Prison Architect

Prison Architect

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Newbies Guide to Prison Architect - Simple and Easy [Outdated!]
作者: Mr Bubbles
This guide is here because i have been asked many questions about how to start up in prison architect. Now although this guide will help, it is not a walkthrough and will not take the fun out of the game as it only gives ideas and tips, not step by step instructions.

The reason this is not a walkthrough is most other guides give you instructions on how to be successful but half this game is all about learning to fight riots and make prisoners happy, and with a step by step walkthrough it takes out most of the fun in the game.

29th September: Guide now being updated to final version.
Introduction [Version: Final]
Hello all, Its Andrew here. Welcome to the Newbies guide to prison architect. This guide is designed to dumb down the game for all age groups and the wide range of experience people have with the game. For those players who really need a boost or those that are here to learn everything i would strongly recommend reading through the whole guide, however for those who are looking for specific topics please do feel free to check the sections list to the right and find the information you are looking for. Please enjoy the guide and I hope you find it helpful!

The guide is gradually now being updated to the final content patch however with the significant changes since the last update to the guide it is expected to take several days or weeks. Please bare with me and check back regularly for updates.
World Generation / Set Up [Version: Final]
So, like most other games, the tips and tricks start before you have even begun the game. When you load prison architect it will load a map on a default settings. This is great if you want to just get straight into the game however for those who are looking for more stratergy or tactics i advise going to generate a new map. When you go to do this you have several options:

Map Size

The map size will simply choose the area you start with in which you can develop your prison. if you are looking for an easier start, set this to large as it means you will not need to buy land till much later on in the game, and this will generate more of the features listed below.

Trees are a side object that can be spawned randomly at the start of the game. Those used to previous alphas used to remove these because they just got in the way, however now they are a source of income i would strongly recommend turning on this feature. Then you can just sell the trees when you start the game to increase your starting capital. This will have a larger affect as you increase the map size.

Water is more of a cosmetic feature in Prison Architect however it prevents the construction of all buildings and utilities. It can also [Currently Unconfirmed] block prisoners from escaping through water however this is not garunteed. Water can make the map more realistic and more challenging, however if you wish for an easier start i recommend turning this off.

Abandoned Buildings
Abandoned Buildings add old facilities to the map from the start. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Firstly it allows you to use it instead of building foundations first so that it reduces cost. However this can also be a disadvantage as it can get in the way. This is totally your choice.


Gangs add an extra challenge to the game with the increased likelyhood of violence within the prison from rival gangs. If you don't have much experience with prison architect I would advise turning this feature off on your first run through unless you want that extra challenge.


Like Gangs, this adds an extra challenge into the prison. Fires are a common event which must be dealth with quickly or they can severely disrupt your prison. Again if your relatively new to the game then i would recommend turning this feature off unless you want that extra challenge. Please see the Events section for ways of dealing with fires effectively.

Failure Conditions
This option does not directly affect your gameplay, however it adds a way of failing the prison and having to restart if you do not keep within certain parameters. An easy way for you to fail is through to many deaths or riots. If you want to keep to the game mechanics then I would turn this on and just expect some restarts, however if you are playing casual and dont want to worry then turn this off.

Warden Choice

Choosing the warden is a new feature which allows you to have various bonuses within the game to help make your prison run that little bit more smoothly. There is no right or wrong answer about which warden to choose, and often the most challenging one is just the basic warden from the previous game versions. However, if you are looking to learn the game I would suggest choosing "The Pacifier" to reduce violence within the prison.

Gender Choice
Choosing the Gender is one of the most tactical choices to be made during the creation of your game. Male prisons are significantly easier to manage as they do not have the need for nursery's or family cells, however if your looking for a challenge then clearly the female option will make your game more interesting. Financially there are no bonuses for whichever gender you choose, so it really is your own decision.
Setting Your 1st Prisoner ETA [Version 1]
Many newer players worry about the incoming prisoners in their first game and panic about getting everything ready for their arrival. More experienced players like this enabled for an extra challenge. However, if you wish for a more relaxed start where you can focus on a proper set up then i would suggest turning off all prisoners so that you have no ETA on prisoners until you decide. To do this go to the clipboard, then click prisoners and make sure all types are closed.

Reasonings Supporting This:

- Allows for a slow start where you can learn the game.
- Allows for you to complete and unlock grants for additional funds before the prisoners even arrive.
- Allows you to use the planning feature without having to pause the game so you have an income still.
- A holding cell can always be built so that if you turn it on at any point to test things without cells all prisoners will be held there.
- Allows you to prioritise on your own prison focuses without being pressured by your inmates.
- Allows you to get a feel for what sort of prison you have built in regards to the security of prisoners, allowing for max security or whether its for light offenders you hope to get rid of quickly.

The Alternative
Since the recent updates the ability to choose the amount of prisoners specifically you receive each day has given the oppertunity for you to set small amount each day when starting up your prison. You may find that setting the total number to between 2-8 provides for an easy start up with not much pressure if you are still building or trying to learn the game for the first time.
Securing a Perimeter [Version 1]

Initial Terraforming
Firstly, now you have generated your world there are a few things you may or may not wish to do. First of all is to remove all the trees on the map and place them in storage. How you use the logs is then up to you however there are some useful ways to gain some additional funds through storing or selling them. Secondly, I would advise that you turn off the prisoner flow through the clipboard as this removes the worrying time restraint of getting the basic facilities together and allows for a more relaxed game [See Previous Section]

Once this is completed you are now ready to consider the different options open to you when securing the perimeter of the prison.

Perimeter Options
Fencing - Fencing is the cheap and cheerful security option that requires nothing but a poor builder who unfortunately has to follow your instructions, and $3 per square. It can only be placed on outside tiles however the benefits it provides in terms of money saving can be cruical at the start of the game. Later on in the game however these become and weakness and can easily be tunneled under.

Points of Interest:
- Only $3/block
- Medium Construction Time.
- Does not appear as beautiful as some of the "luxury" prisons wish to appear.
- Easily Tunnelled Under in Later stages of the game.

Normal Walls / Foundations - Normal Walls or foundations are the standard option that most newer players choose to use. They are simple and easy to understand and identify, while at the same time providing a good level of security for the prison. Unlike the fencing, the walls cost on a per square basis, and the foundations will follow the same pattern. However please make a note that the foundation will only secure the prison around the outer squares of what is laid.

Points of Interest:
- Harder to Dig Under than Fences But Still Fairly Easy/
- Default Surroundings on all Foundations.
- Inner Foundations allow for Inside rooms to be made.
- 2 Different Textures for Appearence.
- Medium Construction Time.

Perimeter Walls - Perimeter walls are your ultimate line of defence when preventing prisoners escaping. Bulky, heavy and insanely expensive, the chances of prisoners getting past these walls are virtually 0%. These are best used later in the game when you have additional funds avalible however some players prefer using these earlier on for cosmetic effects. The developers have stated that the odds of someone managing to dig under these are "extremely unlikely" but no impossible.

Points of Interest:
- High Construction Time
- Places Concrete on both sides of the actual wall tile.
- High Costs per Block.
- Tunneling Virtually Impossible.

Road Gates - Road gates are an extra level of protection for your prison. They can be used to secure drop off and pick up zones for materials, goods and exports without having working prisoners leaving the secured area. A great use of theses is to place one infront of deliveries and one at the end of garbage with walls on both sides allowing for a secure "gatehouse". They are expensive and can also control road traffic.

Points of Interest:
- Medium Construction Time
- Only Placeable Building on the Road Currently.
- Expensive.
- Can be used to keep working prisoners secure at the prison entrance.

Overall, you can decide which one you use, but my suggestion for newer players although not the cheapest would be to use the foundations and just wall off any sections which may cause problems.
Gangs [Version 1]
Gangs are the most interesting part of a prisoners personality, atleast in my opinion. Prisoners can end up being signed up to gangs, becoming officers or even the leader, and start trying to take control of the prison. Gangs can also initiate gang wars with rival gangs and start large scale riots. Gangs can be disabled through the world creation menu when creating new worlds, so if you are worried about gangs completely ruining your first prison just turn them off before you start the world.

Tunneling and Countering Tunnels
Since alpha 13, tunnels have been added to prison architect allowing prisoners to start breaking out during the night from their cells to try and escape the prison. These tunnels are started from the toilets in the cell of the prisoner and will always be made to the edge of the prison in which the prisoner will surface and escape. Obviously, for a new player the sound of tunnels is a scary one which may put them on edge when sorting out their security.

There are no ways currently to completely prevent the use of tunnels and no matter what you do prisoners will always make tunnels, however there are some ways to reduce the effect of tunnels or make it alot more difficult for prisoners to use tunneling as a means of escape. Here are some tips in combating tunneling:

> Build your cell block in the center of the prison as all tunnels will go to the perimeter so this means it will take alot longer to tunnel out.

> Complete regular searches of your prisoners for tools which are needed to make tunnels, often shakedowns can work but this can upset your prisonrs.

> Consider ways of preventing prisoners getting tools.

> Have your prison fenced off into sections so if tunnels are discovered then prisoners can be locked in sections for easier containment by guards.

> Consider your choice of perimeter walls or fencing. Although not invincible, perimeter walls will be avoided by tunneling prisoners as much as possible meaning you can easily contain the areas your prisoners may tunnel to.

> Use the deployment and patrol functions to set up anti-tunneling patrols.

> Cctv now may reveal information about missing prisoners.
Money Sources From Game Start
The grants are how ever prison starts off no matter whether you are an experienced player or brand new to the game, and trying to complete them for maximum money is only natural. Here are some tips about the grants that should help you in setting up your prison:

> Each grant can be completed in the money given.

> Often taking one grant at a time can help you complete the above point.

> Do not be scared to take them all out at once and then build your own prison without following the objectives, this is a great way to experiment and learn for yourself.

> Keep in mind when following the grants you may have prisoners coming in soon that will mean you need to complete certain ones first to keep your prison secure.

Which order to complete them in is up to you and what to focus on is for you to discover, these are just some things you may wish to bare in mind.

Selling your prison is another way of having a good starting fund however this is not open to first time players. For those of you who have previous prisons then selling them may give you a good bonus to start you off but remember:

> Penalties reduce the amount your prison is worth.

> There are requirements before you can sell your prison for its value.

As of alpha 16, trees are also now a good source of starting money. If you get your workmen to demolish them and then sell object on the logs they currently deliver $50 a piece. This is good with a large map as you recieve alot of starting funds before the prisoners arrive. Once you have prison labour these logs can be made into planks and sold for a higher price.

To automate this process, as of alpha 17 you can allocate forestry areas which gardeners will automatically plant and cut down the trees ready for your workshop to process. Trees take around 5 ingame days to completely grow from beind planted.
Guard Dogs - How to Use Them And Tactics With Them.
Guard Dogs were added in for alpha 14 - and are used for many things to wrap up all the alphas so far. This section explains the three main uses and how to make the dogs most effective.

Chasing Escaping Prisoners
This one is pretty self explanatory. The dogs run at about twice the speed of all humans and therefore can easily catch escaping prisoners. When they manage to catch up they automatically stop the prison while they bite them. This allows your guards to then take the prisoner back to solitary or his cell.

Detecting Contraband
This is also pretty self explanatory. Dogs sniff automatically any prisoner within a short range to check for any contraband. if they find any then the handler automatically searches the prisoner and siezes the contraband. Another guard will then escourt them to their cell.

Counter Tunneling - Detection
This one is a little more complex and requires you to keep an eye on the dog. If the dog detects a tunnel then he will sniff and dig at the ground. If a dog does this several times in a small area then there is a high chance that a tunnel is somewhere close by. If by chance a dog digs into a tunnel with a prisoner in then the prisoner will be dug up and locked up.

Things to be aware of with dogs:

> Dogs currently [Alpha 14] have no daily wage allowing for a huge force to secure the prison without any upkeep, useful if you need to earn some extra cash,

> Dogs use energy bars which means when that is consumed they need sleep and rest in the kennels. Make sure to time this well.

> Dogs are unlocked after patrols and can be assigned on patrols so are useful for running the edge of your prison.

> Dogs all have a handler and appear to be the same dog as currently [Alpha 14] only one dog type exists in the game.
Emergency Response Units
Emergency response units keep nearly all prisons from falling into chaos and are the ultimate tool in preventing riots. No matter whether your in trouble or precautious, any of these services may be able to help your prison from falling into criminal hands. Heres a run down of the basics:

> Riot Squads

Riot squads cost $100 to call in and this deploys a squad of 6. These guards are super tough and can take on even the toughest of prisoners. Up to 3 units can be called in at a time and all can be controlled manually by you. They will automatically engage any rioting prisoner on sight.

Warning: Every riot officer counts as one negative towards the happinss and danger level for the prison. if you have 18 on site without a riot this may make your prisoners very unhappy!

> Paramedics

Paramedics are very effective healers and can be manually deployed to give effective healing in select zones. They will automatically heal anyone who comes into range, however they are favoured over doctors because of the player control over them. They do not come with any penalty or wage so if you cannot afford doctors then for a while atleast paramedics will do. Only 2 units can be deployed at a time and each unit contains 4 medics.

> Firefighters

The most obvious of the three, firefighters are there to fight fires and keep the prison from burning down. They are manually controlled including their hoses and are often quite difficult to manage if you are trying to control doors and lock down sections aswell.

Warning: Using the hoses on electric machines will cause them to explode killing anyone within range. Keep the area clear if you plan to do this outside of a fire situation, or in a fire then it is your own choice whether to spray water on them.
General Tips and Tricks
So after all that, these are all the tips and tricks that may or may not help you develop your prison:

> Fencing is a great way for a cheap perimeter

> With the money left over from the grants try to develop ways to make more money. Prison labour helps with this however what you do after you have unlocked it is up to you.

> You don't need one guard for every prisoner but likewise you don't want to have 30 prisoners for every guard. Experiment and find the right balance between prisoners and guards.

> If fog of war is on, try to develop CCTV. A great way to work this is make a 3 by 3 room with a door and deploy a guard to the room. Then the cameras are permenantly on and active as the guard is stuck in the room.

> Guarding our perimeter is always something players think about but is it always needed? If you have a few entrances maybe just guard the entrances instead?

> Tactically placing storage and security rooms is another thing to consider. Make sure they are accessible quickly to all areas of the prison for the quickest response to build orders or misbehaviour.

> Spend the money you earn! There is no point have loose cash if you arn't saving for something when it could be used developing the prison to make it tougher, kinder, more secure or bigger.

> Use Deployment to section your prison into staff sections, prisoner levels [Min, Med, Max] or unlock everything [Do this at your own risk] Experiment and see what works for you.

> Use armed guards to supress wild prisoners without harming them and to secure key areas by posting armed guards there.

> Go bankrupt or have a riot and lose? Not a problem, start again! learning from mistakes is everything :)

> And finally, no matter what you do, win ENJOY YOURSELF.
A Final Goodbye
Well thats about if for this guide. If you have any questions feel free to comment and I will be happy to assist you, if I am asked things often I will add an FAQ section to this guide. Did this help? Then please do rate the guide so I know! Thanks for Reading and Good Luck!

Welcome to the FAQ, due to popular request via private messages and friend requests:

> Where did you get all this information from, is there somewhere I can look aswell?

- I have learnt all this information from my own games before and while the game has been on steam, and therefore there is no source this comes from. However if you wish for more detailed instructions then just request on this guide and i might be able to add it in somewhere.

> I want the perfect prison without issues, can you help?

- Well, this guide is designed to help you and if you have any further questions feel free to message me, however if you have the perfect prison where would the fun be?

> Why did you make this guide and spend all the time you did?

- To help the players and community out :)

> What is the Current Guide Version?

- Alpha 16

> Can you make some videos to support this guide?

- I am currently in the process of planning, and hopefully I will make some videos to support this guide soon. Eventually i will make a steam community pack with videos, this guide, good mods to help a player get going and finally a good prison that i have created t show all the features in action and let you experiment with them.
135 件のコメント
Dralth 2021年12月8日 16時15分 
I found this guide extremely helpful, as I am STILL learning the game and still have problems getting things to go the right way for me. I've taken the liberty of giving you a thumb's up, gave you an award, AND have favorited it, in case I need a refresher at some point. I'd like to have more friends who play this game, but find it hard to get any so.. anyone reading this comment, feel free to friend me up. (That includes the author as well, lol)
JakeDeZure 2019年4月25日 8時25分 
will there be guide on wiring cctvs and other wired stuff ?
justinsane11 2016年12月24日 13時46分 
bravo sir bravo
Mr Bubbles  [作成者] 2015年12月6日 9時22分 
Guide is partly updated however with the new content I am still testing some of the features to provide an accurate and useful guide, so updates will be coming along as I am certain about it. Also, please welcome Killer Teddy Bear who has joined me in developing this guide as we plan to bring out newbie maps and other resources. I will keep you all posted.

Happy Prisoning :)
Mr Bubbles  [作成者] 2015年10月26日 2時56分 

As per your request I will try and update this guide over the coming weeks with all the new features.
Alchemicon Silver 2015年10月25日 18時08分 
Hey, Prison Architect V1 just dropped on us. Can you do a newbies guide to Prison Architect V1, or at least partially update it?
Mr Bubbles  [作成者] 2014年12月21日 9時19分 

Make sure it says open for atleast 1 class of prisoner then wait till 8am :)
Oakrose905 2014年12月21日 7時24分 
i opened the prisoners on the rigme menu but they never come
Oakrose905 2014年12月21日 7時21分 
no i did it by the main menu
Oakrose905 2014年12月21日 7時21分 