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The Historical Character Guide
Von Lord Burger of Fries'land und 1 Helfern
Ever wanted to recreate your favourite historical warrior in Mordhau? With this guide I will teach you just that.
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Mordhau is a fun and addicting game, despite being a violent LARP event, which is fine! I like players having the ability to create whatever they so please, and I'm pretty impressed by some people's creativity. But as a total nerd for history, I wanted to add some of my own flair.

I've spent too many late nights grinding to bring you this guide, working hard to create various characters based on those who fought in the middle ages. Per my resources and knowledge, I have striven to make them as accurate as possible. Keep in mind, I am only using vanilla assets, not mods. So, I would advise against using this guide as a reference for the real world, as some of what you see here isn't accurate. Due to the game's limitations, some, if not most of the armour pieces being exaggerated, anachronistic or simply inaccurate compared to the components they are based on.

Thank you for all your support and feedback! And a big thank you especially to KevlarOnion for his wonderful insight, and assistance with this guide.
From thy most humble lord, Burger of Fries'land

Also: Go give Patriot Snake's Fantasy Character guide some love!
What's new!
  • 7/12/22 -

    Equipment lists updated, probably missed some stuff so do point that out if you happen to see anything I missed.

A note on Feedback:
I'm always striving for authenticity, so I welcome any feedback you have, if you aren't rude. If there is something you think should be changed or added, let me know in the comments below. My only request is that you should:

  • Provide a reliable source to go with your comment. Don't just say something without proof as to why I may be wrong; I will not just take anyone's word for it. Contemporary sources are absolutely important in this case, not Wikipedia, dubious modern artist interpretations, or some reenactment/LARP group forum. I will ignore comments that provide no valuable input.
  • I enjoy having good-faith discussions about history. So don't get salty if I disagree with any points, and, as stated above, don't be rude. There is no use in teaching anyone with ridicule.
The Hospitaller: Evolution of the Knight Visualised
Much like how we evolved from the cannon to the howitzer, then the rocket launcher, weapons and armour evolved throughout the Middle Ages. You can see this with the Knights Hospitaller, the oldest and most enduring Catholic Military Order. It took root in 1099 following the First Crusade, and remnants of the order survive to this very day.

Beyond this image, you will find more detailed knights and other warriors with all their components for reference.
Early Middle Ages (500 AD - 1000 AD)
The Early Middle Ages was a time of change following the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the great migrations. Foundations for new kingdoms in Western Europe were made, notably with the Carolingians and the Kings of Wessex. The Eastern Roman Empire was thriving in this era, but its position of power was to be challenged by its new Muslim rivals to their south; and an even more formidable foe, the Seljuk Turks, from Central Asia. It was also the age of the Vikings, who plundered the coasts and rivers of Europe for 300 years. It was a time of exploration, the rise and fall of empires, and the very beginnings of Medieval Europe itself.

Mid 9th Century

The Vikings were just as feared as they were renowned warriors, leaving a lasting legacy in both East and Western Europe. The Housecarls were fighting men serving their lord or king as part of an elite retinue; they fought at his side and defended him, even to a violent grave.

Head: Viking Helmet, Spangenhelm/Stripped, Valsgarde Basic/With Ear Guard/Faceplate/Faceplate & Ear Cover, Norman Casque/No Nose Guard, Nasal Helmet
Neck: Nothing, Aventail/Lowered, Fur Coif
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Scarf (Workers/Wanderers), Wolf Chain Pelt
Arms: Short Chainmail Sleeve
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves/Folded
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Pants, Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Leg Wraps
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's, Heretic's - Handles: Jormungandr, Cross Wrap
Secondary: Arming Sword (Viking any) ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Falchion (Sullen)
Tertiary: Round Shield ~ Shortsword (Seax) ~ Javelin (Default) ~ Throwing Axe (Francisca)

Mid 9th Century

Bóndi were Scandinavian freemen making up the bulk of the middle class as farmers and craftsmen. They also fought as Vikings, taking a trusty spear and shield. Some had the added benefit of mail armour and a helm, while poorer Vikings fought in little to no armour.

Head: Nothing, Viking Helmet, Spangenhelm/Stripped, Norman Casque/No Nose Guard
Neck: Nothing, Aventail/Lowered, Fur Coif
Torso: Hauberk, Tunic
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Scarf (Workers/Wanderers)
Arms: Short Chainmail Sleeve. Long Sleeve Cloth, Rolled Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves/Folded
Waist: Hauberk Lower, Tunic Dress
Legs: Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Pants, Leg Wraps
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Short Spear (Default) - Head: Trusty, Hunter - Shaft: Naked, Tied ~ Javelin (Default) ~ Throwing Axe (Francisca)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Viking any) ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Shortsword (Seax) ~ Falchion (Sullen)
Tertiary: Round Shield

Frankish Horseman
Late 8th Century

The best fighting men of the Frankish Empire, these horsemen were the crusaders of their day. They helped to extend the Frankish Empire across Europe, serving as an inspiration for the chivalrous knight centuries later.

Head: Norman Casque/No Nasal Guard
Neck: Helmet Strap, Nothing
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve Over Cloth, Full Mail Arms
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Leg Wraps
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Short Spear (Default) - Head: Trusty, Hunter - Shaft: Naked Shaft, Tied Shaft
Secondary: Arming Sword (Viking any) ~ Axe (Default any)
Tertiary: Round Shield

Saxon Fyrd
Mid 9th Century

These freemen are levied up in times of war to serve their lord or king, and have done so for centuries in battles against foreign invaders, or against fellow Saxons.

Head: Nothing, Norman Casque/No Nasal Guard
Neck: Nothing
Torso: Tunic, Peasants Shirt
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Workers Scarf
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth, Rolled Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves/Folded
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Baggy Pants, Leg Wraps
Feet: Chain Boots, basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Short Spear (Default:) - Head: Trusty, Hunter - Shaft: Naked Shaft, Tied Shaft ~ Throwing Axe (Francisca) ~ Javelin (Default)
Secondary: Axe (Default any) ~ Shortsword (Seax) ~
Tertiary: Round Shield
High Middle Ages (1000AD - 1300AD)
The High Middle Ages was a time of growth with the advent of the 12th-century Renaissance in Europe. Populations boomed quickly as agriculture and commerce grew stronger with the foundation of the Hanseatic League and the merchant republics of Venice and Genoa. Great kingdoms like France and England were set in stone. The Crusades against the Muslims saw to reclaim the 'holy lands' of Palestine, and while initially successful,, ultimately proved fruitless. The Reconquista raged in Iberia, with the fledgling Christian kingdoms determined to drive out the Moors. This was also the era when the Mongol Empire would encroach upon the Middle East and Christendom and when Byzantium's power was crippled with the Sack of Constantinople in 1204.

Saxon Housecarl
Mid 11th Century

Like their Viking counterparts, the Anglo-Saxons adopted housecarls as a part of their retinue. They were fierce warriors, famous for defeating the Norwegians at the Battle of Stamford Bridge and fighting to the bitter end at Hastings in 1066.

Head: Norman Casque/No Nasal Guard, Nasal Helmet
Neck: Helmet Strap, Aventail lowered
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Scarf (Workers/Wanderers)
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve over Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Veterans Gloves/Folded
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Baggy Pants, Pants, Wanderers Pants, Leg Wraps
Feet: Laced Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Cross Wrap
Secondary: Arming Sword (Crusader) - Blade: Any - Guard: Straight - Handle: Wire Wrapped, Sacred - (Viking any) ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Falchion (Sullen)
Tertiary: Kite Shield (Default) ~ Round Shield

Mid 12th - Late 13th Century

The Knight was a force to be reckoned with. Trained from birth to not only fight but in the mannerisms with life at court and presiding over lesser men who would look to him as "lord". Of these esteemed warriors, several military orders appeared out of a sense of zealotry and glory during the Crusades, most notably the Templars and the Hospitallers in the Holy Land, while the Teutonic and Livonian Order operated in the Baltic.

Armour: Mid 12th - Early 13th Century
Head: Mail Skullcap (with Crusader Coifs), Nasal Helmet, Kettle, Flat Top/Covered/Enclosed/Orle
Neck: Crusader Coifs, Helmet Strap, Aventail Tightened, Fringed Hood Lowered (For crusaders)
Torso: Mail Surcoat/Damaged, Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Scarf (Workers/Wanderers)
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve over Cloth, Full Mail Arms, Monk Sleeves (For crusaders)
Hands: Nothing, Veterans Gloves/Folded, Chainmail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Hauberk Lower, Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Linen Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Armour: Mid-Late 13th Century
Head: Mail Skullcap, Nasal Helmet, Kettle, Flat Top/Covered/Enclosed/Orle, Crusader Greathelm/Painted
Neck: Crusader Coif, Coif, Helmet Strap
Torso: Mail Surcoat, Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Scarf (Workers/Wanderers), Ailettes
Arms: Full Mail Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veterans Gloves/Folded, Chainmail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Hauberk Lower, Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Chainmail Hosen/Padded, Linen Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: any (Crusader)- Blade: Fine, Hermit - Guard: Any - Handle: Any ~ Bastard Sword (Default) - Blade: Swift, Merchants - Guard: Slasher, Solid - Handle: Wired, Fancy - Handle: any ~ Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long Shaft - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Cross Wrap
Secondary: Dagger (Crucifix) - (Default) Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe, Invader - Shaft: Baton Handle
Tertiary: Kite Shield (Default/Crusader's) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's)

Emblem/Colours for Military Orders:
Knights Templar: Templar Cross 2 (Red - White Background)
Knights Hospitaller: Templar Cross 3 (White - Black or Red Background)
Teutonic Order: Templar Cross 2 (Black - White Background)
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre: Templar Cross 1 (Red - White Background)
Order of St.Lazarus: Templar Cross 3 (Green- White Background)

Norman Knight
Mid 11th Century

Norman is an old-Frankish word for the "north man" or "Norseman", who settled in the north of France in the 10th century. Over time they assimilated Carolingian and Christian ideas into their culture and started speaking Norman-French. They're well known for their invasion of England in 1066 under William the Conqueror, but their influence was far-flung, from the shores of Ireland all the way to Palestine.

Head: Norman Casque, Nasal helmet
Neck: Aventail lowered, Crusader Coif Square
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve over Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Baggy Pants, Linen Hosen, Leg Wraps
Feet: Laced Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Arming Sword (Crusader) - Blade: Any - Guard: Straight - Handle: Wire Wrapped, Sacred
Secondary: Dagger (Default) Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal
Tertiary: Kite Shield (Default)

Tip: If you find a heavy branch on the ground you can role play Bishop Odo :)
High Middle Ages continued...
Siculo-Norman Knight (or, Transitionary Period Knight)
Early 12th Century

The Normans arrived in Southern Italy in the late 10th century as mercenaries for the Lombards, then briefly for the Byzantines, who gave them land as a reward. What followed was decades of disjointed politics and battles throughout Southern Italy, going to and fro against the Lombards, Byzantines, the Saracens in Sicily and North Africa, and even the Papacy. It culminated in the total Norman conquest and the formation of the Kingdom of Sicily in 1130, later followed by the Kingdom of Africa in 1148 under Roger II.

Head: Mail Skullcap (With Crusader Coifs), Nasal Helmet, Conic Facemask/Painted
Neck: Nothing, Crusader Coifs
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Scarf (Workers)
Arms: Short Chainmail Sleeve over Cloth, Full Mail Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves, Mail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Linen Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: any - (Crusader) - Blade: Fine, Hermit - Guard: Any - Handle: Any ~ Bastard Sword (Default) - Blade: Swift, Merchants - Guard: Slasher, Solid - Handle: Wired, Fancy
Secondary: Dagger (Crucifix) - (Default) Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal
Tertiary: Kite Shield (Default)

Mid 12th - Late 13th Century

Crossbows had been in use since Roman times, but they surged in popularity in the Middle Ages, garnering a reputation for being deadly in accuracy and power. The Catholic Church tried to ban the use of ranged weapons on fellow Christians, including crossbows. But it wasn't long before everyone went back to their old habits. Crossbowmen are often considered one of the first "Elite" professional troops.

Head: Kettle, Flat Top/Covered, Hood, Hood (Tight/Workers), Arming Cap, Nasal Helmet, Mail Skullcap (With Crusader Coifs)
Neck: Crusader Coifs, Arming Cap, Helmet Strap, Hood (Padded/Lowered/Under Helmet)
Torso: Gambeson, Chainmail, Hauberk, Mail Surcoat
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle, Scarf (Workers)
Arms: Gambeson Tight, Long Sleeve Cloth, Rolled Cloth, Full Mail Arms, Archer's Arms, Jupon Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves/Folded, Full Mail Hands
Waist: Gambeson Skirt, Chainmail Lower, Hauberk Lower, Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Chainmail Hosen, Mail Chausses, Linen Hosen
Feet: Laced Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Crossbow (Default)
Secondary: Short Sword (Default) - Blade: Tapered, Piercer - Guard: Common, Curved - Handle: Townsmans, Wrapped ~ Dagger (Crucifix) - (Default) Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal ~ Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: Common, Crusader ~ Axe (Default any)

Welsh Archer
Mid 12th Century

The use of archers in war declined in Western Europe for the most part. But there was a slow revival in the High Middle Ages. The Welsh had mastered the art since the 7th Century, especially with the Longbow, which would later be adopted by the English.

Head: Mail Skullcap (With Crusader Coifs), Kettle, Flat Top/Covered, Hood, Hood (Tight/Workers), Arming Cap, Landsknecht Coif, Nasal Helmet
Neck: Crusader Coifs, Arming Cap, Helmet Strap, Hood (Padded/Lowered/Under Helmet/Fringe Lowered)
Torso: Tunic, Cloth Vest, Gambeson
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Jupon Arms, Archer's Bracer
Hands: Nothing, Veteran Gloves
Waist: Nothing, Gambeson Skirt
Legs: Linen Hosen, Baggy Pants
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots

Primary: Longbow (Default/Square)
Secondary: Short Sword (Default) - Blade: Tapered, Piercer - Guard: Common, Curved Handle: Townsmans, Wrapped ~ Dagger (Crucifix) - (Default) Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal ~ Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: Common, Crusader - (Crusader) - Blade: Fine, Hermit - Guard: Any - Handle: Any ~ Axe (Default any)

High Period Infantry
Mid 12th - Late 13th Century

Drawn from middle-class freemen and peasants, these soldiers act as militia for towns and villages, while more professional soldiery march on campaigns with their lords. They, alongside archers, played a vital role in the crusades to help keep the mounted Saracens at bay.

Head: Kettle, Flat Top/Covered, Nasal Helmet, Mail Skullcap (With Crusader Coifs), Landsknecht Coif
Neck: Arming Cap, Padded Hood, Hood (Padded/Lowered/Under Helmet/Fringe Lowered), Coif, Helmet Strap, Aventail/Lowered
Torso: Gambeson, Chainmail, Hauberk, Mail Surcoat
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Long Sleeve Cloth, Rolled Cloth, Short Mail Sleeve Over Cloth, Full Mail Arms, Jupon
Hands: None, Veterans Gloves/Folded, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Gambeson Skirt, Chainmail Lower, Mail Surcoat Lower, Hauberk Lower
Legs: Linen Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Short Spear (Default) - Head: Trusty, Hunter - Shaft: Naked Shaft, Tied Shaft ~ Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long Shaft - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Forged, Cross Wrap ~ Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free ~ Billhook - Head: Army - Shaft: Any ~ Bardiche (Glaive)
Secondary: Short Sword (Default) - Blade: Tapered, Piercer - Guard: Common, Curved ~ Dagger (Crucifix) - (Default) Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal ~ Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight Handle: Common, Crusader - (Crusader) - Blade: Fine, Hermit - Guard: Any ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe, Invader Shaft: Baton Handle ~ Falchion (Default any)
Tertiary: Kite Shield (Default/Crusader's) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's)
High Middle Ages continued...
Varangian Guard
Mid 12th Century

Taking form in the 10th Century recruiting Rus, Norsemen and later Anglo-Saxons, the Varangian Guard is one of most acclaimed in the Byzantine Empire. Serving as the Emperor's own guard, they also participated in battle where they played a crucial role.

Head: Nasal Helmet
Neck: Aventail Lowered
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing, Short Mantle
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve Over Cloth
Hands: None
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Baggy Pants, Linen Hosen
Feet: Chain Boots, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long Shaft - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Cross Wrap
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: Any - (Crusader) - Blade: Hermit - Guard: Any - Handle: Any - (Viking any) ~ Falchion - (Sullen)
Tertiary: Round Shield

Emblem: Chimera

Early 12th Century

Making up the bulk of the Byzantine Empire's Infantry. The Skoutatoi, named after their "Skouton" shields fought in a tight formation of spears to lend aid to the cavalry.

Head: Norman Casque No Nasal Guard
Neck: Arming Cap, Short Open Aventail
Torso: Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Brigandine Arms, Short Chainmail Sleeve, Brigandine Arms, Archer Arms
Hands: None, Veteran Gloves/Folded
Waist: Crude Plate Skirt, Leather Skirt
Legs: Pants, Wanderers Pants, Footmans Splinted Greaves
Feet: Laced Boots, Footsoldiers Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Travellers Boots

Primary: Short Spear (Default) - Head: Trusty, Hunter - Shaft: Naked Shaft, Tied Shaft
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: Any - (Crusader) - Blade: Hermit - Guard: Any - Handle: Any (Viking any) ~ Axe (Default any/Horseman's) ~ Falchion (Default) - Blade: Wide, Boarding - Guard: Any Handle: Any ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) ~ Head: Worker's, Siege Engineer's - Shaft: Reinforced, Woodworker's - Spike: Piercer
Tertiary: Kite Shield (Default)
High Middle Ages continued...
Early 12th Century

The standard light infantry of the Byzantine Empire. Most archers of the empire came from Asia Minor in the region of Trebizond where they are highly trained with the composite (recurve) bow.

Head: Norman Casque No Nasal Guard
Neck: Arming Cap, Short Open Aventail
Torso: Gambeson, Plate Lamellar Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Rolled Cloth, Long Sleeve Cloth, Archer Arms.
Hands: None, Veterans Gloves.
Waist: Gambeson Skirt, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Hauberk
Legs: Pants, Wanderers Pants
Feet: Laced Boots, Footsoldiers Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Travellers Boots

Primary: Recurve Bow (Default)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - (Viking any) ~ Axe (Default/Horseman's) ~ Falchion (Default) - Blade: Wide, Boarding - Guard: Any Handle: Any
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal Guard - (Crucifix) ~ Targe (Default)

Aragonese Knight
Mid-Late 13th Century

Hailing from the Kingdom of Aragon in the North-East corner of Iberia. The Catalans had uniquely styled surcoats and armour that they wore to battle. Under King James I the Conqueror, The Kingdom expanded quickly into Languedoc, the Balaeric Islands, and most notabaly Valencia, securing the foothold to become a great power in the Mediterranean in the centuries thereafter.

Head: Skullcap, Skullcap Painted, Kettle, Coif
Neck: Coif
Torso: Mail Surcoat
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Full Mail Arms
Hands: Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Mail Chausses, Padded Chainmail Hosen
Feet: Mail Shoes

Primary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: any ~ Bastard Sword (Default any) ~
Secondary: Dagger (Crucifix) ~ Axe (Default any/Horseman's) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe, Invader - Shaft: Baton Handle
Tertiary: ~ Heater Shield (Footman's)

Surcoat Patterns: Stripes - Small Diamonds - Blank Surcoat, Sun - Blank Surcoat
Colours: Red & Gold - White & Red - Black & Gold - Blank red, yellow

Nubian Archer
Mid 12th Century

Since the Bronze Age, the Sudanese have been held in high esteem for their deadly prowess with the bow, none so much as those hailing from Nubia in the east. Their cunning guerilla tactics and keen shot had made them desirable mercenaries and slave soldiers of the Muslims. But they have a noble history of trouncing many invaders, from neighbouring tribes, to the Arabs in the North, until 1504 when the last Christian Nubian kingdom collapsed and Islam became the dominant faith in the region.

Head: Turban/with Veil
Neck: Nothing, Landsknecht Coif
Torso: Monk robes
Shoulders: Workers Scarf, Short mantle
Arms: Monk Sleeves
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Monk Shirt
Legs: Workers Shorts
Feet: Nothing

Primary: Recurve Bow (Default, Swirled)
Secondary: Falchion (Sullen) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe - Handle: Baton
Tertiary: Targe - (Default) ~ Dagger (Default) - Blade: Common - Handle - Tribal ~ Cleaver (Default)
Late Middle Ages (1300AD - 1500AD)
The Late Middle Ages saw a rapid period of change, and upheaval. Crises such as the Hundred Years War, the Western Schism and the Black Death rocked Europe to it's core. Feudalism was strained with the lack of manpower to work the fields following the plague, which led to peasant revolts in France and England demanding the end of serfdom and a reduction of taxes. In the Kingdom of Bohemia, the Hussite uprising occurred demanding for more sociopolitical freedom and religious reform that would begin the trend for more religious wars in Europe for the next two centuries. As the Ottoman Empire swiftly conquered the Balkans, Byzantine scholars fled west to Italy, which would set the stage for the Italian Renaissance and the Age of the Discovery.

Scottish Pikeman
Early 14th Century

English Knights were a presence to be feared on the battlefield, so the Scots developed a means to counter them with pikemen. While helpless to missiles, the Scots were able use them to great effect at Stirling Bridge and Bannockburn.

Head: Nasal Helmet, Kettle, Skullcap, Mail Skullcap (with Crusader Coifs)
Neck: Crusader Coifs, Helmet Strap, Hood Lowered
Torso: Gambeson, Mail Surcoat, Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Chainmail Arms, Full Mail Arms, Short Mail Sleeve Over Cloth, Jupon Arms
Hands: Nothing, Chainmail Mittens, Veteran's Gloves/Folded, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Gambeson Skirt, Chainmail Lower, Tabard Skirt
Legs: Mail Chausses, Linen Hosen
Feet: Laced Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free ~ Bardiche (Glaive) ~ Battle Axe (Default any) - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Crosswrap, Forged
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: Any ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe, Invader - Shaft: Baton Handle
Tertiary: Dagger (Crucifix) - (Default) Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal ~ Cleaver (Default/Hunter's) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's) ~ Buckler (Default) ~ Targe (Default)

Flemish Militia
Early 14th Century

Made famous by their defiant stand at the Battle of the Golden Spurs in 1302. The Flemish Militia were well trained as they were well equipped. What made them stand out besides their keen discipline, was their Goedendags. A combination of a club with a spear, with it's chief function being to bring a knight down from his horse. "The iron as one meets a wild boar"

Head: Mail Skullcap (with Crusader Coifs), Skullcap, Kettle
Neck: Crusader Coifs, Helmet Strap
Torso: Gambeson, Mail Hauberk, Mail Surcoat
Shoulders: Nothing, Basic Shoulders Round
Arms: Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Jupon Arms, Short Mail over Cloth, Full Mail Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veterans Gloves/Folded, Chainmail Mittens, Full Mail gloves
Waist: Gambeson Skirt, Chainmail Lower, Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Linen Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Chain Boots, Footsoldier Boots, Laced Boots, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Eveningstar (Goedendag) ~ Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free ~ Bardiche (Glaive) - Crossbow (Default)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: Any ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe, Invader - Shaft: Baton Handle
Tertiary: Dagger (Crucifix) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's) ~ Buckler (Default)

Early 14th Century

Originating from the Kingdom of Aragon originally as farmers and shepherds. These highly acclaimed shock infantry have a reputation for raiding the borders of Al-Andalus and later serving as mercenaries. Wearing little to no armour, they harass their enemies with javelins and carry a trusty knife at their side.

Head: Nothing, Peasant Cap, Skullcap/Painted, Padded Coif, Tight Hood
Neck: Nothing, Arming Cap, Padded Hood, Hood (Under Helmet/Fringed)
Torso: Tunic, Vest (Workers/Wanderers)
Shoulders: Nothing, Wolf Pelt
Arms: Nothing, Long Sleeve Cloth, Rolled Cloth
Hands: None
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Pants, Wanderers Shorts, Baggy Pants, Linen Hosen
Feet: Nothing, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Javelin (Default)
Secondary: Short Spear (Default) - Head: Trusty, Hunter - Shaft: Naked Shaft, Tied Shaft
Tertiary: Cleaver (Default/Hunter's) ~ Targe (Default) ~ Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - Handle: any
Late Middle Ages continued...
14th Century

In Irish the Gallóglaigh "foreign young warriors" were Gaelic mercenary clansmen who settled in Ireland with their services paid in kind with land and supplies from the local populace. They're notable for wielding a great two-handed axe called a sparth axe and a greatsword in the 16th century.

Head: Houndskull no visor
Neck: Aventail Lowered
Torso: Hauberk, Gambeson
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve over Cloth, Jupon Arms
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Linen Hosen
Feet: Pointy Leather Shoes, Chain Boots, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Battle Axe (Gallowglass) - (Guardian) Head: Bodyguard's - Handle: Cross Wrap
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any)
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks ~ Targe (Default)

Early-Mid 14th Century

Hailing from the land of the Rus. The Boyars exercised rule and authority as powerful aristocrats and worked closely with a prince managing affairs of state. They served also as the senior members of his retinue, the Druzhina.

Head: Rus Spectacle Helm, Kipchak Maskless
Neck: Aventail/Lowered, Rus Aventail
Torso: Hauberk, Scale Tunic
Shoulders: Nothing, Lamellar Shoulders, Short Mantle
Arms: Brigandine Arms, Vambrace Arms
Hands: None, Veteran Gloves, Chainmail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Scale Tunic Skirt, Hauberk Lower
Legs: Wanderers Pants, Footmans Splinted Greaves, Splinted Greaves
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes, Townsman Shoe, Footsoldier Boots, Travellers Boots

Primary: Bardiche (Default) - Head: Crescent - Shaft: Any ~ Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default) - Blade: Knightly, Mercenary - Guard: Convex, Noble, Straight - (Crusader any) ~ Falchion (Default) - Blade: Wide, Boarding - Guard: Any Handle: Any - (Sullen) ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe - Shaft: Any
Tertiary: Kite shield (Default) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's) ~ Dagger (Default) - Blade: Common, Puncturing - Handle: Tribal Guard - (Crucifix)
Late Middle Ages continued...
Early - Late 14th Century

The 14th century saw a transitional period towards plate armour with partial plate and mail armour. Knights began to wear breastplates and steel plates on their limbs, and visored helmets such as the houndskull to deflect arrows.

Armour: Early 14th Century
Head: Visored greathelm, Skullcap, Mail Skullcap, Kettle
Neck: Crusader Coifs, Aventail Lowered
Torso: Mail Surcoat, Early Coat of Plate
Shoulders: Nothing, Ailettes, Bishop's Ailettes, Leather Spaulders
Arms: Full Mail Arms, Leather Pads over Mail Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veteran Gloves, Chainmail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Chainmail Hosen/Padded, Maille Chausses, Leather Pads over Mail Hosen
Feet: Mail Shoes

Primary: Bastard Sword (Default) - Blade: Swift, Merchants - Guard: Slasher, Solid - Handle: Wired, Fancy ~ Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long Shaft - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Cross Wrap
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default Any) ~ Axe (Default any) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Any - Shaft: Baton Handle ~ Dagger (Crucifix)
Tertiary: Heater Shield (Footman's)

Armour: Early - Mid 14th century
Head: Greathelm (Any), Reinforced Greathelm, Flat Face Bascinet, Klappvisier/Univisored/Italian, Skullcap, Hounskull no Visor, Bretache/Nasal Guard, Visored Greathelm
Neck: Aventail With Liner
Torso: Mail Surcoat, Knightly Coat of Plates
Shoulders: Nothing, Ailettes, Basic Round Shoulders, Leather Spaulders
Arms: Veteran Arms no Cuffs, Splinted Arms, Full Mail Arms, Mail over Plate arms, Leather Pads over Mail Arms
Hands: Duke's/Hourglass Gauntlets, Wisby Gauntlets, Mail Gloves
Waist: Mail Surcoat Lower, Chainmail Skirt/Straight Cut/Triangle Cut
Legs: Brigandine Greaves, Footsoldier Greaves, Splinted Greaves, Leather Pads over Mail Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Pointy Leather Boots, Townsmans Shoe, Veterans Sabatons, Scale Sabatons, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Bastard Sword (Default) - Blade: Swift, Merchants - Guard: Slasher, Solid - Handle: Wired, Fancy ~ Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long Shaft - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Cross Wrap
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default Any) ~ Axe (Default any/Horseman's) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Any - Shaft: Baton Handle ~ Dagger (Default any/Crucifix) ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) ~ Head: Worker's, Siege Engineer's - Shaft: Any - Spike: Piercer ~ Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free
Tertiary: Heater Shield (Footman's) ~ Buckler (Default)

Armour: Mid-Late 14th century
Head: Klappvisier/Univisored/Italian, Hounskull/no Visor, Bretache Nasal Guard, Pig Faced Bascinet, Flat Faced Bascinet, Greathelm, Visored Greathelm
Neck: Aventail Lowered/Tightened/With Liner
Torso: Mail Surcoat, Knightly Coat of Plates, Draped Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Breastplate over Jupon, Corazzina, Florentine Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing, Florentine Spaulders/with Besagews, Round Spaulders
Arms: Footsoldier Arms, Veteran Arms no Cuffs, Short Mail Sleeve Over Plate, Italian Arms, Jupon Sleeves
Hands: Hourglass Gauntlets, Duke Hourglass
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Brigandine Greaves, Footsoldier Greaves, Elizabethan Leggings, Italian Leg Harness
Feet: Pointy Leather Boots, Townsmans Shoe, Veterans Sabatons, Scale Sabatons, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Longsword (Any) ~ Bastard Sword (Default) - Blade: Swift, Merchants - Guard: Slasher, Solid - Handle: Wired, Fancy ~ Maul - Head: Supreme - Handle: Robust ~ Poleaxe - Spike: Any - Head: Refined, Reliable - Shaft: Any ~ Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default Any) ~ Axe (Default any/Horseman's) ~ Mace (Default Any) ~ Warhammer (Default) - Head: Gothic, Utility - Shaft: Leather Strap ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) ~ Head: Worker's, Siege Engineer's - Shaft: Any - Spike: Piercer - (Short Pollax)
Tertiary: Heater Shield (Footman's/Jousting) ~ Buckler (Default) ~ Dagger (Default Any) - (Crucifix)
Late Middle Ages continued...
Late 14th Century-Early 15th Century

Men-at-arms is a blanket term applied to heavily armoured soldiery of the middle ages, usually serving as heavy cavalry or infantry, and often knight and man-at-arms were used interchangeably, albeit men-at-arms were lower in status to that of knights who could afford the responsibility and expenses that came with the title. Men-at-arms were drawn of the middle class fighting as a part of a retinue, even as part of a knight's. Just like knights, men-at-arms fought in heavy armour and were well trained with a variety of weaponry, the art of horsemanship, and could even play roles as commanders of lesser troops.

Head: Klappvisier/Unvisored/Italian, Hounskull/No Visor, Eisenhut, Bascinet/Flat Faced/Pig Faced, Bretache Nasal Guard
Neck: Aventail Lowered/Spiked/With Liner
Torso: Corizzana, Padded Cuirass, Draped Cuirass, Knights Draped Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Breastplate over Jupon, Florentine Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing, Basic Shoulders Round, Knight Pauldrons 1x1, Floretine Shoulders/Besagews
Arms: Splinted Arms, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Footsoldier Arms, Veteran Cuffs Plain, Joupon Arms, Italian Arms
Hands: Veteran gloves/folded, Wisby Gauntlets, Duke's/Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt, Mail over Gambeson Skirt
Legs: Brigandine Greaves, Splinted Greaves, Footsoldier Leggings, Elizabethan Leggings, Italian Leg Harness
Feet: Laced Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Townsmans Shoe, Veteran Sabatons, Scale Sabatons, Mail Shoes

Primary: Eveningstar (Abendstern/Goedendag) , Poleaxe (Default) - Spike: Any - Head: Refined, Reliable - Shaft: Any ~ Bardiche (Default) - Head: Headsman - Shaft: Any ~ Maul (Default) - Head: Supreme - Handle: Robust - (Bohemian Set) ~ Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long Shaft - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Forged, Cross Wrap ~ Longsword (Any all sets) ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) - Head: Worker's, Siege Engineer's - Shaft: Reinforced, Woodworker's - Spike: Piercer ~ Pole-Hammer (Default Any) ~ Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default Any) ~ Axe (Default any/Horseman's) ~ Mace (Default any) ~ Bastard Sword (Default Any) ~ Warhammer - Head: Gothic, Utility - Shaft: Leather Strap
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollock, Rondel - (Crucifix) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's/Jousting) ~ Buckler (Default)

English Longbowman
Mid 14th Century

Made famous by many battles such as Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt, Longbowmen were the driving force of the English armies in France and the British Isles. Being highly skilled with their longbow, they can also fend well for themselves in melee.

Head: Aventail Lowered, Kettle, Hood, Eisenhut, Unvisored Klappvisier, Hounskull No Visor
Neck: Arming Cap, Aventail Lowered, Helmet Strap, Hood/Lowered/Under Helmet/Fringed Lowered, Aventail with Liner
Torso: Gambeson/Checkered, Chainmail, Cloth Vest
Shoulders: Nothing, Basic Shoulders Round
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Chainmail Arms, Archer's Bracer
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves, Veterans Gloves
Waist: Gambeson Skirt, Chainmail Lower
Legs: Linen Hosen
Feet: Laced Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Chain Boots, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Longbow (Default/Squared)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default Any) ~ Shortsword (Default any) ~ Axe (Default Any/Horseman's) ~ Wooden Mallet ~ Cleaver (Default/Hunter's) ~ Warhammer Head: Gothic, Utility - Shaft: Leather Strap
Tertiary: Dagger (Default any) - (Crucifix) ~ Buckler (Default)

Late 14th Century

As early as the late 13th century, infantry were beginning to make more of a presence in warfare in retinues and mercenary companies with improved weapons and armour. Infantry were able to be fielded in larger numbers while being cheaper than fielding knights. At the same time, new tactics were developed to counter said knights as more emphasis was placed in the use of pole-arms.

Head: Eisenhut, Unvisored Klappvisier, Hounskull No Visor, Bretache Nasal Guard
Neck: Arming Cap, Padded Coif, Helmet Strap, Hood Lowered, Aventail Lowered, Aventail with Liner
Torso: Gambeson, Chainmail, Corazzina, Padded Cuirass, Mail Surcoat, Knightly Coat of Plates
Shoulders: Nothing, Basic Shoulders Round
Arms: Jupon, Chainmail Arms, Splinted Arms, Jack Chains, Veteran's Cuffs plain, Maille over Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Hourglass Gauntlets, Wisby Gauntlets
Waist: Nothing, Gambeson Skirt/Checkered, Short Chainmail Skirt, Mail over Gambeson skirt
Legs: Splinted Greaves, Brigandine Greaves, Italian Leg Harness, Elizabethan Leggings, Linen Hosen
Feet: Pointy Leather Shoes, Chain Boots, Laced Boots, Footsoldier Boots, Townsmans Shoe, Scale Sabatons

Primary: Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free ~ Bardiche (Default) - Head: Headsman - Shaft: Any ~ Battle Axe (Default) - Head: Berzerker, Narrow Beard - Shaft: Long Shaft - (Guardian's Set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Forged, Cross Wrap ~ Billhook - Head: Army - Shaft: Any
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default Any) ~ Axe (Default Any/Horseman's) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Any - Shaft: Baton Handle ~ Falchion (Default any) ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) - Head: Worker's, Siege Engineer's - Shaft: Reinforced, Woodworker's - Spike: Piercer ~ Warhammer Head: Gothic, Utility - Shaft: Leather Strap
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollock, Rondel - (Crucifix) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's) ~ Buckler(Default)
Late Middle Ages continued...
Early-Late 15th Century

Worn by knights and men-at-arms alike. Full suits of plate armour were developed by 1420. Two distinct styles emerged in this era and were diffused across Europe. The plainer Italian "white" armour, and later the decorative German "gothic" armour. Both functioned just the same, and the wearer was near impervious to most edged weapons, including arrows.

Armour: Early 15th century
Head: Houndskull/No Visor, Pig Face Bascinet,
Neck: Aventail Spiked/With Liner
Torso: Kasten Brust Chest, Florentine Cuirass, Knights/Draped Cuirass
Shoulders: Florentine Spaulders/Besagews
Arms: Italian Arms, Short Mail over Plate
Hands: Dukes/Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Faulds, Mail over Cloth Skirt
Legs: Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Veteran's Sabatons, Mail Shoes

Armour: Italian
Head: Barbute, Heavy Barbute, Italian Armet/Wrapper/Alt, Sallet Bevor
Neck: Gorget
Torso: Italian Cuirass
Shoulders: Knight Pauldrons 2x2/2x3, Italian Pauldrons 1x1/1x2/2x2
Arms: Footsoldiers Arms, Italian Arms/Reinforced Couter, Short Mail Sleeve Over Plate
Hands: Italian Gauntlets 1x1/2x2
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt, Mail over Gambeson Skirt/Triangular,
Legs: Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Veteran Sabatons, Mail Shoes, Italian Sabatons

Armour: German (My personal favourite)
Head: German Sallet
Neck: Coif
Torso: Fluted Cuirass
Shoulders: Itlaian Pauldrons 1x1/1x2/2x2, Florentine Spaulders/with Besagews
Arms: Gothic Arms
Hands: Fluted Segmented Gauntlets
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Fluted Legs
Feet: Gothic Sabatons

Primary: Longsword (Any all sets) ~ Messer (Default Any/Swiss Saber) ~ Bastard Sword (Default Any) ~ Poleaxe - Spike: Any - Head: Refined, Reliable - Shaft: Any - (Duke's Poleaxe) ~ Maul (Default) - Head: Supreme - Handle: Robust - (Bohemian Set) ~ Pole-Hammer (Any)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Mace (Any) ~ Warhammer (Any) ~ Axe (Horseman's) ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) - Head: Siege Engineer's, Worker's - Shaft: Any - Spike: Piercer
Tertiary: Dagger - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks, Rondel ~ Heater Shield (Jousting Shield) ~ Buckler (Any)

15th Century

In a new age, the men-at-arms of the 15th century were now far more heavily armoured, numerous and imposing as the number of knights began to dwindle. Men-at-arms would later evolve into the demi-lancer and gendarme.

Head: Sallet/Black, German Kettle/Vanguards/Sallet Bevored, Barbute/Heavy, Sallet Bevor, Italian Armet, German Sallet
Neck: Nothing, Heavy Bevor, Footsoldier Gorget, Veteran Gorget.
Torso: Brigandine, Draped Cuirass, Knights Draped Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Burgundian Cuirass/Covered
Shoulders: Nothing, Knight Pauldrons 2x2/2x3, Velvet Pauldrons, Italian Pauldrons 1x1/1x2/2x2, Florentine Shoulders/Besagews
Arms: Footsoldier Arms, Short Mail Sleeve over Plate, Italian Arms, Gothic Arms
Hands: Leather Gloves, Veterans Gloves, Italian Gauntlets 1x1/1x2/2x2, Gothic Gauntlets, Fanned Segmented Gauntlets
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt, Short Gambeson, Mail over Gambeson Skirt/Triangular
Legs: Linen Hosen, Footsoldier Leggings, Elizabethan Leggings, Italian Leg Harness, Fluted Leggings, Kasten Brust Legs
Feet: Laced Boots, Pointy Leather Boots, Townsmans Shoe, Veteran Sabatons, Gothic Sabatons, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Poleaxe (Default) - Spike: Any - Head: Refined, Reliable - Shaft: Any - (Duke's Poleaxe) ~ Billhook (Any) ~ Bardiche (Default) - Head: Rudimentary - Shaft: Any - (Brute) ~ Maul (Default) - Head: Supreme - Handle: Robust - (Bohemian Set) ~ Battle Axe (Default any) - (Guardian's set) - Heads: Bodyguard's - Handles: Forged ~ Longsword (Any all sets) ~ Messer (Default Any/Swiss Saber) ~ Pole-Hammer (Any) ~ Halberd (Default) - Head: Devout - Shaft: Any
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Warhammer (Any) ~ Mace (Any)
Tertiary: Dagger - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks, Rondel ~ Buckler (Any)

Swiss Pikemen
Mid-Late 15th Century

With their mastery of the pike, the Swiss carved out a series of decisive victories across Europe over the course of the 14th and 15th centuries, their most famous battles being during the Burgundian Wars where they humiliated one of the most powerful rulers in Europe at the time, Charles the Bold.

Head: Sallet, German Kettle/Vanguard, Landsknecht Hat/Feather, Eisenhut, Archers Cap/Feather, Chaperon Hat, German Sallet Buffet, German Sallet/Raised
Neck: Nothing, Arming Cap, Maille Hood Lowered, Helmet Strap, Hood Lowered, Heavy Bevor, Gorget, Footsoldier Gorget
Torso: Doublet Padded, Italian Cuirass, Gothic Cuirass, Brigandine, Burgundian Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing, Footsoldier Pauldrons, Florentine Pauldrons/Besagews, Knight Pauldrons 2x2
Arms: Footsoldier Arms, Long Sleeve Cloth, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Gothic Arms, Italian Arms, Jack Chains
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves, Hourglass Gauntlets, Gothic Gauntlets, Italian 1x1, Basic Segmented Gauntlets, Italian Gauntlets 1x1/2x2, Gothic Pauldrons, Fanned Segmented Pauldrons
Waist: Nothing, Short Gambeson, Short Mail Skirt,
Legs: Pants, Linen Hosen, Poleyns, Greaves, Joined Hosen, Kasten Brust Legs, Italian Leg Harness, Fluted Legs, Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Pointy Leather Shoes, Chain Boots, Laced Boots, Footsoldier Boots, Folded Boots, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free ~ Halberd (Default) - Head: Devout - Shaft: Any~ Bardiche (Default) - Poleaxe - Spike: Any - Head: Refined, Reliable - Shaft: Any - (Duke's Poleaxe) ~ Pole-Hammer(Any)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Axe (Horseman's) ~ Mace (Any) ~ Warhammer (Any)
Tertiary: Dagger - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks, Rondel ~ Buckler(Any) Short Sword (Default) - Blade: Tapered, Piercer - Guard: Common, Curved - Handle: Townsmans, Wrapped
Late Middle Ages continued...
Early-Mid 15th Century

The Hussites were the followers of Jan Hus, a preacher who called for reform in the split Catholic Church. With their Wagenburg (Wagon Fort) tactics, they were able to withstand five crusades directed at them in what would be called the Hussite Wars.

Head: Eisenhut, Hood, Sallet/Black/Painted, Kettle/German/Vanguards
Neck: Nothing, Arming Cap, Maille Hood Lowered, Helmet Strap, Hood Lowered, Fringe Hood Lowered
Torso: Gambeson/Checkered, Chainmail, Padded Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Kasten Brust Chest
Shoulders: Nothing, Basic Shoulders Round
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Chainmail Arms, Veteran Cuffs
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves, Veterans Gloves, Hourglass Gauntlets, Italian Gauntlets 1x1
Waist: Nothing, Gambeson Skirt/Checkered, Chainmail Lowered, (Kasten Brust - Faulds, Maille Over Cloth Skirt)
Legs: Pants, Baggy Pants, Linen Hosen, Footsoldier Leggings
Feet: Pointy Leather Shoes, Chain Boots, Laced Boots, Footsoldier Boots, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Crossbow (Default) ~ Eveningstar (Abendstern) ~ Halberd (Default) - Head: Devout - Shaft: Any ~ Poleaxe - Spike: Any - Head: Refined, Reliable - Shaft: Any ~ Bardiche (Default) - Head: Rudimentary - Shaft: Any - (Brute)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Bastard Sword (Default Any) ~ Axe (Default any/Horseman's) ~ Mace (Any) ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) - Head: Siege Engineer's, Worker's - Shaft: Any - Spike: Piercer ~ Warhammer (Any) ~ Falchion (Default) - Blade: Wide, Boarding - Guard: Any Handle: Any
Tertiary: Pavise ~ Targe (Hand-Pavise) ~ Wooden Mallet ~ Blacksmith Hammer

Italian Mercenary Infantry
Mid-Late 15th Century

The Italian city states were more often than not in a state of war, with one of the main driving conflicts being a part of the Investiture Controversy between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. These wars were often fought by mercenaries, who served either directly on campaign or to protect the outposts and trade of powerful trade republics like Venice and Florence.

Head: Sallet, Black Sallet, Kettle/German/Vanguard, Barbute, Vanguard's Kettle
Neck: Nothing, Arming Cap, Maille Hood Lowered, Helmet Strap, Heavy Bevor, Gorget, Footsoldier Gorget
Torso: Chainmail, Italian Cuirass, Brigandine, Draped Cuirass, Burgundian Cuirass/Covered
Shoulders: Nothing, Footmans Pauldrons, Florentine Pauldrons/Besagews, Knight Pauldrons 2x2, Italian Pauldrons 1x1/1x2/2x2
Arms: Footsoldier Arms, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Jupon Arms, Italian Arms, Jack Chains
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves, Veterans Gloves, Hourglass Gauntlets, Gothic Gauntlets, Italian Gauntlets 1x1, Basic Segmented Gauntlets
Waist: Nothing, Short Gambeson, Short Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Pants, Linen Hosen, Greaves, Poleyns, Cuisses, Footsoldier Leggings, Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Pointy Leather Shoes, Chain Boots, Laced Boots, Footsoldier Boots, Folded Boots, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Maul (Default) - Head: Supreme ~ Billhook( (Any) ~ Bardiche (Default) - Head: Rudimentary - Shaft: Any - (Brute) ~ Halberd ~ Pole-Hammer(Any) ~ Poleaxe - Spike: Any - Head: Refined, Reliable - Shaft: Any - (Duke's Poleaxe)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Axe (/Horseman's) ~ Heavy Handaxe (Default) - Head: Siege Engineer's, Worker's - Shaft: Any - Spike: Piercer ~ Mace (Any) ~ Falchion (Default) - Blade: Wide, Boarding - Guard: Any Handle: Any ~ Warhammer (Any)
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollock, Rondel - (Crucifix) ~ Buckler (Any) ~ Heater Shield (Footman's)

Mercenary Genoese Crossbowman
15th Century

Offering out their services to anyone who can afford them be it at land or sea. These mercenaries trace their origins to the crusades, and became highly respected for their deadly skills with a crossbow before their decline in the 16th century.

Head: Archers Cap/Feather, Eisenhut, Barbute, Sallet Raised Visor, Vanguard's Kettle, Archer's Sallet, German Kettle
Neck: Nothing, Arming Cap, Maille Hood Lowered, Helmet Strap
Torso: Doublet Padded, Brigandine, Corazzina, Padded Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing, Basic Shoulders Round
Arms: Footsoldiers Arms, Italian Arms, Jack Chains
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves, Veterans Gloves
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt, Mail over Gambeson Skirt,
Legs: Pants, Linen Hosen
Feet: Pointy Leather Shoes, Chain Boots, Townsmans Shoe, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Crossbow (Default)
Secondary:Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Shortsword (Any) ~ Warhammer (Any)
Tertiary: Pavise

Mid-Late 15th Century

Originally starting off as a farm tool, the bill evolved into a versatile pole arm that soared in popularity in England and Italy. The bill's curved head allowed for not only a powerful cut, but to catch gaps in plate armour that could be used to drag a horseman off his mount. It is also equipped with a pronounced spike for stabbing and another armour piercing spike on it's rear which could likewise be used to block and snag other weapons.

Head: Sallet/Black, German Kettle/Vanguard, Eisenhut
Neck: Nothing, Arming Cap, Maille Hood Lowered, Helmet Strap, Heavy Bevor, Gorget, Footsoldier Gorget
Torso: Doublet Padded, Italian Cuirass, Brigandine, Draped Cuirass, Burgundian Cuirass/Covered
Shoulders: Nothing, Footsoldier Pauldrons, Segmented Pauldrons
Arms: Footsoldier Arms, Gambeson Tight Sleeve, Joupon Arms, Jack Chains, Short Mail Sleeve over Plate
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves, Hourglass Gauntlets, Gothic Gauntlets, Basic Segmented Gauntlets, Italian Gauntlets 1x1,
Waist: Nothing, Short Gambeson, Short Chainmail Skirt, Mail over Gambeson
Legs: Pants, Linen Hosen, Footsoldier Leggings, Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Pointy Leather Shoes, Chain Boots, Laced Boots, Footsoldier Boots, Folded Boots, Mail Shoes, Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Billhook (Any)
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Axe (Default any/Horseman's) ~ Mace (Any) ~ Warhammer (Any)
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollock, Rondel - (Crucifix) ~ Buckler (Any)
Late Middle Ages continued...
Mid-Late 15th Century

These professional infantry became a permanent staple of Italian armies in the Late Middle Ages, guarding towns and cities of the realm.

Head: Bag Hat, Sallet/Raised, Veteran's Helm, Vanguard's Kettle, Archer's Sallet, Barbute/ Heavy
Neck: Nothing, Helmet Strap, Landsknecht Coif, Crusader Mail Coif, Hood Under Helmet,
Torso: Doublet Padded, Brigandine, Italian Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth, Jester's Arms, Short Mail Sleeve over Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves, Italian Gauntlets 1x1
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Linen/Joined Hosen
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes/Alt, Chain Boots

Primary: Spear (Default) ~ Head: - Peninsula, Exile Shaft: Free ~ Crossbow (Default) ~ Billhook (Default) ~ Head: Any - Shaft: Free
Secondary: Arming Sword (Default any) ~ Warhammer(Default) - Head: Any- Handle: Leather Strap ~ Dagger (Default any)
Tertiary: Targe (Default) Buckler (Default)

Early 15th Century

Originally auxillary infantry of the Anatolian Beyliks, the Azebs were drawn from irregular fighting youths serving a variety of roles, mostly as light infantry both on land and sea as marines and pirates. On the battlefield they helped to pelt the enemy with arrows before withdrawing behind the janissaries and cannons.

Head: Turban
Neck: Nothing
Torso: Monk Robes
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Monk Skirt
Legs: Linen Hosen, Leg Wraps
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes/Alt

Primary: Recurve Bow (Default) ~ Short Spear (Default) Head: - Trusty Shaft: Naked ~ Crossbow(Rare) (Default) ~ Javelin (Default)
Secondary: Scimitar (Default) ~ Blade: Eastern, Slicer - Guard: Star - Handle: Ergonomic ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe - Shaft: Baton ~ Cleaver (Default)
Tertiary: Kite Shield (Default)

Granadine Horseman
Early 15th Century

The Moors had claimed almost all of Iberia. Once an affluent powerhouse where Jews, Christians and Muslims lived alongside each other; by the Late Middle Ages, the shoe was on the other foot. The Reconquista had reduced Muslim rule to the small Emirate of Granada in the South. The trend of wearing Christian armour appeared briefly among the Muslims, but even by the 15th century, it was still worn by some Granadines, usually heavy cavalry, nobles and guards.

Head: Archer Sallet
Neck: Fringed Neck/Lowered
Torso: Corazzina
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Monk Sleeves
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Butcher's Skirt
Legs: Linen Hosen, Leg Wraps
Feet: Cuirassier Boots

Primary: Falchion (Sullen) Scimitar (Default) ~ Blade: Eastern, Slicer - Guard: Star - Handle: Ergonomic ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe - Shaft: Baton ~ Cleaver (Default)
Secondary: Heater Shield (Adarga)

Ottoman Sipahi
Late 15th Century

The professional cavalry of the Turks. These men were similar to the Knights in the west, in that some presided over fiefs through the Timar system, and proved themselves to be fierce and zealous opponents. There were two kinds of Sipahi, those who fought traditionally as moderately armoured horse archers, and those more heavily armoured fighting with lances and javelins.

Head: Turban helmet with Nasal Guard
Neck: Aventail/Lowered
Torso: Plated Mail
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Butcher's Skirt
Legs: Wanderers Pants
Feet: Travelers Boots

Primary: Recurve Bow (Default) ~ Short Spear (Default) Head: - Trusty Shaft: Naked
Secondary: Scimitar (Default all) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe - Shaft: Baton, Discguard
Tertiary: Targe (Default) ~ Cleaver

Cuman Horse Archers
14th Century

The Cumans were a confederation of nomads from the Eurasian Steppe. The arrival of the Mongols forced these nomads to seek refuge and eventually assimilate in Hungary. Being nomads, the Cumans preferred to wear little to no armour, riding to war as mounted archers.

Head: Kipchak Maskless, Rus Conical Helmet, Archers Cap/Feather
Neck: Short Open Aventail, Hood Under Helmet, Aventail Lowered/Lowered Spiked
Torso: Tunic
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Full Mail Arms, Long Sleeve Cloth
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Tunic Dress
Legs: Baggy Pants
Feet: Travelers Boots, Cuirassier Boots

Primary: Recurve Bow (Default)
Secondary: Scimitar (Default all) ~ Mace (Default) - Head: Fringe - Shaft: Baton, Discguard
Tertiary: Targe (Default) ~ Heater Shield
(Jousting) ~ Cleaver (Default)
The Renaissance and Early Modern Period (1500AD - 1650AD)
The days of the knight were coming to an end, favouring new advancements in gunpowder weapons and battle tactics, as well as economic and social shifts. The Renaissance gave birth to the modern world, a revolutionary age of science, art, discovery and enlightenment. The Age of Discovery broadened Europe's scope of the world with sights set on new opportunities and adventure. But even with all these advances, there was still much turmoil. Conflicts such as the Italian Wars and the terrible struggle against the encroaching Ottoman Empire would last for decades, and the whole continent of Europe would be fractured by the reformation. When they weren't fighting each other, Europeans would take their swords to the new world rife for conquest.

Early 16th Century

Armour in the late 15th and early 16th centuries had reached the zenith of defence as well as aesthetic. Thick steel near impervious to most strikes, and even to some extent a gun shot. But the old knightly ways were fast becoming archaic, in favour of professional soldiers and gunpowder weapons. Even so, the knight lived on in form of the holy orders, such as the Knights Hospitaller and the Teutonic Order, and even today the spirit of chivalry carries on as we emulate them on the tourney field and write and listen about them in timeless stories, historical and fantasy.

Armour: Gendarme
Head: Close Helm, Regular Armet/Plume
Neck: Nothing
Torso: Elizabethan Cuirass, Decoracted Maximilian Cuirass Without Faulds
Shoulders: Hussar Pauldrons, Knight Pauldrons 3x3
Arms: Maximilian Arms, Italian Arms
Hands: Cuirassier Gauntlets
Waist: Leather Skirt, Gambeson Skirt No Belt
Legs: Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Elizabethan Sabatons

Armour: Maximilian
Head: Maximilian Armet/Plume/Grotesque
Neck: Nothing
Torso: Maximilian Cuirass/Decorated
Shoulders: Maximilian Pauldrons 1x2/2x2
Arms: Maximilian Arms
Hands: Maximilian Gauntlets
Waist: Nothing, Worker's Skirt, Short Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Maximilian Leggings
Feet: Maximilian Sabatons

Primary: Longsword (Default any/Deo Volente) ~ Estoc (Default any) ~ Bastard Sword (Default any) ~ Estoc (Default any)
Secondary: Rapier (Any) ~ Warhammer - Head: Popular, Gothic - Shaft: Bar
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks ~ Buckler (Any)

Early-Mid 16th Century

The Doppelsöldner were Landsknecht mercenaries volunteering to fight on the front line for double the pay. Usually issued with a crossbow or arquebus, some also carried their famous Zweihänders that they used to cut into pike formations, especially those of the Swiss.

Armour: Crossbowman
Head: Landsknecht Hat/Feather
Neck: Arming Cap, Landsknecht Cap
Torso: Landsknecht Vest
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Jester Arms, Landsknecht Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veterans Gloves
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Landsknecht Pants/Puffy, Linen Hosen, Joined Hosen,
Feet: Landsknecht Shoes/Sandals, Townsmans Shoes

Armour: Swordsman
Head: Landsknecht Hat/feather, Burgonet/no Buffet, Sturmhaube/w Hat, Maximilian Armet
Neck: Nothing, Gorget
Torso: Landsknecht Vest, Elizabethan Cuirass, Maximillian Cuirass/Decorated, Alamain Rivet,
Shoulders: Nothing, Hussar Pauldrons, Maximilian 1x2/2x2
Arms: Landsknecht Arms/Puffy/Mixed/Reinforced, Maximilian Arms
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Landsknecht Pants, Puffy, Linen Hosen, Joined Hosen
Feet: Landsknecht Shoes/Sandals, Townsmans Shoes

Primary: Crossbow (Default) ~ Zweihänder (Any) ~ Halberd (Any)
Secondary: Rapier (Any) ~ Estoc (Default any) ~ Messer (Default any/Swiss Saber) ~ Warhammer - Head: Popular, Gothic - Shaft: Bar ~ Falchion[/i] (Katzbalger)
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks ~ Buckler (Any)

Mid 16th-17th Century

Hardy and brutal pioneers of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. The conquistadors sailed out from their homelands conquering large swathes of territory, establishing new colonies and trade routes.

Head: Decorated Moirrion/Earguards, Burgonet/No Buffet, Gothic Armet/Raised, Vanguard's Kettle, Regular Armet/Raised, Veteran's Helm/Plume
Neck: Nothing, Gorget, Footsoldier Gorget, Hussar Gorget
Torso: Elizabethan Cuirass, Maximillian Cuirass/Decorated,
Shoulders: Nothing, Knight Pauldrons 2x3/3x3, Hussar Pauldrons, Maximilian Pauldrons 1x2/2x2
Arms: Landsknecht Arms, Footsoldier Arms, Italian Arms, Maximilian Arms, Reinforced Landsknecht Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves, Cuirassier Gauntlets
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Jester's Trunk Hosen, Rider's Hosen, Cuisses, Footsoldier Leggings, Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Landsknecht Shoes/Sandals, Townsmans Shoes, Laced Boots, Folded Boots

Primary: Crossbow (Default)
Secondary: Rapier (Any) ~ Estoc (Default any) ~ Warhammer - Head: Popular, Gothic - Shaft: Bar
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks ~ Targe (Default) ~ Buckler (Any)

late 16th Century

The powerful infantry of the Spanish Empire. The Tercio were made up of a force of pikemen, swordsmen and musketeers fighting in a square formation called the "Spanish Square". Up to the mid 17th Century, they were the best fighting men in Europe.

Head: Decorated Morrion/Earguards, Burgonet No Buffet
Neck: Nothing, Gorget, Hussar Gorget
Torso: Elizabethan Cuirass, Footsoldier Cuirass, Doublet Leather, Cuirassier Chestplate
Shoulders: Nothing, Footmans Pauldrons
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves, Cuirassier Gloves
Waist: Nothing, Short Gambeson, Workers Skirt
Legs: Wanderers Pants, Rider's Hosen, Jester's Trunk Hosen
Feet: Laced Boots, Folded Boots, Landsknecht Hosen

Primary: Spear (Default) - Head: Peninsular, Exiled - Shaft: Abrupt, Free ~ Crossbow (Default any)
Secondary: Rapier (Any)
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks ~ Targe (Default) ~ Buckler (Any)
Renaissance and Early Modern Period continued...
Polish Hussar
17th Century

Light Cavalry taking root from Serbs, who migrated to Southern Hungary by the end of the 14th century following the conquest of Serbia. They fought in regiments of the Black Army of Hungary battling against their Ottoman rivals using shock tactics that put even the hardy Sipahis to flight. Their style was then adopted by the Poles who by the latter half of the 16th century were more heavily armoured, fought with long lances and sabres.

Head: Hussar Helmet/Open/Comb/Face Cover/Winged
Neck: Hussar Gorget
Torso: Hussar Cuirass
Shoulders: Hussar Shoulders/Pelt - Leopard/Pelt - Snow Leopard
Arms: Hussar Arms
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Leather Skirt
Legs: Footsoldier Leggings, Cuirassier Legs
Feet: Cuirassier Boots

Primary: Scimitar (Default) - Blade: Slicer, Eastern - Guard: Any - Handle: Ergonomic, Ornamented ~ Estoc (Default any)
Secondary: Warhammer - Head: Popular, Gothic - Shaft: Bar ~ Axe (Horseman's)
Tertiary: Dagger (Default) - Blade: Any - Handle: Bollocks

Cuirassier: by Shizoid
17th Century

Developing from the demi-lancer, the cuirassier rode into battle in heavily clad plate armour, thick enough to potentially deflect gunfire. The cuirassiers used the caracole tactic, which entailed riding up to an enemy line with pistols in hand and shooting near point blank before retreating. Ultimately this proved ineffective against infantry in superior number and weapons. They were most effective instead at driving home the charge, shooting an infantry formation and switching to their swords for melee.

Head: Burgonet/No Buffet, Wedge Armet, Savoyard/Barred/Smiling
Neck: Gorget, Hussar Gorget
Torso: Cuirassier Chestplate
Shoulders: Knight Pauldrons 2x2, Cuirassier Pauldrons
Arms: Cuirassier Arms
Hands: Nothing, Veteran's Gloves/Folded, Fanned Segmented Gauntlets, Cuirassier Gauntlets
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Elizabethan Leggings, Cuirassier Legs
Feet: Travelers Boots, Folded Boots,Cuirassier Boots

Primary: Crossbow (place holder of a pistol) :P
Secondary: Warhammer - Head: Popular, Gothic - Shaft: Bar ~ Rapier (Any)
Historical Figures
Leif Erikson

Leif Erikson was a Norse explorer who was the first European to set foot in America, five centuries before Columbus. According to the Saga of Icelanders, he established a settlement in Vinland on the northern tip of Newfoundland in modern day Canada. However, due to the inhospitable conditions, and hostilities with the natives, the Norse later departed from America.

Head: Norman Casque No Nasal Guard
Neck: Nothing
Torso: Chainmail, Tunic
Shoulders: Short Mantle
Arms: Nothing
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Chainmail Lower, Tunic Dress
Legs: Baggy Pants
Feet: Chain Boots, Footsoldier Boots

Primary: Battle Axe
Secondary: Arming Sword (Viking)
Tertiary: Nothing, Round Shield

William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror or William the Bastard, was Duke of Normandy from 1035, and the first Norman king of England from 1066. Life as a bastard son made William's childhood and early reign in Normandy turbulent. But from much rebellion he would emerge a powerful ruler, and assert Norman rule on England through a violent and bloody conquest.

Head: Norman Casque
Neck: Aventail Lowered
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve
Hands: Nothing
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Chainmail Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Short Spear (For horseback)
Secondary: Arming Sword, Bastard Sword
Tertiary: Kite Shield

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (El Cid)

El Cid was a Castillian Knight and adventurer. In his early years he took command of his household knights, fighting for King Sancho II of León and Castille against the King's brothers, helping to broaden his power. In 1081, Sancho was assassinated and El Cid was exiled. In his exile he found himself in the service of the Moorish ruler of Zaragoza, al-Muqtadir, fighting the Aragonese. For the remainder of his life, he returned from exile and went on to carve out his own principality in Valencia. It was't long after his death, however, before Valencia fell again to the Almoravids.

Head: Norman Casque
Neck: Nothing
Torso: Hauberk
Shoulders: Short Mantle
Arms: Full Mail Arms
Hands: Veteran' Gloves
Waist: Hauberk Lower
Legs: Mail Chausses
Feet: Basic Leather Shoes

Primary: Bastard Sword
Secondary: Kite Shield

William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke

As a young minor noble William had little to his name, but when he came of age he did rounds in tournaments where he was renowned for been undefeated. He rose up as a statesmen, serving as marshal and then protector of England and through marriage ties he gained great estates. In doing so, he became one of the wealthiest men in the kingdom. Upon his death, he was eulogized as "the best knight that ever lived".

Head: Maille hood lowered, Norman Casque, Flat Top/Covered/Enclosed
Neck: Aventail Lowered, Coif
Torso: Mail Surcoat
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Full Mail Arms
Hands: Chainmail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Chainmail Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Townsmans Shoe, Mail Shoes

Primary: Arming Sword
Secondary: Dagger (Crucifix)
Tertiary: Kite Shield, Heater Shield

Richard I

Richard I was King of England and a central leader of the third crusade. Within the same year he was crowned king, Richard would venture on crusade to take Jerusalem, during which he won considerable victories, most famously at Arsuf against the cunning Saladin, but ultimately, would not take Jerusalem. The remainder of his life he would spend captive to the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry VI, and defending his lands in France, before finally succumbing to a gangrenous arrow wound. His military prowess and skill in battle earned him the name, "the Lionheart".

Head: Maille hood lowered, Nasal Helmet, Flat Top/Covered/Orle/Visored/Enclosed
Neck: Aventail Lowered
Torso: Mail Surcoat
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Full Mail Arms
Hands: Chainmail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Mail Surcoat Lower
Legs: Chainmail Hosen, Mail Chausses
Feet: Mail Shoes

Primary: Arming Sword, Axe, Mace, Bastard Sword
Secondary: Dagger (Crucifix)
Tertiary: Kite Shield, Heater Shield

Alexander Nevsky

Alexander Nevsky was the Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Kiev and Vladimir. He is acclaimed as a Russian hero and a saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church, winning decisive victories over the invading Swedes and Germans. His most famous victory came at the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus in 1242, where he defeated an elite crusader force, halting the eastward expansion of the Teutonic order.

Head: Kipchak Maskless
Neck: Aventail Lowered
Torso: Scale Tunic
Shoulders: Short Mantle
Arms: Brigandine Arms, Small Mail Sleeve, Full Mail Sleeves
Hands: Veterans Gloves/Folded, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Scale Tunic Lower
Legs: Wanderers Pants, Footman's Splinted Legs
Feet: Footsoldier Boots, Mail Shoes

Primary: Arming Sword, Axe, Mace
Secondary: Dagger (Crucifix)
Tertiary: Kite Shield

Historical Figures continued...
William Wallace

William Wallace was a Scottish knight and leader of a rebellion against English dominion over Scotland. In his early years it's thought that Wallace did have some experience fighting as a mercenary for Edward I in his campaigns in Wales. Eventually however, he would become his adversary and would go on to win a decisive victory at Stirling Bridge in 1297, but was defeated by Edward's army at Falkirk just a year later. Following his execution, Robert the Bruce would continue the fight against the English.

Head: Maille Hood Lowered, Skullcap, Mail Skullcap (With Crusader Coifs), Crusader Great Helm
Neck: Crusader Coifs
Torso: Mail Surcoat
Shoulders: Nothing, Ailettes
Arms: Full Mail Arms
Hands: Mail Mittens, Full Mail Gloves
Waist: Mail Surcoat Lowered
Legs: Padded Chainmail Hosen
Feet: Mail Shoes

Primary: Bastard Sword, Mace, Axe, Spear
Secondary: Dagger
Tertiary: Heater Shield

Fiore Dei Liberi

Fiore Dei Liberi was a knight, diplomat and master of arms born in Italy in the mid 14th century. He is one of the earliest fencing masters with which his manuals survive, lending great insight in to how medieval people fought.

Head: Chaperone
Neck: Nothing, Cap
Torso: Tunic
Shoulders: Short Mantle, Hood Lowered
Arms: Long Sleeve Cloth
Hands: Nothing, Leather Gloves
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Linen Hosen
Feet: Nothing, Townsman shoes, Chain B
Primary: Longsword, Estoc
Secondary: Dagger

Joanna of Flanders
c.1295 -1374

Before Joan of Arc, there was Joanna of Flanders, Duchess of Brittany. For much of her life she stood in defence of the rights of her husband and her son to the Dukedom against the House of Blois. At the Siege of Hennebont, she took up arms, donned armour and rode personally into battle in defence of the town until the English drove off the French.

Head: Hounskull/No Visor
Neck: Aventail with Liner
Torso: Knightly Coat of Plates
Shoulders: Nothing, Basic Shoulders Round
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve Over Plate
Hands: Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Straight Cut
Legs: Brigandine Greaves
Feet: Veteran Sabatons

Primary: Bardiche (Glaive)
Secondary: Bastard Sword, Arming Sword
Tertiary: Dagger

Edward the Black Prince:

Edward of Woodstock, known famously as Edward the Black Prince was the eldest son of King Edward III. He is notable for having led and fought in decisive victories of the early Hundred Years War, namely at Crécy and Poitiers, the latter of which he took the French King prisoner. He also participated in campaigns during the War of the Two Peters in support of Peter of Castile before returning home to England and dying of dysentery in 1376.

Head: Hounskull No Visor
Neck: Aventail with Liner
Torso: Knights Draped Cuirass
Shoulders: Knight Pauldrons 1x1
Arms: Italian Arms
Hands: Dukes/Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt, Mail Over Gambeson Skirt
Legs: Elizabethan Leggings
Feet: Veterans Sabatons

Primary: Longsword, Bastard Sword
Secondary: Heavy Handaxe, Axe
Tertiary: Heater Shield

Lazar of Serbia: By Affe mit Waffe

Prince Lazar of Serbia, has come to be a venerated saint and a martyr in the Orthodox Christian Church. Lazar started as a minor noble, only to carve out the most powerful state from the tattered Serbian Empire known as Moravion Serbia in a bold attempt to rebuild the Empire and place himself at the helm. In 1389, Lazar led his outnumbered army against the encroaching Ottomans that culminated in a brutal clash at Kosovo where both the Turks and Serbs took heavy losses, both the Ottoman Sultan Murad I and Lazar were killed, the latter of whom was captured and executed, and thus Lazar and his soldiers martyred.

Head: Hounskull
Neck: Aventail
Torso: Padded Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Footsoldier Cuirass
Hands: Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Brigandine Greaves
Feet: Veteran Sabatons

Primary: Mace
Secondary: Dagger
Tertiary: Heater Shield
Historical Figures Continued...
Jan Žižka:

Jan Žižka was a follower of Jan Hus and general of the Hussites and later the more radical Taborites. Jan was born into an aristocratic family in the village of Trocnov in the Kingdom of Bohemia. He rose to prominence for his innovative and unorthodox battle tactics using mobile fortifications crewed by crossbowmen, handgunners, pike and flailmen, who held their ground before going on the counter-attack. With these tactics Jan won many battles, and thwart two crusades directed at him.

Face: Rough Blind Eye

Head: Eisenhut
Neck: Eye Patch, Bandage, Maille Standard
Torso: Padded Cuirass
Shoulders: Nothing
Arms: Footsoldier Arms, Veteran's Cuffs
Hands: Hourglass Gauntlets, Duke's Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Elizabethan leggings
Feet: Cuirassier Boots, Veteran Sabatons/Spurs, Nothing, Chain Boots

Primary: Mace
Secondary: Dagger, Bastard Sword

Jean le Maingre:

Known also as Boucicaut and Marshal of France. A great chivalric hero renowned for his skill of arms and victories in the lists. Boucicaut was known for his athletic prowess, with feats like climbing the underside of a ladder in plate armour, even able to perform a full somersault. He also partook in many campaigns in Spain, the Baltic and even survived the disastrous battle of Nicopolis for a fee.

Head: Hounskull
Neck: Aventail with Liner
Torso: Knights Draped Cuirass
Shoulders: Florentine Spaulders
Arms: Short Mail Sleeve Over Plate
Hands: Duke's Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Elizabethan leggings
Feet: Veteran's Sabatons

Primary: Poleaxe
Secondary: Dagger, Bastard Sword, Arming Sword

Jeanne d'Arc:

When one thinks of gallant heroines, there is none so renowned as Saint Joan of Arc. A mere peasant girl from Domrémy, claiming to have been directed by God to inspire her countrymen against the English. Despite her humble background, she was noted for her ability for leadership and not one too shy away from peril. But before long, she was captured by the Burgundians and sent to the English, where she was tried for heresy and blasphemy, resulting in her being burnt at the stake. Her deeds, however, had laid the course for French victory in the Hundred Years War.

Head: Archer's Sallet
Neck: Veteran's Basic Gorget
Torso: Italian Cuirass
Shoulders: Florentine Spaulders with Besagews
Arms: Italian Arms
Hands: Duke's Hourglass Gauntlets
Waist: Short Chainmail Skirt
Legs: Elizabethan leggings
Feet: Veteran's Sabatons

Primary: Spear, Bastard Sword
Secondary: Arming Sword
For future updates, refer to What's New!
245 Kommentare
Cat vader 1. Aug. um 18:59 
Hello :er_wave:, as I said before I keep coming back to this guide even when I stopped playing, well done my friend!
History unite us together we the nerds :D + I can't wait for KCD2
Lord Burger of Fries'land  [Autor] 29. Juli um 18:45 
That's funny. KevlarOnion told me Graham Turner's depiction of Joan (which was my original reference) was one of his less accurate paintings and told me to go with the sallet instead of the bascinet.
Also, I only used the gorget for the mail collar, otherwise I'd have to buy the DLC for the standard alone, which I don't want to do because I'm miserly with my money.

I might come back to this guide eventually to touch it up, but I've got a lot on my plate at the moment.
Curious as to why you went with an Archer's Sallet for Jeanne d'Arc? Graham Turner is regarded as one of the most accurate artists when it comes to depicting Harness and he depicted her with a Bascinet and Maille Aventail in her 'White armor' along with her standard. I also see no evidence of her using a Gorget. In addition, art very close to the period also seems to depict her with nothing in terms of a helmet because she also would not wear one at times whilst never fitting a visor to her helmet.

Your portrayal is 100% valid still since the Sallet was in use at the time, as were gorgets but I thought maybe this could help a bit. Perhaps the visorless Hounskull with an Aventail for the Bascinet look. :) :Shields:
Bandog 19. Juli um 11:45 
This guide is part of Mordhau's legacy Xd
Lord Burger of Fries'land  [Autor] 13. Juli um 2:32 
Oops, thanks for pointing that out for me!
New Mozzarellum Cyanide Crust 13. Juli um 1:50 
Jeanne d'Arc says Knights Draped Cuirass for torsr but has Italian Cuirass pictured
I Ai'nt no Snake... 20. März um 5:02 
Aguanten los conquistadores
toxic_zombie6 30. Dez. 2023 um 10:35 
well adof could be put in here
pudding 25. Dez. 2023 um 9:09 
put in genoese crossbow
toxic_zombie6 21. Dez. 2023 um 9:34 
put da vinci in here