Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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S.E.F. Castor (Vanilla)
Type: Blueprint
Mod category: Exploration
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28 apr, 2019 @ 23:58
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S.E.F. Castor (Vanilla)

I 1 samling av Tacet
Space Engineers Federation Ships
15 artiklar
Small zero-G welder ship with all the bells and whistles. Multiple large cargo, welder-to-grid proximity sensor/lights, player-to-welder proximity warning sensor/sound, and inventory readouts. Ion thrusters, large reactor, and backup battery. Survival-tested.

  1. 2 welder arms, 2 large cargo containers, connector
  2. Green welder proximity lights activate when grid is within welding range
  3. Red operational lights activate when welders are on
  4. Warning sound plays when player is detected dangerously close to weld arms and welders are on
Cargo container sides are exposed to enable team cooperation and faster building. Our crew has one person weld while everyone else refills the ship with components.

Named for beavers, genus castor, because they build things!
2 kommentarer
Tacet  [skapare] 16 jan, 2020 @ 19:25 
@Roasty my Toasty - Glad you like it!
Roasty my Toasty 16 jan, 2020 @ 14:24 
This is the exact kind of design philosophy that needs to populate the workshop more. Thanks!