179 평점
No Carried Food
즐겨찾기 해제
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
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51.814 KB
2019년 4월 25일 오후 5시 18분
2021년 7월 5일 오후 5시 26분
변경 사항 7개 ( 보기 )

다운로드 위해 구독하기
No Carried Food

Stops pawns from wanting to carry food around in their pockets.

They will still carry food to train animals or load caravans, but will no longer carry a meal around to eat later. So they will have to walk all the way back to base to get their food needs met. Which means they will be near a table when they eat, instead of trying to eat out in the middle of nowhere and getting a mood malus because they were too stupid to walk back to the amazing dining room you've built for them.

Prevent war crimes. Stop carrying meals around.

The Human Hive - Compatibility added 2021/05/03 for both drones and queens.

Common Sense - Not really compatible. Whichever comes last in the load order will control meal grabbing behaviour. Common Sense has special rules for which meals a pawn should take, and patches the same thing as this mod to do it.

Android tiers -
Works on humans, but androids still carry meals. Might be able to fix, but I'll need to play a game with androids first. Thank you sergio.arauzo for checking this.
2020/05/16: After starting a game with androids, I updated the mod to make them also stop packing food. Kudos to the creators of Android Tiers for making it easy with such clean and well formatted code.

Use Bedrolls - Verified working as of 2019/05/02.
[D] Thermodynamics - Hot Meals - Verified working as of 2021/05/03.
인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2020년 4월 16일 오후 1시 11분
Non-Steam Link?
댓글 126
Tiamat 2024년 7월 1일 오후 2시 14분 
Blows my mind that this isn't a standard feature in the game yet.
Гений 2024년 4월 11일 오후 11시 47분 
Man, hope you feel better ASAP, sending you rays of love! <3
JBloodthorn  [작성자] 2024년 4월 4일 오후 5시 12분 
@Arganot and @ everyone else, yes please just use the Tweaks Galore mod if that works. I don't have any time at all for modding right now. I still use this, and the xpath is still valid, but it's probably going to have the version mismatch error until I can get my ADHD meds refilled.
Arganot 2024년 4월 4일 오전 11시 14분 
If people feel antsy about version number there is always 'Tweaks Galore' which has an option for this effect. Same rules for 'Common Sense' mod. Load after for the effect to take.
jessisgaming 2023년 9월 17일 오후 8시 14분 
It seems to work for me too. Note: Mr. JBLoodthorn, I'm a programmer and I'd love to work with you to get this up to 1.4 standard!
Rob the Alchemist 2023년 5월 9일 오후 4시 49분 
mod works fine for me, got over 50 mods installed and updated to 1.4 and I see no problems so far, not even log errors.
Rogue Variable 2023년 2월 24일 오후 1시 17분 
Will this mod be updated for 1.4?
Farbott 2023년 1월 5일 오전 12시 22분 
Packed lunches is just the war crime friendly version, portable picnic in a paper bag :)
Silvermink 2022년 12월 24일 오전 8시 12분 
They pick up 1, it doesn't work for taming, so they look for more food, pick up another, repeat until they can't carry anymore or they have all your food. Animal Control I also disabled. Turning this back on to test.
Lik 2022년 12월 19일 오후 12시 46분 
The handler's food restrictions should have no bearing on what foods they carry for taming, but I guess if you're testing a broken behavior anyway that doesn't help