God's Own Country <3
"I recently watched this film called God's Own Country and I haven't seen a film quite like it before. I normally don't like these types of films because they're usually all the same, but the setting caught my interest so I had to try it. So glad I did. One of the most authentic and realistic films I've ever watched. A stunning masterpiece."
𝒦ℒℬ 12 May, 2019 @ 11:18am 
yeah I figured it'd be a gay film x'D

sounds alright though O.o
Narukoopa  [author] 12 May, 2019 @ 11:11am 
It's a gay film, if that wasn't apparent enough in the gif, lmao. The guy on the right lives on a farm, and starts off in the film as a miserable hopeless person until the guy on the left, a Romanian migrant worker, comes to the farm to work for a week, and pretty much turns the guy's life around. It's a story focusing on hope as well as a relationship.

Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1YAhyU6-tA
𝒦ℒℬ 12 May, 2019 @ 11:05am 
whats this movie about? :D