1
o Added convex collision objects
o Changed material settings
  • RedMetalmechLowTrainCarriage1
o Physics material corrections
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Changed material settings
o Fixed missing collision
  • RustedMetalMechSmallGratedWindow1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightStoneWallMediumFramedDoor1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
o Added the missing prefab
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallSmallFramedDoor1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
o Added the missing prefab
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallSmallFramedMotif1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
o Added the missing prefab
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallSmallFramedMotif1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
o Added the missing prefab
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallSmallFramedMotif2
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
o Added the missing prefab
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallMediumFramedMotif1
o Physics material corrections
o Added the missing prefab
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallLargeFramedMotif1
o Physics material corrections
o Added the missing prefab
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallSmallGreenhouseRail1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • BlueMetalMechLargeShippingContainer1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkGreyMetalDecorationSmallCagedLight1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
o Added sound for active light
o Sorted the Node Graph
  • DarkGreyMetalMechMediumChainwTwoEyes1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkGreyMetalMechMediumCrossHeadMetalPole1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkGreyMetalMechSmallBouy1
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkGreyMetalMechSmallMetalBarrelRaft1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkWoodDecorationLargeWreckedShip1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkWoodDecorationLargeWreckedShipMidSection1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • DarkWoodDecorationLargeWreckedShipMidSection2
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • DarkWoodDecorationLargeWreckedShipProw1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneBuildingLargeLighthouse1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBuildingLargeLowStorage1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBuildingLargeTreatment1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneMechLargeIrisGatedPipe1
o Physics material corrections
o Changed material settings
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightStoneWallLargeMetalSupported1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneWallMediumMetalSupported1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneWallSmallMetalSupported1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightWoodColumnSmallDividingPole1
o Physics material corrections
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • LightWoodFloorLargeDecking1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodFloorMediumDecking1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodFloorSmallDecking1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodMechLargePaddleWaterWheel1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodMechSmallChainedUpBoat1
o Changed material settings
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodMechSmallLogRaft1
o Component name changes
o Physics material corrections
  • LightWoodMechSmallPaddle1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
o LightWoodMechSmallRowingBoat1
o Changed material settings
  • LightWoodMechSmallRowingBoat2
o Physics material corrections
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • PlasticMechSmallInflatableRaft1
o Changed material settings
  • RedMetalMechLargeShippingContainer1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • WhiteMetalWallMediumRailingPanel1
o Physics material corrections
  • WhiteMetalWallSmallRailingEndPanel1
o Physics material corrections
  • WhiteMetalWallSmallSlopedGuardRail1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • YellowMetalDecorationMediumTreatmentPiping1
o Added labels missing from Prefab
  • YellowMetalMechSmallDangerBouy1
o Changed material settings
  • LightStoneArchMediumArchCurvedhole1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBoulderLargeBoulder1
o Changed material settings
  • LightStoneBoulderLargeBoulder2
o Changed material settings
  • LightStoneBoulderMediumBoulder1
o Changed material settings
  • LightStoneBoulderSmallBoulder2
o Changed material settings
  • LightStoneBoulderSmallBoulder3
o Changed material settings
  • LightStoneBridgeSmallStraightBridgeSinglepiece1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBridgeSmallStraightBridgeSinglepiece2
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBridgeSmallStraightBridgeStartEnd1
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBridgeSmallStraightBridgeStartEnd2
o Physics material corrections
  • LightStoneBridgeLargeStraightMiddle1
o Changed material settings
  • LightWoodBridgeMediumDrawBridge1
o Removed errant inclusion in LightStoneArchSmallArchedBridgeSinglePiece1
o Changed material settings
  • LightWoodBuildingVillageInn1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightWoodBuildingSmallStableHouseLeanToThatch1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkRockColumnLargeDarkNaturalRockColumn1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightRockColumnMediumCollapsingColumn1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightRockColumnLargeColumn1
o Changed material settings
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkWoodDecorationTreeTrunkSmall1
o Changed material settings
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightGreyMetalDecorationSmallWallbracket1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkGreyMetalDoorMediumPortcullisandControl1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkGreyMetalDoorSmallBrokenPortcullis1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightGreyMetalDoorLargeDoubleDoorwithCabinHook1
o Changed material settings
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • LightWoodDoorMediumDoubledoorRoundTop1
o Separated the geometry from the level FBX
  • DarkRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturslRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve1
  • DarkRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve2
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve2
  • DarkRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve1
  • DarkRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve2
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve2
  • DarkRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve1
  • DarkRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve2
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve2
Bug Fixes – Prefabs - Part #4
  • DarkRockEdgeLargeInternalCurve1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeLargeInternalCurve1
  • DarkRockEdgeLargeInternalCurve2
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeLargeInternalCurve2
  • DarkRockEdgeSmallInternalCurve1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallInternalCurve1
  • DarkRockEdgeSmallInternalCurve2
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallInternalCurve2
  • DarkRockEdgeMediumInternalCurve1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeMediumInternalCurve1
  • DarkRockEdgeMediumInternalCurve2
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeMediumInternalCurve2
  • DarkRockEdgeLargeStraight1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeLargeStraight1
  • DarkRockEdgeLargeStraight2
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeLargeStraight2
  • DarkRockEdgeSmallStraight1
o Component name change, was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallStraight1
  • DarkRockEdgeSmallStraight2
o Component name changes was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallStraight2
  • LightVegetationEdgeLargeExternalCurve1
o Component name changes was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallStraight2
  • LightVegetationEdgeLargeExternalCurve2
o Component name changes was DarkNaturalRockEdgeSmallStraight2
  • LightVegetationEdgeMediumExternalCurve1
o Component name changes
  • LightVegetationEdgeMediumInternalCurve2
o Component name changes
  • LightVegetationEdgeSmallExternalCurve1
o Component name changes was LightVegetationEdgeEdgeSmallExternalCurve1
  • LightVegetationEdgeSmallExternalCurve2
o Component name changes was LightVegetationEdgeEdgeSmallExternalCurve2
  • LightRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve1
o Component name changes was LightNaturalRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve1
  • LightRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve2
o Component name changes was LightNaturalRockEdgeLargeExternalCurve2
  • LightRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve1
o Component name changes was LightNaturalRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve1
  • LightRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve2
o Component name changes was LightNaturalRockEdgeSmallExternalCurve2
  • LightRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve1
o Component name changes was LightNaturalRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve1
  • LightRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve2
o Component name changes was LightNaturalRockEdgeMediumExternalCurve2
12 comentário(s)
25/jan./2020 às 22:01 
why i didnt get the unity package,i have no package to import
erickrodrigo40 31/dez./2019 às 14:33 
would it be possible for us GOG version owners of the game have the ability to make mods for ourselves? was awesome to see you guys added the game to GOG only to suddenly see it go. now that mod support is added we are left out.
拖延症患者 20/ago./2019 às 22:52 
I can't invite my friends, they can't see my invitation, I can't see their game invitation, only this game is like this, other games are normal invitations or invitations received, I just subscribed to several maps and skin in the community workshop, and then there was such a problem, I should understand. Decide
7656119****910934 9/ago./2019 às 6:00 
How do you make water flow because of gravity?
wo_chi_ning_meng 3/jul./2019 às 10:53 
Have it got a Chinese version?
AV女優ちゃん 25/jun./2019 às 0:32 
Thank you for your reply.
The following two things are clearly remembered at the level played at that time.

・Venom Decryption毒液解密系列(基础解密)

When playing the following levels in the room of another host,
Suddenly I switched to the rate UI and never returned to the lobby.


If something similar happens, I will report it.:steamfacepalm:
76561198833808724  [autor(a)] 24/jun./2019 às 14:53 
AV女優ちゃん I'll do what I can to help. What level were you playing when the host suddenly left? From what you are describing this doesn't sound like it is a problem with the rating system.
Dr. Quantum 24/jun./2019 às 11:32 
Amazing! Thank you!
AV女優ちゃん 24/jun./2019 às 6:59 
It is a translation sentence.

During multiplayer, the rate UI will pop up and return to the lobby while playing user created levels.
I was a guest, but the host did not have an operation to finish, and suddenly came out.
Other guests are also returned to the lobby in the same way.

It is difficult to play the user creation level as it is.
Seek improvements as soon as possible...:steamsad:
ketrub 20/jun./2019 às 0:11 
Thank you!