34 ratings
Chocolate DOOM: Play DOOM II like its 1994!
DOOM II: Hell on Earth was unleashed upon the world in 1994, and in many ways that year really was hell on earth. Grunge Music, mullets, Kurt Cobain's suicide, the Yugoslav war really heating up, horrible fashion, a perverted and corrupt Bill Clinton serving as President of the United States, and hell, even Windows 95 hadn't yet been released. But there was a silver lining to such a dark time: Seinfeld had its highest rated season, Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump hit the cinemas, and DOOM II hit store shelves.

Now, obviously, technology has come a long way since then, and trying to run DOOM II on modern PCs is outright impossible. For that you'll need Dosbox to emulate the PCs of the time. But, unfortunately, Dosbox sucks, especially the one that comes with the Steam version of this game. So, how the hell are we supposed to enjoy this amazing game today? Well, I'm so glad you asked. The answer is simple: sourceports.

But here's where it gets complicated: which sourceport do I choose? there are countless ports out there, but they all update and/or "fix" the game. Things like new rendering, higher resolutions, etc. But what if we don't want all this new, modern crap. What if we want to play DOOM II the way it was meant to be played, what if we want to relive 1994? Well, again, so glad you asked! Please, allow me to show you :)
What Is Chocolate DOOM?
Chocolate Doom is a sourceport for DOOM wads. that allows them to be run properly on modern computers. What distinguishes it from all the other sourceports is its goal: to preserve the look and feel of the vanilla versions of DOOM, rightdown to the original bugs. This port has very, very few new features and all the limitations of DOS. So, in short, this sourceport is only for those seeking the authentic and retro feel of DOOM. Perhaps you're a DOOM purist (like myself) or perhaps you're slightly autistic (again, like myself :^) or perhaps you're someone who wasn't even born when the Twin Towers came down and just want to see what life was like back in the good ol' days.

So go ahead, crack that Monster Zero, take a sip, blast some Metallica, and lets get to work preparing DOOM II to played as it was back when video games were still good.

Downloading Chocolate Doom

Click the link, select the right download for your operating system. 'nuff said.

Installing Chocolate Doom
Once downloaded, simply open the folder and copy its entire contents. Once done, go to your steam library and right click on Doom II: Hell on Earth (this is assuming you already have it purchased and downloaded, if not, why the ♥♥♥♥ are you here?)

Now, select the "Local Files" tab and then finally select "Browse Local Files" as shown Below:

Now, click on the "base folder"

Now, locate the "dosbox" .exe (It's icon should, by default, be what I've highlighted in red on the right)

Now, lets get dosbox tf outta here. Simply delete it. Then, paste the contents of the Chocolate Doom folder into the base folder for DOOM II (select yes if it asks you if you want to replace files in this folder that have the same name) It should look like this once completed.

Now, see that .exe with the red arrow I've so conveniently inserted into that .JPG? Go ahead and rename that to "dosbox"

Now you can launch Chocolate Doom by launching DOOM II direct through steam. Proceed to the next step, Marine!
Configuring Chocolate Doom
Now, simply launch Doom as you would any other game from your Steam Library. Ignore the options here, just hit play. You'll see why in a moment.

Now, you'll be brought to this here screen. Pretty retro, huh?

Now, using the arrow keys, lets scroll down till we hit "Configure Keyboard" and hit the Enter button. Here you can configure the controls any which way you please, but here's how I set it up:

I highly suggest, and I cannot stress this enough, selecting always run no matter what you do. Unless you enjoy constantly having to hold down a button to move at the Doom Marines true speed.

Now, once you're happy with your keyboard controls, select escape. Now, using the arrow keys again (duh) select Configure Mouse and again hit Enter (double duh) and you'll be brought to a screen like this. Configure it any way you like, but I highly recommend disabling vertical mouse movement. Without doing so you'll be moving the character forwards and backwards with every vertical move of the mouse (remember, *sips monster zero* these were the good o'l days before free aim) with that disabled you'll be able to use the mouse to look left and right. That's all ya need, Marine.

Now that that's all out of the way, hit escape again. Now scroll down (c'mon, I don't need to tell you how to do that again, do I?) till you're on "Save parameters and launch"

Select this and voilà, DOOM II will launch and you'll be playing just like its '94 again, baby. Every time you launch DOOM II from steam from here on you'll be brought to this setup screen again, but don't get your knickers in a knot. Your settings will have been saved so all you'll have to do is scroll down and hit the launch button.
Rip 'n' tear, Marine!
Enjoy DOOM II Hell on Earth in all its glory! by following this method you can play through Steam, thus logging your hours and showing off to your friends just how much of a badass you are. The only thing I can't get to work is the Steam Overlay. The Steam Overlay worked for The Ultimate Doom following these exact same methods, so I'm not really sure what the problem is here. Only thing I can figure out is that Doom II seems to launch from a .bat file. Not sure if that's whats causing the problem or not, but if any of you out there in cyberspace know a solution then please drop a comment below.

Have fun!!
3. ты полный отсто 3 Mar, 2021 @ 5:42am 
@fanzybiznusman make sure strafe and aim aren't binded to the same key or it glitches out
ShanAndFriends3151 27 Feb, 2021 @ 3:09pm 
Uhh so I launch is and get greeted with "whoops you cant play because there is no specified IWAD file", help?
The Crescent Hawk 29 Sep, 2020 @ 10:43am 
Why yes, yes I did. Fairly large (obvious) mistake on my part, I do apologize for that discrepancy.
REBDOOMER  [author] 29 Sep, 2020 @ 8:09am 
@The Crescent Hawk - did you miss the part where this is Doom II?
The Crescent Hawk 9 Sep, 2020 @ 4:38pm 
Doom was not released in 1994, it was released on December 10, 1993. I know because I got it for Christmas of that year along with all my other friends...
fanzybiznusman 4 Apr, 2020 @ 9:09am 
So i successfully got chocolate doom going on Steam, but im having a problem that i had before with the default doom 2 on steam.
Basically once i start moving it wont let me use the mouse at all until i stop moving, so i cant turn or shoot once i start moving...any advice on this? none of the settings i changed in chocolate doom fixed it for me