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How Prestiging affects item rarity (with data from 240 bloodwebs)
由 Nantes 制作
I manually counted and analyzed 240 bloodwebs to find out if Prestiging really improves the items you get on the bloodweb. Here are the results.
Summary of the results
TL;DR: I counted the rarities of all items on, and analyzed exactly 120 [Prestige III Lvl 50] bloodwebs and 120 [Prestige 0 Lvl 50] bloodwebs for the Spirit killer. The most important thing I discovered from this is that Prestiging has ABSOLUTELY NO effect on Rare (green) and Very Rare (purple) items. You will get EXACTLY the same amount of these for both Prestige types (assuming your character has obtained all possible green and purple perks, as these take the place of a green/purple item that would have spawned instead).

Other than that, these two effects were observed:

  • There were very slightly (~2%) more Uncommon (yellow) over Common (brown) items for Prestige III

  • A significant advantage (87% vs. 65% chance of spawning a single red node) was observed for Prestige III for Ultra Rare (red) items

    However, both these findings have an alternative explanation unrelated to Prestige, due to an insurmountable problem with the experiment (see section "Caveat" on my Reddit post for more details). Therefore, it is quite possible that Prestiging does not affect item rarity at all.

    I repeat: The data show without a shadow of a doubt that Prestiging has ZERO effect on green and purple items, with results unclear only for brown, yellow and red items.
More information
For other facts learned about the bloodweb, screenshots of the 240 bloodwebs analyzed, and all the details about this experiment, please consult the original Reddit thread. Or just check out the spreadsheet[docs.google.com] (though it could be confusing to interpret without the explanations in the thread).

Disclaimer: I am the author of the Reddit thread and the experiment. I counted and analyzed all the bloodwebs, but over half of the screenshots were taken by other people, who are properly thanked for in the post.
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60 条留言
redpilled alpha male 2019 年 5 月 21 日 下午 2:11 
I remember the days when I prestiged just for the cosmetics. I never really cared about the rarity. The facts were interesting nonetheless!
A Very brave guy 2019 年 5 月 11 日 下午 7:24 
Everyone except the author overreacted lol. Yeah absolutely, I think across the entire community of Dead by Daylight we have reached the agreement that getting P3 does nothing in terms of greens/purples.
Flamebun 2019 年 5 月 9 日 下午 5:29 
That gets me a lot too
Nantes  [作者] 2019 年 5 月 9 日 下午 4:22 
You got me! I summon Poe's Law in my defense. There really are people who believe what I described :(
Flamebun 2019 年 5 月 9 日 下午 4:09 
It's a joke.
Nantes  [作者] 2019 年 5 月 9 日 下午 3:13 
Someone who believes their own subjective biased perception is worth more than tons of carefully collected and analyzed data deserves no reply.
Flamebun 2019 年 5 月 9 日 下午 2:54 
Nantes-picking favorites
Nantes  [作者] 2019 年 5 月 9 日 上午 1:39 
Fascinating, Doc Strange. Do post your detailed logged results when you get the chance :)
Human Zaddy 44618 2019 年 5 月 8 日 下午 8:59 
I've actually noticed there is no difference myself, after getting P3 with 2 characters. I manually counted with Nea over 700 blood webs with them all being exactly the same through the 3 P's and the subsequent 450+ bloodwebs.
Flamebun 2019 年 5 月 8 日 下午 5:03 
Actually, I've noticed a change in my bloodwebs.