Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

530 vurderinger
Properly fight all Monsters in the game
Af Royale w/ Cheese
Everything you need to know about fighting Monster(mini boss) in the game.
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Basic Concept
1. Background Music
Every single Monster has its unique BGM. Listen carefully so that you can predict the next Monster you are going to fight.

When you are fighting Monster + multiple units (hordes, elites), leave the Monster and deal with the rest of them first. If you have the agro from the Monster, just focus on kiting.

Here is the basic agro mechanic of all Monster. Some special cases will be analyzed in the next sections.
Notice Monster will re-exam each player's agro value every second. After that it will attack the player with the highest agro value.

I. The ways to gain agro value are: getting closer to Monster, damaging Monster. The closer you are/more damage you deal, the Monster will gain more agro to you.
Notice the distance between you and Monster is not calculated by straight line distance but the route it takes for the Monster to get you. If you and Monster are on different floors, even you are directly above him, the distance between Monster and you is huge.

II. The ways to loss agro value are: losing agro with time, losing agro after you are controlled by specials, losing agro when you are hit by Monster’s sweep attack (the attack can send you away).

III. Any stun (both bombs and career skill like Morale Boost) will rest the agro of Monster.
Due to these items/abilities are also determined as an “attack”, you will most likely gain the agro of Monster. So don’t stun the Monster if you aren’t ready to kite them or your teammates can kite them very well.

IV: Overall, if you want to lose agro: get away from Monster, stop dealing damage, take Monster’s sweep attack. If you want to gain agro: get closer to Monster, dealing higher damage than your teammates, use stun items/abilities.

4.Dealing damage
For most of career, melee weapons deal better damage than range weapons, except range careers where they have talents to boost range damage/other ability to kill Monsters.

Some Monsters, especially rat ogre/chaos spawn/minotaur, can turn around very quickly. Kiting by spinning around them is not safe, and they also can accidentally hit your teammates. If you don’t know how to properly kite them, just block and run away.
Storm Fiend
1. Storm Fiend tends to keep distance from players, and then spray fire.
The fire has long reach, cannot be blocked, deals constant DoT damage.
It also releases a flame trail on the ground. The flame trail also deals DoT damage, but can be avoided by jumping over them.
Both of these attacks can deal damage to enemy units, helping players to clean hordes sometimes, so unless you are cornered by him, it is an easy Monster to fight.

2. When players getting too close to Storm Fiend, he will run away, or do a melee sweep.
The sweep has mid reach, can be blocked, will send players away.
Since the sweep attack comes out very slow, you can easily block them. Just always be aware of your position since it can push you into the river/cliff and instantly kill you.

3. When the Storm Fiend has around 30% HP, he will start to do a charging attack.
The charging cannot be blocked, but blocking can reduce part of the damage.
Same as sweep, just pay attention to the terrain.

4. Storm Fiend is surrounded with armour except for the control room on the back. The control room is treated as “head” in the game. huntsman and WHC headshot bonus talent can help you deal higher damage. However, Conservative Shooter and other headshot talents/traits cannot be triggered.

5. When the control room is attacked by several times, the Strom Fiend will transfer agro. It is the best way to gain agro besides stun the Monster.

How to deal damage:
When you are fighting it solo, dodge into its back might not be efficient depends on your weapon dodge ability. If your weapons have low dodge counts, just headshot him. Block the melee sweep and charging attacks.
When you are fighting it with team, separate your team into two groups (one from face and one from back). Since Storm Fiend will transfer agro automatically, players just need to stay at fixed orientations and everyone will have chances to deal damage to the control room.

How to properly kite:
Since Storm Fiend can clean the field and stay away from players, you don’t need to pay attention to him if there are other units in the field. Predict its movement is also very simple. Block melee attacks and jump over the fire and it is the easiest Monster.

Here is a short video showcasing fighting Storm Fiend solo:
Rat Ogre
1.When players getting close to Rat Ogre, he will use one hand slam/two hands slam or melee sweep.
The one hand slam and two hands slam have low reach, cannot be blocked.
The melee sweep has mid reach, can be blocked, will send players away.

2. When players getting away from Rat Ogre, he will use continuous slam and charging sweep.
The continuous slam has mid reach, can be blocked.
The charging sweep has mid reach, can be blocked, will send players away.

3. When players are far away from Rat Ogre, he will use jump attack.
The jump attack has long reach, deals 0 damage and can be blocked, will send players away.

4. All these attacks can deal similar effect/damage to enemy units, so Rat Ogre can clean the field.
Notice Rat Ogre will also send enemy units away. Some of them may land behind you and damage you from the back. Pay attention to them and change your kiting direction.

How to deal damage:
When you are fighting it solo, you need to know how to properly kite it first and then find the window to deal damage. We will talk about it more in the kiting section.
When you are fighting it with team, one person needs to kite it at the front and rest of team damage it at the back. If the Monster transfers its agro, after clarifying who gets the agro, re-group and keep the “one at front rest at back” mode.

How to properly kite:
If you are low health/not confident, the best way to kite is just blocking and run/dodge backward.
The proper way is: getting close to the Monster→bait the low reach attacks→ dodge backward→ getting close to the Monster→ bait again. When you are familiar with the time window, you can mix some attacks in the kiting.

Also, if you are going to be surrounded by other units, you can use a technique called “catapult” to escape (by j_sat) : bait the running attack→block and jump. It will send you quite far away from Monster. You can also use catapult to reload/shoot range weapon, or heal with a medkit.

Here are two videos showcasing fighting Rat Orge solo and using catapult:
Chaos Spawn
1.When players getting close to Chaos Spawn, he will use arm slam, tentacle sweep and tentacle grab.
The arm slam has short reach, cannot be blocked.
The tentacle sweep has mid reach, can be blocked, will send player away.

The tentacle grab has long reach, cannot be blocked, but blocking can remove the first grab damage.
Tentacle grab deals one grab damage first, and then Chaos Spawn will either slam or chew the grabbed player. The higher the percentage Chaos Spawn current health is, the higher the chance Chaos Spawn will slam the player.
The slam attack will damage grabbed and nearby players. The chew attack only damages the grabbed player, but it also heals Chaos Spawn.

2.When players getting away from Chaos Spawn, he will use two types of continuous slam attacks (3-hit or 5-hit).
The continuous slam attacks have mid reach, can be blocked.

3. Unlike Rat Orge, the only way to make sure the Chaos Spawn does close range stand still attack, is to touch the Chaos Spawn hitbox with player character's own hitbox. Otherwise it will start doing continuous slam after several close range attacks

4. All these attacks except the tentacle grab can deal similar effect/damage to enemy units, so Chaos Spawn can clean the field.
Notice Chaos Spawn will also send enemy units away. Some of them may land behind you and damage you from behind. Pay attention to them and change your kiting direction.

How to deal damage:
Similar to Rat Ogre. One thing to know is that the head of Chaos Spawn is his “mouth”.

How to properly kite:
Similar to Rat Ogre. However Chaos Spawn will use continuous attacks more often than Rat Ogre. This is because the gap between its attack and the distance to trigger the continuous attack for Chaos Spawn is very tricky. So be careful and pay attention to how much space you have.
If you know you are going to run out of space, getting closer→bait a continuous slam attack→block and turn.
Catapult effect can also be used against him.

Here are two videos showcasing fighting Chaos Spawn solo and turning at a tight corner:
Bile Troll
1.When players getting close to Bile Troll, he will use arm sweep, axe sweep, axe slam.
The arm sweep has extreme short reach, can be blocked, will send player away.
The axe sweep and slam have short reach, cannot be blocked, but blocking can reduce part of the damage.

2.When players getting away from Bile Troll, he will use running axe slam attack.
The running axe slam has long reach, cannot be blocked, but blocking can reduce part of the damage.
However you will not receive damage from this attack if you are very close to the troll, making it very weird to dodge.

3. After a period of time or when the Bile Troll spawns, it will spit bile.
The spit bile has long reach, cannot be blocked, deals constant DoT damage.
If you touched the bile on the ground, you will receive DoT damage, movement speed slow debuff and your stamina will be drained. If you are directly hit by the bile, in addition to these effects mentioned above, you will be blinded.

There are two more things need to know about the spit bile attacks:
I. If the Bile Troll is in a narrow environment, he will crouch and spit. At this time his spit will comes out instantly.
II. If the spit bile attack is interrupted by any stun, even though part of the vomit has come out, it will be treated as unreleased and Bile Troll will use second spit bile attack.

4.1 After taking certain amount of damage (60% of current max RED health), Bile Troll will go down, and transfer ~50% of current max RED health into YELLOW health. If your DPS is not high enough to take all yellow health away in a certain amount of time, Bile Troll will transfer all remaining yellow health into red health, but new max health cannot be bigger than 80% of the last max health. He will continue this circle until the red health is below 20% of the original max health.

4.2 If you stagger the Bile Troll right before or during his down state, Bile Troll will be in Stagger 2 the whole duration, boosting players' damage.

5. After stop taking damage for 2 sec, Bile Troll will start regen health.

6. Bile Troll has very poor tracking, meaning he will most likely swing at a completely irrelevant direction if you use dodge. This makes it harder for players to determine which one gains the agro sometimes.

How to deal damage:
Similar to Rat Ogre and Chaos Spawn.
Due to its specials went-down mechanism and natural regen, it is very hard for one or two players to take down Bile Troll. Help your team to clean the field and kill it together is the most efficient way.
Since the Bile Troll has lower max health than other Monsters and the went-down mechanism, high DPS character can rarely gain the agro form troll due to the damage they dealt. So DPS character should avoid gaining the agro when the Bile Troll spawns, and then you have high chance not to have the agro during the whole Monster fight.

How to properly kite:
If you are low health/not confident, the best way to kite is just blocking and run/dodge backward. Since Bile Troll is the slowest Monster, it is easy to get far away from him. You need to pay attention to the spit bile attack, since you need to dodge left or right instead of back to avoid the slow and damage, which are critical for kiting. After the spit, you need to get right next to him ASAP so he will do short reach attacks again.
The proper way is: getting close to the Monster→bait the low reach attacks→ dodge backward→ getting close to the Monster→ bait again. When you are familiar with the time window, you can mix some attacks in the kiting. However the close range attacks of the Bile Troll have quite different time windows. You need some practice to be familiar with them.
Dodge left or right when the spit bile attack comes out. After a successful dodge, the Bile Troll will most likely lose its target. So you need to hold the block and get close to him to make sure you gain the agro, and then enter the bait cycle again.
Use stagger effect on Bile Troll right before/during his down phase to boost your whole team's DPS.

Here is a short video showcasing fighting Bile Troll solo:
1.When players getting close to Minotaur, he will triple slams, single slam, and head bump.
The triple slam and single slam have mid reach, can be blocked.
The head bump has mid reach, can be blocked, will send players away.

2.When players getting away from Minotaur, he will use charge attack.
The charge attack cannot be blocked, will send players away.
It has amazing tracking. Only dodge at the last moment.

3. Minotaur is very aggressive. Although most of his attacks can be blocked, they eat stamina away very fast, making fighting him with any other enemy units super dangerous.

4. All these attacks can deal similar effect/damage to enemy units, so Minotaur can clean the field.
Notice Minotaur will also send enemy units away. Some of them may land behind you and damage you from behind. Pay attentation to them and change your kiting direction.

How to deal damage:
Similar to Rat Orge.
When you are fighting it solo, you need to know how to properly kite it first and then find the window to deal damage. We will talk about it more in the kiting section.
When you are fighting it with team, one person needs to kite it at the front and rest of team damage it at the back. If the boss transfers its agro, after clarifying who got the agro, re-group and keep the “one at from rest at back” mode.

However Minotaur can switch agro after every single one of his close range attack/combo without any indicator, so be careful when he finished his attack. Hold block and dodge when he finished an attack/combo, even if you didn't get the agro before.

How to properly kite:
You need to use two kite pattern for Minotaur. When he is doing single slam/head bump, Getting close to the boss → bait the single slam/ head bump → dodge backward→ getting close to the boss → bait again. When he is doing triple slams, Block double slam → Dodge last slam → Attack and close gap after the dodge. The last slam of the combo deals a lot of stamina damage, and create a short time window for the person who is kiting him to deal damage. When you are familiar with the time window, you can mix some attacks in the kiting.

Here is a short video showcasing fighting Minotaur solo:
27 kommentarer
doom 6. aug. 2023 kl. 2:48 
Your minotaur fight was unreal.
snow man 19. juli 2023 kl. 11:01 
Alright thanks very much for answer - and all the work you've put in. Upped my game massively as a result, and getting less frustrated / enjoying it more.
Royale w/ Cheese  [ophavsmand] 18. juli 2023 kl. 11:18 
Where this just comes with experience, their animation are slightly different, the follow up attack animation in the 3 x combo comes out fairly quick so you just keep blocking.
Before you get used to it, you can just treat both attacks 3 x combo first and hold block, only till you make sure it's not 3 x combo then you can counter with 1 light attack, most weapons should be fast enough to do it.
snow man 18. juli 2023 kl. 10:18 
How do you tell whether the Minotaur is doing a 1 strike or a 3xcombo? They look and sound the same. I'd get suckerpunched thinking it was a 1 and then take the hit of the 2nd swing.
 Dovahbear  3. juli 2023 kl. 14:53 
I hate chaos spawns with every fragment of my soul, I wish they were either removed or had no healing attack that always seems to happen no matter what
Javajunkie001 4. apr. 2023 kl. 15:48 
gg u help me alot <3:empireskull::steamthumbsup:
Padeukou 29. jan. 2023 kl. 14:10 
I am glad to have discovered this guide (your guide was mentioned in the game's "front page" so it is indeed good), this is greatly helping! I find it weird some attacks do not deal damage but only knockback.
One thing I would add for the Basic Concept section is every Monsters have their own screams before fighting them, which also helps to identify which Monsters you encounter (examples: Chaos Spawn emits a shrieking noise, Bile Troll makes a deep bellow). But I guess the loud noises of weapon clashing and roaring enemies just drown the screams of the incoming Monsters.
Kris 7. nov. 2022 kl. 23:12 
I have learned
awesome cat-bird hybrid 5. nov. 2022 kl. 9:16 
your game looks nice, also schweet guide
Mikaela & the flashlight 13. feb. 2021 kl. 4:06 
True comments: decent & concrete guide. Thanks to share it !