Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

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How to carry your team with an RPG. Be an RPG god.
由 Boink 制作
Sadly this is not the guide for it. But this guide will give players good fundamentals and strategies on how to be decent and with time above average.

Also this guide will tell you how to nullify or defeat a good RPG player. Strategies to limit big losses etc.
General Introduction.
Hi. First off I like to introduced myself. I'm Boink i been playing this type of shooter games since Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm. Both are good games btw.

Anyways I'm here to talk about the strength and strategies how to be an effective RPG player. RPG is an advance class and it has a limit per match. I also believe it is one of the strongest carry in game almost the same level as a Commander or TL. Since they typically don't have a level requirement I feel obliged to give young RPG combatants some advice which can lead to victory or defeat.

Also I would like to point out some general concepts of the game that can improve your team success.

Let's get started with the training.
Pros & Cons of the RPG.
Let's discuss about the PROs of an RPG

Good penetration - Like most high caliber weapons it can go through most materials in game.
Explosives - Yup the kill radius for these is mostly frontal (I will discuss about this on another section)

Here are some cons:

Heavy - Yes you run slower carrying them. Toggle your rifle or submachine gun until you are ready to give them hell.
Limited Ammo - 3 Yes that's 3. Although you can always wait to get more
Slow Reload
Bad Suppression Value - As far as I experienced getting hit by them it's either hit which is an instant death or just wound with the blast and absolutely zero suppression.
Back-blast cone - It can kill your teammates and even you. Yes i will give some pointers how to prevent this (at least most of the time).
Terrain involved deaths - This is pretty much unpreventable, it happens most of the time when you are either on prone or crouch position. Yes it can get you and your team killed.
Smoke-trails that leads to the shooter - It's like a long range beacon like that can get you in trouble.

Bad starter Sub-Machine gun (only happens on campaign mode).

Feel free to add more base on your experience in the comments below.
Advance and Tactical Approach.
I will assume that people understand the basics like crouching or prone position help stabilize your shots. Or clicking the aim button and pressing the lmb to fire.

Here are some advance key points to be better RPG:

  • Know The Map - Pretty self explanatory. Knowing where to hit, where the enemy respawns is invaluable.

  • Put yourself in the enemies boots (shoes) - The same idea as knowing the map and this takes a while to get used to. Most player's behavior or at least the primal instinct is not to get shot. This is the reason most players stack on each other knowing it's a safe position. This is also where RPG, Grenadier and your average grenade toss shines.

  • Sound matters - This also takes a while to get used to since at times sounds get muffled. Also why mic spams are often frown upon.

Here are some tactical strategies you can do:

  • Press M (Map) - You have at least 1 second (reload time) for your next RPG volley. That's one of the most ideal time to press M. The next one would be is when the TL calls for Scouts. It tells you where exactly the enemy will be. You also need to take note that some maps have floor layers, ideally you want to clear the higher floors on any approach.
    There is also a measuring stick under your screen the bigger the red the closer the enemy but I find it not as good as pressing M.
    Pressing Map Key also tells you friendly units location rather than spamming "Back-Blast Area Clear" in mic. You can simply toggle it, verify for yourself your butt is clear and fire. This method however doesn't stop other players running right behind you or in enclosed areas. In enclosed areas like inside houses the blast of almost all explosives tend to increase (which is kinda cool).

  • Press Tab: Although this is situational, the kill feed sometimes don't update as quick and it verifies that you either kill your target also it tells you exactly how many are in the field. Including friendlies. Also you can gloat about your kills to yourself and find some semblance of accomplishment in the field of battle :^D.

  • Fire at smoke / general location @ walls etc - Although this strategy can give you away. It almost guarantee you that one someone is either inside or at that general location, also it gives a suppression value for anyone that got grazed with it (defending on the caliber of your weapon preferably do this with a rifle not your standard issue crap sub-machine gun). Once verified feel free to unleash RPG hell. Take Note: Your character (any side) will say some random stuff when you graze or hit someone in the general location.

I can't really make a guide on how to bring down good Pilots because most good attack helicopters engage players at higher ranges and strafe sideways. Your RPG volley tends to curve or go off angle when it hits around 175 meters (not sure base on experience) .

You can definitely shoot down an AC-130 Spooky with it. In some maps the silhouette of the plane is bigger. You just need to add a few distance leading to your target. The exchange rate point wise is bad and you more likely miss. They also don't give you bonus points like Defensive or Offensive points nor it gives Squad or TL protection points (assist etc). I rather save my volleys on ground targets and let the TL handle the air work.
Effective Countermeasures
Here is how to minimize casualties:

  • Get off your squad leader - Yes he is your spawn point. There is no point of you staying right next to him unless of course you are in a major engagement or heavy fire. Staying right next to him increases the red blob when scout plane is called. Also when you fire your weapons it gives a lot of signature (flash, sound). It is a beacon for any veteran player to attack your position.

  • Angle is your friend! Always flank - When you get off your SL find a better suitable flanking position to suppress your enemy. The worst enemy is a lone wolf sniper, rifleman or MG on a flank giving suppression fire. Angled/Sloped structure is a major bane for all good RPG and/or weapon penetration

  • Trenches - Angled trenches (where the trench curves) tends to lower the damage of RPG on impact. The general trench area is a good place to hide.

  • Place yourself in a double patterned wall-like structure - Don't hug walls too much and if you do find a structure with double wall configuration.

  • RPG volley direction is a dead give away Yes it is a straight line right to the focal point. Good Thumpers, MGs and Snipers are bane for an RPG. Utilize it well.

Bad myths and General Concepts.
There are very questionable decisions in game and most of them comes from mic "spammers". Since it seems like anyone who chats in the internet is "right" at all time. Most players are often misled and can lead to catastrophic defeats. There are things that you should not do even someone tells you. Of course there are a very few exceptions which I will definitely put in my remarks. Make a judgement on your own accord before pursuing said orders.

The List:

  • The Objective Has Fallen, Fall Back! Save The Women And Children First! (Screams like a girl) - There are many reasons why you shouldn't. First you leave your butt open to get shot at. Second you are a MAN. Apart from these obvious reasons there are a few more to take into account. Tactically it creates a buffer line a still defense that the enemies need to kill. The other reason is that most advance players spam M (like in my advance RPG tips). It gives them a general position where the enemy is NOT at. Friendlies can capitalize on the general info you give.

    • Another reason is that most Commanders / TLs will use your position as a gauge on where the enemy is pushing in. Without the need to call Scouts they can safely verify that the enemy is not in your position. Or if you and your teammates fell they can verify that the position is overwhelmed.

    • There is one reason why you want to pull back is when a TL is flanking and ambush "exploiting". That's rather rare and the chances of that TL getting shot by you because you didn't pull back is something worth noting.

  • Don't Push Forward When You Are Defending An Objective. This is probably one of the worst mic spams I hear. There are certain classes which design to open new avenues of firing solutions. Just to list some of them: Scout, Pointman, Flamer. Spearheading creates confusion in the enemy ranks. Majority of us players suffer "tunnel vision" including myself. I suffer it too ooh let me wait for someone to get into my aiming reticule hihihihi

    • One tunnel forward your defensive line is enough to create new viable angles to shoot at.

    • Take note however a forward position tend to produce high amounts of casualties with the squad. It is not a good strategy if your team is running out of tickets.

  • Everyone in the objective! Hey you! Why are you outside the point? Get in the Objective now This is a big no. This game is all about angles, most protection like trenches are designed to handle specific angles and easily exploitable by flanking it. Most successful or kill driven players abuse this

    • Suppression is also a factor to consider. It is probably the strongest feature of this game. When the enemy is firing at multiple angles it is hard to address it without getting shot.

    • Now let me talk about why you want to be IN THE OBJECTIVE. Of course to cap or defend it! 4head. There are two reasons why you want to be in the objective. When the enemy is clearly contesting it. Two is when it's a multiple story buildings. Multiple Story Buildings offers multiple angles to shoot at. Also most Arty or Air Support is not effective against it.

Overall Mechanics:

Secure your flanks, or if you are in the offensive try to penetrate it and establish a new front

Also you need to take into account that most Commanders and TL will hit the back side of the point which has about 75meters kill radius. Being safely in the flanks can give you somewhat of a protection net with minimal suppression and can address the objective if it is contested.

Not an ideal situation. The Lone Wolf behind the point probably rake in multiple kills.

This should be your ideal defensive line. Create an imaginary line to secure flanks and try to call in flanks if it's compromise or heavy fire.

Use your spot key (X) to identify huge concentration or lone wolf threat in the map. (easy spotter points baby).
A Youtube Video To Show How Bad I Am.
Yes now we can see it all unfold in our eyes. Render in the crappiest graphics (I hate explosives especially Napalm Strikes on high graphics my eyes tends to melt along with the backround).

Video shows the following:
  • How RPG bad angles are not effective against fortified positions. RPG needs to hit full frontal to get maximum damage.
  • How I suffer great tunnel vision even if I use fundamentally good gameplay (Like pressing M)
  • The strong points of a forward / tunnel position How effective pushing in and flanking works.
  • How to joke around in Team Chat without compromising your team.
  • How Team Rocket hard carry wins again in a strong defensive ticket game.

Also I normally don't use RPG, I do get irritated at times with the lack of progress in a map especially where good RPG/Grenaders are required to advance or defend. TE: Saigon and Quangtri just to name a few. With some of these key points I hope that the RPG can carry my team to success. However if I'm on the opposite side and you killed me because you got some hints from reading this guide. Stop being lazy and make your own guide! Just kidding Just kidding, glad to be of help.

I probably make a video of how to be an effective commander without even using a mic. Those that claim you need one is clearly have some obvious reason, like claiming the Commander/TL positions for themselves. Let's face it Commanders and TL are easy points.

See you in the battlefield.
13 条留言
TRAINMASTER4000 2021 年 8 月 27 日 下午 4:50 
btw its not an AC-130 its an AC-47
Boink  [作者] 2020 年 1 月 20 日 下午 1:51 
@Schomo Shekleberg the arty is about 60 meters 60/100 of an entire box. Most flank tunnels are 10-20 meters close to or away from the objective. There are not that much difference between securing your flanks to your objective which is literally a sprint away.

Can you tell me your in-game name at least soo I can find you or the actual server you play on?
Munshine 2020 年 1 月 17 日 上午 11:26 
Will look for you, obv same problems for me with high pings on Bloodbath etc.
Of course you don't want to cluster your tunnels into a single grid for the enemy to arty. All I'm saying is be smart about tunnel placing and adjust as needed: sometimes you need the short distance to the objective more than you need the flank and vice versa.

That's pretty much the same I'm saying about killing: be smart about it. How much Time/Tickets/Points do you have? Are you going into lockdown? You can outnumber the enemy 2 to 1, doesn't matter if they cap the last objective under your nose. Same way as it doesn't matter if your dangerously low on tickets, but your still holding onto A with < 5 minutes remaining.
Boink  [作者] 2020 年 1 月 2 日 下午 4:12 
@Schlomo Shekelberg There are tons of reasons why SLs need to place them on the flanks. Most Artillery/Support often lands BEHIND the point (any actual good commanders will place them there) and it cuts off your reinforcements or destroys your tunnels. If I know there will be a rotation of arty behind the point (every 2-3 minutes), why would I place my tunnel directly behind it?

The respawn cycle is every 15s (not counting rapid deploy and ambush which is every 2ish minutes).. So if someone is attacking and killing players, why is that not a good thing? They respawn with the same cycle as you do. Only advantage the attackers have is 100+ reinforcements. My squad had killed more than 100 on that match up.

The only "EU" server I play on is 40-1 UK. Some servers I can't play due to ping restraints, I get insta kick. I play on RD servers, LMC, Hardcore (US), Bloodbath often. The name is Boink look for me.
Munshine 2020 年 1 月 2 日 上午 9:37 
I'll grant you that in some cases the actual defensive position extends beyond the boundary of the actual point. If you're playing against a decent team, as an attacker, you will find the point locked down from nearly every angle. Only a well coordinated push often combined with arty/napalm will break that for you and your team. Very rarely a northern SL will spawn a perfect flanking tunnel and a few guys will catch the enemy off guard. VERY RARELY. (And sometimes you have map exploits which allow you to spawn way behind enemy lines and such)
Meanwhile as a defender I can't count the times where we're doing pretty good, yet at somepoint everybody tries to rush and catch themselves some sweet kills, only to die outside the point.

I'd be very interested to play with and against you, because I'm really curious how or if you rotate back to the point when it's capped after rushing. That being said, any euro server will do for me, cuz lag.
Boink  [作者] 2020 年 1 月 2 日 上午 6:04 
@Schlomo Shekelberg I would like to know what server you play on. The fastest cap I did with Firebase Georgina was around 7 minutes and I was a TL without a mic.

This game is all about flanking and effective firing positions if you are not pushing to take it your team is going to lose.

I flank a lot... and I find it the most effective game-play. My highest score was around 130 kills. Let us also consider the reinforcements of attackers are normally set at around +100

Personally if you think that defenders flanking and attacking is ineffective then you probably never played with me or anyone with similar mindsets. You want be on the point when they try to capture it, you are losing valuable ground if you are out there on the point and the enemy knows where you at. But yes I would love to play with you. Tell me your server please.
Munshine 2020 年 1 月 2 日 上午 2:58 
@Boink That's why I said "retarded commanders aside". Basically every TL without a mic is retarded, and some TLs with a mic are retarded.

The reason why I thought you see this as a singleplayer game is because your guide focuses on your individual marksmanship or flanking skills.
And that will get you kills, but will only get your team so far.

I only brought up Hue as an example. Territories in a nutshell works like this: Defenders have the advantage, attackers have the disadvantage. This is the case with nearly every point on every map.

As Defender you should put yourself in the advantage zone: Cover, concealment, chokepoint.
By "flanking" or rushing the attackers you put yourself into the disadvantage: open terrain, FF, surrounded by enemies. And on top of that you're not even in the point to keep the enemy from capping. 0/10 teammate.

Barocco 2019 年 12 月 25 日 上午 5:43 
Thanks for guide..iGood to know more in detail about it.
Personaly i am not found of RPG ...I leave it for "more experiance players" to use it... but u never know when u can pick up from dead soldiers and move trough objective.
Boink  [作者] 2019 年 12 月 25 日 上午 5:14 
@Schlomo Shekelberg I never said it is a single player game. Bullets cover vast amount of distances that having one or a squad flanking and firing consistently is enough to hold down an entire Squad even the entire team's progression
This game is all about flanks - flanking said defensive positions and angles. More angles you have the more adaptable firing positions you can provide.

I made quite a lot of exceptions with retreating or when to retreat. It's listed out there. Hue City (C) objective is easy to defeat if the Commanders arty's the left flank (not the towers or around it) of the objective. That's where the most flank fire will come from.

I do incredibly well without the need for TL's and/or Commander's "directions". Given that it only needs level 30 to get this slots filled and I been in many "bad" games because of TL's/Commanders misjudgment and terrible bad calls.

@nuggets. @Ikza - thanks.
Munshine 2019 年 12 月 24 日 上午 4:54 
I'm sorry, but this guide reads like someone is treating this game as a singleplayer game.

This is a team game, and the decision to retreat or not to depends on the situation. The decision is made by the commander with the SLs and you should (retarded commanders aside) follow the decision.

Giving orders/relaying over Voice isn't mic spamming, it's the best way to get people out of their tunnel vision.

Most objectives favor the defenders: Think C in Hue. No defender should rush forward to harrass the enemy at at A and B.

Not only are you giving up a good position, you're not being covered by your team and if you have to rotate back you have to overcome the same open terrain the attackers have.

Finally noone is yelling GET INTO THE POINT when 20 people are in the cap. It's yelled when most of the team is off doing something else and you're needed in the point.